Tuesday, May 01, 2018


We raised the following resolution at Friday's ICE meeting about suspending ICEUFT support for MORE.

Whereas, a group within the Steering Committee in the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE) has suspended two Steering Committee members who are associated with the Independent Community of Educators (ICEUFT) without any due process or authority to suspend people; and

Whereas, due process is a fundamental human right and a basic principle of democracy that cannot be compromised; and
Whereas, the Independent Community of Educators (ICEUFT) on principle will not have anything to do with an organization that denies its members basic democratic rights; be it therefore
Resolved, that the Independent Community of Educators (ICEUFT) suspends all support for the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE) until further notice; and be it further
Resolved, that the Independent Community of Educators (ICEUFT) will continue its work to advocate for the members of the United Federation of Teachers and for public education.

The resolution carried on Friday with only three dissenting votes in ICEUFT.

On Saturday at the MORE meeting, a majority of those in attendance upheld a one month suspension from its Steering Committee of two members who are also associated with ICEUFT without any due process. Their position is unacceptable to ICEUFT.

If there are issues where we can work together with MORE, we most certainly will but now is a time for ICEUFT to move ahead, as we stated in our resolution, to continue advocating for UFT members and for public education.


  1. Wouldn't the 3rd whereas require that you withdraw from the UFT?

  2. None of us were ever thrown out of the Delegate Assembly or tossed off the Executive Board for what we said. If you want to go on election rights, we have been trying to fix the UFT for years.We are pro-union and the UFT is the one we have.

  3. Where does New Action caucus and Solidarity caucus fall into this? Do they align with your goal of supporting members?

  4. I believe they do. So does MORE in many ways.

  5. I'm sorry to see it come to this.

    In late 2012, I participated in a forum sponsored by MORE about whistle-blowing in the DOE. I joined MORE and attended monthly meetings regularly during 2013. MORE, in general, and the people I met there helped me to interpret to myself what the hell had happened to me during my (relatively short) time as a high school teacher. I owe a lot to the organization.

    I stopped attending MORE meetings regularly in 2014 when its organizational and philosophical "challenges" became more and more apparent. I don't know the full history of how MORE came to be but it was built right on top of an ideological fault-line the size of San Andreas and that fault-line was always in danger of fracturing in the Big One.

    I don't know if this is the Big One but it sounds pretty bad. I hope the constituent pieces of MORE can find a way to reach back out to each other but sometimes an organization serves its purpose and then doesn't.

  6. Oops, 7:55:00 is me. Hit post too quickly....

  7. MORE was built on the same foundation that the International Socialist Organization was built on. ISO was big on CUNY campuses in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. It died a slow death because of its manipulative organizing tactics.

    I recognized a few faces at one meeting I went to in 2013 and figured it was the same sham organization that tried to control CUNY students.

    We need a coalition of concerned teachers that want to see the union right itself. One day maybe.

    So Carranza is doing a great job right? I fortold his pitch to wade into the desegregation debate and do DeBlasio’s bidding.

  8. I too left MORE in 2014 when most, if not all, of the time in MORE was spent on matters not in the priority list of must union members. The idea was to give activists options and we created UFT Solidarity. On a Tuesday you want social justice...attend a MORE meeting, but if you want to fight abusive admins, rights for ATRs and probationary teachers, then attend a Solidarity meeting on a Thursday. Nope, MORE immediately stated their members could not be part of both. It was not a good model for the ISO to allow co-membership.

    In any case, we continue to advocate Fort UFT members. Period. That's all we can do and it's unfortunate, for the membership, that other activists don't want to work together for the common good of educators.

  9. have you seen these "My brothers keeper" emails? This is teh DOE. Where are the things for white people. All i see is black this and black that. Im not trying to be funny. Everything is the fault of the white man. Every black person is being held down. Every black kid needs 1000 favors and free rides. This isnt discriminatory? Seems like I am being punished because I am white. Look at what carranza said...the rich, white parents dont want black kids going into upper Manhattan. if you had one of the decent schools, the very few decent schools, would you want bums fucking it up, brings crime and drugs and fights and disrespect and weapons? And then because only whits and asians are passing the brooklyn tech test it isnt fair? Its fair, some people just cant pass it. And dont forget about 23 million dollars, while the city is "broke" for diversity training.

  10. Mohammad Haque · Gaffargaon Govt. College
    This really is nonsense. I got into Stuyvesant by studying hard. Its not our fault latino and black students aren't studying hard enough . It doesn't matter how many them there are, if they don't study, its on them. Look at all the asian acceptances, the art of determination. Latino and black people just aren't putting in enough effort into their studies. No matter what bills are passed, no change will happen. Even if they allow a 6th grade test, it won't increase any diversity, and will actually decrease it. Major groups such as asians will study even harder with what they have in their experience, and latino and black students will fall behind even more. You don't need a tutoring center to practice, there is infinite resources of studying that will cost no money, which other groups take advantage. Black and latino people aren't putting enough determination in their works, and not studying. Nothing will change this, even over the years, and with a thousand bills. Additional efforts will even lower diversity in the schools, and soon, everyone there will be white and asian but the way efforts are being made. Nothing can be done, unless latino and back students start focusing on their studies more.

    1. Are you still in school @7:28am? My colleague's African American daughter and son graduated from Stuy and Bronx Sci respectively. They reported a culture of cheating, very little teaching and even less discourse. Heavy drug use as well as mental health issues. They graduated early due to the environment. There are more factors that must go into your equation before you can get to the answer. Hardwork does pay off--this is true. Despite not utilizing the opportunities available--for whatever reason(s)-- many black and latino students grow up to become successful, well rounded, contributing members of society. Good character and empathy for others are taught at home. They make the world a better place for all. Good luck

  11. Maybe MORE thinks that it does not need ICE as a coalition partner to get the opposition vote in the next election. Maybe they think of ICE as a useless organ like an appendix that needs to be removed. And you just removed yourself.

  12. We're moving ahead Francesco and everyone else.

  13. In case you haven't figured it out, the current leadership in MORE is advocating not to run in the next election. That move may have had as much to do with the fracture as other issues. Some people did not originally join MORE to be in an exclusive club. They thought they were joining a caucus that would challenge Unity for power.

  14. I thought you only joined MORE if you were gonna teach for 2 years and show the people back home what kind of dedicated educator you are

    1. That wasn't the bill of goods that people were offered in 2012 2013 when we joined.

  15. I bet they leave and go to law school. I may join MORE just to meet a future lawyer for my 3020.

  16. The 3020A is being manipulated, and a lot of teachers are being served the papers without a PEP vote. NYSUT lawyers need to step up to the plate.


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