Tuesday, July 07, 2020


There are actual teacher unions in the USA that support their members as their main priority.  One such union is the Clark County Education Associtation, the independent local (not AFT nor NEA) for Las Vegas teachers.

This is from Fox 5 Las Vegas:

LAS VEGAS (FOX5) -- The Clark County Education Association rejects the reopening plan proposed by the Clark County School District. 

Nevada's largest teacher's union, which represents 18,000 teachers, announced its disapproval of the plan in a press release on Tuesday afternoon.

"CCEA cannot sign off on CCSD’s current plan as it stands and will support every educator and parent who chooses not to participate in the reopening of CCSD," the release said.

The association highlighted its proposed components for a reopening plan, including testing every single teacher before they return to school, fully funding the reopening plan (rather than moving forward with budget contingencies) and giving every parent and teacher a choice to do distance learning five days per week or in-person instruction five days per week. 

Could you even imagine UFT President Michael Mulgrew issuing a similar statement supporting educators who will not participate in reopening NYC schools? 

This what Mulgrew did say in a NY Times piece from July 6:

Michael Mulgrew, the president of the city’s teachers union, said he did not believe that schools could reopen in any capacity without federal aid. (The union’s members received their scheduled 2.5 percent raises in May.)

If the state and city did not get money to spend on staff, protective equipment and cleaning, Mr. Mulgrew said, “then that’s it, all bets are off, schools won’t open.”

He recommended that any Department of Education employee with a teaching certificate, even members of the central office staff, should prepare to teach in-person or remotely come September.

What does Mulgrew do if schools in NYC are reopened with inadequate safety in place?


  1. Dear Mr. Mulgrew,

    Do Not Send Us Into an Unsafe Work Place Under Any Circumstances! We Expect You to Fight for Us!

    No More Give Backs! We Expect You to Fight for Us!

    Do Not Mess with Our Health Care! We Expect You to Fight for Us!

    Do Not Mess with Our Final Scheduled Retro Payment! We Expect You to Fight for Us!

    We have been waiting 11 Years, 11 Years, 11 Years to be paid with NO INTEREST ! We Expect You to Fight for Us!

    Get the Final I.O.U. payable to those of us Waiting to be Made Whole for 11 YEARS! We Expect You to Fight for Us!

    This Ball is Going to Be in Your Ball Park!

    We Expect You to Be There for YOUR Members Who Pay, We Expect You to Fight for Us!

  2. According to @realDonaldTrump & @BetsyDeVosED, @NYCSchools must reopen in September, despite the surge in Coronavirus cases that we're seeing around the country..... https://t.co/zUT2HCkjM2 @UFT @NYCMayor @NYCMayorsOffice @DOEChancellor

  3. UFT teachers are sacrificial employees.
    The buildings will not be safe, PERIOD.

  4. Mulgrew gets one chance to do right by all his dues paying members in this situation. I fear he will sell us out and use phrases like:

    "It's about the children."

    "Education must continue."

    "I know we worked for it but giving up the retro pay saves jobs and I'm about saving jobs."

    "We told the DOE we reserve the right to renegotiate anything the membership has concerns about."

    The FDNY, NYPD, DSNY unions would never sell its members out.

  5. OK am I understanding that they are giving every student AND teacher a choice as to whether they want to do distance or in-person learning 5 days a week? That's the deal they rejected? We can only dream of getting an offer that good.

  6. That is the union's position 9:31, not the district's.

  7. That's what they are holding out for. The UFT may want something similar but what will they do when city says no?

  8. James thank you for clarifying.

    A question- does anybody REALLY believe there was going to be a wildcat strike on Monday, March 16th as Mulgrew has hinted? If so, he best start looking at that to happen for September- Taylor law be damned.

  9. We will see what Mulgrew does, not says.

  10. I got it confirmed that Sunday that there were so many people calling in sick for March 16th that the DOE was afraid they could not adequately staff schools. In my opinion, it was a major part of what changed the Mayor's mind that day to close schools. If I recall, he was on CNN on Sunday morning saying schools would stay open. Then, by 5:00 P.M. he suddenly reversed himself.

  11. Well then Mulgrew had nothing to do with it. Dues well spent.

  12. Mulgrew's email March 15 saying schools weren't safe for kids pushed things along but it was unsafe for UFTers too.

  13. There's a great article in Chalkbeat about summer school glitches. The doe can't even get a program to work that they started 10 years ago. How are they going to be able to open schools in the fall?

  14. But he said go in to prevent dues loss. That is the truth. If schools remained open, he had us going in.

  15. True 11:02. I blame Mulgrew as much as Cuomo and de Blasio for leaving UFTers exposed to the virus in March. I have written about it on multiple occasions.

  16. ......and the virus is mutating.

  17. He said WE ARE OPEN with blended learning in September. Students come in 2-3 days per week.

  18. New York City Schools Plan Mix of Remote, In-Person Learning for Fall https://wsj.com/articles/new-york-city-schools-plan-mix-of-remote-in-person-learning-for-fall-11594218639 via WSJ

  19. Mayor Bill de Blasio
    We are planning to reopen
    this fall while putting health and safety FIRST.

    75% of families want to send their kids back to school in the fall. Our job is to make it safe and make it work for every family.

    We won’t let you down.
    Mayor Bill de Blasio
    Through a mix of in-school and at-home learning we can make more space in every classroom and building. That means most kids coming to school 2 days a week.

    It’s a first for NYC public schools but it’s the only way to bring kids back safely.
    Mayor Bill de Blasio
    What we WON'T do is ignore the science and recklessly charge ahead like our president.

    We will do it the right way. We will keep everyone safe.

  20. There is an uptick on cases. Once it hits approximately 3%, it's becoming widespread again.

  21. Mayor and Chancellor stated that first is safety and will need to adhere to the advise of the medical experts, but there needs to be a plan. The plan to open in September can change. It all depends on the outcome of the virus as September nears.

  22. To all the Chicken Littles worried about September - What about the normal Flu? Schools have stayed open during the annual flu outbreaks. Keep in mind:
    -around 12,000 - 61,000 deaths per year
    -the flu has a vaccine
    -children are just as susceptible to flu as adults, unlike the current virus

    Schools will open in the fall. Parents want school open. Children need school to be open. Mulgrew will take his marching orders from his high-chair at the table.

  23. But teachers must attend as well. Saying it doenst arm students doesnt help the staff.

  24. 11:09: If you look at the stats, Coronavirus kills 5% of those infected. There are almost 3 million people with Coronavirus in the USA and almost 150,000 people have died. You do the math. The flu isn't this deadly. More people get it but much fewer die from it.

  25. 2:39 the numbers are inflated! Not saying people did not die my great uncle died.They have completely elevated these numbers. The flu is more deadly, again stop watching, cnn, msdnc etc. I am not watching only fox I actually research. Just like everyone believed Fauci when he has been wrong more than right. WHO and china are in cahoots.

  26. I quoted cdc numbers, not CNN. Those filled funeral homes were all in my imagination. Please stop the nonsense Fox News talking points.


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