Monday, January 30, 2017


It is very interesting how the Panel for Education Policy and the Chancellor who tell teachers to be neutral politically are having a special meeting tonight at Tweed to oppose Betsy DeVos for national Secretary of Education.

I of course oppose DeVos and urge everyone to do what they can to fight her confirmation but if we succeed, do you think President Donald Trump is going to appoint someone to the job who supports public education?

The emergency PEP meeting looks to me like part of Mayor Bill de Blasio's reelection campaign. About a week ago, we predicted that he would run against Donald Trump for reelection as mayor no matter who his opponent is. Tonight's spectacle at DOE Central just kind of confirms our thinking.

Add to this the Mayor's fundraising legal troubles might be catching up to him, as Reality Based Educator told us in a comment here at the ICEUFT blog, and we can see clearly that the obvious reelection strategy for Democrats is to run as if Trump is on the ballot.

It is a smart strategy but it doesn't do much for us working in the schools.

The PEP voted on Monday night against DeVos. Here is Chancellor Farina's statement.

Was she neutral?
“People need to understand that we live in a democracy, and a democracy is a place where educators teach students and adults to use their intelligence to make decisions based on facts,” she said. “I admire the PEP for deciding that this is an issue that is of importance to them … It’s all about leadership and making decisions, and then standing up and saying ‘This is what I believe.’” 


  1. LOL at LGBT supporting muslims. Gays are murdered daily, by the religion of islam, simply for being gay. Same for women, who have no rights and are property.

  2. Check the 2006 State of the union, Pres Clinton talks sbout building a wall. Later, dems who supported a wall include hillary and schumer. I guess they changed their minds.

  3. Sorry, year was wrong in previous post, but you get the point, dems were all for stopping illegals and a wall, until they realized they needed votes...

  4. Wish deblasio would worry more about blacks killing cops, but that doesnt fit his agenda. Neither does muslims killing americans...maybe if his son had to jump out of the 100th floor of WTC he would understand. Doesnt islam belive in drowning people, lighting people on fire chopping heads off, abusing womem, killing Jews?

  5. I've been viewing videos about how the protesters are "opportunistically outraged" and I wonder why do democrats want to hurt the immigrants just like the GOP.

    Here's the Pres. Clinton speak of building a wall. We really need a strong progressive party to combat the GOPs and the democrats.

  6. I do not like Trump and I can't wait for his 4 years to be over. However, we need to re-examine the democratic party and their ideologies of implementing policies that are NOT for the people but for their own selfish gains.

    In the following article, Obama states, "“The bill before us will certainly do some good,” Obama said on the Senate floor in October 2006. He praised the legislation, saying it would provide “better fences and better security along our borders” and would “help stem some of the tide of illegal immigration in this country.”"

    It would seem that he was never on the side of those who come to country for a better life. Once again we are not seeing the true picture of who the democrats are when they don't represent the true face of America. Progressive Party is a MUST.

  7. We could take over the democratic party again. That is what I am shooting for.

  8. After the faux and embarrassing Democratic overreaction to the temporary travel restrictions for citizens of seven countries I fear we will never regain the White House again. Are their any grownups left in our party or are we truly the juvenile 'crybaby left'?
    No wonder Hillary couldn't even win 20 states in the last election. Of course she has to chime in (with the rest of the crybabies) against a fairly reasonable Trump executive order on travel restrictions to our country.

    1. What happened to you that causes such unabashed clulessness? Please confirmthat you actually are Not an educator. Just confirm. We are all free to express our opinions--true or not--but da**, It's as if you are stuck. Yes, stuck in an alternate universe. You are funny though. Your little commentaries are indicative of a closed minded, fearful, but dangerous person. Dangerous in the sense that you can do real harm to kids if you really are an educator. So back to my question: Are you an educator @3:59 Anonymous?

    2. Just so you know: You're weak alternate facts do not phase anyone who knows history. Lol....continue TM.

  9. Michael Savage commenting here above. The whole civilized world is against the travel restrictions.

    1. No outrage when Obama banned Syrians. I wonder why. No outrage when Bill Clinton favored a wall and stopping govt assistance to illegals. I think he even called them illegals. more fake news by the msm. As a republican I agree that his education choice is horrible. Fair and balanced my over educated friends

  10. You've heard of self hating jews? These are self hating teachers.

  11. Yeah, the hysteria is embarrassing and will quickly fade out. Let's hope middle America didn't notice the nonsense. Schumer's antics and tears -in particular - were an embarrassment to all adult Democrats.

    Would someone please tell Michael Moore, Hillary, Elizabeth Warren and the Black Lives Matter crew that their antics are costing us votes. The electorate is not MSNBC. Plus, now when they pump up the jive again after Trump's SCOTUS announcement, nobody will listen.

  12. The Republicans here are so annoying because they so want to screw themselves and all the rest of us. What part of union busting education privatizing don't they get?

  13. Randi is on Fox news between 8pm and 9pm

  14. Thanks for the warning, I have to purge so will have a bucket ready.

  15. Wish deblasio would worry more about blacks killing cops, but that doesnt fit his agenda. Neither does muslims killing americans...maybe if his son had to jump out of the 100th floor of WTC he would understand. Doesnt islam belive in drowning people, lighting people on fire chopping heads off, abusing womem, killing Jews?

    Mr. Eterno, I met you and Jamaica HS a few yrs back. I coached the Boys JV Football Team one season. Carlos Borrero was the Principal in charge of PSAL at the time. Mr. Acham was on his way out the door. My good friend, James Barrow, was substitute teaching at Jamaica. He introduced us! I have tremendous respect for what you do with your blog and advocating for ALL teachers (Not just White, Black, Asian, Latino)! Because at the end of the day all teachers deal with the same issues and problems.

