Friday, October 23, 2020


A NY1-Ipsos poll found that a majority of the public does not agree with Mayor Bill de Blasio's school reopening plan. NYC, NY Times, and UFT propaganda are not fooling most people.

A good summary of the main results is at Reality Based Educator's Twitter which I copied below the NY1 graph.

The poll found Andrew Cuomo is still very popular. I don't get it. 

Correction: RBE got in touch with me. The percentages on NYC schools should've started remotely only was 70% yes to 21% no.  We reported it as 30% no originally.


  1. The mayor and chancellor claim that due to the difficulty of roll out they cannot yet accurately provide figures on attendance for full remote and blended students. This is a total lie. Big brother is up our ass to submit via upload a daily attendance electronic report each day by 4:00pm for both the full remote and blended students. They know the numbers but do not want to make public the fact that the full remote numbers are probably in excess of 70%.

  2. Can we get over this already? Scientists say there is very little evidence schools help fuel virus spread and it really isn't that bad. We can't be remote till a vaccine that may never actually be developed exists. It's this attitude that turns the city against us as many non-teachers already believe that we just don't want to work. Also, it's strange that most of the complainers have work from home vouchers.

  3. What is the actual attendance in schools? If it was decent, it would have been released. Empty buildings cause no infections.

  4. It's only safe because the schools are empty.

  5. Our in class attendance is close to 100%. The attendance for blended remote kids when not in schools falls of to 50%. That tells me kids want to be in the school buildings

  6. There is nobody in the building and students wont even log in from home.

  7. I have been told by teachers at a few schools there are more staff then students in attendance.

  8. yes definitely many schools with more staff than students...especially staten island

  9. The fight for remote has been lost.

  10. Majority is on all remote side in NYC.

  11. The devil is in the details.
    My attendance today:
    Per 1 real class 5/9
    Per 3 zoom 2/32
    Per 5 real class 9/10
    Per 6 real class 8/10
    So slightly over half my register today picked remote but almost 90% of my students who actually attend (and do work) were real students.
    Re 8:38, I haven't even seen a blue or yellow ats sheet all year. I only have my own Delaney Book.

  12. Your live kids are motivated. If everyone was forced back, what do you think those numbers would be? Also, there are many tech issues in many schools and homes.

  13. What this story should REALLY be about is the fact that now over 50% of NYC parents have opted for fully remote instruction. The mayor and the chancellor keep touting that parents "want their kids to be in school". We all know now what total bullshit that is. The majority of parents want their kids at home. As an in person teacher, I can also attest to the fact that pretty much every teacher in my building wishes they were teaching from home as well.

  14. 2:25 has an interesting question. I don't want "forced" anyway, I'd like to see parents given the option of real 5 day a week school or full remote. But let's say the system went full remote. Do the 22 kids who are motivated stay motivated and participate remotely? Or does it turn into the spring and the current full remote scenario where they see everyone else not showing and not doing work and give up? My strong kids and even some weak ones started off well in March and April but once the novelty wore off and they heard the stories of "everyone passes" they checked out.

  15. The remote attendance is awful. My in-person kids, almost 100%! Also, kids get parked present if they simply log in, but do not attend the class. Log in, walk away. Or they get credit for the WHOLE day simply by writing “hi,” on a stream page or anything similar. They could skip science, ELA, and social studies. But if they attend just Spanish, that counts as attending your entire remote day. The students are not mature enough to handle remote learning and there are no standards but low standards. Kids will really be behind almost two full years (I fear for the primary grades the most). Schools
    Need to fully reopen and force kids back into school unless the kids have medical conditions.

  16. As we head into the winter and the number of coronavirus infections climbs, “the daily death statistics are going to be staggering,”
    @ScottGottliebMD says.

  17. @2:25. "live kids are motivated". Yeah - all two of them. You can force everyone back when there are state and federal guidelines for social distancing. There's not enough space. There ARE tech issues - nothing that a robust stimulus, and a competent leadership, couldn't have solved. But we're sorely lacking in those areas.

  18. Everything coming out from our ‘leaders’ are either shit or lies. Nothing can be taken at face value and it all smells horrid. Even my best friends are making up crazy shit and start spouting it like a new gospel. “Mulgrew is a regular blue collar guy fighting for us against the evil deBozo.” “Biden is going to win because he’s the best candidate.” “ Carranza really cares about kids and teachers.” “Cuomo saved us all from certain death.” “Trump is a white supremist who put children in cages.” I see no difference between Trump, Biden, Cuomo, deBlasio, Carranza or Mulgrew.

  19. @TJL - we have the opposite. The fully remote classes are packed and the blended students barely show up at all. What Administration is they're trying to do now, to take some of the burden from the fully remote teachers, is take some of the students and place them under the in-person teachers and they'll have to teach live and fully remote even though it's not supposed to be allowed under DOE and UFT agreement. If that sounds like a mess, it's because it is.

