Tuesday, February 26, 2019


I have been super busy the past couple of days but I am just catching up on the news and was  saddened to hear that one of the UFT's founders Ray Frankel passed away. Ray ran UFT elections for many years. We did not always agree but Ray deserves a great deal of credit for her trade union commitment throughout her life.

Norm is all over the story at Ed Notes.

There was a resolution at the UFT Executive Board last night to honor Ray's life.

From Arthur Goldstein via Norm:

Resolution honoring UFT founder Ray Frankel—

George Altomari—There are a lot of things you see in people. Some people do that and more. You hardly even see them. But Ray Frankel was a person who did as much as anyone in the union. When you devote a lifetime to a cause, you have something special. Lots of people saw her in different roles. Ran elections for years. Without her work, you wonder where we would be. She was meticulous about her work. Everyone believed in her honesty. She was there at the very beginning. She always gave more than she received. You could always rely on her. Represented the best of us.

Schoor—She was CL of Art and Design. My mom was secretary. Always asked after her. Always concerned about people after they left, every union member.

LeRoy Barr—I had opportunity to work with her closely. One of first on our wall downstairs. Was always there behind scenes making sure things were running. Dedicated her entire life. Working up until last 2 or three months. Was voice that said you can’t do it this way, you have to do it that way. She added to me, making sure we didn’t just get it done, but got it done right. We are the beneficiaries of her life. Bur for her, we probably wouldn’t be sitting here today.

Approved unanimously.


  1. You know that no matter our differences, those of us who have been in the trenches in the internal battles with Unity over the years eventually come to see that both they and us in the opposition are the relatively few people in the UFT willing to spend the time and effort and we develop a grudging respect for each other as activists. Ray was a hard headed Shankerite - I recommend listening to some of her oral history -- she talks about them all being socialists and how it was being part of the socialist movement that gave them the political background of activism to understand how to organize a union from scratch. That they were a small segment and willing to strike in 1960 is impressive and we owe them -- I was a high school student during the first strikes and remember that most teachers were in school.

    1. I had a major run in with this woman on the phone about and unfair election return. I will not have you write the accolades of Al Shanker I get that. But, just remember the ones who changed the system became the system and that is what is wrong with the system. Also, how was it that an 80 year old woman was still directly involved in the UFT? It makes no sense to me. I will shed no tears on this one.

  2. ahhh venezuela my latest socialist paradise. now let us get out there and indoctrinate the gullible young masses.

  3. Guatemala, El Salvador, Russia -- wonderful, wonderful capitalism.

  4. Don't forget the libertarian paradise Somalia.

  5. Yes, capitalism is "working" all over the world.

  6. not working in nyc. thanks aoc, eno and other useful idiots.


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