Sunday, November 08, 2020


Thanks to Reality Based Educator for spreading the latest NY COVID-19 numbers on Twitter. 

RBE Tweets along with the data: "Great week for @NYCMayor to force parents to decide whether to send their kids to in-person school for the year or not."


  1. By the way, I don't think this is a time to be congregating and dancing in the streets over Trump being ousted but comment on the election please on posts covering it, not on this one. Thanks.

  2. Randi w is worse than mulgrew

  3. Cases per 100k should be 5 before school buildings are allowed to be open as per CIDRaP. We’ve been above that at least two weeks. We are now about twice the safe level.

  4. NYC is not "approaching a 2nd wave" or "at risk of a 2nd wave". We are in the 2nd wave.

    Cases, positivity, hospitalizations are all increasing sharply.

    It's time to start rallying New Yorkers--again--to flatten the curve.

  5. Remote learning is failing massively:

    Half of students in Dallas know less math than they did a year ago.

    Guess who's hurt the most?

    Here's a hint: not rich white kids. "Latino and Black students lagged far behind their white peers."

  6. So send everyone back to buildings so more can spread COVID-19.

  7. "In Denmark, the [#coronavirus] has shifted from humans to mink and back to humans, and has mutated in the process. ... [O]ne of the variants, found in 12 people so far, was less responsive to antibodies in lab tests."

  8. I just heard on the news that the first man with Downs Syndrome complete the ironman triathelon. He had to swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and run 26 miles all in a day. Did someone tell him he could have extra time and do fewer miles because he had Downs Syndrome? No. The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced success is all in your attitude not your financial state or your ethnicity. I'm glad someone actually pushed this man and treated him like everyone else and didn't say well you have Downs Syndrome, so we can't expect much from just like admins. say to us indirectly, they're just black and Hispanic kids, you can't expect much from them.

  9. We all have to take Covid 19 serious. Masks and social distancing has to be in full effect.

    Many bars and restaurants have out door set ups and people are shoulder to shoulder packed together like rush hour subway train .

    I have been saying things were going to get bad for the last month or so . I can not believe how short out memories can be.

    I would never in my life expect the United States of America to be brought to its knees in my life time. We rallied back from 9/11 . I know we will get through this too.
    It’s just that this blindsided our leadership . Too bad Twitter was not used as the primary means of relaying pandemic briefs to trump .

    I am sure he would have paid close attention to them if Twitter was used.

  10. New York City's infection rate is on a trajectory that will lead to the public schools going to fully remote instruction by December. I expect the schools to be fully remote to be closed for at least 6 weeks.

  11. Viruses, Influenza viruses (the Flu viruses) and SARS-CoV-2, the new corona virus, spread during the cooler and dryer seasons, so for the U.S. population we are in virus or flue season and so we can expect the new virus, because we don't have a vaccine for it, to spread this Fall and Winter. This is technically not a wave or second wave, though the popular use of the phrase "the second wave" is now widely in use even by people at the CDC and WHO. We may never see a second wave. Projections about waves are based on previous corona viruses and other viruses but these projections and predictions are, as we all know, very useful and necessary but also very humbling, as predicting the behavior of a virus based on the history of previous ones and on current data is extremely difficult science.

    Right now we have some good news on the vaccine front. Incredible news actually when one considers that only a few years ago what is being done at warp speed (though Pfizer is not a participant in the federal government's warp speed program) might have taken years or decades to accomplish.

    So good news all around as the economy is better than expected, Biden is president elect, we have not and are unlikely to experience layoffs in NYC, we are getting our raise in May and the balance of our Retro in July. We may be back in buildings before the end of the school year.

    But I still will pull my dues from the UFT.

  12. It is 9:15 AM, I'm still in bed. I was a sucker all these years. Payback time. Getting paid watching CNBC. 1 student in class, zoom that is, watching a video, camera off. Happy Carranza? Your scam works. Remember all the years as an atr with no bathroom key, making me go through metal detectors everyday, getting observed out of licebse with a class I never met? Ah, well. It is what it is. Almost Thanksgiving. And no uft robbing me of dues either.

  13. DOW FUTURES up 6% on vaccine news.

  14. DOW opens at all time record, up 1450 at the moment...over 29k...Too bad we don't have the retro to invest. Oh well, at least I'm in bed getting 130k.

