Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Husband and Wife Speak Out!

Judge for yourself the kind of trade unionists we are.


Anonymous said...

On Jamaica again. What about the other schools?

ed notes online said...

Time to get off your horse. James has shown up at meeting after meeting to support other closing schools. I have video to prove it. Check the brother blogs of this blog- Ed Notes and GEM for details of closing schools. There is no reason to duplicate the work.

ed notes online said...

And in case you don't know the url:
http://grassrootseducationmovement.blogspot.com/ for some great shots of the closing rallies.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of what you say, James isn't posting about those other schools here. James isn't featuring those videos here.

I'll get off my horse when you crawl under a rock.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Eterno using the race card? Hmmmmm, well, when all else fails......

Anonymous said...

Give it up Mr. Unity.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't the UFT doing more to highlight the statistics on the schools that are closing? The reality is they are predominantly in the Black and Latino community. Is that not a fact?

Do your job as the mighty UFT and start attacking Bloomberg more forcefully to highlight what is being done to minority children.

Why is the UFT afraid to talk about race when the vast majority of kids in the public school system are children of color?