Wednesday, May 02, 2018


Governor Andrew Cuomo recently announced that the NYC surplus is now $8 billion. The City denied the figure.

This is from City and State:
At one point during Cuomo’s speech at an Association for a Better New York breakfast, his slideshow read “NYC must pay its legal obligation,” with graphics asserting that New York City has an $8 billion budget surplus while the state has a $4 billion budget deficit.

How did Cuomo come up with the $8 billion number?

Asked to clarify the governor’s $8 billion figure, state budget division spokesman Morris Peters said it includes the $2.6 billion surplus for fiscal year 2018, a $4.25 billion surplus in the Retiree Health Benefit Trust Fund, $1 billion in general reserves in this year’s budget, and $250 million in the Capital Stabilization Reserve.
Peters pointed to a 2017 report from the New York City comptroller’s office that adds these same sources together to describe the city’s “budget cushion.”
“It doesn’t matter how many pockets they put it in, they’re still sitting on $8 billion,” Peters said. “We should all be so broke.”
The city in their April FY 2019 Executive Budget buried on slide 36 this little gem:
FY 2018 Prepayment of FY 2019 Expenses ($2.6B to $3.7B).
I'm no CPA but to me prepayment looks like a fancy way of saying it is a surplus rolled over into next year's budget. That makes the surplus a cool $1.1 billion higher for this year than Cuomo said. Some of that money could have been used for reasonable raises for city workers. Since municipal labor contracts are due, the city will soon be crying extreme poverty. That is one thing we can bank on. I just thought they would do it sooner.
Mayor de Blasio wants NYC to be known as the "fairest big city in America." He certainly does not include the city workforce when he makes that claim. 10% salary increases over 7 years is what he gave city workers for his first round of labor settlements. UFT members are waiting until 2020 to get money we worked for from 2009-2011. He can afford to easily give us all the money now. The $1/2 billion cost would not put a dent in the budget.
The city has all of this money in its coffers as the city economy is doing better than ever, yet the Mayor offers city workers nothing


  1. Time to quit, asap, 26 instructional days to go.

  2. have you seen these "My brothers keeper" emails? This is teh DOE. Where are the things for white people. All i see is black this and black that. Im not trying to be funny. Everything is the fault of the white man. Every black person is being held down. Every black kid needs 1000 favors and free rides. This isnt discriminatory? Seems like I am being punished because I am white. Look at what carranza said...the rich, white parents dont want black kids going into upper Manhattan. if you had one of the decent schools, the very few decent schools, would you want bums fucking it up, brings crime and drugs and fights and disrespect and weapons? And then because only whits and asians are passing the brooklyn tech test it isnt fair? Its fair, some people just cant pass it. And dont forget about 23 million dollars, while the city is "broke" for diversity training.

    1. You’re an asshole. I pray that you don’t teach our kids.

  3. The MOSL given today, thetest our ratings are based on, people walking in an hour late, people going to sleep, people saying "I aint doing this shit, I dont know what to write," etc.

  4. I dare, no I double dare, no wait, I TRIPLE DOG DARE Mike Mulgrew to try and ask us to take a shitty raise when the city is booming with more cash now than it has since before the recession.

    1. But Mikey says the cupboard is bare, you are lucky to even have a job, and Danielson is the best thing since sliced bread. Who are you going to trust? Mikey Mulgrew or Andy Cuomo?
      Make sure you have two copies of your lesson plans for tomorrow's informal.
      Enjoy teacher appreciation week.

  5. My principal changed the night of open school to Friday, a religious observance night, because she felt like it. UFT CL?

  6. Anonymous 6:05- isn't that illegal without an SBO? If your CL won't handle it, call your district rep. Even my shithole of a school wouldn't do that.

  7. Never underestimate what a shithole of a school will do in this day and age in NYC.

  8. How about this one? My brooklyn day hours are 12pm to 650 pm. No vote. Too bad.

  9. Perfect schedule for swilling beers!

  10. Janus will soon be here and the only thing that will get their attention is a massive withholding of dues. If you are charged there are many lawyers to take your case I am sure you can arrange a payment plan and it will be like paying dues except you will actually be getting something for your money. This bullshit APPR legislation is that the best they can do.

  11. Anno 9:09. I agree 100% the current APPR bill is total bullshit. The HEDI scores are still in it. We need a return to S/U and the complete removal of the Danielson Framework. Anything less than that is total crap.

  12. The MOSL given yesterday, the test our ratings are based on, people walking in an hour late, people going to sleep, eating, people saying "I aint doing this shit, I dont know what to write," etc.

  13. Piggybacking off of the open school night changed and the brooklyn day hours changed, with no permission, we are now being forced to buy tickets to a play and give them to students, who wont even go, for our whole advisory. Extortion?

  14. No your just being played like a fiddle

  15. 9:07, I'm not so quick to make that kind of judgement, I was in a school like this with capricious changes to the Parent-Teacher conference schedule, reporting all over the City for PD's (including on regular school days). My District Rep at the time Pat Crispino, when I was told of an out-of-borough PD the day before at dismissal, said that I could be told to go to OshKosh if the admin wanted me to (as long as it's in the 5 boroughs of NYC) at any time on any day. So when your DR (let alone CL) goes along with the administration's whims, what are you supposed to do? It's hard to refuse even the most outrageous requests when you're not being backed up.

  16. If my admin ignored SBO rules and my CL did nothing, I and others in my school would be turning the BX UFT Office upside down if they did not respond and get it fixed. We have always had a good response from our DR. He knows we are union strong at PS 8 and won't accept the BX Office doing nothing to help us when we need them. So far I have nothing negative to say about him. He does right by our school. He's come to our school and helped out when we've asked. Network with colleagues and mobilize. A handful of teachers can get a a UFT Borough Office to respond. Roseanne McCosh

  17. Who are you talking about Mr. Spock?


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