  20. Kids that want to learn will learn , kids that do not want to learn will not. It doesn’t matter the mode of delivery. As for the ones that lack technology, home factors, etc. that should’ve been taken care of by the DOE months and months ago. Instead they procrastinated and wasted vast amounts of money and man power on this ridiculous hybrid plan. As for infection rates. The only reason why infection in schools is low is because most schools especially high schools are ghost towns.

  21. No forcing. Many of the problems we experience are due to compulsory schooling. If someone doesn't want to be there or won't follow basic rules and customs, let them get a job or if younger, be homeschooled by the parent.

  22. Exactly 6:01: We can't force anyone to learn even though administrators like to blame us for the kids failing. If I join weight watchers and continue to eat the way I eat and not exercise, am I going to lose weight? Who would you blame? Would you blame the lady who gives the lectures for not motivating me? The program because it didn't work? No, you'd blame me because I didn't do what I was told to do.

  23. About reopening...My AP just sent an email to say mark this girl present for today because she attempted to communicate with us. Is that even legal? If it is, how is it moral?

  24. That doesn't sound ethical to me. I would only mark her present if she "communicated" with me for at least half the period. I mean what does that even mean "attempted to communicate with us"?

  25. Over 1,000 New Yorkers hospitalized for COVID-19, the state's highest level since June via

  26. Serious question - on the health screening, if you've traveled to a hot zone you have to quarantine for 2 weeks. What happens if the hot zone has traveled to you? For example, NYers who will be hosting out of town guests for Thanksgiving? What's happened is that Principals are so short-staffed with in-person teachers that they are putting pressure on them not to not engage in "non-essential" travel. That's not going to work for the holidays.

  27. @Anonymous 5:36pm. Trump apologists cannot defend him on his own merits so they're reduced to "he's no worse than anyone else". Except that he most certain IS worse than anyone else.

    Cuomo made bad moves and decisions - he didn't close quickly enough, he allowed released seniors back into nursing homes rather than force them to stay in the hospitals. Whatever. Then the states were forced to compete for resources even as they desperately tried to get a handle on the increase of cases.

    BIG DIFFERENCE from Trump & Co's utter callousness of "let them rot", strategy, and a continued denial of facts, AND resources, even as he tries to force a reopening. The last stimulus was botched and as we all know was rampant with abuse. It's not only the public high schools. Many college students haven't received their state financial aid and book stipends and some schools have either dropped their classes, or blocked their accounts. So add that to the national list of failures. If Trump can not lead a coherent national response, then he should not be the national leader.

    I try to stay out of politics on this blog, but clearly there are some trolls who come on here as if they have some sort of Tourette's when it comes to bringing up Trump in knee-jerk responses.

  28. Isn't attendance a legal document? Mark people present who attempt to communicate with us? What a scam.

  29. The dems are really honest and great leaders, from biden to pelosi to de blasio...good grief.

  30. 5:36 and Tom... Trump puts children in cages built by Obama. There were more deportations under Obama. These are facts. Trump got the first step act passed that released nonviolent black prisoners. Biden was the architect of the crime bill that put nonviolent black drug offenders in prison for decades. These too are facts. Trump voters have valid reasons to vote for him. As teachers we should focus on what unites us not on what separates us. We all agree Cuomo and Deblasio have got to go. Too bad our UFT leadership is in their pockets.

  31. Most agree Trump has to go too. He has done nothing for public education or unions or coronavirus. Trump supporters commenting here I do not think represent the UFT membership but keep commenting away.

  32. Can you name a president who has helped education?

  33. OK, I won't vote dem because they supports criminals over police, want to give free medical and cash to bums and illegals, are anti Asian and anti white, and have allowed the nyc school system to become the ultimate fraud and welfare system, as in, every graduates regardless of merit.

  34. @11:32 - SURE - So I'll make sure not to vote for Obama for President this time around. However, CULTIST - the children in those cages were not arbitrarily separated from their parents never to be reunited again. Moreover, why do you all CULTISTS want to focus on Blacks. Trump inherited a robust economy that is now in the toilet. NO coherent plan for the pandemic. Incites violence towards Governors. Tells NYers they can rot. AND goes out of his way to SUPPRESS the vote. His Attorney General espouses a NATIONAL stop and frisk, AND advocates charges protestors (and not just those rioting) with SEDITION. Moreover Trump the psychotic fascist is calling for the arrest of his opponents.

    So you can just go fuck yourself with your alternative facts. I don't care about your valid reasons for voting for Trump. Vote for the devil himself for all I care. Noone will even be able to tell the difference. My comment was that it was IRRELEVANT to the discussion of local issues and apples and oranges since Governors and Mayors do not hold the same level of power.

