Sunday, May 07, 2017


The Council of Supervisors and Administrators (CSA) is the union for the principals and assistant principals in New York City. The CSA has released a public statement in support of embattled principal Monica Garg from Central Park Elementary School 1. Full coverage of the CSA statement and a CPE1 strike on Friday can be found over at Ed Notes.

What strikes me as fascinating is the way CSA gets totally behind principals who have alienated their school communities and couldn't lead their way out of a paper bag while the UFT will not approve of resolutions that criticize these reprehensible misleaders who are abusing our members.

Norm Scott (Ed Notes) has this quote in his piece concerning disgraced principals

Note the schools Clem Richardson (CSA) mentions -- Dewey, Harris, Clinton -- all with cheating, lying principals, who alienated their entires staffs. The CSA believes, along with Farina, that destroying a school by any means necessary is OK.

My take on this is that Farina and CSA might actually believe that the teachers are the problem in schools and need to be forced out or compelled to submit to the will of a strong principal. Farina and CSA are totally wrong. This nightmare is compounded by a UFT leadership that refuses to take a public stand in opposition to administrators who are ruining the professional lives of so many UFT members and obliterating school communities.

I give CSA credit for drawing a symbolic line in the sand in support of Garg. That is what unions are supposed to do. I only wish my union would do the same. The UFT still has plenty of chances to step up in public as the list of abusive principals in Queens High Schools alone is quite lengthy and more members will be appealing to the Executive Board for help soon.


  1. Let's include the abusive principals in the other boroughs. Many hardworking advocates for children and staff have been bullied harassed and 3020a'd because they have spoken up and out about the inadequate education and working conditions to no avail. I know of numerous educators who have written to the city and union for support only to be retaliated against by the city.

  2. Two administrators at a school in Manhattan have damaged careers and lives of students. Its a sham and shame

  3. Let's include the abusive principals in the other boroughs. Many hardworking advocates for children and staff have been bullied harassed and 3020a'd because they have spoken up and out about the inadequate education and working conditions to no avail. I know of numerous educators who have written to the city and union for support only to be retaliated against by the city.

  4. There are abusive administrators all over and they are not going anywhere soon. The goal is to harass and intimidate veteran teachers. As the newbies witness the drama, they quake in their boots. It is naive to think that the various teacher unions will be shouldering greater responsibility for defending the rank and file in the future.

    Abigail Shure

  5. I don't think the CSA feels that teachers are nessesarily the problem - the CSA is doing its job, protecting its members. Mulgrew could learn a lot from Logan. He doesn't appear beholden to the mayor or chancellor and will vocalize his members disapproval in many areas that the UFT should have - namely safety. A principal is being vilified and the CSA comes to her defense. That's what should happen. Several chapter leaders and many teachers that should be publicly defended by the UFT are not. That's what shouldn't happen.

  6. As dues are raised again on the next check.

  7. Im terrified of being retaliated against...I suffer from PTSD after what I've witnessed and experienced. I'm sorry

  8. Im terrified of being retaliated against...I suffer from PTSD after what I've witnessed and experienced. I'm sorry

  9. Ptsd? Arent you the one who keeps calling teachers racist for saying schools are bad?

  10. Yes! You are a racist for the way you label students/people of color. You are also ignorant because you either don't understand the true American history or you pick and choose what the aspects that empower your cowardly behind.

  11. Let's not forget, grandma, back in the day, was one of those abusive principals. And she has telegraphed it loud and clear to all administrators that this aggressive style of leadership is acceptable. In fact I am sure she classifies it as "Best Practice"

  12. The CSA is NOT a trade union it is a management union. I disagree with the opinion that Logan is sticking by his members. The CSA and DOE protect Principals assistant principals many are also kicked to the curb and the CSA allows it to happen. The CSA and the DOE allow a wink and a nod to each other as they protect the abusive principals in all Boroughs. Superintendents were suppose to have real authority over principals under DeBlasio-Farina, how has that worked for UFT members??
    CSA is management not a union of rank and file educators.

  13. Just remember "Public School Proud" and tweet #InviteCuomo That will solve all our problems.

  14. It might be one thing if the UFT were merely incompetent or powerless.

    But the UFT is a Vichy-sort of union, a collaborationist, Quisling union. It actively participates in destroying its members and where it won't or can't act directly it stands by in complicit silence.

    I used to think that the "seat-at-the-table" rationale could explain most of the UFT's duplicity--that our leaders had such an ends-justify-the-means view of the world that they thought that doing whatever needed to be done to keep the seat was worth it.

    Well, that seat is worthless so what is it that keeps them doing all this?

  15. Bring on the Supreme Court.

  16. The UFT should be sued for not doing anything for its veteran teachers.

  17. Ralph R. McKee CTE HS on SI should be on this list of abusive administrators .... Principal, APO / AP of CTE and the AP of ELA / Social Studies...... They are destroying the school and it was once wonderful..... Extremely low morale, high turnover rate of staff , horrible academic progress that is masked .... chapter leader, delegates, disitrict rep do NOTHING even after several UFT'ers have come to them.. UFT exec has acknowledged that they know about these specific admins and still they do nothing.... This is the only CTE school in the island and it's being destroyed ... everything looks wonderful on the surface and that's all on purpose.... sad.... deep sadness....

  18. Can someone create a website called "Rate My Principal"? There are thousands of us in the schools who are too afraid to publicly speak the truth.

    1. Go to " UFT Solidarity ", there IS a list of "Admins in need of ", or "ANOI"!!!

    2. Go to " UFT Solidarity ", there IS a list of "Admins in need of ", or "ANOI"!!!


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