Monday, July 20, 2020


This petition has garnered 4,000 signatures in a day. Add yours too if you support all remote learning to start the school year.

We also learned today that Baltimore schools will be fully remote until at least the middle of October.


  1. I highly and strongly doubt that they’re going to care one one bit about educators signing this petition. Now if he can get thousands of parents to sign, that could be a different story.

  2. Yes, it's parents who will make the difference. It's like the workers complaining about the policies of the store they work in. It's the customers' complaints that matter.

  3. So get parents to sign.

  4. We’ve seen what comes of @NYCSchools promises. NO cleaning in March (nevermind “deep cleaning”) empty google drive folders for April break, resources provided at 10pm the night before Juneteenth—and we’re supposed to believe that they’ll do what they need to to keep us safe?

  5. I don't know if link copied correctly but Florida teachers suing the state over reopening.

  6. Say, has that petition been pulled? As soon as I click on the link, it pops up and blanks out. The page is not reloading.

    1. I just went to page and it worked. Will try again.

  7. New cases, yesterday:

    Germany: 642
    UK: 580
    Japan: 454
    France: 350
    Australia: 267
    Italy: 190
    Portugal: 135
    South Korea: 26

    United States: 62,879

  8. The cost to open schools "safely" (no such thing) will be extranomical. The concept of wearing masks is not 100% agreed upon across the board allowing for flexibility. There is no flexibility with my life.

  9. It needs to be clear what guidelines is the UFT following for schools to reopen in person. It would be helpful if UFT sends that out to members.

    If want to ask a question to Mulgrew during the Town Hall, what is the procedure for that?

  10. Get on the call. They will tell you the number to press to ask a question.

  11. Happy now? McConnell: "This majority is preparing legislation that will send $105 billion so that educators have the resources they need to safely reopen. That is more money than the House Democrats set aside for a similar fund, by the way."

  12. Not with a liability shield an a mandate to reopen buildings. Poison pills are in there.

  13. McConnell on emerging GOP package:

    • $105 billion to reopen schools
    • PPP 2.0 for “hard-hit businesses”
    • Reimbursing PPE, testing, cleaning
    • Another round of direct payments
    • Liability shield for biz, schools, etc.

  14. The liability shield is there. If the DOE has a liability shield, we're dead.

  15. When do people who actually work get something?

    MNUCHIN is in the capitol. He said it’s his goal to get a deal by the end of next week. I asked him if he’s dropped the payroll tax cut since it has next to no support among senate Rs. He said “of course not."

  16. Prefer dem or gop governor?

    112 people shot in 9 days in #NYC! The safest large city in America is no more thanks to @NYCMayor @BilldeBlasio! New Yorkers and America better wake up and wake up fast.

  17. I blame de blasio more than cuomo but it isnt coincidence that the riots and attacks on police are happening in all dem cities.

    As far as schools go, the uft and doe arent caring what we write on this blog, what petitions we have...

  18. Spare me your anguished pleas for people to follow pandemic protocols if you have no issue with these ongoing non-socially distanced mass gatherings -- at which people chant directly into one another's faces -- in cities were COVID cases are spiking

  19. I think that is hypocritical to say protests are an exception to the social distancing rule, particularly if the protest is a for a cause you like. I like what CTU is doing calling for car caravans.

  20. De Blasio was on the media stating that neighborhoods are taking back their streets. Has De Blasio checked out the gun violence lately? It is nice to have nonprofits help with neighborhoods, but criminal minded people are dangerous.

  21. UFT? Are you awake?

    Parents at my school today were told:
    1. kids eating lunches in rooms while teachers supervise.
    2. Students in Prek- 1st grade are not required to wear masks
    3. Lower grade teachers will not be allowed to wear masks only face shields so that the students can see their faces
    4. As many teachers as possible will be looping
    5. No temperature checks
    6. Full day schedules - cluster will move and upper grades will still be departmentalized
    7. remote only students will have a different teacher than the hybrid classes but no word yet on if the teachers will be doing remote as well as in person with their students
    8. DOe is working in a way to record classrooms and have remote students involved in live instruction

    Just wonder if any other school has announced anything similar. This seems completely unsafe for everyone involved and there will no way to contact trace with these systems.

  22. DOe is working in a way to record classrooms and have remote students involved in live instruction

    That is against our contract. No one can force you to record your lesson.

  23. Some of the comments about what schools are doing only highlights how schools will not follow guidelines. DOE cannot be trusted.


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