Wednesday, August 19, 2020



We all would like to return to our classrooms in September, but New York City school buildings should not reopen unless they are safe. Medical experts and community and civic leaders joined me today at a press conference at UFT headquarters to announce a clear and transparent program of safety reviews and testing protocols designed by medical experts to safeguard the health of our students and staff.

Each New York City public school must show that it has these procedures and supplies in place — and that every adult and child in that school has been tested — before the school reopens. We are prepared to go to court or take a job action if the city tries to open a school that is unsafe.

Working with medical experts, the UFT has created a comprehensive school safety checklist, including the presence of a school nurse, a six-foot separation between student desks, sufficient masks and other protective equipment, working ventilation systems, and an isolation room for students who develop symptoms of infection at school. More than 100 union investigators have already started the process of reviewing the more than 1,400 school buildings to see if they pass the checklist. Any school that fails this review should remain off-limits to children, parents and staff until the problems are fixed.

We are also calling for antibody or COVID-19 testing for every adult and child who plans to enter a school building in the fall. We are urging both teachers and students, when possible, to immediately get a blood test to check for COVID-19 antibodies. Those who cannot demonstrate the presence of coronavirus antibodies will need to show that they have tested negative for the coronavirus itself in the 10 days before their school building reopens.

The UFT is also demanding that the city implement a robust program of intermittent, random testing of school communities, once in-person learning resumes, to detect asymptomatic spread.

You have my solemn promise that this union will do everything in its power to keep you and our school communities safe. As educators, we know that nothing substitutes for in-person learning, but we need to follow the science. If the city adopts our safety plan, no school system in the nation will have stronger health and safety protocols in place.

Stay safe and healthy.


Michael Mulgrew

UFT President 


  1. I can’t believe it. I really refuse to strike. I simply cannot afford to.

    1. Eventhough corrupt Mulgrew should’ve started beforehand like Chicago and we would have avoided strike. Diblasio called his bluff, We now need to support Mulgrew otherwise we will weaken the union.

  2. Exactly, women got the right to vote 100 years ago today. Were they afraid of going to jail? If it weren't for the trouble makes women wouldn't be allowed to vote for President today.

  3. I'm with TeachNY but not just for the money. Striking is the wrong response in so many other ways and being pro-union doesn't mean blindly agreeing with every decision.

    Isn't every decision Di Blasio, Carranza, Trump, Pelosi, etc. questioned? We can freely question or agree with them to varying degrees but if we don't comply fully with what the union says then we are completely dismissed?

    I understand the money point and the safety perspective and of course being pro-union. I get all of that but studying the science works both ways. There is nothing to say the DOE UFT plan is safer. I'm quoting from NPR "some of the Health experts who appeared at the UFT's press conference, have affirmed that community spread is low enough in the region to match countries in Europe and Asia where schools have reopened — with hygiene and social distancing in place — without spurring coronavirus spikes." So were they right then or today?

    I enjoy this blog but TeachNY deserved better than that response.

  4. I’ve been a critic of mulgrew, but today I am not a critic of his stance. A strike is a last resort, but I like how mulgrew put our safety above politics.

    I just told my wife that I respect how mulgrew is doing what a union should do and that’s protect the members.

    Let this inept mayor stew now and ask if he’s done a good enough job. The answer is no.

    Personally, mulgrew may have cuomo’s ear and may have some influence be will use over the mayor. I don’t think mulgrew would threaten strike if he didn’t have cuomo’s ear.

    The next few weeks should be interesting.

    I agree w James. If you won’t strike, get off the blog and be prepared to never be spoken to again. Never cross a picket line. Never!

  5. Nobody wants to strike. But nobody wants to die either. Sometimes we have to sacrifice in order to be heard. I hardly ever speak on here but I always read these posts. A majority of people including me are tired of mulgrews antics. If we can finally come together and unite then we will be heard.I think mulgrew heard our voices and said what he had to.Remember it was the mayor and his puppets that wanted us open in march.So stay united.

    1. It’s worth it to foreclose on a house? You’d be ok with that?

    2. As I stated earlier, nobody is going to have their house foreclosed on. When UFT threatened a strike in 2002, they were arranging with Amalgamated Bank for low interest loans to get people through. We are a union. We will support each other.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "...every adult and child in that school has been tested — before the school reopens". How can the UFT or the DOE pull this off? In addition, if only 10% of students are in school that means 100,000 masks per day. Where is this DOE warehouse that will supply city schools with a half a million masks per week?

  8. "If we aren't safe to go to recess, outdoors, where it's proven to be safest, then how are we safe in a crowded classroom? Also, I don't want to be a science experiment." -AN 11-YEAR-OLD !!!!! @DOEChancellor @NYCMayor

  9. @7:09 the plan from what i heard was 1 mask per child per week- which is only 2-3 days
    teachers get daily masks.


  11. Anonymous 6:20- if your health and safety, and that of your family, isn't a good enough reason to strike, then I don't know what is. What exactly is your idea of the right response to this debacle?

  12. And will kids be stopped from coming in if they didn't get tested or is it going to be the line that we can't deny the kids an education.

