Friday, October 23, 2020


 From the Poughkeepsie Journal:

A staff member at the Dutchess County BOCES Alternative High School in Poughkeepsie died over the weekend, after testing positive for COVID-19 earlier in the month, District Superintendent Richard Hooley said. 

The school had been in hybrid learning since the beginning of the semester and the employee came into contact with students and staff immediately prior to the Oct. 6 diagnosis, Hooley said.

We are sorry for this loss. The article does not provide the name of the deceased.

Here in NYC, nothing is changing. DeBlasio-Carranza-Mulgrew's blended learning is not working.

Also tonight, why is this huge study from India on COVID-19 spread published on September 30 not cited every five seconds?

(CNN)Children can spread coronavirus among themselves efficiently, but young adults are the primary source of coronavirus spread, according to a study published Wednesday.

The study, based on a giant contact tracing effort involving more than 3 million people in India, shows most Covid-19 patients never infected anyone else. The researchers found that 70% of infected people did not infect any of their contacts, while 8% of patients accounted for 60% of observed new infections.

The study also contradicts the widely held belief that children are unlikely to catch the coronavirus.

"We find otherwise. They are getting infected in significant numbers," study leader Ramanan Laxminarayan of the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy in New Delhi, and also of Princeton University, told CNN.
Finally, it is interesting to note that there was a positive COVID-19 case in the elementary school building my son attends this week and then there was a sudden shift to remote learning as his remote class got a group of new students. 
Yesterday was a bad day for coronavirus cases with over 70,000 new positive cases reported by NPR and NY is getting very close again to officially having escalating community spread. Why are people urging the school buildings to be opened in the middle of this?


  1. Nyc schools should be full remote until there is a vaccine and everyone can be vaccinated safely and trust the vaccine. Probably not until September, 2021.

  2. And they arent even testing in school properly.

  3. At this point, there is no need to close schools. Depression and mental health is so terrible, is a major concern. My PE class is saving them by having fun up and moving with some normalcy away from phone and tech for 45 minutes.

    LOL James really the source is cnn. That is like a student citing google is their search engine for the reference page.

  4. The study in this piecewas covered everywhere. CNN had a simple piece. There is a huge study RBE sent me this morning that I will put up when I get a chance that says school closing and other policies like restricting public gatherings slows the spread. We are in not in good shape in this country on coronavirus.

  5. The battle for remote has been lost. We have been sold out by the union. Our jobs is to put our lives on the line for our students. We are babysitters. We are teachers. We are counselors. We are second parents. Blended isn't working. Should've poured all resources into making remote learning work, scrap state tests this year, and make this work until it is truly safe for everyone to be in the building.

  6. This headline could also read: "Politicians in New York Confront a New Reality: A Depleted Tax Base and No Money for the Welfare State"

  7. Um, did mulgrew confirm that we are getting the money this Friday?

  8. Thanks mulgrew...My Uber driver last night was a teacher. Not a retired or part time teacher, but a full time 2nd grade teacher.

    She gets done teaching at 4 and starts driving at 5.

    This is how little teachers are valued in America.

    1. Why is it that cops and firemen can make double or triple their salary with overtime but teachers get capped at 20k session? You have cops and firemen who’s base is 85,000 bringing home 140-180 k. A teacher at 85000 can only hope to max out at 105k and that if they get the per session. Union needs to get us in line with those contracts for overtime work not the peanuts we get for per session now.

  9. Off to vote. Fuck Donald Trump.


    The fraud continues.

    "We haven't lowered the bar, we have eliminated the bar."

  11. According to a piece in NY Post, the rep. for the class actions suit to open schools fully says that we have reached herd immunity in NYC, but he doesn't cite anyone who said that. Where is his textual evidence?

    1. @7:39 pm... it's awaiting delivery from Guilani

    2. Why not complain about mayor, chancellor or mulgrew opening nyc schools? Its only a Trump thing?

  12. Why did all the grade fraud start?

    1. @7:47pm. Because the city was tired of teachers using their professional judgment and failing those students who didn't deserve to pass. The doe hired some goons i mean people i mean admin to head up schools. These ahem admin bullied, separated and retaliated against enuff staffers that the remaining said "f^&k it... I'm passing these little buggers because it is not worth my job or health".

    2. oh, I thought it was to improve grad rates in minority schools where nobody could pass honestly.

    3. @10:16...
      Well duh. It is to deceive the students, parents, and the USA. But who gives the grades? The student or the teacher? If you think all students cannot pass honestly because they don't try or hand in bullsh^% then you are foolish. Do you work in a "minority school" lol. I've been saying for years that brown v. Ed is dead.

  13. Educators in NYC need to wake up and vote Mulgrew out! Teachers are capped at 20k, no 29 year full pension, 12 year a smuck...why us? Because 75 % of teachers are women that's why!
    We need equality. We get screwed by the city because it is still a sexist system in 2020!

    So many teachers say of they feel bad...the city preys on this. Teachers need to stop feeling sorry for everyone else and worry about themselves! Who else is told to borrow money because the city and our union president thinks it's fine to the city yet another interest free loan.

    Why is our 10/31 paystub still not online? Is this another scam by the doe and union?

  14. 8:14 made a good point. I never thought that years ago, most teachers were female and were easy to take advantage of and it was the norm to be low paid. They didn't get the good benefits probably because they figured they had a husband that would take care of them, and she was working just for extra money. We have to make up for decades of sexism. That also explains why firefighter and cops get more benefits because they were all men back in the day.

  15. No teachers dont get screwed because their women.We all get screwed because people dont vote no on contracts and vote out incompetent leaders.


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