Tuesday, September 08, 2020


 We have our first report of a day 1 picket from a high school in the Bronx.

Remember how President Mulgrew said no meetings in auditoriums?

UFT Solidarity is collecting information on the schools. You can fill it out anonymously but you do need to provide the name of the school. 


  1. I bet not one person has called the uft

    1. We are educators not maids. Carranza should have been fired 6 months ago All he cares about is his photo ops and Mayor DEBLAH is a total failure who only cares about bleeding NYC residents dry. Michael hates them both but might have been worried about teachers' pocketbooks because of Taylor Law. I give the situation no more than 10 days. Where is leadership except for Cuomo?


  2. Julia Marsh
    admits the number of teachers needed in classrooms is a moving target because parents keep switching to remote learning.

  3. Grace Dodge, the most accursed building in the entire city! If something can go wrong, it will go wrong in that place! That place is a filthy pit on a good day. There is no ventilation. The windows there have all their clips removed so they can’t be opened. The restrooms are like something you’d find in a field in South East Asia. The custodian is richer than ten chancellors combined, because he pockets whatever he doesn’t spend and he spends nothing on cleaning. Shut it down!

  4. Wow! Not surprised. On day 1!

  5. Not the only school meeting in auditorium .

  6. I would love to thank Michael Mulgrew for making it "safe" for me to clean out 30 students' desks. It's awesome! Especially the ones with mouse droppings! Thanks Mike! I'm so happy it's "safe"

  7. I didn't get my temperature checked when I came in today and didn't have to fill out anything.

  8. 12:11. Dont do it. Not your job.

  9. 12:14, 12:11 and everyone else, Please tell us the name of the school. We need to have the information to expose it. Otherwise, nobody is going to believe it.

  10. Why yes, there were mice droppings in my desk this morning. Have a great day everyone! Wingate campus HS

  11. Deep cleaning my ass. But you fools keep taking it.

    1. @12"25 pm

      Sounds like you know EXACTLY what to do and what NOT to do. Right on!!! Stay smart and stay safe. Fools are fools.

  12. MORE
    member: "All the bathrooms in my building are listed as "not operational"" and they're in the building today. #notuntilitssafe #returntoschool2020 #wewontdieforDOE

  13. Still waiting to hear of ONE instance of
    intervening to help a teacher or CL with a PPE, ventilation, or other safety-related problem today.

  14. Sheep!

    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

    Whilst men are linked together, they easily and speedily communicate the alarm of any evil design. They are enabled to fathom it with common counsel, and to oppose it with united strength. Whereas, when they lie dispersed, without concert, order, or discipline, communication is uncertain, counsel difficult, and resistance impracticable. Where men are not acquainted with each other’s principles, nor experienced in each other’s talents, nor at all practised in their mutual habitudes and dispositions by joint efforts in business; no personal confidence, no friendship, no common interest, subsisting among them; it is evidently impossible that they can act a public part with uniformity, perseverance, or efficacy. In a connection, the most inconsiderable man, by adding to the weight of the whole, has his value, and his use; out of it, the greatest talents are wholly unserviceable to the public. No man, who is not inflamed by vain-glory into enthusiasm, can flatter himself that his single, unsupported, desultory, unsystematic endeavours, are of power to defeat the subtle designs and united cabals of ambitious citizens. When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.

    --Edmund Burke

  15. I’m not surprised it was Grace Dodge. That place was a death trap last March. The DOE and UFT hid the infections. As an ATR I was there several times. You may think this is silly, but it’s true; the building has a very bad feel to it.

  16. This is only the beginning -- Ed Notes -- https://ednotesonline.blogspot.com/2020/09/opening-day-chaos-uft-leaders-under.html

  17. Starting to wonder if Mulgrew doesn’t care about burning his member reputation to the ground with reopening because he’s got bigger plans and won’t face re-election... Also wondering if aspiring
    @UFTUnity apparatchiks are starting to sweat THIS sellout just a bit

  18. I think when some people hear the city is inspecting or upgrading “ventilation systems” they’re thinking of filters or new HVACs. But DOE says in most cases, working windows are enough:

  19. This is an enlightening article. Take note of the pictures from inside Grace Dodge.

  20. All schools will be remote only before 9/21/20. Unfortunately some staff will probably get infected before that date. That's when ALL staff better walk out. Godspeed

  21. So we all came to work today to have a meeting where we did not actually meet, but we’re given a spot to sit in and participate remotely. But we had to do that from unprepared schools where what we were promised was not delivered. We simply could have stayed home and done this. It’s asinine.