    1. Legally we have to take them in. If a parent drops a kid off, we have to let them in the building.

  13. Where is the asshole that drops out of the UFT every night? He is planning how he will sneak into his school during a strike.

  14. Almost 2,000 K-12 students in Mississippi have been quarantined in the state due to possible exposure to Covid-19, according to the state's department of health

  15. I know we’re all worried about reopening. But on a brighter side, did anyone see Jill Biden’s speech last night in a high school classroom? Should Biden get elected, maybe she’ll be our new Ed Secretary?? Does anyone know where she stands on the issues that matter to us: standardized testing, teacher evaluation, the spread of institutionalized segregation through the growth of charter schools, etc.?

  16. Jill Biden is the best thing about Joe Biden. He would probably agree with that statement. I saw her when she came to LaGuardia CC when I worked at Middle College. Jill Biden really believes in public education.

  17. 8:01 this is 6:20. I have posted my other opinions but I always identify as anonymous.

    I believe in the DOE and UFT plan. The plan can work if all they say they will do they do. However, I believe schools should remain closed because I don't believe any of these plans can be executed effectively.

    I do not believe in a strike however. First. No one here pro-strike has explained what will happen when they terminate the jobs of strikers because of the Taylor Law. It's not just fines and pay. It is your whole career with no way to find equal pay or benefits. That can be life and death for some.

    Second, a strike cannot be enforced on its members or punishable by the union because it's not legal. Therefore I do not think it's as strong an action as it sounds especially since off of these blogs I know of no teacher who wants to strike. Not one. How would it look if we threatened strike and then voted it down.

    We are not as strong as it seems. In the end people look out for themselves. Would any teacher who received permission to stay home vote to strike? How about those with immunity already?

    I liked the info presented today. I like the unified front with other unions. I liked the medical rationale. That was more effective. Threatening a strike? Doesnt scare anyone including the mayor because we simply can be replaced by cheaper new teachers. Then the irony, we wont go into a building with social distancing but we will march in circles in crowded unsafe neighborhoods.

    1. They can't fire all of 75,000 teachers. Cut the nonsense. DeBlasio will take a huge political hit if there is a teachers strike in NYC 6 or 7 weeks before an election in an overwhelmingly Democratic city. Let's not weaken our extremely robust hand. Who is the mayor going to turn to: Trump? Politically, this is an easy one if we stay united. The only way we can lose is if we are not unified.

    2. They fired all the air traffic controllers. Maybe they’ll fire all the senior teachers only. Throw the ATR teachers in their place. Hire all the teachers just out of college.Make exceptions for those who haven’t finished yet. I wouldn’t put it past the DOE. I know people would def vote NO to strike. I would. And then I would continue to teach anyway. Sorry, but foreclosing on my house and losing pension is just not worth it.

    3. TeachNY, It is a totally different political climate compared to when the Air Traffic Controllers lost their jobs in 1981. Nobody is going to lose their job if we act now. We need a strong yes vote to make Mulgrew's hand stronger at the table if we have a strike authorization vote or whatever they call it.

    4. TeachNY is 100% correct. The air traffic controllers control lives in the sky and they didnt hesitate to fire them for life. And don't say it doesnt happen now. Amazon just did it during a pandemic.

      Di Blasio could fire 75000 and in the same breath have the principals rehire staff as they see fit within hours. Schools with deficits can get out from under. They could completely circumvent LIFO. They talk about 9000 layoffs. Removing half, 4500, top salaries would save $580M. Principals could simply choose who they want to keep.

      Only a few thousand teachers will go but those teachers will be fine because we go without question and I'm sure all the prostrike people will check in on them and pay some of their bills.

    5. Exactly. They’ll fire the most expensive teachers (seniority won’t matter because the contract will be null and void) and hire new teachers. If they can’t find enough new teachers, exceptions will be made and waivers will be filed to hire student teachers and teachers out of that teaching fellows program. Just watch. Again, I can’t believe people want to strike. The consequences are just not worth it. If people do not want to go in, why not simply take a leave of absence? Take a FMLA? It makes no sense !

  18. Nearly 600 Miami school district employees have coronavirus

  19. Mulgrew will NEVER strike. More than likely he has some scheme up his sleeve with Cuomo. Perhaps getting Cuomo to close the schools over the head of deBlasio. All one has to do is think back to the Bloomberg years and look at Mulgrew’s inaction to see he will never do something as ballsy as a strike. Have you all forgotten March 17, 18 and 19? That POS wouldn’t close schools then, so what makes you think he’s gonna do it now? He has a little double team work planned with Cuomo for deBlasio.

  20. There was mention of a bail out.

  21. After everyone testifed at PEP against schools reopening live on Sept. 10,
    @doechancellor is unswayed, insists: "85 percent of our families have said 'We're going to send our kids to school.' I'm going to plan for 85 percent to be in blended learning."

    @doechancellor repeats at PEP: "If we get a 20 percent cut, game over. We cannot open our schools. We are fully remote." 9,000 teachers laid off. .


