Tuesday, July 21, 2020


 From the principal page:

As of July 24, 2020, all school-based staff members in excess, who were provisionally hired for the 2019–20 school year, will be automatically placed back into excess. Principals who wish to retain a provisional hire as a permanent member of the staff, must complete this form by noon on July 23. For questions, email ATRAssignment@schools.nyc.gov.


  1. Things to consider about all of this. No one is hiring any ATR now. (What follows is a nightmare scenario, that hopefully will not happen. Please don’t read it if you’re easily upset.) First, McConnell’s bill will give blanket protection to the DOE. It can use this to their advantage in several ways. If it was a normal year with a normal budget everyone would be going back in September, regardless of pre-existing conditions. As the DOE now is broke (in all ways) there may be an overwhelming need for layoffs. Distance learning facilitates that - is there a cap on the number of kids a teacher can have in a distance learning class? I Haven’t heard of one. ;Even if there was one, Mulgrew would relinquish it as an emergency measure.) That means if a school has to lay off teachers, students can be absorbed and parsed out. 50 to a class? 75? 100? Very easily done, especially with no accountability from the student, as everyone passes. It allows for layoffs, brings all the stats up for schools, looks like it is being compassionate for both staff and students, saves money and won’t get any kick back from anyone - including the UFT. Mulgrew will rationalize his position by saying the DOE accommodated at risk teachers, therefore larger classes on line are a small price to pay. I would also expect the DOE and UFT to use ATRs, with esoteric licenses, who can’t teach the usual core classes on line, as in school staff. If these ATRs balk at risking their lives - the DOE/UFT will offer early retirement. If the ATR refuses, there’s always death to look forward to - the ultimate expedited termination. This is very important - Teachers should push the UFT to push for limits on the number of students for on line classes. - Jim

  2. We will also be told that giving up the retro pay preserves jobs (leading to lower class sizes) and saves lives. It will also free up more money to hire consultants to advise on how schools can socially distance and how Danielson can be adapted to remote learning.

    Nobody caves in like the UFT...nobody.

    We are the laughing stock of the large city unions.

  3. You have to be stupid to believe all of that.

  4. The DOE will most certainly double online class sizes at the minimum, hence not as many teachers will be needed for 2020-21 school year. Dont be surprised if we get an announcement about going remote for the fall term. They can then direct all that money to maintain the consultants and high administrators at Tweed. The DOE is a top heavy beast that must be fed.

  5. Mulgrew Town Hall...Not getting answers from doe, no plan.
    We are not the childcare industry.
    HEROES Act is important, need money, open or not.
    Safety, profession, livelihood
    In line to open due to 1.17% positive covid rate, need to be under 5%.
    In person safe?
    How is remote made better?
    Even if we open, 60% remote
    6 feet apart and mask is a must
    training on handwashing
    Ventilation and airflow-certain schools cant open
    Mists to spray covid killer fluid
    Nothing on testing yet
    Random testing?
    Monitor everything
    Today, schools cant open, but we will plan
    How do we coordinate students coming in once or twice a week with instruction?
    Over 3,000 teachers already requested work from home, will be many thousands more
    HS can make remote only
    After March, we have no faith
    Childcare plan needed for entire city

  6. town hall questions...medical accommodations, you dont get excessed

    thanks mulgrew for all he is doing, must be a nurse in every building

    principal advised students dont have to wear masks in classroom, mulgrew says they must

    buyout? uft negotiating

    state is 16b in the red, city 9b in red

    mayor threatens 22,000 layoffs, mulgrew says fine, you will never open schools, already short teachers

    in person or remote, not teaching both.

    remote...nassau teachers need childcare...

    Angry because nobody planning curriculum for split live and remote

    if tested positive for covid, dont lose sick bank days

    if no air conditioning, wear masks, me and kids? Yes, that is what we expect. ac could be negative because of air flow

    thanks mulgrew for leadership...who is responsible for all students coming into school, temp checks, etc? schools need to form building response team

    If doe says we are going back and we say we arent what happens? mulgrew prepared to do whatever we need to do

    Covid results take too long

  7. @306
    well going remote even for a month saves how much on just the busing/metrocards alone?
    let alone less ppe, cleaning, per session after school services, electricity, heat and or AC,
    supplies- paper alone in each nyc school for a month must cost a fortune when added together. so why not go remote?

    Many questions answered
    Much discussion continuing.
    No decision on in person schooling or remote.
    More reports to follow as new information available.
    Clear report schools will not open under current conditions.
    Stay tuned


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