Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Governor Andrew Cuomo just said at his daily press conference that reopening schools is inter-meshed with business and transportation. He said these are three gears. There is the schools gear, the business gear and the transportation gear. We can't just turn one gear on. He claimed we can't restart businesses without schools and transportation being opened. Have to turn all gears.

He also talked about opening schools with disinfecting and social distancing protocols in place. He added this will be difficult to do.


  1. Just a power play against the no clue mayor. He might open a graduation in Podunck but NYC schools...maybe by Thanksgiving

  2. How can you socially distance in a school with 30+ kids in a classroom and the cafeteria? It is impossible. The same is true for theaters. Some places are impossible to socially distance. What will we do put 5 kids per classroom? Also, don't forget kids can be carriers and not realize it, so they can pass it to adults easily. This is putting teachers and other workers in grave danger especially the older ones and those with underlying conditions.

  3. Then no business in NYC until Thanksgiving.

  4. Possible testing protocol: Upon dropping off younger students or middle/ hs students entering the school building i.e. like scanning. School safety, nurse, school aides, paras, maybe classroom teachers will temp test students. Idk. They will come up with something

  5. The world's largest babysitting service soon to be reopened. Wait till they make up days in July too. You ain't seen nothing yet.

  6. FWIW, states like PA that Cuomo entered into a consortium with, are already closed for the school year.

    Even in South Dakota where Gov. Noem has done a better job with protecting people's liberties, the schools were shut for the year back on April 6.

    I think it's more likely we'll see Cuomo use schools as an excuse to keep things locked down especially Downstate through June.

  7. All this talk about temperature testing. Are people only contagious when they have a fever?

  8. SUNY schools are out for the semester (middle of May), how can public schools be opened? IMO there must be masks-provided by the DOE for all students and staff-each day. What about the people with breathing difficulties-asthma, etc? Need a plan for that. This is the time for planning. Hand sanitizer available for all. Deep cleaning every night. Reporting of all school related positive Covid -19 cases, preferably to an independent watchdog. Extra days off if anyone is feeling unwell-why allow a pre-positive tested person into school while they are awaiting results? Socially distancing-maybe staggered school days or even staggered weeks or months, alternating with long term projects, computer learning. Everyone should be thinking about what they need to return to work and be safe. Like my former principal used to say-If you don't have a plan for them, they will have a plan for you!

  9. And what about all of us who travel on public transport? Really asking for trouble.

  10. From White House on reopening

    Downward trajectory of influenza-like illnesses (ILI) reported within a 14-day period


    Downward trajectory of covid-like syndromic cases reported within a 14-day period

    Downward trajectory of documented cases within a 14-day period


    Downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period (flat or increasing volume of tests)

    We should be there in early May. Then two weeks at phase 1.

    Phase 2:
    SCHOOLS AND ORGANIZED YOUTH ACTIVITIES (e.g., daycare, camp) can reopen.

    Can you say June 1?

  11. Some of you are making very logical points on why we should not go back too soon. If we are told to go in, would you say no it's not safe? I didn't think so.

  12. I'm glad I'm anonymous here with people like WFS lurking, righteously ready to report unauthorized comments no doubt. She should try to get support or even a job now that Cuomo has hired Bloomberg as tracking czar. Imagine the fun to be had monitoring people to make sure they don't violate rules!
    Maybe we all just need "a spine" to go public...

    1. @1:47pm: You are quite jittery. Stand up for what you believe and I will do the same. If anyone decides not to wear a mask and potentially risk My life and the lives of my friends and family, their bi&ch azz will be reported-- really really quickly. Period. You can take that to the bank. Dumbazz people want to continue the spread but then complain about how Deblasio and Cuomo kept the schools open risking the lives of others. This is some other world crazy.

  13. Cuomo on MSNBC just now: "Frankly, to reopen a school right now would be a major undertaking."

    This gives the TJL interpretation some real support. If we can't reopen schools, we have to stay on pause (shelter in place) for longer.

  14. We will have a super long phase 1.

  15. Taking temperature is almost useless. Many are positive with no temp.

  16. Cuomo outlines plan for 'tracing army' to tame outbreak

    Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg will help create a “tracing army” that will help find people infected with the coronavirus and get them into isolation, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday.

    New York will work on the massive effort with neighboring New Jersey and Connecticut. Wide-scale testing, tracing and isolation are considered crucial to taming the outbreak in the hard-hit New York City region.

    “It all has to be coordinated. There is no tracing that can work with one jurisdiction,” Cuomo said at his daily briefing.

    The governor said that “we will literally need thousands” of people to trace the contacts of infected people.

  17. And the sheep will return

    1. Don't return then. If you are not a sheep RESIGN. Otherwise help come up with a solution

  18. They'll be open June 1st...It's 38 days away! The city and state can't pay their bills..They have to get everything up and running. I'm sure Trump told Cuomo..The federal aid to state and local governments is dependent on "getting everything up and running."

    It'sad to say.... Global society is caught between a "rock and a hard place." A collapsing economy with a loss of goods and services or severe illness and death.

  19. Great idea! Hire former teachers who need "support" as party of the Cuomo/Wilhelm/Bloomberg "army" of narcs. All part of "reimagining" what society will be like as we move forward together...

  20. An easy solution is to open for summer school on or about July 1. Those of us who want to work can work per session. Those of us who don't, don't have to.

  21. @3:54 Orwell calling from 1984.

  22. I can see many students sneezing or coughing jokingly or not and saying "covid" instead of "Kobe".

    DOE provide a mask and sanitizer to all kids?

    Very relieved to know we are receiving our well deserved last 25% in october. That money is everything to us now.

  23. There is no guarantee the money will be there in October. It is there as of now.


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