  35. @12:16 but you WILL vote for Republicans who are pocketing stimulus monies that were meant for small businesses, and a President who only pays $750 in taxes, and has defrauded contractors, students, old people out of their money and BRAGGED about it. But SURE - as long a bum doesn't get get any cash. Trump is the epitome of Fraud and Welfare system so what the fuck are you even talking about.

  36. @James 11:40 - Trump has done a LOT for, or rather, TO unions. He has been quietly chipping away at them at the Federal level. Below is just ONE example:

    "The largest union representing federal government workers, the American Federation of Government Employees, sued the Trump administration Wednesday in response to an executive order President Trump issued last week that aims to deny workers their legal right to representation at the worksite.

    The nation's largest federal employee union, the American Federation of Government Employees, sued the Trump administration Wednesday in response to an executive order President Trump issued last week that aims to deny workers their legal right to representation at the worksite.
    The nation's largest federal employee union, the American Federation of Government Employees, sued the Trump administration Wednesday in response to an executive order President Trump issued last week that aims to deny workers their legal right to representation at the worksite.
    "This president seems to think he is above the law, and we are not going to stand by while he tries to shred workers' rights," AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. said. "This is a democracy, not a dictatorship. No president should be able to undo a law he doesn't like through administrative fiat." May, 2018

  37. Are you saying he evaded? If true, he should be arrested. If he legally paid $750, change tax law. Why wasn't that done in the last 30 years? If he really paid $750, which I doubt.

  38. Tom, when separated, were the illegal parents breaking the law? Why were they going into another country illegally? What did they expect to happen? Just to get away with it? Do the crime, Do the time.

    1. @12:35 pm... I've never seen an illegal parent. Why were people coming to the us? To come to the us. What's wrong with keeping families together? Obama built the cage and trump MUST use them. Got it. Obama created the ACA and Trump MUST use/keep it. Is that how it works? I want my social security too. Will Trump not defund it?

  39. One has to be a brainwashed dumb fuck to vote for anyone who has said your city should just rot, and who's adviser says that a deadly pandemic is "their problem". GTFOOH. And it's nothing but a smokescreen to pretend it's Democrats versus Republicans. The list of lifelong Conservatives and Republicans who have sounded the alarm on this megalomaniac is long and distinguished. It's nothing but one long lie for the easily befuddled to pretend it's a Democrat vs. Republican thing.

  40. @12:35 - your comment has nothing to do with the events of 2020. Get with the program and current state of affairs. Your comment is weak and lame. Same as your lessons, I'll bet.

  41. @12:33 - It's documented that he received a $25 million tax forgiveness from New Jersey in 2011. So some of it has been legal even though it's shady as hell and even as his supporters screech to the heavens about the agreements and payment plans that others have received. And NOBODY has screeched more than Trump about everything under the sun. He's incompetent and that's that. Vote as you wish. It's not like his NY supporters will be protected as he's cutting New York off from funding. Join the club - joke's on you.

  42. Of course, who wouldn't want to keep paying mulgrew after what the past 20 years has shown us.

  43. A mostly different group of brainwashed dumb fucks vote for Mulgrew-Unity so we can get fucked over on the job for three more years

  44. 11:57 AM: presidents who have helped public education
    Eisenhower— send in the army to enforce BROWN
    Supreme court decision (JFK too)
    Johnson- proposed billions for education as part of his Great Society program

    Nixon- signed and enforced Title IX

    1. @ prehistoric
      Parties who have dumped drugs into inner city communities and then locked up the community for selling the drugs:
      One. Guess

  45. That isn't very many helpful presidents.

  46. My lessons are so lame I make max salary. I guess the joke is on nyc.

  47. tom, is what 1235 said inaccurate, or you just don't want to discuss it?

  48. 1245 Tom, how is the joke on me? Based on what?

  49. I guess the answer is that if illegal immigrants come in illegally they should be rewarded with taxpayer money and medical coverage.

    1. @2:34 pm

      Im a taxpayer.
      If a teacher is upset with a fraud system but continues to feed the fraud, should the teacher be rewarded with my money? Now simmer need to harangue me. It's just a question. Also, when the boats crossed the pond and landed on that rock, were those people illegal immigrants?

  50. Biden may win, Trump may win. I'm not sure how the joke is on one person who may vote Trump.

  51. Joe Biden said the N-word at least 16 times in Senate hearings.

    Why does he like saying that word so much?

    Senate Transcripts: Biden Used N-Word Two Additional Times in 1970s

    1. @2:41 lol.
      I am POSITIVE that he's not the only one. It tickles me when folks bring up the "n" word. It's an offensive word. I know if someone uses it at me, I probably would laugh. Why? Because I know the history of the world. I know my ancestral history and I know that the person is a weakling. Now if someone physically touches my person, ooh boy. Rofl. So if Biden said it 3000x I wouldn't be surprised. We need a healer. Trump aint that. Lawd only knows how many times he has said it. It's the favorite word of.some o guess.

