Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Your life is more important than the Department of Education. COVID-19 is a deadly virus. The mayor can downplay it all he wants but reality hasn't changed. Close to 200,000 Americans are dead from COVID-19 in around half a year. I am no scientist but it seems working in many NYC DOE buildings would be an almost ideal environment for a virus to spread. 

If you and/or your UFT Chapter do not think a building is safe, don't enter it or walk out. UFTers at schools like the High School for Economics and Finance are showing the way. They have refused to go into a building they believe is not safe. Worry later about being docked pay or losing a sick bank day if you are feeling ill. Staffers from at least 56 NYC schools have tested positive for Covid in just the first week. While Michael Mulgrew continues to put off taking action even though he says problems are systemwide (see below), the pandemic is not letting up. The custodial budgets are not going to be increased; Mulgrew says they were cut. Schools are not getting any cleaner or healthier anytime soon. How many of you honestly believe the situation will improve when the kids come in next week?


UFTers cannot continue being the good soldiers and just following orders if they feel it isn't safe.

Some of you are probably thinking that it is easy for me to advocate taking a hard line as a retiree. It's true I am out but when my friend Nunzio and I took on Deputy Chancellor John White in 2010 in the middle of Jamaica HS's school closing hearing (I was told I looked like Hall of Fame baseball manager Earl Weaver in one his famous tirades), we were not afraid of the DOE. A school being closed was an important injustice but it is nothing compared to your lives being put at risk. You shouldn't be in fear of the DOE just as we were not. When we were threatened, Nunzio told Deputy Chancellor White we should settle it in the parking lot. DOE administrators are people with File Numbers just like you. Many support our position. You have a right to a safe work environment. You just need to document how it is not safe. 

For the latest from Michael Mulgrew, this is from 1010 WINS:

NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- The president of the United Federation of Teachers on Tuesday told 1010 WINS that having a citywide postponement of school openings is not off the table.

"We haven't made that determination yet, but right now what we're seeing is systemwide problems," Michael Mulgrew said.

According to Mulgrew, the city wants to deal with a "rhetoric campaign versus a reality campaign."

Mulgrew says one of the issues they are facing is the amount of time it takes for results of COVID-19 tests.

The results take days to confirm he said.

He also noted that due to budget slashings, they are also dealing with a lack of ability to disinfect and clean every night due to custodial personnel being cut.

"You'll see teachers sitting outside of their schools because they know there's violations of safety protocols already in their building," Mulgrew added.

The UFT is following testing and tracing protocols where schools report where they are at with safety protocols, including cleaning and disinfecting, he said.

"It's really quite frustrating and angering at times," Mulgrew said.

A report will be put together this evening in order to make a determination of whether a systemwide postponement is needed.

If they feel that city does not follow the citywide safety plan submitted to the state, they will be "a fight," Mulgrew said, adding that a strike may be possible and they will be forced to "try legal remedies.


  1. Just go full remote. Seems simple.

  2. Open schools full next September. BREAKING: CDC says U.S. should have enough coronavirus vaccine to return to ‘regular life’ by third quarter of 2021

  3. Mildew is kissing Diblahblah’s arse and sending in the sheep he fleeces twice a month to the slaughterhouse. Same lies and inaction as always. It appears that the lumpen proletariat are rising from their slumber. Unity has made a fatal blunder and is on its way out. Both MORE and Solidarity are showing them up for the craven self centered louts that they truly are.

    1. I have been saying that from day one. We are the human guinea pigs for Muttgrew and DickBlasio. I thought the fight was for safety of Staff? I guess the money in his pocket is worth the loss of more lives.

  4. First of all, who wants to get a vaccine that is new ? Who the hell knows what the consequences will be down the road! That should not be a requirement. Choice only.

    No to striking. Not smart. Close schools on a case by case basis. Maybe offer kids two options. Full remote or in-person only.

    1. @ Teach Ny
      Do you wear a mask while inside your school? In all meeting rooms? Common areas i.e. main office, bathroom, etc?
      How about your colleagues? Do they maintain social distancing if they are with you in your classroom? Just curious.

