Sunday, February 10, 2019


We have been following the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 3 strike against Charter Spectrum for almost two years now. The company is attempting to decertify the union and some workers have been forced back to work under not so wonderful terms.

There is a National Labor Relations Board Election taking place this month. Obviously, we urge a yes vote to stay with Local 3.

Here is a part of the letter that was sent to workers from the NYC CableTruth blog.

My favorite part:

Local 3 continues to fight to maintain health benefits for all its members as well as security in retirement. Ask yourself this very simple question - If the union is gone and Charter decreases my wages, benefits, treats me unfairly and disciplines or terminates me - am I better off without a union?

Something all working people should think about.

The answer from some of the workers is to say yes to union and then have the workers take over the company here in NYC. Go to unplug spectrum and support a takeover of NYC cable and internet by workers. Public owned cable and internet is a fascinating idea. I signed and urge you to do the same.

1 comment:

  1. If they pull this off, it is a real game changer.


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