Friday, July 03, 2020


I saw an extraordinary tweet today from Sara Nelson, President of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA. 



Labor costs are not the problem in our industry. The problem is one of demand - resolved only when the flying public feels safe to travel. Concessions will not fly. We are putting management on notice: don’t even think about it. #1u

The tweet is taken from a larger letter that the flight attendant unions united to send to management. 

They tell the history of how workers in the airline industry never recovered from 9-11 because the airlines used it as an excuse to cut employee wages and benefits while enriching themselves and stockholders.

All of us are expecting some kind of disaster capitalism during and after the coronavirus pandemic. It is time for the UFT and other city unions to put the city on notice that we will not be accepting new concessions. I understand that unlike flight attendants, our salaries have increased since 9-11 but our working conditions have deteriorated. NYC teachers conceded on transfers, the Absent Teacher Reserves, cafeteria duty, not being able to grieve file letters, a weaker pension tier, lower interest on our TDAs, an awful evaluation system, longer time to get tenure and more. In addition, we loaned the city our raises in 2014 interest free. What if we said no more concessions and there might be a general strike if we don't get that federal money to back up workers and local governments?

Time to wake up I'm dreaming again. 

Could you even conceive in your head Michael Mulgrew and other municipal labor leaders in NYC telling Bill de Blasio to not even think about concessions from city workers? No, back to reality.


  1. This is the best time to strike. Due to the Corona crisis and the danger of getting sick at work, we are positioned to strike successfully. The mismanagement of the DOE in allowing teachers to return to the buildings in March justifies a major strike and we would gain ground if we organized properly.

  2. Summer school 2020.

    We have no rosters
    ilearn isnt set up
    edmentum isnt set up
    The admin actually said that we are riding the bike as it is being built
    We have no info but teach this monday
    Oh, and attendance doesnt count

  3. Secrecy breeds mistrust. The DOE and City Hall have ignored repeated requests for the number of teachers and other school workers who have called in sick due to COVID-19.… via

    sent out some nonsense email to DOE staff yesterday to congratulate us for making it through the year, but his lack of concern for staff is loud and clear

    What we expect is for our union not to send us to infected schools like was done in March, and then not so secretly admit that it was done so the uft wouldn't be faced with a dues fine
    What we want is for the uft not to support criminals over cops, who are supposed to be our union brothers and sisters.
    We don't want the uft to be the arm of the democrat party. How did we do under Obama, de blasio, etc...
    How can the chancellor treat us like garbage while Mulgrew and Carranza are "Brothers from different mothers?"
    What we want is some type of discipline code enforced so school buildings don't look like the ghetto in Brooklyn or Harlem or the Bronx
    What we want is some type of legitimate grading system so students don't graduate high school with a 1st grade education.

    If you care about black lives so much, stop giving them a fake education, fake hopes, fake expectations and a no punishment edict, no matter what they do...

    Stop treating criminals like kings.

    Resolution against criminality?
    Single parent households?
    Cursing and threatening teachers?
    Illegal guns?
    Shootings in minority communities?
    Why has nothing changed with all the billions spent in the DOE?
    Keep pushing the same liberal agenda. It has gotten us really far.
    What's the over/under on dead NJ teachers by next November?

  4. Why complain? Isn't it safe? Don't worry, mulgrew is gonna say something in september.

    New York state reported 918 new coronavirus infections and nine deaths from COVID-19, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Friday.

    The 918 figure recorded Thursday represents the first time more than 900 new infections have been reported since June 12, when 916 people tested positive for the virus statewide.

    “The more than 900 new cases in New York yesterday, while representing just 1.38% of tests, is a reminder that the virus is still here,” the Democratic governor said in a news release.

    He added, “I cannot repeat enough that our actions today — those of individuals being smart and following all precautions, and local governments enforcing the state’s guidelines — will determine which direction these numbers go.”

  5. What changed, james? Bernie Sanders said Mt. Rushmore made him proud to be an American in 2016, and CNN seemed to agree. Now people want to blast the presidents off the mountain.

  6. Summer School 2020, off to a good start, right mulgrew...

    Just got my summer school offer ten minutes ago. I LOLed and then said “Helllll no!”

    Hahahaha does anyone doing hs even understand what we are supposed to do?