    2. TeachNY
      You really have zero concept or respect for the words unity or solidarity or anything united and together for that matter. Your self centered mind set continues to baffle, amaze and aggravate. Even if every school was clean, safe and spotless but just ONE school in the entire system was not safe and it only affected the safety of teachers that work there, then, if need be, the ENTIRE membership should stand up and strike with them! That’s how it would’ve been handled in the past. That’s how it should be handled now!

    3. If we follow that mindset no one will have a job or pension. And no one should be forced to get injected with a dangerous vaccine.

    4. Did people have job and pensions in past strikes? Yes! And no one is saying mandatory vaccine. And have you and your kids ever gotten mandatory vaccines? Nuff said.

    5. Teachers do not have to get vaccines to work in schools. And, until very recently one could get an exemption for one's children. Still, someone can choose to home school if one wants to keep his kids away from Big Pharma.

  5. Di Blasio is Mulgrew's daddy.

  6. Simple solution. Go to court. They can win this with Lionel Hutz representing them.

  7. DOE solved the staffing shortage by telling the kids that go for blended learning they will get no live instruction on the days they are home.

    1. Excellent. Those kids will still see someone in person, which is great. We need to have schools open for in-person instruction!

    2. Can we please ban TeachNY? Every post makes want to throw my phone across the room.

    3. @4:07 pm
      It's just Teach NYs OPINION. Personally I hope they aren't banned. Thanks for the laugh. I'm visualizing your phone proposal. Stay safe. I hope things work out for everyone.

    4. Thank you waiting. Stay safe as well.

  8. Go to court, use the Bryan Glass verdict, everyone remote. Or at least most.

  9. They knew all along they wouldn't be able to solve the staffing issue. They waited until the last minute so people would have less time to complain. They will see it's working according to their low standards and not bother to hire anyone.

  10. Dont worry, mulgrew is still thinking.

  11. UFT members stage a lunchtime demonstration at School for Future Leaders in D20. Ventilation system is not working - Failed the 🧻test.
    @nycmayor @doechancellor #OnlyWhenItsSafe

  12. School has begun, I just got a program change.

  13. Oh my goodness, TJL is a MAGA and an anti vaxxer. If you had your way, we would still be fighting polio epidemics in schools. Vaccines are safe and effective ways to stop the spread of infectious diseases. I am glad they are mandated before kids can come to school.

    1. I’m 100% for vaccines. Just not something that truly hasn’t been studied yet. Seems dangerous to force people to take something without waiting to see if there are any dangerous long-term consequences. Maybe two years down the road I would trust it....

    2. @5:03 It's not left/right either/or. Trump is pushing the vaccine fantasy for big pharma and his reelection. Not all vaccines are bad, but they need to be proven safe, and the risk needs to outweigh the reward.

  14. If funerals can be in-person.. then so should schools.

  15. We'll have plenty more funerals if schools open.

  16. What is Solidarity's stand on the ATR pool?

  17. TJL’s comments are nothing more than the talking points of Trump’s MAGA. In addition, his comments have included plenty anti-Union and now anti-vaccine remarks along with scare tactics of losing pensions.

  18. Document with photos, in writing, etc. Have proof on unsafe conditions.

    1. @7:15pm...
      Exactly. It's self preservation time. Photos. Voice recordings. Emails. If your school doesn't follow protocols call the news on your lunch break. Have the number of Ben Chapman (ny daily news) and/or susan Edelman. Tell them what's happening. You have proof. The name of your school. Self preservation. Teachers are the new inner city students--victimized by a system that couldn't care less about you. Who knew?

  19. I probably have video of you going after that POS John White.

  20. I agree with TJL on the dangers of a compromised CDC and FDA by Trump politics where his ignorant people must approve every medical bulletin that goes out. We know he wants a vaccine approved before Nov. 3 and will water torture them to make it so.

  21. @waiting was sniffing out a possible republican with the logical teachny comments. Meanwhile my 95% liberal school many not wearing masks all time, me being the 1-2 conservatives always respectful and wear mask.

    All they had to do in the summer was make mp1 full remote and figure out schools safety issues scheduling issues etc and then go hybrid.

  22. @Anon2323
    ...Republican, liberal, conservatives. You're relentless with your labels. Continue wearing that mask. Don't forget to wash those hands too.


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