Saturday, February 01, 2014


The battle for control of New York State United Teachers took some twists and turns this week as the former President-NYSUT pioneer Thomas Hobart fully endorsed the Stronger Together slate led by current President Dick Iannuzzi.  Meanwhile, current veteran Buffalo Federation of Teachers President Phil Rumore says he is "leaning" toward the UFT's Michael Mulgrew backed candidates.

Buffalo is a large local so having Rumore leaning against him is a huge blow to Iannuzzi but having Hobart back Iannuzzi is no small endorsement. Hobart helped put NYSUT together.

Big cities Rochester, Syracuse and Yonkers appear to still be on the fence in the NYSUT tussle.  What about UFT members?

I spent the last three days marking Global History Regents Exams at Cardozo High School. There was an opportunity to talk to colleagues from all over Queens.  Most UFT members I spoke with, even a couple of Unity Delegates who will have a vote in the NYSUT election, did not seem wrapped up in the Albany battle. They were far more interested in discussing the long since expired UFT contract.

We will try to keep you posted on the NYSUT election; Education Notes is on this story in great detail.

1 comment:

  1. Totally surprised by this since it was Buffalo who were upset by the fact that King wanted their evals also based on truant students. Both the AFT and UFT were silent, and some of those same unions threatened to leave the AFT. So what is the real story?? Were they upset with Iannuzzi for not backing them and being a part of the Mulgrew eval scheme? Or, what did Mulgrew promise them? Iannuzzi is and never was a saint. He was just a Randi puppet.

    And how scary is it that the NYC teachers you spoke with don't see the long-term implications from this? This is why teachers are so disrespected. They elect union leaders who put themselves first over the rank and file.

    When the ball drops on every teacher's head, they will have themselves to blame. Hopefully James, you and your wife will be close to retirement.


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