  52. Fracking, for example, doesn't affect me, but to act like Biden never said he was going to ban franking is a total lie.

  53. Trump is far from perfect but there were many riots under Obama, conveniently forgotten by some. Those also involved criminals, the police not being the criminals.

    1. Trump has been president and is president. Why isn't there a national plan to lower the number of cases?

    2. and don't say we should drink bleach. Side eye

  54. @2:29 - how about you discuss his strawman arguments with him - if you're so inclined. I don't give a rat's behind about your Obama arguments, when he is not the incumbent. Since you're so interested in that discussion, maybe you can set up a Google Meet from your bedrooms when you're supposed to be teaching.

  55. @2:28 - you're not at max salary because of longevity - NOT competence. So yeah - keep trashing the very union that protects incompetents continuing to draw a pay while sitting in their bedrooms doing nothing. Embarrassing.

  56. It's pretty sad that the last president to do something for education was Nixon. Also, if we have so many cases in the US and we're hitting a third wave, why haven't states closed schools yet?

    1. @4:01pm
      Idk. Trump wants.the schools open. F his supporters. Another example of how he is looking out for them. Isn't he a dream. Side eye.

  57. @2:39 - Yawn, SNOOZE. I wouldn't go to your classes either. You seem to have a problem with THINKING.

  58. Some want cities to look like Seattle, Portland, chicago, minneapolis...With that said, can't Trump just put on the damn mask?

  59. Elitist white woman has to “remind” a Black man who spoke out for Trump, that he’s Black.

  60. lol.

    “I had to remind him that he is a black person so he is not allowed to vote for Donald Trump”

    , another racist white woman telling a black man,
    , what he is and is not allowed to do in 2020 America.


    1. And wake up the educators too. Especially the ones "teaching" from bed and driving around in their Mercedes while earning $130,000. Rich

    2. @4:58 pm

      50 cent is a black man.
      Black America doesn't have a single mic. Does white America have one? If yes, why aren't they listening to Chelsea? Don't vote for Trump.

  61. We've all dealt with bullies like Joe Biden.

    Bullies who look down on others.

    Bullies who think they're better than you.

    Bullies who call people "fat" and "sedentary" and stupid.

  62. Do you really believe you are winning votes for Trump here?

  63. Tom,

    No, you reach max salary after 22+ years of oustanding observations and attendance. Why are you hurling insults instead of simply responding? Because you have no response. I have no complaints about uft, I'm not paying them, you are. But thanks for chipping in for me, we both get nothing, you pay for nothing. Let me know about those illegals expecting free rides and then blaming someone else because they got arested for breaking the law. Sounds like the students who do nothing then say the teacher failed me for no reason. Have a goood one, buddy.

    1. @jordan...
      You CAN reach max by what you stated and by kissing a$$ while being mediocre. You know it. The anonymous have expressed it time and time again. Blinders off. Check check is this thing on.

  64. Trump won't win NY, we all know that. Just see what goes on equally, don't be like the media.

  65. Pay for this...?

    Where is the retro?
    Where is the spring break pay? Mulgrew promsied to negotiate it in October. October is ending.

    Why are students being marked present for attempting to communicate ? Why does the uft have no comment?

    The battle for remote has been lost. We have been sold out by the union. Our jobs is to put our lives on the line for our students. We are babysitters. We are teachers. We are counselors. We are second parents. Blended isn't working. Should've poured all resources into making remote learning work, scrap state tests this year, and make this work until it is truly safe for everyone to be in the building.

    Thanks mulgrew...My Uber driver last night was a teacher. Not a retired or part time teacher, but a full time 2nd grade teacher.
    She gets done teaching at 4 and starts driving at 5.
    This is how little teachers are valued in America.

  66. LOL. Sunds good.

  67. Police are called about a guy jumping on cars and waving a gun. Cop shows up.. guy resists.. guy reaches for gun (according to police and video).. guy ends up dead. #BLM riots ensue. This is what you want? Really?

    1. well damn @evan. Nobody wants it. Trump is currently president. Why ain't he stopping it? Oh wait. He will be able to do it when we elect him. Geez Louise.

  68. Will it help or hurt anybody here if either guy wins? Will your life change? The nycdoe certainly won't change.

    1. @6:05 pm
      One is divisive
      One is a unifer
      One wants to try and curtail the spread of Covid
      One hopes it "vanishes"
      One uses words to alienate citizens
      The fabric of the USA is fraying. Which one will hem the fraying?
      Which one will allow the fraying to continue?
      I'd vote for anyone dem/repub/ind who wants to truly unify this country and take action against Covid so that we can open back up as ONE.

