Friday, May 16, 2014


Sergeant's Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins told Capital New York the following concerning the proposed UFT contract:

“I think Mike Mulgrew is out of his mind for doing a deal like that," Mullins told Capital in an interview. "I really do.”

On the proposed substandard pay raises UFT members are being asked to accept, Mullins stated the following: “Pay raises in the future are nice if you live that long. What about the people who are there today?” UFT members, if we vote for this deal, will defer wages up through 2020 for work we did as far back as 2009.  Getting 18% over 11 years is no great deal.

The SBA President also rejected the argument that the city is broke.  He declared, “There’s plenty of money in the city. This is not Detroit.”  He pointed to expensive initiatives for affordable housing and increased access to education to show the city has money.

Labor leaders from the Transit Workers Union Local 100 and now the SBA have criticized the UFT agreement. 

The only people who can stop it now are the members of the UFT.  Workers in this city as well as opponents of so called education reform are counting on us to reject this contract proposal.

The Memorandum of Agreement is finally out in its entirety.  We will have more commentary soon.


  1. Says it all. Other labor leaders hate it. Most teachers don't like it. Everyone knows we can do better if we just vote it down. We have nobody to blame but ourselves if we let this one go through.

  2. If you vote no what then do you want to do? Our last contract expired October, 2009. The bargaining table has just closed. It will not re-open (if it does) until after the other 150 unions negotiate their raises and packages. Guess when that might be... 2016, 7, 8? What will we ask for then? How will the ATR situation be resolved at that time? If we do not sign a contract the ATR pool may grow and grow. Danielson will not change. Had fun this year? Paperwork will increase. No oversight. Will we (the union) demand retro from 2009-2018 to be payable in 2030? Would we even have one leg to stand on to be "entitled" to that? And, why might you think De Blasio will even come back to bargain a new contract? We've worked without a contract for five years, let's make it eight years, ten years...? We can not legally strike. Do you want a strike? If yes, what are you willing to call a strike for? More money? More rights? Better healthcare? Less paperwork? A career path? ATR's are currently being hired in schools across the five boroughs, and their salaries are coming out of central, not the individual schools budget. If you think that by turning down this proposed contract is a great idea, think seriously about what the next steps might be-- like a chess game. If you vote no as your move now, then what might the city's next move be? Oh right, they are committed to playing 150 other games first.

    1. Let the cops go first and create a pattern. Then folow it.

    2. Unity people are not capable of logic. They can only post takking points.

  3. First of all how much is unity paying you to write this? Do you have two jobs? One as a teacher and another at the uft? Second I would rather have less money and more rights. I would have rather have gotten paid a lot less and still have the old rights before the 2005 contract. Every year the doe pays dirtier trying to fire teachers for no good reason or because they stand up for what is right and don't kiss the principals ass like you do. Third yes let the other unions go first so they can show the uft how to really negotiate a good a fair deal for their members with job protections. The mta and cops only have to put in 20 years. What good is more money when they can fire you at will! And last if we vote yes now what will we give up in 2018? Tenure all together? More teacher have been put through the corrupt 3020a hearing than ever before with corrupt uft lawyers like Mitch Rubenstein telling them to resign there no way you can win. He has done this with 5 teachers already and guess what these teachers hired my lawyer and they are still working thank God. So voter no. The uft can no longer win grievance much less than 3020a hearings. How many u rating grievance has the uft won? And for these people hired by the uft to read these blogs and report back to Mike, please tell him that there is more tariff on these anti unity blogs than ever before. He has unwilling put More on the map. More and more members are aware of ice/more. Yes Mike you may win the battle but you will loss the war if this contract gets approved. Just look at Chicago and Karen Lewis. Yes Mike you uft election is around the corner. Good luck. I promise you Mike we will not for this sell out. I hope you have another job lined up like Randi. Darknight

  4. As an ATR, I forfeit any proposed raises, promotions and merit pay in exchange for 'RESPECT', of which there is none! The Useless UFT has shown a blatant disrespect for its' own members. Why do we even have a union? Why are we paying union dues? Support M.O.R.E. and Please Vote No on the proposed contract. In answer to our expired contract, I would rather wait than ratify a hurtful, offensive and debilitating sub par agreement!

  5. Agree 100% with the last comment.

  6. Unity = U seless
    F or
    T eachers
    Vote NO!

  7. As an ATR, I've had the opportunity to attend three UFT-led Q and A sessions. Perhaps the biggest whoppers came from Washington Sanchez who claimed that the retro payments would include compounded interest so it would be as if they happened in 2008 and 2009. No such promise in the contract. He also insinuated that the DOE was getting rid of Fair Student Funding and that the DOE promised under the table to temper MOSL ratings so that no one should fear that poor test performance could affect your job security. Vicki in Brooklyn was more honest and gave a very straightforward presentation. The team from the UFT I witnessed yesterday at Beach Channel relied on fear tactics, obfuscation and ridicule to press their point and press they did. I believe the net effect of this contract will cause the ATR ranks to swell giving the DOE an expedited process to remove more senior teachers.

  8. Why am I paying union dues when the union leadership is corrupt and continually manipulates their members with false hope? Vote No to this lousy contract!!!

  9. Michael Mulgrew is inept and unqualified to lead the UFT. To negotiate such a weak deal with a labor/education friendly mayor says it all. Who the heck is this guy working for??

