Friday, May 27, 2016


Elections are all about expectations. MORE-NEW ACTION exceeded expectations by winning the 7 High School Executive Board seats. Each of our seven candidates received close to 2300 votes compared to Unity's getting less than 2100.

As for the presidency, Jia Lee got 10,743 votes.
Michael Mulgrew got 39,176 votes.
Francesco Portelos got 1456.

Mulgrew won but opposition easily broke 10,000 for the first time since 2001.

We'll sort out more numbers later.

I just left the count with an official printout from AAA.


  1. How did the middle schools do?

  2. So happy for you all. The epitome of what it means to be a unionist. Congratulations James! -Brian St. Pierre

  3. Excuse my ignorance....
    I voted for More ... so I am glad but could someone elaborate on what exactly this means going forward other than sending a message to Unity that they are not invincible.

  4. So what does this mean? 7 executive HS seats? Plenty of people voted MORE so please break down this info.

  5. There will be seven MORE and New Action representatives on the UFT Executive Board, asking questions, bringing forward the members' issues. It's 7 of 100, so that won't be enough to win things, but shed some light...

    And there are issues where we will agree with the leadership, and perhaps get them to act more quickly or more forcefully.


  6. Leadership is not looking forward to having to deal with Mike Schirtzer twice a month.

  7. So are the days of "backroom" deals done for now?


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