  69. @5:33 Jordan - Why am I hurling insults? Boo hoo. Don't you think the comments disparaging "Dems" are insults? With most everyone posting as "Anonymous" how do I know which idiot is which? And look at the asinine strawman comment from evan "guy reaches for gun, this is what you want, really". And here you are chiming in to pile on to say what? That you don't give to UFT? Who cares? You don't like my tone in response, or that I didn't respond to the comment about Obama? TOO BAD. Not one person has comment has responded intelligently to my own comments about the CURRENT President's's utter incompetence. So get lost.
    And NO - you don't reach max salary after "outstanding observations and attendance". ROFLMAO. That's just a bald-faced lie.

  70. 4:00: Max salary is the one saving grace of being a Senior teacher. All our other Seniority rights have been taken away. The newbies get treated a lot better than Senior teachers now.

  71. Give me th specific quote disparaging dems that isnt true.

  72. If it were 20 years ago, 130K a year would be great money, but today it is really only mediocre. When you have a mortgage, insurance, groceries, utility bills, etc. it really leave little extra to play with. I don't know how this person is affording a Mercedes.

    1. Thats why I'm moving to Vegas.

    2. @7:41 pm...
      Maybe it's a 20 year old Mercedes or a $55,000 one. They have some pretty reasonably priced vehicles these days. However that is the benchmark of success for some.

  73. That is a local issue, supposed to be handled by Mayor and local police. If he sent in troops, he would be called racist, right? Becuase the looters are all the same color. Same way de blasio allowed NYC looting and riots. Good night.

    1. @evan... no no no. Tsk tsk tsk hold on a minute. El presidente is campaigning on these "local issues" isn't he. And i don't know what "color " the looters are. I do know that the fbi said the boogaloos attacked a precinct yes the house of the police. They are home grown terrorists who seem to love Trump. It's just something about Trump that appeals to them. They are a proud group lol. But yes. Trump said he could clean up the dem cities... if they asked him too. Soooo if re-elected, and the dems don't "invite" him in, what then? I mean all "colors " live in cities. Like crayons, we are all useful. Good night

    2. just watch the riots from the past 6 months, it is all the same color.

  74. 13 YEARS AGO TODAY: Joe Biden says some schools perform better than others because they have less minorities enrolled. Biden says Iowa schools perform better than Washington DC because Iowa is only 1% black. Haha.

  75. All of you sound like a bunch of idiots. The doe is a complete fraud. We know where the problem schools are. We know why certain schools fail. We know the criminal riots come from the left.
    I wouldnt be writing that I am at home sleeping during class time, or even in bed.
    The uft doesnt deserve dues.
    I see why many teachers have given up. It is a lose-lose situation.
    We know why the doe makes grade fraud exist in minority schools.
    Trump or Biden winning will change none of us on a day to day basis.

    1. @jenn... criminal riots come from the left and right. Wait. Is there a non-criminal riot? Are they the boogaloos? Proud boys? Blm? The remote in bed guy is a great example of why the country is not in a good place.

    2. Can you cite any from the right since May?

    3. Huh? What does a teacher teaching from home have to do with riots?

    4. @10:28 pm
      Since May? Ha ha ha ha ha.
      What have the boogaloos and proud boys been up to? Go do your research.

      This is ridiculous: perfect example of how the 1% pit working class folks against one another.

  76. Divisive? Black CNN contributor argues that Trump ‘has done good stuff for the black community’ | Just The News

  77. Why is there evidence of biden saying the n word dozens of times while in the senate?

  78. @10:19 pm
    And he has done good stuff for the white community. He is divisive. The country is divided. Covid is out of control. Hell he caught the S^!t. He caught it and still doesn't trust scientific evidence. Chris Christie finally acknowledges the benefit of following the recommendations of the scientists. This fool continuously references Fauci's initial mask mandates. As if science can't reverse course once more info is studied. This man is nuts. Nuts. Nuts. He is divisive and ps...there isn't one mic for the black community. Shocker.

  79. Arundell and Sill can retweet blm all day but sure don't send their kids to a school in the south bronx or Hillcrest or Jefferson or erasmus. Believe actions, not words.

  80. Was the country divided under Obama?

    1. @10:58 pm...
      Absolutely. People of color have been saying it for years i.e.the media is fake/biased, the schools in inner city communities are failing, the criminal justice system is biased,etc. The difference is that now people have taken their vitriol to physical actions. I could give a rats azz about political parties.
      I believe in unity and peace. I would even consider voting for Trump if he said " these people don't represent me" and If he had a federal plan to get Covid under control so that we could reopen as a nation. However this man is fueling the flames of racists. Im not saying everyone who votes for him is a racist. Im saying his messaging is appealing to people who don't like people who look like me. If he doesn't have a problem with them, he won't get my vote. But yes. This nation has ALWAYS been not only divided but blind to its TOTAL history. Trump just pulled off the bandage. Now is the time for healing. Trump isn't a healer.

