Thursday, May 03, 2018


The State Assembly passed the bill to change the teacher and principal evaluation system to take out the state exams and leave it up to local districts to work out with unions how to do the Measure of Student Learning (MOSL) portion of our annual ratings.

Do you trust Michael Mulgrew and the descendants of Michael Bloomberg-Joel Klein at the DOE who are still in control at the NYC DOE to do this right?

There is nothing in the bill to slow down the Danielson attacks where teachers in NYC are constantly watching their backs in fear of drive by observations from often unscrupulous administrators. There is also nothing in here to stop administrators who are ethically challenged (we have too many of those in NYC) from manipulating the grading on local assessments.

Close to 1,000 people here think a better solution would be to scrap the entire evaluation system and return to a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory rating system. Let's start over on evaluations and take the student scores on any assessments and Danielson back to the scrapheap of terrible education ideas where they belong.

Some of us have been in contact with legislators about this inadequate bill. I would like to get a piece of ICEUFT literature in the schools so that we can spread the word even further about our petition before this bill goes to the Senate.

Let's not give up the fight. We really need your help.


  1. The assembly bill is a paper tiger. It does nothing to make our evaluation system better. We still have HEDI. We need a return to S/U. All the assembly bill does is get rid of state tests for evaluations but those tests will be replaced with something else just as insane. I used to have faith in NYSUT but now I am thinking they are just toeing the line for Cuomo. At least NIxon said outright that she wants to repeal the entire evaluation law. Time to get behind her now.

  2. We need to consider that for sure. I agree it is a paper tiger.

  3. I have been rated under Danielson since 2009 when I was in a pilot school. I have been observed doing the same thing by 5 different principals and 3 AP's. All witnessed the same lesson. All had ratings all over the place. No I's but plenty of D's where other admins saw' HE's for the exact same thing, literally the same open ended questions got me D's, E's and HE"s. All of these admins saw what they wanted. ALSO, and this I think is over looked, but it creates another class system amongst the rank and file. Once we all have tenure we should be treated equally right? Well look on the open market at the schools who only want to interview highly effective teachers. I am an arts teacher so my MOSL is based on some random regents we are assigned to. A shitty admin and a shitty MOSL could get me a D and then who wants to hire me over an HE teacher? I know my stuff and interview very well but if I wind up in the D boat I won't get a chance. Not as bad as the "red flag" but on the way. I mean think about it this way to, let's say an ADMIN is worried about high staff turnover they can keep all the teachers ratings low to thwart open market ship jumping attempts.
    THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO GO BACK TO S/U!!!!! We are all sitting ducks until then.....

  4. 9:23 is 100% correct! I've also been observed doing the same lesson related to FitnessGram by different administrators and received completely different scores. It comes down to what the evaluator wants to see and if they like you. There's no way Danielson is any more objective than the old S/U.

  5. The main point is that we all want a return to S/U. States are no longer bound by Race to the Top rules regarding evaluations. Cuomo and the legislature could return us to S/U if they wanted to in a heartbeat. This new assembly bill is nonsense. If it is true that Mulgrew is behind the assembly bill, it proves once again that he is not a person who should be in charge of the UFT. It boggles my mind that the UFT and NYSUT is not pushing to gut HEDI and return us to S/U especially with Janus right around the corner. I also think it is time for us to picket outside 52 Broadway with signs stating "WE WANT S/U,!" "DON't SELL US OUT!", "2 OBSERVATIONS NOW!"

  6. I emailed Heastie in the assembly today and kindly let him know that his bill does not go far enough. We need to eliminate HEDI and return to S/U. I urge you all to email your lawmakers in NY right now. This moment will not last long. We need to be heard now before any law is crafted and singed into place. (What is the plan with the petition now that there is over a thousand signatures on it?)

  7. We have seen many experienced teachers being harassed and rated unfairly, and the Union does nothing.

  8. I reached out to Nixon's people on this issue. I will keep you updated if we hear anything. Thanks for getting us over 1,000 signatures. Roseanne and my friend Ibeth deserve lots of credit.

  9. Keep commenting and yes email your legislator. The time is now.


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