Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 When I got on the call, President Mulgrew in his report was criticizing elected officials for lack of stimulus. Food banks running out of food. He then talked about testing vaccines. Emergency Use Authorization is coming. Top scientists doing this. If medical experts tell us the vaccine is good to go, it will be distributed. We could be in the second wave as teachers or the third wave to get it. Tough, deadly virus. Talking to doctors. The pandemic is raging out of control nationally.

State budget is terrible, city is a little better. Individual income tax is up. State is in horrendous shape. State level, we are still counting ballots. Presidential race called. State, we are still counting ballots. Andrew Gournardis now up by a thousand votes. State Senate may have a super majority. Give credit to poll workers doing the counting with masks on. There have been positive COVID-19 cases slowing down counting. Covid is Covid but we have to keep moving forward.

City-level: On the political side, most of the politics are about MLC and the city budget. We are in schools or doing phenomenal remote teaching. Food distribution budget is gone. We need to be there to help our communities. There will be food shortages, and people not being able to pay heating bill. We can use our political capital and resources to help families. It is going to be a horrible winter.

Education: Regents canceled for January. It's not possible to give a standardized test with any validity. We can't ensure validity of tests. We can't do it properly. There is no substitute for in-person education. 

Evaluations: We have guidance on teacher evaluation. Waving student learning requirement.  State has kicked it to districts to come up with an evaluation process to be collectively bargained locally. Supervisors can observe google classrooms. It cannot be used for formal evaluation until we reach an agreement. Tell supervisors to come in and then they will not want to come in. 

Medical accommodations: If a person had a chronic condition, that should be recognized. Not chronic, December 1 is what we put on the table to reapply. When we get it finalized with DOE, we will get that out to you.

COVID-19: 3% number to close NYC school buildings came from the city. We believe targeting a geographic area is a smart way to do it. We were fighting for PPE, electrostatic cleaning, and testing. State had set a number of 5% for closing a school district. People who wanted schools closed in the summer now want to keep them open. We said we wanted to get schools open but if the community positivity rate goes higher, we can't keep schools open. Members emailing us that if their community doesn't have high Covid-19 numbers, why close? DOE instructional people missed the chance to have better remote instruction. The DOE left it to individual schools. We're closing schools on a daily basis. State closed more schools than the city. Numbers in the last two weeks went up, more and more school buildings closed. 114 schools closed last week. We are following the plan. The finish line is in sight but we've got to get through the winter. Doctors petrified about Thanksgiving. It depends on what goes on in local areas. Safety has to be first. We are not going remote permanently. We have to double down as we move forward. To reopen, we will push the city to be more aggressive with testing to get us through these next couple of months. I don't want us to stumble. If you want schools open, we have to do this together. Everyone has to wear a mask and social distance. Thanksgiving is hard. Hopefully by July 2021, we rejoice.  

Staff Director's Report:

Leroy Barr reported on winter coat drive. Chapter Leader weekend workshops going from now through January. We celebrated SRP's yesterday. CTE high school fairs from November 19 through December 5. Happy Thanksgiving.

Question Period:

Question: Testing doesn't seem random. People not being tested are not being sent home. Are you aware of this?

Mulgrew Answer: Mayor keeps saying testing is mandatory, but this isn't happening. Conversations with the mayor, chancellor and CSA president, our position is students can't come back in without the consent form to be tested. We have to be diligent. We don't want anyone else getting seriously ill. If administrators are not doing it because they don't want to have a discussion with parents,  we're always trying to make it better for kids. We are on top of this.

Question:  Clarify about medical accommodations?

Answer: After December 1, would have to get doctor's note again but why put people through this if they have chronic conditions. Mike Sill asked DOE people if they could process so many applications.

Question: In-person attendance very low, her high school only had 4, can we go fully remote or allow those that want to come in to come in every day?

Answer: Numbers are the numbers. We know what has worked and hasn't worked. Creating a period of time to make adjustments. High schools have very low attendance. Remote learning is easier for them. Some are socializing around the buildings. Some of the blended stuff can be altered. We are solving operational issues. Meetings will be settling complaints.

Question: Do nurses have to come into buildings tomorrow?