  15. Joe, You make us all look bad. Teachers like you and comments like yours are why reporters can keep up the bad teacher narrative.

  16. Lol. Nope, Joe is correct. The DOE demands free grades. You all have admitted faking it. If students graduate hs unable to write a sentence...If students are allowed to have cameras off...If students are allowed to no show and pass...No show and do the work...Get put into classes after the term is half over...You are all scamming, Joe just flaunts it, I guess. You atrs must forget all the abuse. Where was the media for that. Where were teachings walking out? You guys get beaten like mules by the doe and uft. Start showing student grades, student attendance and student work...Show me honest grading before you criticize.

    1. @9:44 am...
      I agree with most of what you've said except for your comment about Joe. Joe has zero respect for himself IMO. Grown azz "professional" who bases his work ethic around the behavior of children.

  17. FAUCI SAYS PFIZER VACCINE CANDIDATE EFFICACY IS `EXTRAORDINARY' make us look bad by passing people with 0% attendance who can't read a clock.

  18. You guys forget fast.
    12 years waiting for retro with no interest
    Principal forcing you to pass everyone
    10% over 7.5 years
    Teachers Choice gone after uft says, even with TC, teachers spend tons of their own money
    Atr abuse
    No discipline code
    March 17-19
    How about danger via covid now
    Don't be suckers
    By the way, the uft and doe publicly state that there is no rule about where remote teachers can teach from. They are welcome to observe whenever they are ready. And then the ny post can observe all of my schools fraud grades.

  19. "Joe" it is all your fault. Not the chancellor or mayor or jailbird students. I have an idea, make this into a real school system and we wouldn't have Joe saying that. We all know this is a fraud system. People on here cite state policy saying no shows can pass. Does that give us a bad name? Gimme a break.

  20. Oh, I get it, students can no show and get credit but a teacher can't show a video after you've already told students they don't have to be there? Put in another way, if students don't have to be there, which is a scam, why does instruction matter?

  21. All of you who do nothing are complicit in this fraud. Do your f***ing jobs. Keep standards.

    1. @10:19 am...
      You'll have better luck convincing a wall. People with low standards tend to find comfort in it. Good luck to you.

  22. This doe is the problem. I'm at top salary too and I'm an ATR and I go to work every day and do next to nothing. This is all the doe's fault. I have no sympathy for them and when they cry they have no money they are full of it. You don't have 1,000 teachers in surplus and then hire 4,000 teachers and then say you have no money.

  23. Yes 1023. The doe stated students don't have to be there. Can someone tell me what my job is. My school is adding students on Nov 8, how? They already missed half the term. I must, but students must not. Nah, I'm good. Students have entered my zoom for the supermarket, subway, their car...But I must do my job. Again, what is my job? I'm complicit? The doe is my boss. What are the rules?

  24. Does the chancellor have standards? That is my boss.

  25. Joe is like students who get praised regardless of their awful actions. More power to Joe. Play the game.

    1. @11:18am...
      Soooo you approve of students who gwt praised regardless of their awful actions? You can't be a healthy adult.

  26. About the clock...They actually can't read a traditional clock and need someone to tell them the time. Anyway, let us answer the questions...
    Students dont have to be there?
    Doe allows no standards?
    Uft says nothing?
    But I should bust my balls?
    Live instruction is mandated for me but students can no show and pass?
    So how is it mandatory if students don't have to be there?
    What is the rule?
    Attendance policy?
    Now it is the fault of the teacher because the system, because of the doe, mayor and students, has spiraled out of control into anything goes diploma mills?
    We all know students are passing while doing nothing.
    What Joe said is accurate.

  27. Another uft-doe scam. But Joe is the problem. LOL.

    As you might be aware, several principals have been circulating a remote Danielson framework. This is unlawful and is contrary to State law and UFT/DOE agreements. UFT Solidarity has written this letter to express our frustration and anger.

  28. This is the system. I have tried really hard to change it. Ya know what happened, I got targeted. I guess what joe is saying is pretty sensible. Get paid, students do nothing, fail who deserves to fail, move on. If you are remote, you are well within your right to be in bed or have the tv on. Students are doing the same or worse.

  29. Joe is not a professional. But the doe and uft allow this...This is the Bronx- cases are skyrocketing and over 3% but nothing has been shut down and I don’t understand WHY? @NYCMayor you are endangering the lives of teachers, students, and families.

