Tuesday, January 31, 2017


There is an online petition that I support calling for the Department of Education to become an approved state provider of professional development. Teachers with professional certificates need to do 100 hours of PD and since the DOE is not an approved PD provider, the endless hours that teachers do after school do not count.

I'm not sure whether DOE not becoming an approved state PD provider is due to incompetence or malice toward teachers?

Here is a part of the petition:
The new professional certification requirements state that New York State teachers must earn 100 hours of professional development through SED (State Education Department) approved CTLE (Continuing Teacher & Leader Education) sponsors over a five year period. 

The teachers of New York City insist that our school districts become approved CTLE sponsors ASAP

According to the law, school districts are eligible to become sponsors.



Teachers participate in professional development on a weekly basis, as per contract requirements. 
These hours should absolutely count towards the 100 hour SED requirement. However, since the NYC DOE is currently not an approved CTLE sponsor, none of these hours can be used towards our certification requirements. This does not make sense. 


The petition throws in a little dig at the UFT at the end:

We request that the United Federation of Teachers help us in making this a reality, instead of encouraging union members to pay for the CTLE courses offered at UFT Teacher Centers. 


  1. Ha ha, the joke is on us. Jab the uft all you want, we are paying the price as they get fat and rich off us. The fact that they are charging us for classes on top of everything else going on, just wow...

  2. That teacher shortage is going to be real rough in 5 years when nobody has completed the 100 hours. I don't know one teacher that even knows they have to do anything outside of regular PD. Literally not one teacher in my building. They really expect us to give up more time and money for this BS?

  3. I was shocked last year when a colleague told me about the PD hours in May, then I rushed to log all the PD hours just to find out they were abandoning the system. Such a giant waste of time this all is.

  4. All of hours by uft on a Saturday as a Sabbath observer right now I need more options.

  5. All the hours by UFT on a Saturday as a day of drinking beer right now I need more options.

  6. Remember when Schumer cried about the terrorist attack in France? Me neither. Only when he apeals to the left.

  7. Thank God I have a permanent certificate. (Just a handful of teachers at my school has a permanent certificate) I Feel sad for my fellow teachers. Just another knife in the back in a heartless career.

    1. Great news. Police got a new contract. All retro upfront...We lose again.

  8. How come nobody cries about the countries that currently ban Jews?

  9. A UFT District rep at a recent chapter meeting told us the DOE actually applied LAST WEEK! to be a provider for PD. You can't make this stuff up. He also said that it was the union that fought the State and won on removing the requirement that we have to take college courses to satisfy this PD requirement.


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