    Teachers are suppose to rise above the fray. They should be smarter than the common person with all the schooling that is required to become a teacher. However, I have read some disturbing comments coming from what are suppose to be teachers, "Educators". The comment about blacks killing cops. So blacks are the only people that kill cops? This comment is ignorant and short sighted. Cops are killed by people from all different backgrounds. To single out one group of people is biased, bigoted, and ignorant! In addition, all this hate towards Black Lives Matters (BLM). If someone honestly looked at history in America, one can honestly say America has treated Blacks (African Americans, of African Dissent)poorly! As a Black Male, when has this country ever cared about my existence except as a Slave!! So, when Blacks and other people start fighting back. Letting America and the World know that Black Lives Do Matter does not make them the bad guys! America and its treatment of African Americans is the bad guy. America does not want to deal with its problems! Run an hide and point fingers. I am disappointed to see such ignorance and Hate coming from Educators!

  16. Hi BKNY18: Im sure you know that in every career/walk of life you will find folks who make offensive coments--teachers are no different. It's alarming that these folks may actually be
    teaching our kids. The comments can be harsh to the ears and begs the question "Why the hell are they so angry?". You appear to know
    the true history about America and people from the continent of Africa. Please try to assess the
    words spewed by someone who seems to blame the world's issues on black folks,
    muslims,etc. "Is this true?" I would engage this person. The discussion should be calm and
    based on proven facts (at least from the person who is most knowledgeable about the topic and
    who is most mature.) Folks in this country need to talk more to one another--pain will probably be felt by everyone. Whatever you do, please
    Do not stop sharing your thoughts on this site.
    You may either help the sighted who are blind or you won't. Remember who you are.

  17. Yawn....
    Same old diatribe from the left. If you don't agree with us you are racist.

    1. I love when you confirms my thoughts about you. Are you scared that something will be taken from you?

    2. I bet many students sense your rage. Hopefully you are able to mask it on a daily basis.

  18. I hope they can finally break their socioeconomic status, stop filling the jails, and stop feeding off the govt.

  19. Poor thing are hilarious. Keep blogging I love it. You are a piece of work. You display so many insecurities. Lol...please continue

  20. Alternative Facts @ Anonymous 8:07. Can we chip in and help anonymous with the insecurities and nonfacts problem? I threw in my two cents...anyone else? ???

  21. Why is this guy so sensitive about being called a racist? Just admit it and then we all know where we are coming from. Every other word out of your mouth is racist. You really doth protest too much. I hope your white sheet is not getting in your way.

  22. My man is back. Another day in the Rockaways. Kids (you know which one's) roaming the halls cursing out the staff smelling of weed an arguing about who's better Curry or James. Not learning a skill that one day they can make a living from. Not racists just the facts. Not angry just the facts. Not protesting too much but just the facts. Not sensitive but the facts. Not going to retire or find a new career path but doing the best I can to survive. Hope these kids find a way to make it in this world. They can't go on forever smoking weed cursing out people and arguing about curry and James. Can they? I hope not. Our nation deserves better. They deserve better. Just the observations from an old disgruntled man. God Bless

    1. You left out glutton for punishment. What kind of fool continues to do the same thing despite it making you crazier than typhoid Mary

    2. a fool that has kids a mortgage and 3 yrs to retire that's who my friend. And I am a fool thanks for the reminder and support. You are the best and provide a great service. Now back to those kids in the halls with little skill to provide for themselves.

    3. Well if you are their ahem "teacher" they probably are giving you what they detect from you--negativity and no respect. You have been doing this too long and either you entered warped or you're so fragile that the challenges we all face have messed up your psyche. Either way, leave now for the sake of all humanity.

    4. Yikes! Funny they detect something from me. Keep believing that my friend. Blame the teacher blame historical oppression are priceless answers. In the mean time they are still roaming the halls with little if any skills that will help them succeed in society. But they detect something from me that's a good one. I need to save this post to read when I retire.

    5. Well let's say everything you said is true then your taxes will buy future generations their sneakers, opiods, heroin addiction centers, etc.
      You are not a fan of facts so I will just say whatever you say about the kids "Back at you"

  23. Lol...Yes. Kids and adults (white asian hispanic black) all do what you mentioned above. The world is a mess. All the things you mentioned can be said about every ethnic/nationality/culture /group so I say BACK AT YA.

  24. Yes the world is a mess. If you were wondering I said James was much better than Curry.

  25. Anywho I am done entertaing you for now. I want to respect James and his blog so bye...I will just read your posts and giggle to myself while I enjoy my vino...sooooo continue my clueless angry blind poster. The more you blog the easier it is for folks to what rage looks like.
    Sorry Mr. Eterno

  26. Replies
    1. Despite all of your education--whether by cheating or not--you are still worse than the kids you need to belittle. Lol. You think that word has any power or is hurtful to someone? I doubt it. Im surprised it took you so long to show up--you're an expert at hiding I see. Anywho, you are just an "educated" fool....ladeeda. Go back to floating around because no one wants you. Rofl....

  27. It's easy to be hateful when you're anonymous, but I'm afraid the ugliness shines through. We all know what you think, even as we wish to see the best in you. Remember, whatever you pay attention to grows. When you focus on the good and kindness in yourself, it grows. If you focus on the angry, hateful side, that grows. Focus on the good!

  28. Good advice 11:45 thank you


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