  30. In every field there are Joes, workers who can't take it anymore and see no option but to defend and protect themselves against the bosses, goldbrickers who get paid for work not done. In medicine, in engineering, in the law, in education, in every profession there is burnout and exhaustion, cynicism and depression. When you've been passed over, knocked about, bent over and violated, tossed in the trash, left to rot you get to the point where you simply won't take it anymore and decide to stop trying. This doesn't happen to people with no morals, with no guts, with no work ethic, but to people who have guts, the guts to go into professions where burnout and exploitation are common, where a high percentage of people drop out after a few years. Joe is like so many, so many teachers I've known over my career in this job. And there are more Joes, I suspect, now, after we have been so obviously abused and exploited by a system that is or seems more indifferent to our struggles as teachers. That struggle needs be given a voice and action. Only a Union can temper the excesses of the deform movement and support the Joes and prevent more of us from becoming Joes. But what we call our union, the UFT, while it has worked to prevent some of the excesses of the deform movement, has become our oppressor too. And this blog is aiding and abetting that oppression by advocating the impossible, the reform our our union, and condemning anyone who takes a stand like Joe, anyone who simply sees the truth of the matter and refuses to continue paying our oppressors dues and fees, anyone who refuses to work longer hours for lowered wages, anyone who has the balls to speak the truth and refuses to accept the political compromises the James and this blog represent. We will not reform UFT. That is so obvious, but this Blog continues to argue it will be done and that a union that robs its members and sells them out on a weakly basis is better than none. I say, that's foolish. Stand up, or sit down, of lie down like Joe, but whatever you do, stop paying the UFT to rob you.

    1. Folks condemn the students but not their "oppressor". When the oppressor slaps the educator, the educator turns around to kick the students and their "welfare parents". Yes let's at least be empathetic to the Joes. But why do "the Joes" belittle and besmirch the students who dare i say are his pseudo "doppelganger"?

  31. Children? 20 years old with 18 credits. Think that might be the problem?

    1. Hmmm "Exploited by a system"!? Let's go with this explanation of why "the Joe's" behavior is applauded by some peers. The "Joes" are figuring out the best way to survive.
      We should view them thru the lens of people who have been abused exploited, disrespected and oppressed. The treatment experienced by the many "Joes" (for 5,10,15 years) has caused these good people, people with morals, who are able and smart, to give the DOE (the system) exactly what it wants/expects/created.
      So we should be compassionate and empathetic to "the Joes". Got it. Constant stress, disrespect, abuse and dehumanization can make even the strongest, smartest, most peaceful and kind people just throw up their hands and say "F*^k it". I can see that.
      So, I wonder what the physical and psychological effects this type of systemic treatment has on people over the course of 50 years? 100 years? Longer. What does systemic degradation do to generations of people who can't find a way to "psychologically escape" this system. I wonder how the stress disrespect dehumanization, etc would play out on them and society for generations?
      I mean we all know someone who will keep doing the same thing over and over. Look at what happened in March. Look at what's happening now and these are "educated people". Someone said, "i know what welfare is like". Hmmm
      If you want empathy, one should try showing empathy.
      Workering people need to stand together. We need to hold "the system" accountable and stop covering up for it.

  32. Well, nice chill day today. Now watching cnbc and fox news. DOW still up 1,357 as I write this. Went for a walk at about 10:15, got some vitamin D. I guess I'm an online babysitter and attendance taker. Remember, the esteemed chancellor said attendance doesnt matter. The chancellor was a teacher, right? He should know. Anyway, day is ending...Retro coming in July. Now I guess I know what welfare is like, except this is actually what the DOE wants.

  33. @11:18 - so you *like* students who get praised regardless of their awful actions? That's disturbing. Lol.

  34. I taught all day. Glad you didn't do shit 1:04. All of you who admit on the internet that you do nothing are what gives us a bad name. Most of you probably suck up to your administrators. The rest probably work for incompetent fools as you try to beat the system. I hate Mulgrew, de Blasio and Carranza but I loathe you assholes just as much.You are the problem as much as the leadership.

  35. I'm 1118. No, some can't get the chancellor to enforce an attendance or grading policy, give fair grades, and students are one huge lost cause, as is the uft and this profession, as Shelley stated, so some teachers have given up. If students are getting away with it, why not teachers? Should I get a heart attack? Keep banging my head against a brick wall? Read Erica's questions above. Answer them. If you don't know how demoralized many teachers are, please wake up.

