Tuesday, September 08, 2020


This information is taken right from the DOE website. How can school buildings open when a majority of the bathrooms are not operational? Can anyone clarify this one for us?

Citywide Results Overview 

As of 9/7/2020

LocationTotal InspectionsOperationalRooms with Repairs Needed
Classrooms64,55061,668 96%2,882
Bathrooms23,35310,105 43%13,248
Office28,02922,407 80%5,622
All Spaces115,39294,180 81%


  1. Time to bring in the port a potties.

  2. Can anyone offer insight with what the hell happened to the contract? We are still expected to put in 6 hours and 50 minutes every day. Every minute is going to be accounted for (remote or in-person) and somehow we've lost time from our 50 minute duty-free lunch and our prep periods were cut short. Now, I am going to be doing rolling agendas during "collaborative planning" instead of having teacher-assigned time.

    The DOE published these "sample schedules" and took a lot of liberties with our day. I have been trying to find out if these changes were agreed upon by the UFT or not??

  3. I think they're telling the students they don't give a shit.

  4. UFT, you are the EXACT REASON teachers are in the dangerous conditions you (unconvincingly) pretend to care about. Every single other TU in the country got all-remote done for their members. 100%. But you didn't even TRY. You sold out your members and WILL be held accountable.

  5. Um.. these bathrooms didn't suddenly become broken. Finally, there is exposure on the things that are wrong in our buildings for years (and decades). We file the workorders, nothing happens. We contact UFT, nothing gets fixed. Now it makes the news.

    Our school only opens one set of bathrooms out of four for the students - b/c the custodians cannot clean more than one set... but now they're supposed to deep clean everything?

    Time to shed light on all of it.

  6. It's clear to me and everyone else:
    The DOE literally doesn't give a SH/% about educators or students and couldn't care less where they take a %$IT.
    Meh. Nothing new.

  7. This has got to be the worst I’ve ever felt on the first day I’ve had to report to work in my 5 years with the DoE.

  8. Wow! So much for Safety transparency.

    Teacher's lives at risk as well as students come September 21st.

  9. James please help. Do the custodians need to wear a special suit to use the electrostatic
    sprayer? We were told that we have the machine but it is not being used yet because custodian can't use it. Does the sprayer need to be used everyday or just when students are present?

    Thank you for any help you can give.

    Also, principal said we need to come in with masks. We are not being given a supply. Principal has supplies and said to see her if you need one. Not given a face shield told to ask if you need one. Anotherwords, supplies are under lock and key and we are not being given a supply to use as needed. Yes, we can go ask but to have to ask daily and you can't get in without one.

    Also, told we are getting 120 container of wipes. We don't need to use them as custodians have cleaned already and we to not over use them. This was told to us today during faculty meeting. Building rep knows and turns a blind eye to all. Says covid team meeting tomorrow. Says we won't open on 21st for students if we don't have supplies what about teachers?
    I can provide school number if someone can help.

    1. I thought the DOE/UFT released a how-to/what to do/thingamajig for educators to follow. If the sh$# ain't right and you KNOW admin isn't looking out for you, you need to take pics, videos and voice recordings and send it tout de suite to the media UFT and your lawyer. These are the same folks who looked out for your well being in March. Save yourself. Bounce your butt out of that virus pit. Call in sick tomorrow.

  10. Call UFT borough safety person 8:10. Best hope for answers.

  11. No Shit Sherlock!!! What did you all expect?

    I think you should write a letter to your principal and copy your superintendent if that's how you feel
    Oh I forgot your too cowardly to do anything with your name on it
    You are a troll on this blog. a Unity apologist a de blasio defender
    You do realize you are the one troll
    On this blog

  13. Actually there are two or three trolls here. There is the guy who dropped out of the UFT at least 500 times. Teach NY has a friend or two, no more.

  14. To 9:54, No fuck Holmes. I expected a little bit more like running water and decent ventilation. It's 2020, not 1820.

  15. Now, I finally understand what Wavy Gravy said when he stated, "Taking a sh@! is a political act."


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