  22. I have been asking all day for people to please identify schools. I got a couple of emails and thanks to the person from the Wingate Campus. Please identify schools so we can expose it.

  23. We are supposed to be guaranteed a clean, safe environment. Yet, I come into my classroom to find a dead mouse which wouldn't be okay on a typical day. I have dust everywhere. There are still splatters on the floor from when we were in the classroom teaching. I don't understand. It is frustrating. I want to be in the classroom but come on.

  24. For the final time hopefully: Please tell us the name of the school.

    1. And pictures... Take pictures or are you lying?

  25. It’s pretty inequitable that the remote teachers don’t have to show their face during PD meetings. Anyone agree?

  26. No problem with remote teachers not having to show their faces. They were smart enough to get out of this stupid in person shit. Don't blame them for people not being savvy enough to get a doctor's note.

  27. There once was a man called James
    who doesn't like DOE games.
    If you also complain,
    don't be a pain,
    and give him all the school names!


  28. Ian Weissman
    Got sent home early and going remote for PD tomorrow because we found out WHEN WE WERE ALREADY IN THE BUILDING that the ventilation was not safe. How is this acceptable

  29. @340 pm
    So which media outlet did you notify? Which school are you talking about? Deets please

  30. I'm seeing on Arthur Goldstein's twitter that DOE principals can allow teachers without accommodations to work from home?


    Anyone know the validity of this, and when we can "apply" for that option?

  31. I had no hand sanitizer, wipes, soap, masks, gloves etc. made readily available to me. I also didn’t have my temperature taken when I left and came back into the building. I’ve reached out to my union rep for clarification on the materials we were promised, but I’m seeing people received them today. Not a great start.

    Anxiety has now shifted to the commute...did anyone else feel like their train ride home basically negated all of the precautions we took at home and in the classroom today? Absolutely no social distancing and several folks not wearing masks properly and some with no masks at all. The clearest peek into my future was a student in school uniform enter the train, then remove her mask to enjoy her donut and iced tea. That the DOE is not assisting in this aspect of schooling is enraging. I don’t see how we can make it through September without reinfecting the city. I hope I’m wrong.

  32. Has our union conceded that one operational window in a room means ventilation is operational and/or adequate?

    Gonna need to know.

  33. Why are we getting reports that the @uft is actively suppressing teacher reports, sending its reps out to quiet down and intimidate chapters that held pickets and making phone calls telling chapter leaders there will be repercussions? @SusanBEdelman @cveiga

  34. We all know how that one newspaper printed that Trump called our soldiers losers and suckers. And some think he did because they heard what he said about McCain and others think he didn't because he has always publicly supported the military. Well, when it's 2 years old and no one puts their name on it and it comes out right before an election it seems like it might be bullshit...right?

    James and others have repeatedly asked for names of schools with sub standards and people aren't doing it. If an anti-teaching group was reading this and knowing that there are some teachers who do not want to go back and were pushing for striking, someone might say that these complaints, however valid they may be, lose credibility when there are no pictures and may in fact be bullshit.

    If you know something and see something you have to say something or else you are doing nothing. Then, innocent people will get sick and suffer. Thanks to James and the others for trying.

  35. At my school I caught our janitors numerous times walking around the halls without a mask on

    I saw fellow teachers not wearing a mask more times then I saw them actually wearing a mask

    There was no social distancing between employees

    They were groups of teachers sitting in classrooms next to each other and not wearing masks

    My principal had staff members in his office and was talking to them without a mask on

    I feel even more scared now than I was before returning 😔

    I’m hoping that when kids return to the classrooms that my fellow staff members will take it more seriously.

  36. It's clear from
    ' shenanigans today we won't have a safe plan in 2 weeks and we rank-and-file
    members must FULLY STOP this unsafe school reopening. Organize your schools w/ http://tinyurl.com/StopUnsafeReopening & come to our 2 gen. meetings THIS Sat. 9/12 12pm & Sun. 9/13 2pm!

  37. Can you measure air changes per hour with just an open window, when weather conditions could change the amount of air flowing through a window into a classroom, during a global pandemic where the disease is... airborne?

  38. So the current testing numbers are still below 1%. Do you see how Mulgrew's testing plan totally screwed all of us? Don't believe me? Here's how.

    The positive rate is based on the number of people tested and what percentage of them tested positive. NY had about 50K tests reports and less than 1% (<500) tested positive. Good, right?

    Well, if you remember a few weeks back Gov. Cuomo criticized the President who said we should test less people and our number of tests total would drop. Makes sense. If you test less, less people get tested, that lowers our statistics.