  23. Cuomo is a legend in his own mind. He stopped deBlasio from closing the city and allowed it to remain open for another week. How many deaths did that cause? He also sent Covid infected people into nursing homes, where there was no Covid; how many deaths did that cause? He considers himself a superstar on his way to the White House. I was sickened watching a reporter ask him to autograph his ridiculous map, that he’s selling like fine art. And wow! can that dude talk, non-stop, about everything. His lizard like appearance and repulsively pitched voice put me off all TV for months. Then there’s his shilling for a date. That dude couldn’t get laid in whorehouse with a fist full of hundreds. Sickening!

  24. Gabriela Ochoa Perez was a healthy 20-year-old before getting sick with COVID-19. Nearly four months later she still has to use an oxygen tank. She's one of many "long-haulers" who experience symptoms for months.

  25. Mulgrew is stepping up because of pressure from teachers. Do you think he'd be holding a press conference and implying a strike may be necessary if no teachers had pressured him? He knows a significant number of teachers were going to wildcat and he read that as having to step up or be exposed as having no control of his membership. Perhaps he has a deal with Cuomo but closing schools wouldn't be on the table if teachers hadn't opened their mouths. Keep yapping, teachers. We are the union.

  26. Wow! Mulgrew, like some students whose grades are suddenly and mysteriously inflated, moving them from failure to the honor roll, is now praised for uttering the S-word. And not by some "newbie teacher" but by one of his harshest critics.

    Well, as the Who once sang, "We won't be fooled again."

    James, your lashing out at one member who merely stated the fears of many, that a strike would be too costly, especially given how the pandemic has already pushed many working families passed the breaking point, where mortgages and rents, and tuition and childcare services are all in arrears is divisive and unhelpful.

    Let us not be fooled. Speculation here about Cuomo's ears and Mulgrew's whispering read like desperate conspiracy.

    I too want a militant response to the mayor's and governor's abuse of teachers in our state, not just abuse on the re-opening but on years of policy and abuse, but I'm still giving Mulgrew an F on militancy. Even if he is jailed I will have trouble giving him a passing grade.

    Right now I see only a weak union, inherently weak, though further weakened by leadership and Unity control, that is doing and has done nothing.

    Stick together. We are still looking down the barrel of a triple gun: September reentry or remote (both are serious threats), October budget and layoffs, November election.

    The faith in the Cuomo-DeBlasio fued is laughable.
    Cuomo is by far the greatest threat to teachers in NY State.

    Stick together. We may be in for a long struggle. A very painful and costly struggle that in the end may fail. And we are weak enough without bullying and silencing dissent within our rank and file before an action has been called for, voted on, and taken.

    If a strike is voted up and we strike we will have pain and suffering and we will need to listen to all voices. This will make us stronger not weaker. That some members will disagree and even take action against us is a given, how we respond to these members may make or break a job action, so please stick together and listen to one another's concerns and ideas.

  27. The Who also sang We're Not Gonna Take It, Shelley which I believe is more fitting. As I stated before, if Mulgrew calls for a job action and we vote yes which I would urge everyone to do, then we are one union and we all follow our leadership out on strike, no matter how badly they have screwed up in the past. Everyone does their part. That's how it works. We can fight again when it is over.

    For more Who lyrics, The Who also sang The Dirty Jobs from Quadrophenia. This fits our situation today too.

    "I'm getting put down
    I'm being pushed around
    I'm being beaten every day
    My life's fading
    But thing are changing
    I'm not gonna sit and weep again."

  28. As a vet of the 1975 strike be warned. Shanker didn't want to go on strike and teachers forced him. But the real force was Unity Caucus people in the schools and the district reps that woke Shanker up. But he knew how to put on the show and then kill it a week later. He went to jail - which Mulgrew is desperate to do. Show some muscle for the members, let them take the two for one hit but a wink with Cuomo on a deal. He would love a strike against DeB.
    Maybe they delay for a month and WE WON. The deal will call for a penalty fine for UFT but not loss of dues checkoff. Layoffs definitely as DeB gets even. You want Zoom - you got zoom but we don't need all of you -- 22,000 city layoffs -- 5-10K from DOE - it won't come from the NYPD.

  29. Shelley and Teach NY I agree with you. Our infection rates are low right now, and I wasn't under the impression that we were waiting for complete eradication of covid for schools to open back up. With that said, there are more than enough people (teachers & parents) that are scared of letting covid get out of hand again. The wildcat option would have been better optically, because once students started school, the whole blended learning concept would have quickly imploded on its own. Most parents would then opt for remote learning once their kids came home after the terrible experience of covid blended learning.

    Our whole profession has been going down the toilet because of Mulgrew long before covid. This strike was not the best time to become militant, it should have happened long before. It seems like Mulgrew's MO is to make teachers look bad.

    1. Completely agree. If a strike is voted on, and I still think people would vote NO...I DO think the most senior teachers will be fired, saving the city money. They might even LOVE the idea of a strike. And it won’t impact DiBlasio, he’ll still collect his key, Carranza will collect his, and Mulgrew will be fine at the end of the day as well.