    227, do students have a bad name? How about careanza? How about mulgrew? The uft? Bad name? And what is their punishment? Are they suffering like teachers are? In infected buildings? Given impossible tasks?

  36. Suffering like this:

    Anonymous said...
    Well, nice chill day today. Now watching cnbc and fox news. DOW still up 1,357 as I write this. Went for a walk at about 10:15, got some vitamin D. I guess I'm an online babysitter and attendance taker. Remember, the esteemed chancellor said attendance doesnt matter. The chancellor was a teacher, right? He should know. Anyway, day is ending...Retro coming in July. Now I guess I know what welfare is like, except this is actually what the DOE wants.

  37. I guess we got the 2005 and 2014 contracts because teachers went on blogs and said things which give us a bad name. If you are still working hard in this fraud profession you are a damn fool. But blame "JOE" for 2 decades of doe and uft fraud and corruption.

  38. 245...because what is the other option? Make yourself sick trying to change the unchangeable?

  39. Remember, the esteemed chancellor said attendance doesnt matter. People on this blog said someone should be fired if he counts attendance. Well, tell us the rules. Where are the bosses? If students dont have to attend, what should teachers do?

  40. No, suffering like people dying in March and April. Being forced into infected buildings and onto infected trains for no reason. Just like what is happening now, as cases skyrocket.
    Suffering like being unable to pay bills while the doe holds $50k of my money for 12 years with no interest.
    Suffering like a student having 0% attendance and being told I have to give him makeup work on June 15.
    Is that enough suffering?

  41. Please re-read what Shelley wrote. Teachers can't take it anymore. We now have golf guy, stock market guy, bed guy, joe, thousands more...I have news for all of you, I've been an atr, every school I went to, teachers did whatever and then passed everyone in june. Didn't want to be hassled by the kid or ap.

  42. Question 227, if I break my back, only to have to pass people with no merit, then what? Give myself headaches for who, for what? Nobody cares? Who are you pleasing? You think students give a shit, pay attention, are learning? The mayor and chancellor literally walked some of us to our death. What do you think you're proving? For future McDonalds workers? Different suffering for me, same results. I live taught everyday the first 2 months, then the jackass chancellor came out and said students dont have to show up. I continue to get emails from guidance telling me to work with no shows. What the fuck does that mean? My class is now a video class.

  43. Teachers here say they don't do any teaching well fuck you.

  44. I work in school 5 days a week. By UFT rules how often can they force us to be tested? I thought it was random. The Meds come in and they call whoever is in schools so meds have something to do.

    Principle told me he tests weekly and if I did not test he would send me home without pay. Are those the rules or is he just doing whatever?

    Other non DOE staff in building not being tested at al. I feel over tested. Do I have any rights on this issue?

  45. No, finally, fuck the DOE.

  46. I give the ‘Joes’s’ of the world all the credit. They have been put down by admins, viewed as sub-standard by some colleagues who don’t get what an ATR is and been cursed at by students.

    These doe employees like joe have gone home and said,’should I keep going?’ I’m glad they did and are on easy street now.

    I hope joe joins me on the golf course in the spring. It’s hard to play when it gets dark out at 445. I’ll good during PDs but not when I’m ‘teaching’ online aka posting power point slides for kids to copy and ask questions on them and pass everyone who hands in work. If you don’t hand it in, that’s ok. No due date.

    I’m ready for the insults. My favorite is how I’m not a ‘real educator’ or have ‘low self esteem’. Spoiler alert: I had a yearly physical and my numbers are better than they have ever been bc I have more time to eat better and get more workouts in. My goal is to collect a pension as long as possible.

    Best revenge is a well deserved pension collected as long as possible and to leave the doe at 55. Am I there yet?

  47. This is how teachers are being treated

  48. Yes 922, but Joe is crazy. We are so lucky to have a job, just ask Amy and Mike. If we die, cool.

  49. The real teachers here have...Students who can't write a sentence.

  50. More propping up lovers. Yeah, bust my balls for...

    DOE wants to move away from grades in determining class rank

  51. Once this pandemic is done the retribution will come against the easy life teachers. Keep an eye on Cuomo cuts to education and the next austerity mayor who will make Bloomberg look like a light weight will happily join in.

