Friday, July 03, 2020


From the NYPost:

There’s a five-alarm fire of discontent raging within the rank-and-file of the FDNY.

Firefighters have voted to oust their union president, officials announced this week — with the winner declaring that his supporters were unhappy about its handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Uniformed Firefighters Association head Gerard Fitzgerald, seeking reelection, was defeated in a drubbing from challenger Andrew Ansbro in the June vote.

An FDNY marine engineer and former cop, Ansbro captured 4,735 or 69 percent of the vote — compared to 2,113 votes or 30 percent for Fitzgerald.

This part of the article was really fascinating in explaining the insurgent's victory:

Another source close to the UFA said Fitzgerald’s more low-key style did not play well during the biggest crisis facing the FDNY since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

And further down:

According to the FDNY, 11 members of the department died from the bug — including four EMS members, two members who were in Fleet Services, three fire prevention members and two civilian workers.

The UFA President was voted out of office for not stepping up for his members in the COVID-19 crisis.

Why isn't there a five-alarm fire of discontent raging within teachers and other UFTers? We had many more deaths of UFT members compared to FDNY from COVID-19; ergo, shouldn't UFT members hold President Michael Mulgrew accountable too?

From April, this is a post we wrote that cited a Mulgrew quote from the NYTimes:

Michael Mulgrew, the president of the city’s teachers’ union, suggested that thousands of city school workers may have been exposed to the virus or spread it over a critical two-week period through the second week in March, when schools remained open despite pressure to close them, and then for another week when teachers received in-school training for distance learning.

Asked whether he blamed those decisions for the number of dead school employees, Mr. Mulgrew hesitated. “I would like to see the science behind it, but logic would say that had something to do with it,” he said.

Okay so can someone please ask Mr. Mulgrew this question:

You knew school buildings were unsafe during a critical two week period in March so why didn't you strongly advise UFT members to leave and/or not enter those buildings until they were safe?

To this day, I have not seen anyone ask Mulgrew this question directly.

Speaking of city unions using the ballot box to elect new union leadership, back to the same Post article:

The city’s acting correction union boss, Elias Husamudeen, also was recently voted out in the first election since the group’s long-term ex-leader, Norman Seabrook, was convicted in a corruption scandal.

Challenger Benny Boscio was elected as the new president of the Correction Officers Benevolent Association in a landslide.

Anyone see a trend starting here?

I know, I know, UFT elections are rigged because retirees spread out all over the country vote. There is no possible way an opposition candidate could get to them sufficiently enough so they could answer the three questions of voting from Politics 101 affirmatively:

1-Do they know you?
2-Do they like you?
3-Do they trust you?

That said, if 100-200 of our growing readership would step up to become chapter leaders in an organized way, you could start the process of changing the UFT next year. Chapter elections in schools are generally fair and democratic. I can hope, pray and dream.


  1. Could it possibly be because the FDNY are New York's bravest but the teachers are New York's meekist?

  2. Could it possibly be because the majority of teachers in NYC are women? Just saying.

  3. Then how do you explain teachers in Chicago or LA who are majority women both going on strike in 2019?

  4. If the majority of teachers are women in NYC then they would be less fearful of striking since many have rich husbands.

  5. This is the best time to strike. Due to the Corona crisis and the danger of getting sick at work, we are positioned to strike successfully. The mismanagement of the DOE in allowing teachers to return to the buildings in March justifies a major strike and we would gain ground if we organized properly.

  6. Yet another administrator got out of the DOE. The principal of Stuyvesant HS will begin in Long Island. People are fleeing.

  7. Yet another administrator is leaving the DOE. The principal of Stuyvesant HS will begin in Long Island. People are fleeing.

    The time is right for a strike if need be. The time is right for Mulgrew's exit. Then what Mulgrew if the governor and mayor state NYC public schools will open? There needs to be a clear course of action.

    Also, there has been silence about the compensation for working during Spring break.

  8. My school has 79 female teachers. Not one has a rich husband.

  9. The commenters hear step up, stop kvetching, and out money where their mouths are? Doubtful. Very doubtful.

  10. According to survey, 50% of parents and students do not want to wear a mask.

  11. 6:50: How do you know? Did you see their tax returns? I didn't mean Mark Zuckerberg rich, but wealthy enough to not worry about losing their jobs.

  12. "Why isn't there a five-alarm fire of discontent raging within teachers and other UFTers?"
    The opposition voices are so irrelevant Mulgrew can laugh out loud if they make demands.

  13. How do I know? I talk to them. First 1/3 unmarried. 2/3.... I know what their husbands do for a living. Cops, firemen, landscapers, tow truck driver, physical therapist...Not one married to someone making enough money for my colleagues to just quit. Believe me, if they could afford to quit, they would. If you have a mortgage and kids, one income won't do it. I don't have to see anyone's tax returns to know my colleagues' lifestyles. We talk so I know about them. They ALL want to quit. Me too. Can't so we won't.

  14. Ed notes..... because NYC teachers are timid creatures who just don't have it in them to fight. Few exceptions.


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