  81. @10:42 pm...

    Believe actions right? Well when your actions dictate that you teach from your bed, i will Believe that action and not the words that it's because "the kids don't show up". Actions not words.

  82. @Anonymous 7:39 - here's one, because you are either too lazy to look it up yourself or just deliberately dense. "OK, I won't vote dem because they supports criminals over police, want to give free medical and cash to bums and illegals".

    You think blanket statements are factual statements? Then I supposed saying I won't support Republicans because they support domestic terrorists who plot to kidnap and kill State Governors is just as factual? See how that works? You're not a teacher, are you? Good lawd.

  83. Funny you say that, Biden was the one who said all black people think alike a few months ago.

    1. 11:10 pm
      Trump said "good people on both sides" support that?

  84. We agree, should've been wearing a mask all the time, should not be name calling Fauci, too nonchalant with his words.

  85. @10:28 - any from the right since May? So you want to set your own parameters? What about the plot to bring down a State Government and kidnap the Governor? Or doesn't that count? How about going to the polls heavily armed in voter intimidation? Voter suppression at the highest levels of government. I guess that's ok. You people are such sanctimonious hypocrites.

  86. You mean like the black panthers did in 2008 and 2012?

  87. @11:10 - what is your obsession with what Biden said about blacks? Why do you care? You think anyone considers him some sort of savior? So let it be known - neither Republicans, nor Democrats give a fuck about black people. Happy now? Still better than having a deranged psychopath who wants to imprison Obama, and who wants to buddy up to Putin. Still better than having a sociopath who wants to end healthcare during a pandemic. Still better than someone who wants to let NYC rot. Still better than someone who invites voter suppression and intimidation.

    1. @ tom...
      Amen. Why do they keep mentioning black this and black that.

      It's the tasty kool aid making some peopld loopy.

  88. Just the double standard.

  89. What a group. Biden boosters are now doxxing nuns.

    The 3 nuns attending Trump's rally in Ohio today are from the order of the Children of Mary in Cincinnati, OH. Here's a comparison of their picture from the rally today without face masks and a picture from their website. I am not using their names.

  90. @11:35 - oh please - take your meds. What was it - two old guys one of them holding some sort of stick and you guys went on a 4 years long rant, whining, and crying and acting all hysterical. But paramilitary type gear - that's ok. And sure - same thing as the PRESIDENT "urging" supporters to show up in droves (and to vote twice) and actually going to court to suppress the vote. Yeah - same thing. Hahahaha. You are simply too ridiculous for words. What are you 13?

  91. No corruption here..
    Burisma told Hunter they wanted "to close down any cases/pursuits against” its top official in Ukraine.

    1. @1:13 am

      Is this how you teach?
      Asking about one topic and then giving an answer for different topic?
      Focus child. Follow the bouncing ball.

      Anyway, we can all agree that Trump has his supporters as does Biden.
      Meanwhile teaching and covid continues in the USA

  92. Do you believe Tara Reade, Biden's
    alleged rape victim? Pretty serious allegation. The dems sure believed the Kavanaugh accuser.

    1. @1:18 am

      I know trump isn't competent enough to lead a country or lead us out of covid or unify the country. I know that.

  93. Ok Tom. This "cultist" used facts (first step, cages etc) and you rebut by name calling. As much as you hate Trump, I hate Biden and the rest of the democrats. I didn't always hate them. Voted for Obama in 2008 and then he decided that I should be judged by student test scores. My whole point is those of us voting for Trump have valid reasons. You may not like our reasons.... it's ok. You don't have to.

    1. @6:10 am

      One person
      One vote
      You keep talking about "hate" that's a fine way to make your point

  94. Dems, the party of science. Can someone explain this?
    Fact: Not all women have periods. Also a fact: Not all people with periods are women. Let's celebrate the diversity of all people who bleed! Blue heartArtist palette: @gobeeharris #mythbusting #periodtruths #transisbeautiful

  95. Rasmussen poll: Blacks give Trump 46% approval rating

    It can go either way. Gun to my head, i would say biden wins.

  96. @6:10 Anonymous - You brought up Obama cages as a DEFLECTION. He is not on the ballot so it is irrelevant. Frankly, most people did not even know to the extent that was going on. Blame the media if you still care so much, but that has has nothing to do with the issues facing the country today. And you may not have like my response but I did comment that the children who were in the cages were not just arbitrarily separated from their parents, never to be united again. That was my rebuttal. In other words as irrelevant as your Obama knee-jerk response it, it's still a FALSE EQUIVALENCY. But as I said - I couldn't care less who you vote for. As someone else mentioned, he will never win New York. You keep saying you have valid reasons, and haven't given one, as if I care. I just think it's STUPID to vote for anyone who tells your city that they can just rot.