    But what if that worked the other way? What if, oh I don't know, 80,000 people were tested who had very little chance of having the virus and were only being tested because their job mandated them to be tested. They weren't being tested because they thought they had the virus but because they had to. And what if those people were given priority at testing locations so the results came back quickly. Wouldn't that A) increase the number of tests, B) produce a low number of positives, and C) lower the city's infection rate?

    Then what if you required 1,000,000 students to be tested? Students who had equally low chances of having the virus and many, by doctor's estimations about 70%, may have been asymptomatic and have immunity. Wouldn't those increased testing numbers also A) increase the number of tests, B) produce a low number of positives, and C) lower the city's infection rate?

    And what if you had the same group do the same test the next month? Would you not again be flooding the statistics with negatives that would keep the city's infection rate under 3% because the more you test, specifically those who probably don't have the virus, the lower the infection rate would be?

    The infection rate as a protocol for closing schools is the problem. We are basically chasing our tail because the numbers can't catch up to the trigger that would shut the schools down. Instead we go into unsafe environments, which by the way have been unsafe for other reasons for decades but unless evidence is pointed out and published we will continue to be unsafe.

    Believe it or not we are ahead of the virus. NYers have been more vigilant than other states and we aren't going up as quickly as them. We need to take the reins off and try and open up the schools and restaurants and so on. We have to try. But the fight moving forward can no longer be about just covid. We have to use this opportunity to fight for safer buildings all around so that all schools have the proper ventilation, windows, cleanliness and ability to fight our seasonal viruses better than we have before.

    The UFT has failed us because the ultimate solution is so narrow in scope that it will eventually fail. They are focused on the next few weeks when we should be focused on the next few decades.

  39. What's your email James?

  40. It is up to the principal's discretion. For example, if a principals decides there is not enough space for a particular staff, the principal may ask that person tow work remote.

  41. The chief custodian is preparing a little doggy bag for Switzerland when he retires!

  42. Today at Urban Assembly HS of Emergency Management in the Murray Bergtraum building the co-principals were at the building. Staff were remote today as per the request of the co-principals. While on zoom, both principals were in the same office without masks. The school is located in the basement level.

    All staff and students are supposed to have masks on.

  43. The Principal's had to sit through a Chancellor's meeting at the end of the day today. All of the people on the call -- the Chancellor, the Deputy Superintendents, etc. -- were working from home.

  44. I am a teacher at FHS, Queens, NY. Why are we being told that we may have to teach in person and remotely? We have the understanding that there is supposed to be 1 in classroom teacher and 1 remote teacher. We have "Tentative" schedules that will most likely change "many times.

  45. There aren't enough teachers to cover both remote and in person.

  46. Bull James, there are still plenty teachers floundering in the ATR. They should have been placed at the beginning of the year. There are only a handful of openings on open market. What's the deal?

  47. They need in the thousands to do this right from everything I am hearing from schools.

  48. So why is there still an ATR pool? Why haven't they been placed into permanent positions or would that make too much sense for the doe to figure out?

  49. There shouldn't be an ATR pool. We totally agree.

  50. Principal for D79 school just told us building is safe because he made sure all windows can be opened.

  51. TeachNY is concerned about remote staff not showing their face during PD meetings. How about being concerned about the conditions that our colleagues are facing since you were all for school reopening. It's life and death TeachNY - LIFE AND DEATH.

    1. Exactly. Staff not showing their face is our least worry.
      Stop it!

  52. We must stand together and fight like Hell. This is a deadly virus. No one should be entering a building that's not ready. So far, 21 district 75 schools closed because their not ready. Many district 75 schools are in buildings of state or agency who refuses to work with the DOE staff to make sure the building is ready. Mulgrew, the chancellor, and the Mayor don't care.
    Take a medical accommodation leave everyone. Our families need us.

  53. Are we working more hours? Are the extra 30 minutes that we have to ho in added time?

  54. There is unfairness all around. This is the school year of unfairness. Any chance the DOE policy on assigned 100% remote teachers working from home will be up to the teacher to decide? In addition, is there any selection criteria? Does the position have to be posted or are the principals just being allowed to decide? And can the principal switch your assignment at any time? Don't play ball and suddenly they reassign you? I'm really interested in answers to these questions.

  55. We heard there was an agreement. There isn't one so who knows Unity Must Go.

  56. If you clean your own classroom, mice droppings included, you're be scrubbing toilets next. Once after vacation I entered my room to find someone (not my students or me....wasn't there when I left work) had left a box of cookies on my desk. Mice had gotten to it and left droppings all over my desk. The AP cleaned it because my administration knows I will never be their f'n maid. Teach people how to treat you.


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