  10. A no to the contract fund should be established .If the contracr passes eveyone who voted No can donate their salary increases, 1, 000 signing bonus and lump sum retro. The $ can be used to hire attorney's, donate to homelss shelters etc.

    1. How can we do this? Can it be done?

    2. Or to take over UFT

    3. No one will donate their money/give up their salary increases even if they vote no because they believe this contract is crap they will reap the benefits of the new contract and continue to complain as usual

  11. Teachers are not the only ones upset with this contract. The secretaries, who are UFT also, will be voting NO. the contract is terrible. We' ll follow the police. At least their reps will protect them.

  12. My ATR friend just voted no.

  13. If we actually received respectable raises starting now they would be worth more than the retro. People don't realize this. Let the cops go first. Let the fire department go first. They have much more power than we do. If we forfeit our retro, so be it. In the end we'll come out better off.

  14. To 7:22am... First of all,why do you think I am Unity? Then you say that I "kiss ass"! Who the hell are you! I don't work for Unity. I am not a CL, or a delegate. I am however a very proud union man (ten years currently as a NYC teacher). My mother was a schools secretary for twenty years. And, my Grandmither taught in NYC schools from 1960-1980.
    You have the right to your opinion (no matter how misguided) and your vote. If you can't stand listening to, or reading another union members differing opinion without calling names, or insults then you should abstain from this site. I do hope that you teach your students and show your students more respect then you show in this forum. Good luck.

    1. We're glad you are proud to be union as are many people voting no on this pile of garbage.

  15. Billions of dollars in retroactivity. ($54,000 if you are at the bottom of the grid)
    18%, raises.
    No Premiums on Health Care.
    Additonal Money for those that choose career path
    Combat pay for troubled schools
    Improved APPR
    Use Additonal day for sick relative.
    Protections when on approved leave
    A route to put ATRs back where they belong in regular positions.
    No layoffs

    --If you think that is garbage you are living on another planet.

    1. 18% over 11 years. Gee thanks Unity.

  16. This contract is pure poison. It is absolutely insulting to teachers. The paltry "raises" don't even keep up with inflation. The dribbling a tiny bit at a time over several years amounts to giving NYC a free loan on us. We should be earning the interest on the money, NOT the city! The "master teacher" nonsense is a Divide and Conquer technique. And who's to say who is a Master Teacher? The biggest behind kisser to the AP? The third rate treatment for ATRS--and ANYONE can become an ATR--is absolutely egregious. Apparently, the UFT is happy to take the dues monies of ATRs, but as for services rendered...

    What I would like to see is a forensic accounting of the UFT monies. Any organization or individual advocating such a biased and absolutely inferior contract like this has got to be getting paid by some outside entity under the table.

  17. An education/labor attorney stated that the UFT should be taken to court for agreeing to thd contract arrangement for ATRs.
    Vote NO, one day you too may become an ATR.

  18. Vote NO to the Contract....make damn sure to vote Mike Mulgrew out of office in 2016! If this horrible contract does goes through we should all donate are 1,000 dollars (what's left of it after taxes) to the MORE campaign to get Mulgrew OUT OF OFFICE!

  19. Unfortunately, we have a UFT president who is weak and ineffective. I would go so far as to add UNQUALIFIED to lead NYC teachers. He was made into a eunuch by Bloomberg( and many of us know exactly why), not a peep from him for 5 years. Then, we wait for a labor friendly/education friendly mayor, and this is what he crafts? This insult?? If you have any self respect, you have to ask the question WHO IS THIS GUY WORKING FOR?!

  20. It's the ATR's vs. Non ATR's. That's really it. Throw in a percentage of older teachers whose friends were Tier 1 employees and the rate is 90%-10%. Of course the ATR's lose. The leadership in the schools are putrid. My UFT chapter leader is a total idiot who admitted she took the position so she could get a parking pass. The UFT chapter leaders have failed to get the message out to it's members at each school. This union is pathetic. Too many divisions and caucuses and other bs that breaks a union. This vote won't even be close. At best for the ATR's, 25% "no" vote.

  21. We are hearing reports that other police unions and fire unions are having the same reaction as Mullins. This is a horrible contract for the teachers. No other way to look at it.

    1. The other Unions could care less about us. Of course they want this contract voted down. They want to be next to negotiate. Believe me they will not be thinking of their union brothers and sisters when they agree to a contract for their members

  22. Those opposed to the contract have legitimate reasons. Attack our reasons and stop trying to label us as whiners. I am voting No bc the ATR expedited firing process and bc we are not getting anything in return for the delay in pay (like the elimination on extended time) and bc I have yet to see a plan for how the billions Mulgrew promised to save NYC on health care will actually be saved.

  23. Is this coming from the same SBA that is fighting the end of "stop and frisk?"

    By the way....

    Subway and bus workers approved a new contract with the MTA on Monday for 8 percent raises over five years.

    It passed overwhelmingly, with 82 percent of transit workers voting yes.

    “Transit workers can hold their heads high by having won raises in every year of the five-year deal,” said union president John Samuelsen.

    They will get retroactive pay hikes of 1 percent for 2012 and 2013, followed by 2 percent raises in 2014, 2015 and 2016.

    Workers will also chip in more for their health care

  24. i agree and voted no.


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