Monday, January 27, 2014


NYSUT's leaders are fighting back against UFT President Michael Mulgrew's backed insurgency from the top.  The four officers, including President Dick Iannuzzi, have put up a website called Stronger Together.  I urge everyone to check it out.

Also, Newsday has discovered the NYSUT leadership split.  Read about it here.

For more on this story, read our post from yesterday which has been copied with our ok on the Port Jefferson Station Teachers' Association Website.


  1. Today's guest post from Arthur Goldstein (

  2. I think it's interesting that the domain domain was bought in 1995. What's that about?

  3. Can you explain the significance of that Mr. Portelos?

  4. I'd like to know if any of our COPE funds are being used by the union. That would seem very wrong to me.

  5. Not sure how or if UFT COPE money has been used for this. However I know that NYSUT VOTE COPE money was used by Pallotta to needlessly invite members of his slate to the Cuomo birthday bash to the tune of $10,000.

  6. Brian, Iannuzzi went. How did you make the leap to Pallotta just taking his slate?

  7. Anonymous...

    Yes, Iannuzzi went. Pallotta took it upon himself, however, to order up an entire table. He brought with him Karen Magee who is running against Iannuzzi, and Paul Pecorale, also running on Pallotta's slate. These are local presidents and had no business being there. No reason for our money to be spent on sending them. Incidentally Magee is the one who in December asked to consider an endorsement for Cuomo.

  8. Brian, political action buying up whole tables has been a common practice during Iannuzzi's entire tenure of leadership. It's just a convenient excuse to use now to criticize Pallotta and UFT leadership.

    Iannuzzi is the boss and it's been done all along under his watch.

    It's not surprising that it's being used here on the ICE blog where anything is used to demonize UFT leadership. Heck, the author of this blog recently talked to the NY Post, the most anti-union rag around.

  9. I'm really upset that Eterno talks to the Post. This makes him a right-wing reactionary. It's different when Mulgrew or another union functionary talks to the Post. That makes them competent and helpful to the cause of union.

    I hope this has cleared up any misunderstandings, and kindly limit your personal attacks to the authors of this blog, because they richly deserve it.

    That will be all.

  10. Nice to have you back commenting here Mr Lunatic. This blog is not the same without your insights.

  11. Well said Raving Lunatic. May also want to add that they should always attack the author anonymously.

  12. Clearly the actions of Iannuzzi in the last few months show that he is changing his perspective.
    The no confidence vote against NYSUT Commissioner John King is greatest example of this.
    Mulgrew? By every comparative measure, he has worse positions than Iannuzzi.

    To the domain question put up to Portelos, the significance is potentially this: the domain name was sitting dormant as a potential tool vs. NYSUT for several years.


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