Answer: We don't know yet. We will get the information out as soon as we have it. School nurses have been phenomenal throughout the pandemic. Thank them.

Question: Budget, school given a budget based on projections. The school lost 100 students. Do they have to give back money?

Answer: At this moment, they have not taken money away. We have a consultation with the chancellor next week, we will get answer. Some schools set high numbers and have to adjust. We will get information out to chapter leaders and delegates.

Question: Parents and students having trouble responding to third party software on DOE devices, 60,000 still don't have devices, how is DOE remedying this?

Answer: Has anyone from DOE called to support you? No. Mulgrew will reach out to the district rep. Tech support from DOE is horrible. DOE trying to work on this. Kids hand writing assignments and then taking pictures and submitting them. We will try to find a resolution.

Question: CTLE hours. State suspended requirement for this year. Do people have to meet deadlines or have they been pushed back?

Answer: Mary Vaccaro says that if timeline is up by the end of this year, they need to do the hours. We have enough online courses to meet the needs of members. State might still waive hours. Mulgrew: Get the classes done. This is legislation as is evaluation. 

Question: Sites being used as 3-k, pre-k and learning bridges. Are they still open?

Answer: Learning Bridges still open. It is a child care program that is quite heavily used by our own members. The program is for essential frontline workers. Learning Bridges will run while we are in remote. Wear masks and be safe.

Question: Tenure process-Have there been any changes for this year?

Answer: Last year, people were granted tenure. State has said that nobody should be harmed because of COVID-related issues. Hoping to have the same resolution as we had last year. 

Karen Alford interjects that Learning Bridges will not be open for Thursday, November 19 including pre-k centers that include Learning Bridges. Learning Bridges outside of pre-k centers will be running.

Question: Mobilize union for two Georgia Senate runoffs?

 Answer: We have a great relationship with AFT Georgia. AFT taking lead and we have offered the Retiree Chapter to be a support system. Working hard with Georgia Teachers Association. They don't want us to be carpetbaggers. We will be doing a lot. Many of our members not political activists. Very, very important election.

Question:  What's the timeline as far as schools reopening?

Answer: No matter what we do, there's going to be a problem. Every decision has problems. If we could make it smooth, of course we would. We're in remote for a period of time. Hopefully, we get the numbers down. If our members are in geographic zones where COVID is growing, shut down but if it isn't growing, why should it be closed.

Motion period

Motion to reimburse members working remotely for having excessive students caseloads. For next month. Students being added continually. 86 in a class instead of 33. Teachers with over 200 students on their caseload. Operational complaints are backlogged. We should get paid for these oversize caseloads. Works in IS 24. 

Mulgrew: In operational template, this is already there. If it is a motion, it opens it up to collective bargaining. Will check with legal folks if this is legal. It could be moot.

Speaker against says this is divisive between remote and in-person teachers. No talk of hazard pay for teachers who go to buildings so remote teachers should not get extra money. 

68% voted to put it on next month's agenda; 32% voted no.

Mulgrew said that the division between remote teachers and those working in buildings is something we need to own. There should be no animosity toward each other. DA said we had to fight for medical accommodations as the first priority. We are all frustrated and it's tough. It is hard for everyone but please no animosity. News is all negative but we have to be better than some of what we see on media.


Black Lives Matter resolution. Leroy Barr motivates support for BLM. UFT supports BLM week of action. Support 13 principles of BLM including restorative justice. It is comprehensive and we support it.

Next speaker supports it as a member of the Unity Caucus to affirm Black Lives Matter in our schools. It's the opportunity of a lifetime. Read the 13 principles. Proudly and unapoligetically support this movement. 

Dermot Myrie of MORE thanks President Mulgrew and vice presidents. Hopes it can be unanimous today.

No speaker wants to speak against. 

Resolution passes 90% yes-10% no.

Endorsement for Julie Menan for District 5 City Council seat in the Democratic primary. Nobody wanted to speak against.

Resolution passes 93% yes-7% no.

Resolution calling for justice for George Floyd.

VPHS Janella Hinds motivated it. Another Delegate spoke in favor to say UFT is in solidarity with protestors. Another Delegate says we can't criminalize being African American. 

