Wednesday, July 08, 2020


This is from ABC 7 news:

NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYC Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza unveiled their "Blended Learning" plan for the city's 1.1 million public school students.

Mayor Bill de Blasio says that he believes this plan will preserve "health and safety while maintaining an understanding that the best way to educate our kids is in the classroom."

He added, "We're going to move forward according to the data, according to the state of New York," Mayor de Blasio said. He also warned that the situation could change along the way.

The mayor noted that most schools will not be able to have all of their kids in school at the same time. Classrooms will be limited to about nine to 12 students, with a dozen being the maximum. That's instead of the average class size of 30 students.

Blended Learning
- Students learning 5 days a week
- Mix of in-person and remote learning
- Most students in school 2 or 3 days a week
- Ensure safety in every school

Chancellor Carranza said that the plan to bring students back into school buildings requires the use of PPE and social distancing.

PPE and Hygiene
- Face coverings required for students and staff
- Nightly deep cleaning, cleaning throughout the day

- Staff training

Social Distancing
- Fewer students in each classroom
- Use of large spaces for classes like cafeterias, auditoriums and gyms
- Updated entry, exit and hallway layout to reduce contact
- Working with SCA, community partners to identify non-DOE space

Carranza said that there are three models that they unveiled to the city's principals on Wednesday. The schools will be expected to let parents know their child's schedule in August.

- Schools that can accommodate at least half its student body with social distancing guidelines can educate each student in person two or three days a week. Two school days would be consistent throughout the semester, while two cohorts of students would cycle in and out an alternating day.
- Schools that can accommodate a third of its students can educate each student in person one or two days a week. Three groups of students would attend school just once or twice a week. Those students would have one consistent days in the school weak and one day that changes week to week.
- Students with special needs in schools that already had very small class sizes could return for alternating full weeks or full-time.

The school models are based recommended six feet between students. If that recommendation decreases, the schools could possibly accommodate more students.

Students will also have an "All Remote Learning" option.

Parents will have opportunities throughout the year to transition their child into one of the in-person models should they so choose. Or, if any family wants to switch from the "Blended Learning" to "All Remote Learning" they may do so at any time.

Principals will hold parent meetings in July to discuss individual school plans. There will also be Citywide Family & Student information sessions with the first one set for Thursday, July 16.

Schedule for NYC Schools Restart:

July 8: All principals provided with scheduling options

July 8: School budgets released to principals

July 15: Parent portal opens for families to sign up for fully remote instruction

July 16: First virtual Family Information Session

August 7: Deadline for families to opt for fully-remote instruction and staff to submit medical accommodation

Governor Andrew Cuomo had said last week that the final decision on schools rests with the state.

Instead of making my usual not so bold prediction that this will be organized chaos in September as the system is rather dysfunctional under the best of circumstances, let me ask you:

Does anyone think blended learning can work successfully?


  1. S Korea: Quashed virus, had baseball 4 months & bringing fans back soon

    New Zealand: Quashed virus, held packed sporting events

    Germany, England, Italy etc - restarted soccer w/o fans

    “The reason we dont have sports back in the US rn is the virus is out of control in the US"

    We have Trump, Cuomo and deBlasio. We're so fucked.

  2. It can succeed if this were a district in Westchester or LI. Plus there are just too many incompetent administrators.

    The ship be sinking- Richardson, Michael Ray, New York Knicks 1982

  3. They dont mention, are all teachers going in everyday or are they split 2-3 times a week.

  4. The outhouse will surely collide with the windmill come Septemeber. Enjoy the next month and a half while you can. September will be as complicated as you've ever seen and one that you'll recount for a long time when the topic of historic chaos comes up.

  5. Ok, so I can't get the virus or longterm health, lung, heart, brain issues, die?

  6. There is no mention of proper ventilation for schools. There are standards for other settings, but not schools. Different settings will not meet with people unless there is an appointment. There are barriers, etc. None of this is available in schools.

  7. They are all delusional.

  8. PE teachers staying home since the gym will be made into small classrooms?

  9. I wonder where Baron will go to school in September? Will Daddy cut funds to his school if they don't reopen?

    1. Trump University of course! I hear the schools new motto is "masks are for liberal wimps".

  10. THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: Are teachers going to be responsible for teaching in school 5 days a week AND have to do remote teaching as well???

  11. I love how Trump said that kids are immune to the disease and won't catch it in school, but said nothing about the adults in the schools. Also, he said only one person under 10 died in New Jersey. That's little comfort to the parents of that child. How would he feel if that were Barron? I'm sure he's going to be home schooled anyway. Would he send his kid to a school where it's known that someone has coronavirus? I also like how they admit that the schools are dangerous when they are allowing people to opt out of returning to the schools if they have a medical note. That alone proves they know it's dangerous.

  12. Look, the uft does like strikes, as long as it doesnt hurt their dues intake. What hypocrites.

    UFT Retweeted
    Fight For 15
    BREAKING: July 20th, workers across the country will walk off their jobs.

    There is no economic justice without racial justice.