  52. Really? What is an easy life teacher? And what is going to be done to rhem?

  53. The comments here are all once again a ploy by the DOE to plan people against one another. The demoralizing tactics put forth by Carranza for the sake of "equity" are disgusting and blatantly racist to ALL people. But for teachers to be speaking negatively of other teachers, who do you think you are? The DOE has created an environment where NOTHING matters. Kids can eat breakfast all of first period, kids can NOT do ANY work and pass, kids can literally not have attendance graded and be pushed into the next grade.

    For the people who are not demoralized and actually care, I suggest to stop paying dues and to form a New Union. If you stop paying dues and don't have a Union, you will not have support when you truly need it. If you complain and belittle adults who say "I'm getting paid no matter what I do", then shame on you. Every adult in here can teach how they want. If the DOE held people and students to standards, we would NOT be having this conversation. So get off your high horse, do what you need to do, and don't judge anyone because a system is corrupt for the sake of "diversity and equity". The diversity and equity will be delivered by dumbing down everyone.

    God bless and I love you golf guy!

  54. Dear waitingforsupport,

    Reading what you write I sense that you are a smart person who cares deeply about communities, families, students, teachers and teaching. I don't condone belittling students or their families or communities. Indeed, I too find it despicable and an injury to our calling. I also find the race baiting and racist comments posted here, and I have no idea why this is permitted on a blog that is moderated, offensive and disgusting. While I recognize that teachers need to vent, and I applaud James for providing a forum for venting, I wish that posters would desist from the sophomoric, insulting racist language and stereotyping.

    When you allude to the systemic denigration of people by systemic racism, I know you are asking teachers to see the world through the eyes of many of their students, though these pedagogues have very different experiences and perspectives, and I agree that this is a first step to making things better for teachers and students. That said, you must be aware, for you strike me as an experienced and mature person, a sensitive and intelligent person, that many teachers, dare I say most, while they are not overt racists or angry and anxious working class who can't understand how what little fortune they have is so much greater than that of their pupils, many were not born with even a plastic spoon in mouth, and, when abused, rather than fins solidarity in opposing a common oppressor, lash out at the greater oppressed, their students when they should have more compassion and not kneejerk about who is getting something for nothing.

    1. @ Shelley...

      Let me share something. I probably shared it before but im getting old and don't remember lol.
      I'm for ALL educators being respected by the students, parents, admin,etc. No one deserves to be cursed at, spit upon or threatened just for simply doing their job. Trust and believe that when I was working I was NEVER cursed out. Not 1x. I don't know why. I don't think it was because I am better than anyone. However I just was not having it. My students and my peers were treated with respect. New admin came in and took over. They came to "improve the school". I spoke up verbally and via email to admin about the new policy about issuing unearned passing grades. I even sent info to the news but i won't go any further with that. I also taped my conversations with admin because they were a conniving bunch. Many Friday afternoons I would send an email to them about incidents that would potentially give anyone who really cared, a reason to pause and potentially question. (That was my weekend gift to them.) Needless to say, admin continously came for me by writing me up lol. I can lol now but talk about stress. This went on for about 2 years. Eventually i had to fight to keep my job. However I never lost faith in me. I know who I am. I may not be the best but I am pretty damn good. Wink wink. Anywho, I won. They lost. I was able to leave that toxic environment and it turned out to be one of the best things that happened for my career. The stress and anxiety left me. I worked in many schools and met many admin. ALL were wonderful to me and a few even wrote commendations to me once I left. The experience restored my faith in the idea that there are nice admin in the DOE. Now that im retired, i do a few hours remotely to help one school whose admin respects not only the staff but also the students. I always tell the principal that they should send him around to train other admin on how to treat their staff. Anyway, my peer also spoke out against the fraud. He was also our CL. When admin turned on him, all of the staff turned their backs on him and they were the mitches who CONVINCED him to take the position in the first place. They left this guy out to dry. It was sad. I have zero respect for those cowards. I was infuriated and stood right with him. He was trying to ensure that admin followed the contract and those fools cowered out of fear. Instead of standing together as a faculty they just gave fake grades. Doesn't that add to the destruction of the profession and union? I just stood with him as I would for anyone who is doing the right thing. Again, it's NOT because im better or stronger, it's just who i am and it's the right thing to do. Together we wrote and asked for support from Milgrew, Walcott, Hinds, Diblahsio,etc but those turds didn't do S%^t. Nada. The mental toll it took on him was egregious. It broke him down. He eventually had to fight to keep his job. So when folks talk about doing what is best to keep their sanity I really do get it. Working class people are just trying to earn their money, save some money and live their best life surrounded by the folks who love and bring them joy. However what I don't get is when folks "spit" on the students and their families. If you have all of that bravado, why aren't you using it against your oppressor? No. Folks want to "spit" on people who have globs of spit on them already. You just want to add to it. Yeah. It's not ok.
      As for James and this blog, I think it's a much needed place. It certainly is appreciated. I guess we are all trying to make it through this journey the best way we know how. No experts. Varied opinions based on experiences. We are just people trying to get on. I've learned so much especially from people such as yourself, James, Tom, Bronx, Reno, Moose even bedtime Joe. I've laughed. I've gotten annoyed but i return.

