Friday, February 03, 2017


This article from the Daily News is all we need to see to know about President Donald Trump's plans for labor.

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said Wednesday that he spoke with Vice President Pence about how the White House can implement on a federal level parts of the Republican governor's contentious policy that all-but eliminated collective bargaining for public sector unions in the state.

President Trump has talked about wanting to weaken collective bargaining protections for federal employees, most of whom can't currently bargain over wages or benefits, to make it easier to hire and fire government workers and base pay on merit rather than tenure. Those changes would require an act of Congress.

Walker severely restricted union power in Wisconsin and is now talking with the Trump administration about "how they may take bits and pieces of what we did" with the union law and civil service reform and "apply it at the national level."

Merit really means patronage.

People need to be aware of what is coming. It is not going to be pretty.


  1. Oh well, as a teacher i hate to say this but we get what we deserve. This job is all about getting abused and suffering. And thats from all angles. We have been abandoned and about 1000 million dollar a year union has stood by and assisted...I wouldnt count on being here too much longer. The system will fail with us or without us...

  2. Come on James, every day we hear about bomb threats, shooting threats, paras being arrested for selling drugs, kids with criminal records a mile long. The kids cant read and write at 19 years old, free grades all over the place, its all a sham. And, as we know, we had dems running everything, and its all been garbage. Quite frankly, it doesnt matter who is standing in front of the class, its babysitting, with all of us experienced teachers, the city college ready rate is 30%. SO the govt knows this, may as well put people making $50K in. And of course the union is useless, so dont look for any help. We had a million chances to put a stamp on something, and we kept giving back and giving back. Now we will pay dearly. The first step is the ATR deal of forced placement along with Field Supes and Principals both doing drive by observations...

  3. Hey UFT are you reading this? If you want my dues after NY becomes a right to work state, you better start throwing the rank a file a bone. We want 2 observations and our parking permits back!

  4. 22 years ive been begging for a staten island job. Live in SI, worked outside of it whole career. My open market applications go ignored. Never got a U or ineffective or developing. Think i ever got help?

  5. A full 9 member Supreme Court will revisit the 'right to work' issue in very near future--which will lead to further erosion for organized labor unions.

  6. Correct. We have it coming, blame whoever...its sad that the one positive, the retirement benefits, which will now be ruined by much shorter careers.

  7. I thought the feds are already trying to pass it through congress? No need to wait for supreme court.

  8. FAKE NEWS. The Daily News is no longer a credible source. They have an agenda, and it is no longer reserved for just the editorial page. Welcome to modern day mind control....

  9. Scott Walker can't string two coherent sentences together, as evidenced at the Republican National Convention. There's no way Trump is calling Walker for any advice - maybe it's just to ridicule him and get the papers talking. Trump is manipulating the media in a way I've never seen before.

    1. DeVos is no rocket scientist and she is doing just fine. I have to go check on my grizzlies.

      Abigail Shure

  10. What does have to do with it? DeVos husband has billions, Walker has nada - actually his wife's a teacher.

    1. The ability to string two sentences together coherently is not a prerequisite for giving the Donald advice.

      Abigail Shure

  11. DeVos will be giving us advice, perhaps Trump feels her intelligence matches our own.

  12. Job is torture anyway...

  13. But when the more agile and aggressive Trump entered the race, he shredded Walker. “Wisconsin’s doing terribly. It’s in turmoil. The roads are a disaster because they don’t have any money to rebuild them,” the billionaire declared. “The schools are a disaster. The hospitals and education was a disaster…”

    Walker never recovered. His poll numbers collapsed and he was out of the running in short order.


  14. Republican official threatens violence against protesters. This is for the Republican here who thinks it's only the left who sanctions violence against protesters.

    Michigan GOP Official Calls For ‘Another Kent State’ For Campus Protesters
    “One bullet stops a lot of thuggery,” tweets Dan Adamini in the wake of Berkeley demonstration against Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos.
    02/03/2017 11:09 pm ET | Updated 9 hours ago
    Mary Papenfuss
    Trends reporter, The Huffington Post

    Students dive to the ground May 4, 1970, as Ohio National Guardmen open fire on faculty and students at Kent State University who were protesting the U.S. incursion into Cambodia. Four students were killed and nine injured.
    A Republican Party official in northern Michigan has issued what amounts to a death threat against American college protesters, calling for “another Kent State” in the wake of protests at the University of California, Berkeley.

    In 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired on unarmed Kent State University students protesting the U.S. incursion into Cambodia. Guardsmen killed four students and wounded nine, including one who was paralyzed for life.

    Dan Adamini, former chair and current secretary of the Marquette County Republican Party, indicated that a single death might be sufficient to end student protests this time around.

    “I’m thinking another Kent State might be the only solution protest stopped after only one death,” he posted on Facebook on Thursday. “They do it because they know there are no consequences yet.”

    He also tweeted: “Violent protesters who shut down free speech? Time for another Kent State perhaps. One bullet stops a lot of thuggery.”

  15. Are you blind? Did you see the violence and destruction at Berkeley? You wouldnt call those people pieces of shit? How dare they? Thats supposed to be a non violent protest? Its disgusting. And you know what, if they did get shot, they would be complaining about police abuse, and they didnt do anything wrong...That again, is an example of what goes on in these NYC schools. A free ride, chaos and disrespect, and no punishment, because we have to be kind and sweet to them...


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