    2. @9:15am: I'm retired and therefore, I don't have a dog in this fight,per se. However I agree with some of what you stated. The rank and file should have been militant/spoken up years ago-- the moment their professional license and self respect was snatched away by the doe and union. Too few spoke/acted up when the doe ruined generations by passing everyone. Those student lives are just as important. Well now that the heat is on and it's time to act I hope the result is different. If a vote to strike is held, I hope you won't be disappointed by the number of staff who vote no because they want to go in. Always do the right thing even if it doesn't affect you.

  30. What do you suggest Norm? Teachers all go into work and risk our lives. UFTers can put at risk the students and their families too by just going in.

    In 1975, there was not a strong national teacher militancy movement that has been largely successful. It is not in anyone's interest for us to get f***ed over now except for Trump.

    We also already know from Mulgrew's Town Hall that there is some kind of grand bargain being negotiated with the unions, the city and Albany. That goes down in flames if we walk. DeBlasio has a lot more to lose at this point than we do.

  31. I dare them to lay off 9k teachers.

    1. I do think anyone with 15 years or less would be in trouble!

  32. Cuomo said flu plus covid plus testing will be a disaster in winter. If a vaccine is coming by Jan-Feb, might as well stay closed until then.

  33. If I'm willing to send my own child to private school in September, why would I refuse to enter the public school I work in?

  34. Because it isn't safe in NYC schools.only a question of time before the virus spreads again in schools if we open.

  35. Chancellor expected to speak with DeBlasio today at news conference. Anyone think they are finally throwing in the white flag and call for remote only or do you think they will continue to reassure us with their nonsense?

  36. So what is it. Nobody wants to go in because of a weak plan and we spend months on here discussing it and rightfully so bashing mulgrew. Whatever his motive is he steps up and now some us are not happy for a possible strike.We cant have it both ways.We probably wont strike as this may put extreme pressure on our leaders to do something.One thing is for sure we need to be together on this.

    1. @10:07: Yes. We need to be together on this. This is a lesson moving forward: Always do the right thing.

  37. I agree that we should have become militant long before now. Sam Lazarus and I proposed a labor alliance with transit workers before the 2005 sellout UFT contract. It would have made both union's hands stronger.

    Our hand is very strong now. Buildings are not safe. deBlasio's own medical advisor said Tuesday that if we open up school buildings, it will fuel more infections.

    How could anyone in good conscience say open up now?

    In addition, it is an election year and the Democrats don't need labor trouble in a Democratic city.

  38. On the one hand, good for Mikey threatening to strike over health concerns. However, what's to stop DeBolshevek from cancelling the last retro payment (for veteran teachers) of those who do strike? 2 for 1 fines are not the only punishments that can be levied.

  39. TeachNY, you don't seem to understand how strong our position is right now. Did you listen to the DOE PEP meeting last night? Public sentiment is in our favor. NOBODY- not parents, not the kids, not local politicians- think opening schools is a good idea. DeBlasio is probably the most despised mayor in NYC history, so if he allows this situation to escalate to the point where we strike, he will fold like a cheap suit in a matter of hours.

    Who do you think you're garnering favor with? Your administrators? Hardly, because they won't cross a picket line. School safety, DC37, custodial staff - none of them will walk into the buildings, either. Your students and their parents? We would be striking for them, too.

    Don't condemn the UFT because you made a bad choice and made yourself house poor. Some of us understand how to live within our means and budget for emergencies.

    1. Def not garnering favor with admin. You’re not worried about being fired when you strike? They’ll fire the most senior teachers first! Most people
      I’ve spoken to will vote NO to strike. I think having enough $ saved to pay for 3 months of a mortgage is not house poor, but behind fired would surely put us all at risk. They’d make exceptions and hire teaching fellows, teachers college teachers, and student teachers to take out places. Watch it happen. If you don’t want to go in, then take a leave of absence and let us go to work. I will not get fired for people not wanting to go in.

    2. @Teachny: Is there a scenario where you will agree to strike?

    3. Yes. Students not receiving consequences for ANYTHING. Letting kids disrupt the classroom all day. I would strike against Danielson. Not this.

  40. All of New York should be clamoring for deBlasio‘s removal. He is destroying the city, piece by piece. On every level it is a disaster. He’s oblivious to the suffering he is causing through his good intentions. Money is no object to him, when it comes to what he wants, but he intends on laying off thousands of people including teachers. Mulgrew, deBlasio’s ass kisser extraordinaire, is now changing his tune? You can be sure a betrayal of major proportion is on its way. Mulgrew thought nothing of teaming up with deBlasio to agree to an expedited termination clause for ATRs at deB’s insistence in 2014, A devastating betrayal to the very teachers he's paid to protect. Then there’s those three days in March - not a word from Mulgrew. Cuomo and Mulgrew have their knives out.

  41. Layoffs equal more chaos. Lol. I dare them.

  42. Teach NY, Layoffs are based on Section 2588 of NYS education law law which we have covered. It has nothing to do with our contract. Senior people will not be fired en masse if we strike.

