Monday, May 08, 2017


There were family functions that took up most of the time this weekend but almost every spare minute (except for some baseball) was spent fielding questions to help UFT members who want to step up to assert their rights. One of the sources of reluctance is they have little faith that UFT President Michael Mulgrew and the rest of the UFT leadership will give more than token support for their efforts to stand up for their rights.

One school will take their case against an abusive principal to the UFT Executive Board tonight. Another is planning on appealing to a prominent politician in addition to the UFT. Others are organizing as well. The common theme is they want UFT leadership to help them but aren't sure they will receive strong support. 

Ground-up organizing is the way to go. The MORE-NEW ACTION high school representatives will continue to publicly support the rank and file. All of us can then continue and expand the pressure on Mulgrew/Unity Caucus to publicly endorse the movement against abusive administrators and not just negotiate behind the scenes.

My guess is there are many principals from hell out there in NYC but members are not confident that they can succeed in fighting back. Many won't come forward because they are fearful that UFT leaders will leave them hung out to dry. It's time to organize anyway. 

Supervisors are concerned that the sleeping giant just might be waking up.The UFT will be compelled to climb on board and pick up the fight if there is a loud roar from the schools instead of just a buzz. 


  1. And like with every other disastrous issue, nothing will happen, we will be saying the same thing 3 years from now.

  2. This is more important, from the UFT twitter...Illegal immigrants...There's still time to register for an Immigration Forum, feat @juangon68 & other leaders next Monday, 5/15. Join us:

  3. Why will this be different than any other complaint gone ignored?

  4. The UFT has let many careers of good teachers ruined. They are corrupt.

  5. Hey, UFT forgot to update ATRs on the new forced placement...

  6. Wow....this is great news!!! A couple of educators tried to rally the rank and file at the "Canlins torture chamber" but a few kool aid sippers simply ran back to their leader and reported the educators. It has always been my motto to stand in support of any colleague being harassed. This can be a heavy cost and retaliation is real. I wish everyone good luck. If you are a colleague being harassed in front of me--I have your back. I despise folks picking on others.

  7. A new low...What brutality. Rape, assault, robbery, previous arrests for a boatload of crime. Wonder what HS he went to...Must be the fault if a teacher.

    1. racists on this site. ROFL someone is really really struggling with life. Medic!!!

    2. When this guy does this to someone in your family, maybe then you will stop laughing.

  8. away little racist you're not wanted here. Go spew your fears somewhere else @ 7:40. Go hug your family

  9. I draw the line at certain words that gotta go. Some stuff is just too offensive.


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