 Resolution passes 87% yes-13%no.

Resolution in support of librarians. Elementary school VP Karen Alford motivated it. Must work with NYSUT to mandate full time librarians in every school. Another librarian speaks in favor. 

Resolution passes 96% yes-4% no.

Mulgrew wishes all a Happy Thanksgiving. Medical community afraid of Thanksgiving. If you are going to gather with family, get tested a day or two before and wear your mask. Don't gather in large numbers. Connect on Zoom.


  1. 4:48 not able to get on, no call to me, no number to dial in

  2. Support a Marxist organization? Well, I'm opting out for sure. I suggest you all do.

  3. So, we are getting beaten to a pulp and the uft is focused on a BLM resolution.

    That is why i work from bed.

  4. Black Lives Matter is an anti-semitic hate group.

    Why should I support the UFT to promote and support antisemitism?

    More importantly, why is the UFT promoting anti-semitism through BLM instead of protecting the health and financial well being of it membership.

    Jonathan S. Tobin: Want to fight racism? Begin by resisting BLM ideology
    Indeed, the recent surge of anti-Semitic comments from some African-American athletes and celebrities like DeSean Jackson, Nick Cannon and Ice Cube were largely ignored by BLM activists rather than condemned. While there were some blacks who did speak out, like basketball Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabaar and sports commentator Jemele Hill, they were the honorable exceptions who proved the rule and testified to the acceptance of Jew-hatred among many blacks. Jewish groups, some of which are diffident about confronting African-Americans about anti-Semitism, aren’t likely to rally BLM advocates to confront this issue, let alone seek its sources, such as the widespread influence of hatemonger Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam.

    Unfortunately, many liberal Jews are not only failing to see the inherent problems that arise from backing radical BLM ideas like demonizing all police, but they are also buying into the group’s dangerous ideas about the perils of “whiteness,” which represent a particular threat to Jews as well as undermine black aspirations for advancement.

    Accepting the ideological constructs behind the idea of White Fragility—the bestselling book that is a modern patent nostrum of foolishness about race—sends well-meaning people down a rabbit hole of rigid racialism that discards Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s hopes for a race-blind society. And yet that is exactly what many Jews are doing in this overheated post-George Floyd atmosphere.

    In the past, Jews have played a constructive role in the struggle for civil rights—whether by marching with Dr. King or funding African-American education precisely because their efforts were aimed at raising up African-Americans, not abasing themselves at the altar of race.

    That is why rather than jumping on the BLM bandwagon, those who claim to represent Jewish interests should be holding that movement to account for its damaging ideology, as well as its anti-Zionist connections and passivity about the growth of anti-Semitism among African-Americans.

    Racism is real. But so is the danger of aligning with a movement whose goals are antithetical to the values that are responsible for the tremendous advances towards a better society that the civil-rights movement supported by blacks and Jews in the past achieved.

    1. Reform Jew here, so what you are saying in a nutshell is that Black lives don’t matter out of some sense that historically Jews have had it tougher??? I don’t subscribe to that notion. Black Americans have been subjugated, segregated, enslaved, and descriminated against - all things that people of Jewish faith can identify with. We must be supportive to any organization that tries to change systematic racism in this country.

  5. At the end of the day the union supports way too many social causes of all stripes. It should be a bread and butter union. No reason to focus on this stuff.

  6. BLM, Really? That’s why I’m glad I stopped my COPE contribution after we participated in that Sharpton march. I may be slow, but I’m not dumb enough to load the gun pointed at my head

  7. Our job is to teach kids, build up some self esteem in them, maybe coach or run a club or two and go home. Why are we as a union pulled into all these social causes? Does FDNY union get involved in anything? It’s ridiculous that just because our profession deals with children we get pulled into all this. Union should focus on what’s best for members and members only. It’s our job to educate kids it’s their parents job to RAISE them.

  8. 6:05, Agreed
    I wonder how many members buy into support of this ideology? Seems more and more of us become disenfranchised
    with direction our union is taking us.

  9. I am pulling COPE contributions.

  10. 90 percent supports restorative justice? Those who cant do, Teach. This is your leftist teacher.