  97. This ain't my city. I got the money needed to leave. I hate nyc. I'll be gone soon. I'm sure the students will start learning as soon as I leave since I'm the problem. I'm also the reason 90% of the schools are failing.

    1. @11:27 am...
      I love when people are honest. If they hire a new teacher who knows the difference between doing their best and buckling under pressure, the students will be fine. Nyc isn't for the faint of heart. Sounds like it chewed you up and is spitting you out like tobacco. Glad we were able to help you make some money. Bye.

  98. Joe Biden:

    My stance on busing was a mistake.

    My vote for the Crime Bill was a mistake.

    My vote for NAFTA was a mistake.

    My vote for the Iraq War was a mistake.

    Obama/Biden immigration policy was a mistake.

    Opposing the Bin Laden raid was a mistake.

    Vote for me!

  99. @11:30 am...
    Good point. A man who acknowledges mistakes vs A man child who doesn't.

    Thanks for the info. You're grand.

  100. @11:30 - Yawn, snooze.

    None of that compares to a psychotic authoritarian who attacks the American people on a daily basis.

  101. @12:38 - They come onto other people's blogs and start regurgitating their deranged Info Wars Propaganda. And since they can't defend Trump's incompetence they'll stoop to "Obama did it first" - because of course they just think that everything Obama ever did is worth repeating. They'll not even logical or rational and engage in circular arguments and WHINE when one decides to dismiss their pathetic straw man arguments. "Boo hoo, waah you are insulting and can't answer my post slamming Obama". They *hate* Obama and the other Dems because of teachers being judged by test scores?? WTF is that? It's like a stunted child-like mentality has rubbed off on some of them.

  102. If n is so bad why are all studnets saying it in all schools?

  103. anybody notice w4s and tom post at almost the exact same time?

  104. Byr, thanks for the $2M.



  106. BREAKING: Joe Biden called a lid at 11:27am today, amid new revelations about his family's Ukrainian energy dealings and one day after his drive-in speech in PA was filled with Trump supporters

  107. I think you can find better cities to discuss the presidential election than here where I doubt you are going to change too many minds. As for your substance, Biden was known as the senator from MBNA for years. I think we know what we will be getting.

  108. Back onto something important. I'm 40. If I wanted quit now, how much money would make it acceptable if I didn't want to work again?

  109. Van Jones says Trump 'doesn't get credit' for helping black people via

  110. I found another example, from today...BLM is vandalizing Jews for Trump vehicles with red paint in NYC and attacking the drivers.

    1. @2:45
      Ha ha ha ha ha. Poor thing. Nov 3. Vote and keep it moving

  111. Trump is awful, as Biden does the same thing...Joe Biden Caught RED-HANDED In Public Without a Mask When He Thinks Cameras Are Off

  112. If Mulgrew and Randi voted for Joe, must be smart, the sheep should follow, that is why there ae so many happy comments here all day.

  113. @1:11 - You posted at the same time as the other Anonymous'. Are you all of them? Hardly - your posts are particularly substance free and ridiculous. We may post at the same time but we don't have the same syntax. If you don't know what that is maybe you can have someone explain it to you, oh dim one. My God you've taught children??

  114. My name is Duke Tanner

    I was locked up for nearly 20 years because of Joe Biden’s crime bill!

    The Obama-Biden admin rejected my clemency case!

    President DonaldTrump set me free!

  115. Leadership 101. When Joe Biden was vice president, 60 million Americans were infected with the H1N1 swine flu.

    If that virus had been as lethal at the coronavirus, nearly 2 million Americans would have died.

  116. @1:11 - Besides, OH DIM ONE - You'll never see me posting that I "would even consider voting for Trump".

    Nice try tho.

  117. Cool, now do salary, hs grad rate and college rate, incarceration comparison

    1. @4:52 pm...
      You can't make this merry go round stop.
      It's like being on the trump train: ranting. Crazy talk.
      teachers brag about the diploma mill/fake grades and then turn around and talk about salary, college rate, incarceration. Ha ha ha ha ha... you think all criminals are incarcerated. You think graduating from college means you're "smart". I haven't laughed so hard since reading about the "bed teacher" with a "130,000 salary who has a Benz". Please continue. I love a good comedian

  118. You were gone for a while I think 4:52. Others want to argue with you so fine. Same old comments. However, a reminder to stay at least close to the topic.

  119. James, have you ever wondered why those stats never change? Who is to blame? Is it the school to prison pipeline?

  120. Remember, Kamala Harris attacked Joe Biden for coddling white supremacists just last year.

  121. This blog is trying to get anti-Unity UFTers to come together to the extent it is possible. Your divisisive, purposely provocative comments do just the opposite.

  122. Email me off list if you want to take it further. You have done that in the past with a pseudonym.

  123. Is it true? If so, then should not divide, should look to fix the problem. If people can't look truth in the face then tehreis no hope. truth isn't always easy listening to.