  13. UFT
    Most NYC students will go to school part-time next fall via
    Most NYC students will go to school part-time next fall
    rbe Retweeted
    Remote Solidarity with all EducatorsChristmas treeUnicorn faceBooksSnow capped mountain
    Replying to
    So the official UFT Twitter account is just going to report this without comment or a word of support for the members whose lives will be put at risk by this?! Shame on Unity, disgraceful cowards.
    2:56 PM · Jul 8, 2020·Twitter Web App

  14. Yes.. Teachers will be expected to teach in-school and also provide remote learning content.

  15. I have no issue going back. I don't think online instruction worked well for many students.

  16. I have an issue going back since so many of us got sick and too many died because of us going to school in March. Not a second time.

  17. 6:38 - Then don't go back. Many students need in person instruction, and if there are teachers who are willing to go in to teach them, let us do that. Those of you that want to continue working from home should do that.

  18. And they said students dont have to wear masks, they will not be forced and will not be punished if they dont. How is that acceptable? Your dues at work.


  20. Anybody uncomfortable? Dont worry, mulgrew is ready to speak up.

    FROM THE FRONT LINES: Texas reported nearly 10,000 new cases and a record 98 new deaths on Wednesday.

    @cbsmireya went inside an ICU in McAllen where nearly every patient is on a ventilator, and frontline workers are trying to respond to an influx of COVID-19 patients.

  21. Refuse to Return to Campus until Counties Report No New Cases for 14 Days #14daysnonewcases

  22. So NYC eliminated the $250 grant it gives teachers to pay for supplies, but we're supposed to believe the city has money to pay for extra masks and cleaning supplies? #MTBoS #ITeachMath #EdChat

  23. Can’t really blame the mayor or the DOE. What else were they really supposed to do? Remote learning was a joke. There was no real learning going on. At least let’s have liberal assignments of kids who refuse to comply with disease protocols to permanent remote learning. The stakes are too high to put up with any kind of miss behavior that endangers others. On another note, will kids who opt to learn remotely be taught by teachers who seek medical accommodations?

  24. NYC residents right now have a greater chance of getting shot than dying from COVID-19. Just look at the numbers from the past week. For all the talk about masks, maybe we should also be passing out vests. New leadership is needed to save NYC and restore safety and security.

    Homicides, shootings & other crimes continue spiking in NYC. Quality of life is taking a beating, cops are being thrown under the bus, & the radical left is in charge & destroying the city. DeBlasio must be removed immediately. The city won’t make it through the rest of his term.

  25. UFT says safety will be a priority just like it was paramount in March when the UFT did nothing to keep Carranza and the DOE from dragging teachers in for March PD when we KNOW there was spread going on.

  26. I am currently doing remote summer school. I truly believe the ILEARN will take the place of google classroom. It is a good platform and they are using EDMENTUM course content so we are not really teaching a thing except a little live instruction. Zoom is built into Ilearn.

    I am PE so our fall should be interesting. I would not like my students wearing a mask even if they were playing. I will be prepared for google/Ilearn for remote. The core subject teachers are the ones who will have deeper stress burden.

    WE mUST TRY and go back we cannot keep the kids home if summer here in nyc shows no real signs. If you are truly that scared do full remote or take a sabbaticol.

  27. Ya that's the problem. Teachers are expected to go to school everyday, and have different kids in the class every other day. ANDDDD they will be told they need to provide online instruction for the remote students. So get ready for 2 different lesson plans, working in the building all day, then going home and working online all night, just to be told, you're lucky you have a job. Only in America.

  28. I’ll be the one to say it because most people won’t.

    There was nothing wrong with google classroom. There is nothing wrong with any of these platforms.

    What is wrong and not working that well is that some students and some families do not take ownership of their progress.

    I posted work, was responsive to emails and did some ‘live lessons’ in the morning. Guess what? Very few emails were written to me, no questions about grades and for the live lessons, few(if any) students logged in.

    I’m forty and have been doing this job since I was 23. I’m not shocked by this lack of ownership. What does shock me is how some teachers feel differently and want to blame the platform.

    I won’t beg kids to learn. That is where I draw the line. I feel that way in the classroom, too.

    In education, we love buzz words such as ‘accountability’, ‘ownership’, ‘collaboration’, and other acronyms that are probably not even real like ‘CCR’. Now in society is a time for the policy makers to put these terms into action.

    For example, if you are late to school, you don’t come in the building if you are more than 20 minutes late. You have a high fever? Go home! You don’t do any work, you fail.

    Until we make families accountable, no change will ever occur.

    Now, go ahead and tell me how the kids don’t have internet access or some other cop out.

  29. All these plans and final implementation will divide the teachers more than ever. What a mess.

  30. Isn't CCR Creedence Clearwater Revival? They were a pretty good band.

  31. That’s true. Anon 9:32 and with any of these models for blended learning -it’s: ‘Bad Moon On The Rise’..

  32. Don't go 'round tonight
    It's bound to take your life
    There's a bad moon on the rise

    I hope you got your things together
    I hope you are quite prepared to die
    Look's like we're in for nasty weather


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