  43. I find all of this very interesting. I should mention something that may be pertinent. One is that many of the young teachers ( they were all under 30) I got to know very well in my last school want to avoid a strike all costs. Many of them actually like Mulgrew! They are actually doubly worried, not only about the strike, but also the potential to be laid off. They like Mulgrew just the way he is, overly cautious, accommodating and quite fawning toward their demographic group. He targets them more than any other group of teachers (other than retirees) for attention and his specially tailored dog and pony show.They really never experienced real unionism. They’ve never had a teachers’ cafeteria, stood up for their rights, been respected, or experience any of the things older teachers once took for granted. They are in reality slaves, who in actuality don’t know their rights. Mulgrew has not been forthcoming with any help in that regard. He just gives them Rah Rah speeches and free workshops on stress reduction and personal crisis management. My point is that many of us, especially on this blog, are older experienced teachers who have a safety net, in that seniority has its perks. Those young teachers who are or may already be a majority do not feel the same way we do. Just something to consider, when we all seem to assume everyone supports a strike.

    1. I have 18 years in, and I would no to strike. Like I said, people can take a leave.

  44. just curious. Why would it be a strike? I thought our contract says we do not have to work when there is a danger to ourselves.

    1. You are absolutely right 11:53. We are not required to go into unsafe conditions.

  45. Bronx ATR, I don't mean any disrespect, but how were all of those things lost? I've been teaching about 12 yrs and I haven't experienced the things you mentioned above.

    1. IMO I think these things were lost when randi sided with Bloomberg and then Mulgrew followed up with not defending the profession of teaching. Bloomberg's business model (autocratic/authoritative) of running schools was in direct contrast to how educators (professionals) should be and was managed (democratic/collaborative). Prior to Bloomberg, the profession of teaching was viable. Our UFT rep was beneficial to us. She was loyal to us. She looked out for us and she wasn't a tool for the admin. She worked with the admin to come up with the best solution /happy medium. Educators issued true grades to students. Was the grad rate lower, absolutely however those students who did graduate were better prepared again IMO. Students who acted out were removed from the classroom. Unfortunately a few bad educators didn't always do the right thing. Their behavior swung the pendulum towards what we have today: restorative justice. The teachers cafeteria was a place where we could eat, banter, decompress and share knowledge about students. It helped build community. Most educators had no problem standing up to an admin because we knew the union would defend us. Let me ask you:
      1. Can you or your colleagues grade your students freely?
      2. Have you or your colleagues been cursed by students but your concern fell on deaf ears?
      3. Do you believe that all students are provided a challenging education?
      4. Do you think the grad rate is inflated?
      5. What would you change about the doe? The uft?
      6. How many older (50+) educators are in your school?
      Personally, the pre-bloomberg era was preferable. I think the union was stronger because the rank and file were unified.

  46. The mayor continued to lie at his presser today saying that 800,000+ demanded in person learning.

    He also mentioned the outbreak in Hing Kng and said restaurants should stay closed...But schools in NYC should open?

  47. Does this concern anybody...

    Mulgrew gave us the worst contract in history in 2014. He agreed to delay raises and retro almost forever with no interest. In every contract he has agreed to below inflation raises. He gave the city PPL, we paid for it. there have been countless givebacks, the schools are in shambles, he has done nothing.

    Now he is a tough guy?
    As far as retro, he says..."We shouldn't give them a dime."

    Strike: We don't care about Taylor Law, I will go to jail, we will pay the fines, we won't go into buildings.

    Something isn't right. Either he knows something or he knows we won't actually strike...

  48. I'm an ATR and the union has done little for me, so I don't think I'll strike either. Also, we'll be the first to go if the contract is null and void.

  49. The election year point is irrelevant. This city will vote democrat no matter what. I mean they overwhelmingly voted Di Blasio in for a second term knowing what he was like.

    We are not as strong as you think if our leader is making threats unilaterally. No one is buying Mulgrew's toughness anywhere. Remember, he made this strike threat without rank and file vote which means its just hot air until actual votes are taken and counted. Odds are he won't do that because if we voted against striking he would lose all credibility when September 10th comes along.

    An illegal strike opens up too many options for Di Blasio and weakens us. Last month rumors spread of a "Blue Flu" on July 4th. You want to bet that carried a lot more weight than a strike? Because that was a legitimate work around of the Taylor Law that can be done without retribution.

    At a time when the city is looking to slash the budget don't give them an opportunity to do so. You can talk tough all you want and I think we are all on the same side of not opening schools we just have a different view of what approach to take.

  50. @11:53,
    None taken. In my 5 1/2 years as an ATR I was probably at 50 -70 high schools in the Bronx. There was not a teacher cafeteria in any of them. Many did not have a teachers lounge. The majority of the staffs were hired within the previous five years and most of them were all under 30. Older staff members were intentionally targeted for termination or excessing. The ATR pool being the perfect device to facilitate that. The chapter leaders were for the most part picked by the principals and staff intentionally kept from knowing their rights. Tenure was used as whip. Most of these teachers never experienced anything different so didn’t know anything was wrong. Often I was intentionally kept separate from them so that I wouldn’t share any knowledge. If you didn’t experience anything like that consider yourself extremely lucky. That said, I spent all those years in the Bronx, and the Bronx is a Third World country in many ways. Perhaps you are in a different borough where there is a little more civilization? Cheers.