  55. Shelley, There is plenty that does not get through but I am trying to be fair to allow the widest range of viewpoints to be heard.

  56. @waitingforsupport

    Thank you so much for your kind words. I have learned so much from you all as well and have really learned how to be a positive educator while maintaining my sanity. I have decided for a few years now (I am 22 years old but have been in education in various forms for 4 years) that teaching is most likely not going to be a lifelong career.

    I know after much reflection and counseling that this career isn't for life for me. It isn't going to help me be happy or satisfied in my life. But, I will say that my experiences in education and as a teacher will not be forgotten. Of course, the bad is hard to let go, but there is so much I learned about me and the world and from my coworkers who have a spine. I have learned how to advocate for my students, I have learned how to sympathize with families and offer help during tough times, I have learned how to advocate for myself, I've learned how to say no and when enough is enough, and I've learned how to be confident and stick up for myself. I don't think I would have ever grown as much if it weren't for my experiences with the DOE.

    I think that the teachers who are complacent - I understand where they are coming from because I've been there. But the thing is that our job is to work with students and do the best we can to educate them. I recognize that I can't be the best me or give my best self in the long-term in this career, but I still put my best foot forward because those kids, the kids that care, really genuinely want to learn. And I won't let them down. But I also won't stay in a career where my heart isn't all in. And I think the kids can tell eventually when it isn't. And that just isn't healthy for anyone.

    It's unfortunate there are so many that don't recognize this.

    P.S.: I learned that I can respond from being logged into my email without my email showing so now you all know that there is only one official Reno Snow lol. =)

  57. @Reno

    Yw. You sound like such a lovely person. Do what is best for you. I'm certain that whichever path you choose, you will do well. Maybe a guidance counselor role is a role for you to consider. Stay safe. And yes, students can certainly tell when you're heart isn't in it. Why that's surprising to some people is confusing. I mean we were all once students. Couldn't you tell when a teacher's heart wasn't in it?
    Wishing you success. Take care of yourself. Leave on time every day.

  58. @Reno...
    I forgot to say that the reason why I refused to just accept the policy of passing everyone or dumbing down lessons is because of people like you and your parents. Im sure your parents sacrificed and trusted in this system--like so many other parents. I wouldn't be able to look in the mirror if I duped you or your parents. It sounds like you had many teachers who actually taught you. Im glad they stayed on their "high horse" and refused to accept the unacceptable. Again, I wish you success!

  59. Shelley,

    Maybe not using terms like systemic racism would be a good start. How about “some racism exists in every system but there are very good people in every system who are not racist and attempt to do the right thing by their students”. I know it’s not as “catchy” and you get to show your liberal cred by using the term, but not everyone e thinks that systemic racism is real. And you don’t have to be a racist to not think that. Is there racism in prevent element of society? Yes. Is it systemic? No. If you truly believe it is system then all of the systems have to be replaced right? And who is going to be in charge of the new systems? How about we just treat each other equally and everyone gets a fair shot. Let’s aim for that?

  60. DOE demands that parents who choose classroom learning send kids to class

    “The first six weeks of school have shown promising results: we’re the largest school district to bring students back in-person, and so far, we’ve seen a 0.17 percent positivity rate through random testing,” O’Hanlon said.

  61. Yes, demanding kids to go to school will really work. LOL. What will happen to them if they still don't return.


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