    How do you resign from a summer position? I was offered an ESY position this morning, with no further guidance all day, then an email invite at 1:50pm for a 1:45pm meeting - Does that make sense to anyone!? This is not going to be worth the hasle, but I want to make sure if doesn’t reflect poorly on my rating or status during the school year. Thank you!

    Monday should be a disaster. welcome to ilearn and good luck to you! I have 85 in total which means 40-50 at most should be in attendance

    Monday is definitely a bomb. Did anyone get their Edmentum information for high school. I have 140 students, will be happy if 100 show up. I will have to reach out to them daily. This should be fun

    I put in for summer school.. from all that I am hearing I am so glad I did not end up with a position

    I just got my offer this evening. I already solidified my summer plans which is why I’m not taking it. I also am really turned off by the fact that I got the offer AFTER the two days of training. I know I would be walking into a shit storm. I just figured it’s best for me to enjoy my summer with my family and mentally prepare myself for the fall.

    I don’t know what kind of shit storm I’d be walking into.

    I haven't even looked at ilearn yet. How do you see your class or classes? I plan to use Google Meets with the kids. Going to spend some time Sunday playing around with it.

    the new platforms we weren’t trained on and have to figure it out. Then, we’re suppose to help the families troubleshoot on these platforms. It’s crazy! I listened to the training video and about 10-20 of the minutes were dedicated to the trainers talking about nothing teacher-student related and them trying to get the actual trainer on the line. It’s crazy and I might be getting out of dodge as well!

    man our facilitators had technical issues and I was like OMG and these ppl are the pros 🤣. Then our site supervisors had issues with meeting on TEAMS. Im like this is going to be either easy money or a nightmare.

    because people were quitting. I, myself, am truly considering quitting too.

  7. With the description of summer school, we once again see:

    DOE leadership has no idea what they are doing and doesn't care - teachers will have to pass everyone and it will be declared a great success.

    The platforms don't work and we will probably be forced to use them in the Fall.

    Any plans for the Fall are mirages and cliches.

    Cuts will be to schools, not Central.

  8. The gravy train at Tweed and 52 Broadway rolls on.

  9. I just don't understand how nobody is held accountable. Are there any public entities that are not a mess?

  10. our union supports this?

    Black Lives Matter activist, felon, arrested for allegedly extorting businesses. ‘Pay me or you’ll have problems.’

    He demanded business owners pay him 'protection money' and feed him and his friends.

    If they refused? He threatened to break windows and damage their business, according to the FBI.

  11. But open schools

    If we slip up — the virus will spread.

    If we stop social distancing — the virus will spread.

    If we ignore science & data — the virus will spread.

  12. It is now saturday night...Still no summer rosters, websites can't be used...

  13. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is in the dark about summer school. I have no idea what I'm doing and we are supposed to start Monday morning.

  14. Summer school offers are still going out because the budget for summer school was given so late. They only had 4 days to figure out how many teachers they could hire and how many sections they could offer. On top of that, you have 5 to 10 schools uttering to work and coordinate together from remote. Then , when they start making offers, it goes in phases based on summer retention seniority . Then you have 2 days to accept or deny offer .. And ... All you have to do is Email prinicpal and say I withdraw my acceptanc ... So I know people were dropping out left and right. You will have People still get offers all this week until they fill the positions. Once a kid is scheduled , they are automatically registered for ilear . The reason this is so bad is the timing of the budge .. And that's why they originally wanted to start summer school late .. But the unions fought back and made them switch back the dates , hence 4 days to try and make a miracle happen.. It's an impossible task.

  15. Typical NY DOE operation. Also, typical teacher reaction. Woe is me. Look, you don’t even have to leave your house to go to work. You’ll get what you need to start on time or you won’t. Either way, not the end of the world. Do what you can to make sure you get paid for Monday and sit tight. If you are so upset, don’t do it at all and take the summer off. No wonder The other city workers have no respect for us. Just go to the beach and shut up

  16. Safety?

    I just called 911 to report dangerous and illegal fireworks in a park in my district. Despite my emphasis on the danger, I was transferred to 311.

  17. What will happen first in Septmeber, teacher deaths by covid or by shooting? #BREAKING: The NYPD's shooting database logged 63 shooting incidents last week, compared to 26 during the same period last year, according to department data
    obtained. That’s an increase of 142%.

  18. Why cut education funding? It doesnt work. They aren't being educated.


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