    1. Joseph

      What truth?
      Has the entire truth about the usa been accurately told?

  124. Obama cages are relevant because the arm of the democrat party, called main stream media, posted pictures of cages to blame Trump when in fact they are Obama cages. If media, big tech and Hollywood are all conspiring to get Biden elected, Im voting the opposite.

  125. Be quiet, I'm taking my 2nd period nap and waiting for 50% retro.

  126. Tom, I am voting for Trump because... first step act, promoting the decriminalization of bring gay in other countries, appointing the first openly gay cabinet member, going after big tech censorship, longtime funding for black colleges, no wars, bringing troops home, support for the police. Biden and median China cover up. The emails are Hunter”s. If not Joe would have said it by now. If he’s not the big guy, he would have said it by now. All valid reasons Tom. I can accept you have your reasons. If you can’t accept mine, oh well. But stop the bullshit that no one has a valid reason for voting for Trump. Lefties always melt down and name call when hearing dissenting opinions.

  127. @10:01 <---get the violin for this one. Maybe you have a problem with the written word but I didn't say no one has a valid reason for voting for Trump. I said they hadn't listed them. But, Rabid RACISTS have a very good reason for voting for Trump. But why waste your breath telling me about your reasons? I don't give a fuck. I never asked you to accept "my reasons". Why is it so important to YOU that you shove your reasons down someone else's throat? YOUR valid reasons are not mine, and frankly, you are all disgustingly RUDE to come to someone else's labor blog to keep hurling your anti-Biden insults. And yeah..appointing ONE gay member while fighting against gay rights. Funding for black colleges while calling for a national stop and frisk AND calling for protestors to be charged with sedition. Sure - that's rational. He throws his little crumbs, while his right wing cabal behind the scenes does most of the dirty work. Like promising healthcare, while fighting in the courts to take it away - with nothing in its place.

    "Lefties always melt down and name call". Well it's a good thing you didn't "melt down and name call", you hypocritical CULTIST and you can take your valid reasons and shove them where the sun don't shine, because I couldn't care less.


  128. Imagine supporting the biggest infantile whiner, and name caller in the history of the world, and then acting sanctimonious and posting "lefties melt down and name call when hearing dissenting opinions". Imagine that your "proof" of wrongdoing is "he would have said it by now", even while dismissing every denial by Biden, and finding by the conservative WSJ

    “Text messages and emails related to the venture that were provided to the Journal by Mr. Bobulinski, mainly the spring and summer of 2017, don’t show either Hunter Biden or [Joe’s brother] James Biden discussing a role for Joe Biden in the venture,” Journal reporters Andrew Duehren and James T. Areddy wrote."

    “The venture . . . never received proposed funds from the Chinese company or completed any deals, according to people familiar with the matter,” Journal reporters Andrew Duehren and James Areddy wrote. “Corporate records reviewed by the Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden.” The reporters also quoted another partner in the venture, James Gilliar, who said he was “unaware of any involvement at anytime of the former vice president.”.

    And that is why brainwashed cultists have ZERO credibility on anything and are not respected online or off.

  129. Tom it appears you are unhinged. I was trying to be civil but you want no part of civility which exposes you as the America hating lefty cultist you are. Biden is a child sniffing pervert. You support him. Hmmmm.

    1. @7:15 - that was your idea of civility? Bwahaha. You sound deranged. Who the hell are you anyway. I have no idea if you are the anonymous I originally replied to, or another idiot cultist apologist. Trump: agrees that his daughter is a "piece of ass" and says if she were his daughter, he'd date her. And you want to squawk about a "pervert" because he "sniffs hair"? You sound dumb. So yeah - you support a vile, bombastic, bullying, "unhinged", crude and crass, vote suppressing authoritarian. So "Hmmmm" yourself. Don't speak, you're embarrassing yourself.

  130. P.s. CULTIST - nice try at deflection with your "America hating" right wing lies. You all hate the institutions, "checks and balances" and are the ones who expose YOURSELVES for the anti-American psychotics that you are. You rail against Blacks, Jews, Gays, Democrats, Hispanics, Muslims, the poor. You support taking from the poor and giving to the rich. You support rabid anti-American "lock her up" chants without due process. You're probably one of the anonymous who spews your contempt for the very students you're getting paid to teach with taxpayer dollars. You should try your LIES on one more easily befuddled, ya know, like a fellow cultist.

  131. At 6:09 - Obama cages are relevant to YOU. That doesn't make them relevant to ME as far as trying to INSIST that I engage in a nonsensical argument over a man who is not on the ballot. But carry on, you were "waah waah waahing" about the media being mean to Trump. Boo hoo. I'll bet you have no problem with Fox News outrageous propaganda lies.

  132. @waitingforsupport - LOL - and you as well.


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