Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Eleven supervisor unions for uniform services in New York City have agreed to a deal with Mayor Bill de Blasio for contracts that exceed the pattern set by the UFT for this round of bargaining. 

Here are some details from Capital New York:

The 11,900 supervisors will be paid 11 percent, compounded, over six years and seven months. The first raise will take effect in the final month of the contract's first year. By comparison, the United Federation of Teachers and other unions that have already settled got 10 percent, compounded, over seven years.

The deal announced tonight covers all uniform supervisors other than the Sergeants Benevolent Association...

During a press conference this evening with labor leaders and members of his senior staff, de Blasio said the uniform supervisors are getting paid more than other municipal employees, such as teachers, because their jobs are more dangerous.

We don't begrudge them the money but we still don't understand why the UFT didn't wait for the uniforms to establish a pattern which would have more than likely been better than the dismal pattern  the UFT set in May or the one just agreed to by the supervisors. Maybe we should have gone to the back of the line and let someone else go first.

In addition, I don't see anywhere where unions such as the police Captains, Detectives and Lieutenants will have to be absent reserves; nor can I find anything about any of these unions having to wait until 2020 to receive their retroactive raises. Finally, there is no zero % year in this deal as the first increase is paid toward the end of the first year.


  1. More dangerous....those mofos spend most of their days playing on their damn cellphones.

  2. I believe there is no delay on the retro pay because they got it in the last round. We didn't. I also don't think these smaller unions ever led the pattern before. If you want to wait for PBA you maybe waiting a long time. They can't stand the mayor now.

  3. Of course those unions had to get a better deal! They don't have Mulgrew as president or a spineless group of sycophants as members! F--k you all, you deserve the contract you got.

    1. You need to shut up already. Not everyone voted for the contract. In fact, probably very few readers of this blog voted for it.

    2. You're right all you do is bitch about it.

  4. Wow! What a surprise!
    This happened because they are a male union led by a man with BALLS and we are a female union led by a EUNUCH.

  5. What the hell happened to 'pattern bargaining", where the first union to settle sets the pattern for the others?

  6. At least your next sexist. Obviously this brings out the best in our profession. Thanks James.

  7. At least your not sexist. Obviously this brings out the best in our profession. Thanks James.

  8. Got an email from Leroy Barr yesterday. A call to march on Washington against discrimination. This is the same Leroy who denied ATRs their own chapter. What hypocrites he and the UFT are! They discriminate against over 2,000 of their own members, lie about the numbers, give us virtually no representation and single us out for expedited dismissal - but feign outrage over the Brown and Gardner cases!

    1. Let's march against the clowns of the UFT!

  9. The teachers of NYC are IDIOTS

  10. Unfortunately the UFT agrees with your assessment.


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