  51. As time goes on more and more members will forget about the compensation from the spring break issue as this will go off the back burner (if it hasn't already).

    1. That is the least of our worries. Between striking and layoff talks, there are other things to worry about. Reduction in fixed TDA rate....the list goes on and on.


  53. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    As time goes on more and more members will forget about the compensation from the spring break issue as this will go off the back burner (if it hasn't already).

    Thursday, August 20, 2020 1:01:00 PM"

    This is a dangerous precedent.
    Yes the Governor was , imho, within his rights cancelling our vacation because it was/is a "state of emergency"

    But during major snow blizzards, If Sanitation is called in , they are paid extra
    If police vacations is cancelled due to an extraordinary reason they are paid extra .

    But we are meek and timid, The DOE attitude was "here are 4 extra CAR days", that was not negotiated. I'd rather have the pay. Or at a minimum the NYCDOE could have been gracious and said " we are sorry we are so broke we can't afford to pay on a out going cash flow basis, but here is one car day for each day worked ( i.e. seven CAR days)

    But Mulgrew takes whatever crumbs are tossed at us and says Thank You and then comes running to us bragging that he got 4 extra CAR days for us. What FOUR days CAR for SEVEN days worked???

    THe UFT should have filed for IMMEDIATE BINDING ARBITRATION demanding seven days pay. There is no way an arbitrator could have ruled against us.
    On what basis?
    why is the theft of the SPring break completely forgotten?

  54. TeachNY-the bank will work with you. You can either add missed payments into future ones or extend mortgage a few extra months-you can pay it back when you are in a better situation in the future. I have been through a lock out in 2012 when Con Ed locked employees out and we only had that as a source of income.

    I do not believe that DeBozo can fire us. I mean he can but we would win in court. We are not striking over pay. We are striking over safety conditions. We have a right to be safe and live. I know you have a mortgage but if you get sick and can't work or die who will pay it then?
    I know about the air traffic controllers. I was a kid. My dad worked for the Transit authority and I remember he was on strike(late 70's I think) he was the only one working we made it. My family made it with no paycheck in 2012 just as my parents made it years before.
    Start saving now, yes now. Go find a job off the books(delivery pizza etc. If you have a spouse have them get a job. We all have to do what we have to do.
    I understand being scared. I'm just saying I have been there as a kid and an adult. My family survived both times.
    MULGREW IS FINALLY STANDING UP FOR US. I WILL SUPPORT HIM 100%. Don't cross a picket line. Make a plan now-save what you can, talk to the bank, find part time work-no it won't pay all the bills but it will help.

    1. No spouse and I am willing to work with the bank. So it is just me. But I will vote NO to strike. I’m still
      Curious as to why some teachers won’t take a leave though if they’re scared of getting sick.

  55. If they tell us to strike YOU STRIKE.
    We got those 4 days because of the holidays they made us work (I know about the 7 days they also owe us). That’s 2 days of striking.
    I doubt the city would want us to strike because teachers would be striking because the schools are unsafe and we don’t want our students and teachers to get sick and die and we don’t want to bring Covid home. I think most parents would support us.

  56. So we are to be tested within 10 days of opening on Sept.10. After that what?, never again , no more worries. GIMME A BREAK.

  57. Hi Waiting... I believe you're responding to me, so I'm going to respond back:

    1. No
    2. Yes
    3. No and yes - challenging, but in a meaningless way
    4. Yes
    6. When I started at my school, there were so many veteran teachers. My school principal/admin were veteran teachers. Many have retired, and a few are left there now.

    5. I think the quality of education was better up until the late 70's early 80's. Vocational subjects were part of the curriculum, and I think it was a huge mistake to put such a large emphasis on math and ELA.

    The UFT should have stood up for us when the profession was being devalued with teacher evaluations (large part of grade inflation), and ATRs.

    I hated the way Bush, Bloomberg, and Obama belittled teachers and the entire profession. What's sad is that I think Bloomberg was a decent mayor, and Obama was a decent president. Trump is a shitty president, but he hasn't created large campaigns to degrade teachers.

  58. Remember, it cuts both ways. Union says go you go but if the union votes no you don't complain.

    Today Di Blasio called us essential workers basically calling our strike threat.

    All of the other essential workers went into unsafe working conditions before PPE planning, better treatments, lower infection rates, social distancing measures, etc. Now we are being asked to go in and do our part and Mulgrew already used his ace in the hole.

    Where do we go from here? Not going in makes us look like entitled cowards. Anything less than a strike makes us look weak and since I, like many others, will vote against a strike it is now officially a disaster.

    This is why you don't threaten something you can't deliver.