  11. I think most of the under 35 teacher crowd buy in. Unfortunately.

  12. Imagine how wonderful the world would be if we all help our students get advanced degrees in intersectional activism.

  13. We are being disenfranchised by the very same union that is suppose to support us.
    What has happened to our union? It has gone rogue.

  14. This sounds like when students refuse to do work, we respond by giving them no work. Then the 1 teacher who gives work is verbally abused all day.

  15. A useless waste of time and effort sanctioning an anti Semitic and neo Marxist hate group. BLM is antithetical to everything that is logical and just. It is the militia wing of the extreme left. Where is the focus on what the dues payers want and need? As an Israeli I find this to be disgraceful. The union has no business sanctioning a group that has used violence and is much like the brown shirts that marched through Germany. In addition, this group of neo fascist thugs wants to eliminate our brothers and sisters in law enforcement. A unionized force that risks their lives to protect us. Since when did the first responders who died in 9/11 become pigs? The fact that the United to Fuck Teachers is endorsing such a hateful movement has me seriously considering opting out. I have relatives who wear the badge, to the morons who are supporting this domestic terror organization I can say fuck you very much.

  16. The UFT can’t be bothered helping teachers or students. They are too busy pandering to whatever is politically advantageous.
    If the UFT really does feel Black Lives Matter it would stand up against the massive academic fraud, disregard of societal rules that the improper use of restorative justice has facilitated and the ridiculous inadequate physical environment teachers and students now find themselves shivering in. Then and only then, they could vote on what, without those foundations, are meaningless esoteric resolutions that are tantamount to putting lipstick on a pig.

  17. Our teenage students are on a current crime spree that is rapidly becoming unparalleled in modern time. It is under reported and facilitated by non-policing, racial politics, restorative justice and assumed entitlement - academically, monetarily and judicially. The UFT is so oblivious to teachers’ and society’s suffering that they have deemed it necessary to congratulate themselves by approving the very philosophies that will see the ultimate demise of both the UFT and public school education in NYC.

  18. Black Lives Matter is a political and social organization. Black lives are individual people. Care and support for BLM means you support their mission and goals, it does not mean you care or support people. Supporting black lives means that you care about people. The UFT supports the movement, not the children.

    There is a huge distinction between a political movement and the lives of people.

  19. Dropped out of cope years ago. My money doesn’t support a racist, anti Semitic Marxist org like BLM.

  20. Wages and Work Conditions. Bread & Butter. Wages and Work Conditions are very complex issues and complicating these two with other issues will only cause more splintering, fracturing and caucusing. We won't defeat Mulgrew and Unity. Won't happen. So forget about it. We are not going to strike. We won't do a sick out or any job action. Only Joe & Co. will do a sit down. But we can force Unity to make better deals, give us greater access to information and monies, open up to more democratic participation and get back our bread and protect our butter. But this will only be possible if we have a large and vocal percentage focused on wages and work conditions.

    These two issues are the key to bringing active people together and to opening the discussion that will get everyone's attention. But we can't be distracted by dozens of other issues and we can't permit our divisions, divisions we will never overcome, to prevent us from improving our wages and work conditions.

    When I say wages I'm talking about incomes, pensions, retirement benefits like the TDA (our TRS 403b) and the DCP (our 457 plan), healthcare plans.

    When I say work conditions I'm talking about minutes, hours, days, months of work, vacations and summer, periods and preps, locations and class size, programming and seniority, the ATR pool and transfers, observations and ratings, technologies.

    This is complex enough. Here, we may find a large vocal percentage who will come together, be they conservative or traditional educators, in favor or opposed to Mulgrew, the Mayor (Whomever this is).

    Our Pensions and TDA are at great risk. This, despite the fact that the lofty goals of 7% returns have been met and exceeded by the markets. We need to shore these up and soon.

    Our jobs are at great risk from automation and technology. We need to get a handle on this now.

    The City and the State are really broke this time. We need to figure out how we are going to keep everyone working with reduced enrollment, without moved our work to others and to automation and tech because the City, no matter what Joe Biden does, is going to be broke for a decade or more.

    OK, we are all remote. Now we need to focus on bread and butter.

