Thursday, August 20, 2020


 NBC 4 did a story on school reopening. They first cover Yonkers going all remote and then they move to NYC and the controversy here over reopening buildings. Lydia Howrilka, UFT Solidarity's candidate for UFT President who finished second in the most recent UFT election, is quoted by NBC:

A caucus within UFT is also petitioning for the removal of Carranza as chancellor of New York City public schools amid the heated debate.

"The one million school children, their families, and the hundreds of thousands of faculty and staff of NYC Public Schools deserve competent and trustworthy leadership," Lydia Howrilka of UFT Solidarity wrote in the petition.

Howrilka went on to accuse the mayor and chancellor of "consistently" failing to provide that leadership, charging them instead with sowing confusion and chaos over an alleged politically m motivated effort to reopen schools Sept. 10.

Lydia also gave her views to the Chief Leader. She shared some of what she said with to them with us and gave us permission to print it:

We support Mulgrew's ideas but we wish that Mulgrew has said outright that schools need to be fully remote at least for September and October.

It looks like there is no possible way the city can meet Mulgrew's demands before September 10 so now it is up to Mayor Bill de Blasio to decide on the next move. Our guess is that a delay in the start of the school year is forthcoming and then at some point later in September the city and UFT will be declaring certain schools free and clear so they will open. 

The doctors with Mulgrew stated that we can only minimize the COVID-19 threat in opening school buildings. Opening buildings may just increase the spread even with the UFT conditions. In all probability, there will be new infections caused by schools being opened. 

UFT SOLIDARITY will always support the union but we also feel that Mulgrew should have cleared the job action with his members first rather than announce it to the press.

We understand that a strike should always be a last resort but this is bigger than a contract. This is a matter of safety for students, their families, and all school based employees.

UFT Solidarity has retained a lawyer and has fundraised for a suit. We started this process several weeks ago. We welcome the UFT leadership's support but are comfortable with carrying the suit on without Unity's endorsement.


  1. 100% correct. Mulgrew tried to act tough and miscalculated his union's stomach for a strike. This is going to be bad.

  2. Young, healthy people having lifelong covid issues. See you on September 8...

  3. Does this concern anybody...

    Mulgrew gave us the worst contract in history in 2014. He agreed to delay raises and retro almost forever with no interest. In every contract he has agreed to below inflation raises. He gave the city PPL, we paid for it. there have been countless givebacks, the schools are in shambles, he has done nothing.

    Now he is a tough guy?
    As far as retro, he says..."We shouldn't give them a dime."

    Strike: We don't care about Taylor Law, I will go to jail, we will pay the fines, we won't go into buildings.

    Something isn't right. Either he knows something or he knows we won't actually strike...

  4. I cry for our children every day. The soul of education is being threatened from every angle. However you look at it, the children lose.

    1. @4:57: Cliche but true: They are our legacy for the future.

  5. Every NY district is going remote except NYC.


    They just posted that they need 1,000 cleaners at $20 per hour.

  7. It seems based on the previous thread that a strike ain't happening. So, we will just have to call in sick. Let students show up and be there with the principal and APs.

  8. The did a good job starting a teacher feud. People are furious at the others who got accommodations.

    1. @anonoymous 5:28. What people are furious? I got an accommodation. Are you furious?

  9. Again...If there is remote for certain people there either needs to be remote for all or the option. If it is unsafe for some, it is unsafe...Period.

  10. Give to Bill and ye shall receive.

    A big-bucks donor to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s political campaigns not only scored $120 million in no-bid coronavirus contracts — he also won seats on two influential city boards.

    Manhattan resident Charles Tebele, who owns the New Jersey-based computer business Digital Gadgets, has showered Hizzoner with at least $22,750 in political contributions since 2016 including $12,800 to de Blasio’s failed 2020 presidential bid, records show.

  11. Although he spoke w/o a vote, we now need to support him or risk further weakening the union. So I’ll support the strike. My students and fellow teachers deserve to work from home until a safe, and accurate vaccine is develop, Fast & accurate testing and tracing, PPE and cleaning supplies in classrooms and bathrooms.

  12. Is anyone angry that Long Island schools are going back? Those kids can bring home the virus!

  13. NYSUT is working on that too I do believe. The biggest union local in the country, the UFT, threatening a strike, is a huge deal nationally and maybe internationally. Get with your union my friend. We all have to.

  14. @9:21 AM - I am deeply concerned that LI schools will be opening. They are far more organized than NYC DOE. They did close earlier than NYC public schools back in March. They did not risk the lives of their staff and students like the NYC DOE.

    1. Parents will still send their kids to LI and not home school them.

  15. Carranza needs to be in unity with educators. Now is his chance to make history and back educators. No in person school. Full remote! Back us up Mr. Carranza. He's an educator, not a politician like De Blasio. Do the right thing Mr. Carranza. Put educators, their families, students and their families and the NYC community FIRST.

    1. i would be surprised if he sided with educators especially since so many bashed him. Besides, he is the employer. I think he will back his employer.

  16. Is there word on what CSA is planning?

    A few principals had announced several weeks ago their school community is going full remote.

    Come on CSA. Full remote!

  17. Lydia wanted Mulgrew to check with the members? What if they say NO? all of you guys have been slamming Mulgrew for not being militant and take credit for pressuring him. Mulgrew will only strike if he knows the members are willing. It's actually pretty easy to cross a picket line with Zoom - a strike is sort of a joke unless teachers go to school and picket.

  18. Come on Carranza. Stand with the educators on this. Do the right thing!

  19. @12:25 PM - What did you get an accommodation for, if you don't mind sharing? Congratulations. I am concerned about my health and safety and for my family. Again, congratulations and the best of luck to you.

  20. I want to support our union, don't want to was a founding member of uft and went on strike while my mom was pregnant.On the other hand, I was an ATR due to a hateful admin.coworkers wrote on my behalf but letters were not to be submitted as per doe lawyer who flipflopped on me in the end.Although thankfully, I was hired, I still harbor bitterness from the corruption of doe lawyers and uft puppets, the so called lawyers.i will always pay my dues, as I know what it was from my dad without a union.i will likely stop paying vote cope on principle of despising the uft political positions.i am upset about March how we were thrown under the bus.many d75 kids can't wear masks and that is very scary...but they will allowed in the school.Also, the tests are so unreliable, so what is the point?I want to be on board, but like another blogger wrote, why the tough stance only now?lots of conflicts...


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