  59. Most of our members know little of labor history or even any part of of the true history, not the UFT version, of our union. Moreover, while other unions (here in NYC) educate their members about the history of labor in the USA, and about the specific history of the union(s) they are members of, ours, a teachers union, doesn't. Why not? Why aren't new members of our union, as they are in other trade unions in NYC, sent to school to learn labor history and the history of the teachers unions? Members should not need to rely on a teachers' lounge or cafeteria or senior teachers for facts and history. Senior teachers could play an important part in providing history and anecdotal, like the wonderful history written by one of most distinguished members and published on a blog recently on the 70s in NYC teaching. Now, not all of labor history is inspirational or even flattering. Our union has a checkered past as do most but an honest and positive history can be written and taught. The union would have a curriculum that would address one of greatest weaknesses, our near total disregard for seniority and the attitude most newer teachers have toward senior instructors. Were this in place we would still need to battle disinformation and rumor and confusion and the inevitable squabble between brothers and sisters in different positions in very different schools with very different challenges, but members would know what a strike is and how a financial and fundraising committee works and how they will not be abandoned when and if the going gets very tough.

    We are still in the press negotiating stage. There is no imminent strike, but the panic that one member has voiced here needs to be silenced not by telling the member to suck it up or get off a blog but by reassuring the member that, while our actions will have risks and included in those risks are loss of income, loss of work, loss of position, these are risks worth taking. These are risks we must take together.

    What makes risking the loss of work during a depression and pandemic worth it?

    Right now the argument is safety and health, and this is easy to argue and rally behind, but this, I contend is not going to convince a tipping point percentage to a job action.

    The Union needs to educate its members, needs to educate them so they can educate non-members of what we are doing and why. We need the support of families and students. To earn that support we need to know what the hell we are talking about.

    What is a strike and why would we do it?

    The health, the lives of our students, their families and communities, and our health, the quality of education only we can deliver, these are what we are fighting for today, but we need to articulate our greater grievances as well. We have an opportunity here. We need to work hard, teach, learn organize and fight.

    Though we are inherently a weak union the crisis has given us a huge advantage and we take it and use it.

  60. You are weakening the case by talking against any job action on this public forum. The city can see exactly what you are saying as can the DOE. Don't you think they read this stuff? Do you really believe you are helping us? I am very serious. I understand the fears as we handled this when we kind of sort of a threatened a strike in 2002 and it was not easy to get people on board as they only talked about their own personal situation and not wanting to take a risk. That said, if teachers are not together now, you are dooming all of us including those with family still in the system who are retired. de Blasio is betting on UFTers not to stay united. He is calling Mulgrew's bluff.

  61. As a single mom, u are my go to for the truth of Union matters that impact Teachers, Nurses etc. Thank u for keeping us informed of the DOE and Union bs. Keep it up, don’t let the haters (usually State, city, DOE and Unity Trolls) keep u from speaking Truth.

    1. Yes. Thank you James. This blog is a great space to learn,vent, grow and laugh at times. Now it's time to get down to bizness. The school opening hour is fast approaching. We already know the buildings are unsafe because they have accommodations for those folks who have medical challenges. Either you're going in or you're not. Good luck.

  62. Why do you assume that striking is the only way we can be together? You are also assuming that job action is the strongest play we have.

    Forgetting the fears some people have for a strike, I think the case has been proven that any strike would be a huge strategical error because we cannot in fact back it up with an actual strike. Don't you think the city already knows Mulgrew is full of it.

    If more people do not want to strike wouldn't these calls for militancy be the actual cause of our division?

  63. Years and years of crappy working conditions, but NOW he wants to strike. I’m not even panicking. I’m just pissed. If we strike we will come back to worse working conditions than we are already in. I along with other colleagues will be voting no. I just keep repeating myself, so I’ll stop posting the same thing. Hopefully members realize this is not the way to go.

    1. @TeachNY: I agree about the crappy working conditions but the rank and file are the oil for the engine. Mulgrew is acting now because "word on the street" is that the rank and file are riled up. They are fired up and won't take no more. The rank and file should have been fired up as soon as the "crappiness" began. I guess better late than never. Too much bickering about Mulgrew's true intentions. Either you're going in or you're not.

  64. You assholes need to watch Norma Rae or go work in corporate America so you understand what it is like to be in a union. If WVA teachers thought like you, the red state revolt would have failed. I have never met so many spoiled babies in my life. I'm hoping it is just a few anti union idiots who are making all of the comments.

  65. Work in corporate America so you understand that they don't have unions. You have one that is finally acting like one and you are trying to sabotage it. You need help.

  66. Joel Klein once said his goal was to pit teachers against each other(young vs old, new teachers vs veterans)

    Sadly, I think Klein accomplished this goal.

    We need solidarity now more than ever. This isn’t about money or benefits. This is about safety.

    The way I felt when I found out that 2 women I worked with passed from this virus I never want to feel that way again. I still feel that pain when I think of how they are not with us anymore.

    To all of those who don’t want solidarity bc you don’t agree with the cause or finances, then be unified for those who have passed who were members of the school community. They passed away bc our mayor and chancellor were hesitant and didn’t show leadership in my mind.

    This can never happen again, so yes, if a strike is on the table for safety and to save a life(even 1 life), then sign me up!