  21. Wait until the retirees in Boca Raton read about this, and believe me I’ll make sure they do. Mulgrew flies down there constantly to squeeze every cent he can out of them in extra COPE contributions. Many, many of them are proudly Jewish and will not take this lightly, but there is a small percentage that are self-hating and may up their contribution and eagerly wonder when a similar UFT resolution will pass for the American Nazi Party.

  22. Shelly I agree with you. Except I don't believe we will unite around bread and butter. I think the UFT leadership will continue to distract with progressive causes that have nothing to do with our bread and butter appeasing the loud progressives. Most of us who disagree are not vocal. So the decisions are made with no resistance. Some of us have tried but there isn't enough of us. So....we will continue down a path that ends the way it always ends for NYC teachers, we will take whatever abuse comes our way even if it includes losing pension benefits. I have been fortunate. I've got enough saved in investments and TDA for the past 25 plus years to weather whatever comes when I retire soon. But I know most teachers are not as fortunate. In a way we're getting what we deserve. It's what happens when we cave instead of fighting.

  23. I'm 40. I'm quitting as soon as vaccine is in my arm. If you guys can keep doing fraud, you are better people than me.

  24. The cover of the NY Post is hilarious today, even if the twin Italian dunces were labeled for the wrong reason. Cuomo is a million times worse than deBlasio, and that is really saying something. I can’t believe how many teachers have gone Cuomosexual.

  25. Joe here,

    Ya know, the more I read on here, the more I'm proven right.

    This is an utter disgrace, all of it.

    Let me understand...
    The UFT, who represent "Teachers" is endorsing people who want to burn down the US, destroy statues, cities, buildings, churches and then loot and ontinue to riot.

    While that is going on, studnets who cant read or write are graduating hs. Those same studnets are constantly bashing teachers and thraetning to get them fired.

    Most teachers have given in and just pass everybody. Those are the "liked" teachers.

    I don't know who is dumber, the teachers who think they arre doing a great jobs or studnets who will never amount to anything but they they will becusse they are passing classes. Could you image, 20 years ago, no showing classes and passing. Or cursing a teacher. Or telling a teacher "you better pass me or I'm gonna complain about you to your boss and call 311."

    It would be nice if there was a uft resolution on that.

  26. 10:55 What does the vaccine have to do with you quitting?

  27. As Pete Seeger sez, "To Everything There is a Season" or if you are offput by Seeger's progressive adaptation, as it says in the Bible, "To Everything There is a Season" and a Time, and right now is not the time for revolution, general strikes, or progressive or conservative alliances in NY. Not if you want to save your supper. The progressives and liberal ideologues and revolutionaries had their chance while cities burned, and they got some evil statues and symbols taken down, forever, let us hope, and if you are so inclined, let us pray, but unless you are into Letting It Bleed, now is the time to Let It Be and Come Together. We can Work It Out. We can Work it Out. But first we must focus on the post depression, and eventually post-pandemic new normal. A new City where a job is not something you go to, but something you do. Work will never be the same. This is no post 11 September recovery for NYC. No post Housing or DotCom bubble recovery. The transit systems of our City and of others, in London, in Boston are not only broken, they will never return to serve the Cities as once did, never. The office properties in NYC and London and LA, and around the world will never be filled, paying taxes. Never gain. That is all changed, changed utterly. And teaching doesn't have to wait for Cuomo and Gates to re-imagine it, it has moved beyond anything they could have imagined quicker than they could move or imagine. In Fitzgerald's Gatsby he imagines this, that one day the Valley of Ashes, today's Flushing Meadows, would not be cut through by LIRR tracks carrying commuters from Long Island through what Robert Moses would make a World Exposition or Fair, and at last it has come to pass: the 300,000 commuters on those trains are no longer rocked gently through the meadows to Manhattan because the technological marvels on display at the Queens Fair in 1964 are now in use in every house. We are Zooming!! Come on and Zoom! Those 300,000 pay only one third of the budget for the MTA, Taxes and Government pay the balance. And taxes are hard to collect, and Government won't bail it out again. So cut services, lines, tracks, cars, cut even the buses where the well heeled never step, where the poor, who have no cars must pack in to get to work, if they have it. And they don't because the restaurants are shuddered and the robots are caring for the young and old, or the elderly are at home, with everyone else, where people prefer to work. These are lasting habits not temporary arrangements. The pandemic forced it and people like it, they prefer it. The more affluent, be they progressive or whatever will not support higher taxes for transit they don't need. People like to drive and will drive EVs to work once or twice a week or month or not at all. Work is what you do, an activity, not a place. This, combined with the demographics, the largest one now, at last, engaged in household formation, is getting married or whatever and is buying up properties with this concept in mind: you don't need to commute, you certainly don't need to commute daily to a city and anywho city life is so Yesterday.
    Who will we teach? Where? How? This is what we need to be talking about. The TDA and the Pension is paid for with tax dollars. This is a strange and unusual pension arrangement. And the tax dollars ain't there. And they ain't coming back. The focus, the obsession with buildings and building safety has missed the boat, again. Now is the time to Turn, Turn , Turn, not against your fellow teacher, your students, your neighbors, working people. We need to Turn and face the new reality of work and the new reality of the bad budget Mulgrew has been dancing around. We are fucked. Stick together people. We can't and we won't reform the Unity/UFT but if we stick together we can prevent them from selling us all to the highest bidder.

