Sunday, August 18, 2019


I find Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez to be quite genuine in her support for working people. Her recent battle with Barstool's David Portnoy is revealing. Portnoy threatened to fire anybody on the spot who was even discussing forming a union.

AOC responded on Twitter:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

If you’re a boss tweeting firing threats to employees trying to unionize, you are likely breaking the law & can be sued, in your words, “on the spot.” ALL workers in the US have the protected freedom to organize for better conditions. See @NLRB & union orgs like @AFLCIO for tips.

Another Tweet on worker power from AOC:

Bosses don’t wield all the power. Workers have plenty - yet many don’t know it! Study up & search the history of labor rights in America. School doesn’t teach the history of the US labor mvmt, but we have weekends bc of it. & We risk losing rights if we forget how we earned them. 

I don't agree about not teaching labor history as my colleagues and I certainly covered it but otherwise AOC is spot on. If NYC teachers en masse would stop just complaining on social media and start organizing for a better union instead of waiting for Michael Mulgrew to do something, we could win our rights back and cut the influence of the overpaid bureaucrats that the NY Post's Sue Edelman, not the UFT's NY Teacher, exposed today.


  1. Let's compare DOE and UFT Salaries.

  2. You are welcome to. Jeff put up the link to the latest LM 2 filed with the US Department of Labor by the UFT. You have to scroll down a few pages to get to executive board and then all of their salaries are there. Please note that for anyone who works a period a day in a school like vice presidents or district reps, you have to add their DOE salary to get the whole salary. These people at UFT and DOE got a good thing going. They will tell us whatever they have to to keep it going.

    The answer is not to quit the union. That has led to worse salaries and working conditions for workers when union members drop out. The solution is to fix the union.

  3. I know the UFT negotiated a contract for 7.5% for 43 months, 3 yrs 7 months and these bureaucrats are getting double or triple that in a raise. What a joke!! That is why there is so much attrition. To me that’s a big problem. What do you think James?

  4. That's one huge DOE-UFT gravy train.

  5. If Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Che (there should be a She AOC t-shirt) had twitter I bet they would say the same about "worker power." 100 million dead and counting; let's try again with AOC et al.

  6. So you would rather we have no power then? Best you can do is compare AOC to Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot and Che. Please come up with something a bit better.

  7. Yep, that's it, I would rather we had no power. Oh the narrative!

  8. I can compare AOC to tinkerbell, she can go back to neverland with the lost boys, she is out there. Maybe she can go back to being a bartender. Between Diblasio, Cuomo, Carranza, AOC, this state is a disaster regardless.

  9. You would rather have leaders like Michael Bloomberg and Joel Klein who fuck us over continually. The stupidity of some of the comments here is amazing. A politician says working people have power and defends unionization and an idiot calls her tinkerbell. You must enjoy being ripped off by the 1%. If you are a teacher, we definitely deserve the New York's Dumbest reputation.

  10. Watch demographic shifts: millions around the world try to enter this (fascist!) country, while millions of Americans are leaving their liberal bastions like NY to escape Democrat oppression and rot. Meanwhile, AOC takes über suvs down the block, flies from NYC to D.C. while pushing the gnd.
    Why do liberals have so much hate and yet claim it's conservatives who do?
    Saul Alynsky?
    NYC teachers daily see the horrific results of the liberal narrative but can't seem to admit it.

  11. Because the alternative of privatization of public services like schools is much worse. What is wrong with AOC flying to DC? Is she supposed to walk? Stop swallowing the divide and conquer Fox News bullshit.

  12. to 807 Well there's the train she wants everyone else to
    Oh yeah, youre in deep, CNN and MSNBC unite us. Huffpo too?
    Speaking of swallowing, try an ipecac: after 2.5 years of the Russia collusion delusion you should have a clear system for the next Narrative (white supremacy). Or is it already too late for you?

  13. Vote republican so we can all be privatized. You must be not self interested. I would rather have a shit job that pays fairly decently than be characterized or privatized out of work.


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