    There is nothing wrong w the online platforms. Kids know how to use technology. What we don’t know how to figure out is how to bring people back to life who died for nothing.

    I hope these words reach just one person.

    Hope everyone is well!

    1. Wow. Im sure it's moved more than 1. Stay safe. God bless you and your loved ones Mike.

  67. James, please put your 4:11 post on the DOE teachers FB group, because there are many on there who just don't get it. If we don't stick together (and the DOE knows damn well how disenfranchised teachers are), then our stance is so weakened, we are in very serious trouble.

    If we don't have the guts to strike for our health and safety, we're finished as a union.

  68. Polled many teachers. All will vote no to strike. People’s finances and health benefits are at stake.

  69. Teach NY You are the problem.

  70. Teach NY works for the mayor. He is a complete scab.

  71. I will rejoin the UFT immediately if Mulgrew does the unthinkable and goes for a strike. I’ve been waiting a long time for this. I don’t believe it will happen, but hope springs eternal. It will be the first time the UFT will have acted as a union since 2005 and even if you disagree it is a moral imperative. When the UFT finally does right after so many years of doing wrong, we have to show support, especially when we are all so intricately entangled. Even retirees - our pensions, the retro money and our legacy is involved. Everyone has a stake and is a stakeholder.

  72. The enemy within. TeachNY.

    1. @ calling and meanness isn't going to change TeachNY's mind. Teach has a right to their opinion even if you disagree. It's supposed to be the American way,right?

  73. Show who you are Teach NY. When we get fucked over again, people like you are the cause for trying to divide us.

  74. A small minority calls for a strike and vilifies the person who speaks for the majority.

    Can't wait for you to defend TeachNY when no strike happens. Remember, we stand as a union.

  75. TeachNY has been heard here. Some of us disagree. Your polling of your selfish, spoiled friends shows you have a majority? Maybe not. Mulgrew wouldn't have spoken if he didn't think he had backing.

  76. I don't want to be overly dramatic but if you don't stand with the UFT here, you are probably condemning UFT members and some of their family members to die as COVID-19 will more than likely reemerge in schools.Our lives are more important than your mortgage payment.

  77. The newbies I know will never vote for a strike and they’re all newbies. Mulgrew knows this he has trained them in apathy, he and they will not strike. It’s all for show.

  78. Then go in and get COVID-19 at work. If you won't stand up for your own life or the lives of the older people you know, then you are a poor excuse for a human being.

  79. They heard the same shit in Chicago in 2012. When it was time, teachers came around and struck. LA too last year.

    That will happen here too.

  80. Will admin strike? Are they striking with us too if they don’t want to open ?

  81. It's not such a big deal if they let go of 9,000 teachers. They have plenty teachers in the ATR and new teachers usually live with their parents anyway as they probably paid for their education. Also if you're young you can get a job somewhere else. You just may have to move out of state. You shouldn't buy a house or have a baby too young anyway.

  82. Re "you assholes need to watch Norma Rae..." Amen! Best comment nominee.

  83. If you think your school is lacking common sense safety protocols and you go in out of fear of missing a mortgage payment, you're a coward. If you're ok with fear based decision making,you have the freedom to do so. Some of us see the importance of standing up for ourselves. We know that sometimes having courage means some discomfort comes along with it. It gets a lot less discomforting with company. United we stand, divided we fall.

  84. Since the cause of this chaos is unsafe working conditions, all should log on to work remotely and inform their administrators they are present for work (remotely). No one is refusing to work. We are refusing to be in unsafe work environments. Force the mayor's hand.

    I do not want to die.
    I do not want to become ill, recuperate and have to deal with serious health conditions.
    I do not want to contribute to transportation systems becoming more overcrowded.
    I do not want to see young people die.
    I do not want to see more people die.

    Carranza acts as if everything is under control based on his town hall meeting unless funding is NOT provided.

    Does anyone know when funding is supposed to be given to DOE?

  85. Why do people think a majority would vote no on a strike? I have been communicating with most of the teachers in my school and every single one says they would vote yes. I have also worked in 3 other schools over the last 20 years so I have connections in those other places . Not a single person I have asked says they would vote no or cross a picket line!

  86. My school too will all vote yes. de Blasio is about to have a ton of shit fall on his head.

  87. I am a retired teacher who began a 30 year career in 1966 I began teaching for one month when Al Shanker (may he rest in peace) called for a strike and I was walking the picket line then and for all the strikes there after. WE FOUGHT FOR ALL THE THINGS YOU NEWBEES TREW AWAY, seniority for excessing replaced by bogus ATR system, loss of right to step grievances, missing teachers' lounges, to name just a few and yes I was layed off in 1974 which WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN because of the seniority "bumping" that took place city wide. With all the strikes we didn't lose pay it was negotiated back at the settlement and I NEVER SAW A TEACHER FIRED FOR STRIKING BE strong! Now's your time in history

  88. Norma Rae also had an extra marital affair. She wasn't the best person to look up to.

  89. Waiting for support ,

    Thanks for the nice words. I hope everyone in your world is well also.


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