  28. I am 1055. Simple, I'm not going to give up my salary and medical with a pandemic ongoing. Quit and move to lock myself inside? Besides, I am already doing 100% remote, I'm home anyway.

  29. Shelley needs a little less Pete Seeger and a little more Bob Seeger. You know "Come back baby, rock and roll never forgets." NY will bounce back. It always has. We survived the financial crisis and 9-11. We will get through this too. Schools will survive too.

    1. It ain’t coming back from Da Blas. He’s still spending truckloads of money the city doesn’t have. Crime is rampant and ignored. Businesses are closing en masse. Garbage is piled up everywhere. The MTA is broke and unsafe. I saw a guy defecating in the middle of the street two days ago. Hey, there’s no public restrooms, maybe he was a tourist? Probably not, I saw 12 moving vans lined up on Central Park West. And 1000 kids can be taught by one teacher on Zoom. Where do you think all the cuts will come from? It’ll be the first thing that is gutted. NYC Public Schools will not recognizably survive with Mulgrew at the helm. He’ll agree to anything to save a skeleton of a staff and system, not for them but for the UFT Unity power structure and whatever dues can be had. But don’t worry about any of that, BLM is supported. Retirees should be very concerned.

    2. It ain’t coming back from Da Blas. He’s still spending truckloads of money the city doesn’t have. Crime is rampant and ignored. Businesses are closing en masse. Garbage is piled up everywhere. The MTA is broke and unsafe. I saw a guy defecating in the middle of the street two days ago. Hey, there’s no public restrooms, maybe he was a tourist? Probably not, I saw 12 moving vans lined up on Central Park West. And 1000 kids can be taught by one teacher on Zoom. Where do you think all the cuts will come from? It’ll be the first thing that is gutted. NYC Public Schools will not recognizably survive with Mulgrew at the helm. He’ll agree to anything to save a skeleton of a staff and system, not for them but for the UFT Unity power structure and whatever dues can be had. But don’t worry about any of that, BLM is supported. Retirees should be very concerned.

  30. She agrees with Joe.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    US House candidate, NY-14
    To get the virus under control, we need to pay people to stay home.

  31. So TIRED of listen to the teachers who don't live in NYC, talk about the death of NYC. Just STFU. When was the last time, you were even in the city, besides you car ride to work. It is not your city. It is not your world. We know you hate here and you hate the culture and the diversity and so again just STFU. NO one cares what you think. We hate that you work here. I hate that my tax dollar pay your salary and your pension. I wish you had the courage to leave the city and move to your fantasy world red state ... but wait, we ALL know someone who did that ...left NY ... moved and guess what, they hate it there too. KNow why?? because this lot are the most miserable scared little erectile dysfunction snowflakes ever... and BTW only snowflakes say snowflakes... oh, yeah you are so tough.. Get a job in your revered suburb. Nah.. why? No one wants you! You are trash and you are done. It's over for you, and you know it. Keep lying to yourself about how great you are, how important your "teaching" is.

    1. We are in a pandemic with people dying, out of work, food insecure and suffering from mental illness. However, the people on this blog spend most of their time bashing, whining, pontificating and laying in bed about:
      The uft
      The mayor
      The students
      Their parents
      Crime stats
      The city
      The students
      The students
      The students
      And how amazing,smart, hoity toity they are.
      It's just like listening to Donny. They are Impressed with themselves. They won't do anything to change their own situation except teach from bed and well...speak their truth and wait for it: Use their voice.

    2. I agree W4S. You might want to add all anonymous. It has become a painstaking task sometimes to just monitor the comments.

    3. James. I'm not understanding what you want us to do.

    4. Find common ground with fellow UFTers to demand better working conditions for everyone. Attacking each other and the students does not help. W4S opposes easy pass policies for kids.

      I do understand that it is not all of the commenters so let me not say all but it is the same comments from certain people over and over again. It does not matter the topic.

  32. Students=no morals, no ethics

  33. Snowflakes baby :)

    Come on. Get over yourself.

  34. 3:08 - What do you do for a living?

  35. @3:08 pm and Maestro...
    Keep doing what you do.
    It's hard to teach these old dogs new tricks.
    These folks get a thrill commiserating on this blog; Patting one another on the back about their degrees. Impressive. Not.
    They are also the same ahem adults who robotically walked into the petri dish in March AFTER the city and uft protected the kids. They are the same "smarties" who download into their "Depends" the moment admin walks into their room for an observation. Ha ha ha.
    They are terrified . This is their life: big talk on a blog with like-minded people. Anyway, Guilani held a presser on Fox. They are trotting out their best people to try and convince 75 million that the election was rigged. Welcome to Russia and China. Donny has sh%t all over us and US.

  36. This is gonna be a fun January. I may actually fail 98% of the students. I warned them.

  37. Every single day I realize why these students will be minimum wage workers...No care, no drive, no work ethic with complete welfare and handout mentality. Nobody seems to tell them it isnt ok.

    1. @4:32pm...
      I just picked myself up off the floor.
      You just described some of NYC's smartest... teachers with master's degrees of course. I'm beginning to think Rudy Guilani is posting on this site. It's like reading a poorly written SNL sketch. But please don't stop.

    2. NYC teachers at least worked hard got a master’s degree and have a job. Even the ones who have checked out.

  38. "Pay people to stay home". And Laura Ingraham wants to work with this fool. Who's doing the paying? What about gas stations, coffee shops and restaurants? I just had my last lunch at the pub today for a while, and no need to gas up the car. I can eat lunch locally I suppose but that won't help NYC's tax revenues.

    1. Give people money so they can close shop stay afloat and reopen in a month. Why is that so hard to understand. If everyone stayed home for just 2 weeks and followed all guidelines this thing would be gone.

  39. Correct, Joe is doing what the students do. Students don't fail, neither does Joe. This is what they wanted. We are all lowlife now.

  40. @5:37pm...
    Don't put me in that basket.
    Nor Reno.
    Nor Tom.
    And I don't think @ Maestro

  41. Equity. Isn't that what everyone wanted? Now teachers can feed off system too. It is about time.

    1. @610pm...
      Soooooo now feeding off the system is ok?
      You can't make it up.

      If students do it...they have no drive no work ethic
      If teachers do it...we have degrees. Hey the students do it. It's different for us. We succumbed only after 20 years of discomfort.

  42. SO after the students beat us into submission...My response should be what? 185 days a year is a lot to keep going into the same thing...While worrying about it all night.

  43. If we say Joe is the worst...He was motivated at least to graduate hs and college, I'm assuming on time, get a full time job and career. The students come in doing nothing and expect a handout and leave uneducated.

  44. Oh i see...
    So there are levels to low lifes.
    Some are better than others.
    Got it.

  45. AOC, Are you suggesting you want to pay people to stay home from the money you take by defunding the police? Or was that for the student debts you wanted to pay off, the Green New Deal or Medicare for All?

  46. I guess. We witnessed it for so long and so many do it, it is now time to join the party. Question is, which is more fruitful, the govt goving me welfare or the govt paying me as a teacher?

    1. @712pm
      Do you do this often? I mean witnessing a behavior that you disdain and then joining in? What happens to your feelings about that behavior? Do you rationalize them away?
      Im just curious

  47. 6:50: I don't know if that would work. People would congregate more in homes since they can't go out to eat or socialize and according to the governor that's what is causing the disease to spread more than anything.

    1. If they did not congregate and only stayed home with the people that live with them. But most people are weak and selfish, so yes they would congregate most likely.

  48. 6:47: Lately it's getting easier and easier to get a college degree and master's. They are dumbing down college curriculums since so many students come to college unprepared.

    1. Still a lot harder than the expectations set for most hs students that most of them can’t or refuse to obtain.

  49. @722 pm...
    Are you saying that Donny's MAGA is a fallacy? Please say it ain't so. Is America becoming dumb? Jeez Louise. What is we to do?????
    Hey Joey...any bright ideas? You're the smartest one in the gang. Wha say you?

  50. Most of us went through school decades ago.

    1. @736pm...
      It was really easy decades ago. So many didn't have to take the GRE

  51. “Waiting for real names”.

    There ya go James now you can track me and my comments. 3:08 pliease done delude yourself into thinking the reason for the success of nyc is its diversity. One of the mai. Reasons nyc is so successful is the fact that Wall Street and many big businesses are located there. So please don’t lecture us about the suburbs. And btw I don’t hate the diversity I hate the liberal policies of not only nyc but many other cities that allowed looting and rioting to happen. Why is that ok? And I am sorry to tell you that none of us are going to STFU as you so eloquently stated. We still live in America. (I think...I have to check every day to make sure). That attitude is part of the reason Donald trump got 73 mil votes. A lot of us weren’t thrilled by hi, but you are just as intolerant. At least he doesn’t pretend to be tolerant liberals like you do.

  52. “Waiting for real names”

    7:22 I actually agree with you and it’s part of the problem along with the high schools. All secondary schooling has been dumbed down. But as 7:36 pointed out many of us got college degrees 20 years ago when they still meant something.

  53. I hate the crime. Who is doing it?

    1. @834pm...
      So do I. Start your research here:
      let's ask the families of the little 4 girls who were killed in a church bombing
      Or the families of those folks killed in church
      Or the residents of Tulsa ok
      Could be the Klan
      And the proud boys, boogaloos
      Trump supporters
      Ask the indigenous people
      Ask the mass shooters
      Ask madoff
      Ask enron
      Charles kushner
      Derek chauvin
      Jim crow
      The US govt dumping crack in minority communities and then locking up sellers and users
      Local govt running diploma mills Institutional racism
      The folks running the Tuskegee study
      The folks who stole Henrietta Lacks cell samples
      Martin Luther King assassin
      Medgar evers assassin
      Emmett Till's killers and the Karen who instigated the sh"%
      Bull Connor
      The FBI's war on blacks
      Black folks who don't see their value, resilience and their own power
      White folks who have lynched chased burned harassed and challenged black folks right to live, vote or feel safe
      And so on and so on
      Oh and your little stats you trot out daily but wouldn't dare trot them out to a room filled with real people who would have an authentic conversation about your stats as well as the true history of crime in America and throughout the world

    2. I asked...and this is while blacks make up a tiny percent of the overall population yet lead the jail population. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in 2018 Black males accounted for 34% of the total male prison population, white males 29%, and Hispanic males 24%. White females comprised 47% of the prison population in comparison to Black females who accounted for 18% of the female population.

  54. Joe should use a flame thrower, that is acceptable in nyc.

  55. Why does the uft endorse getting rid of the nuclear family?

  56. Do you think college professors bother to check if papers are plagiarized?

  57. The sad part isn’t a Congresswoman saying this. The sad part is so many people enthusiastically agreeing with it.

    Our real crisis is a cultural one.

    Helplessness, victimhood, and a misplaced sense of entitlement to the services of others. We must reverse this.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    US House candidate, NY-14
    To get the virus under control, we need to pay people to stay home.

  58. When we are all back in schools there will be some dirty looks from the pandemic in person teachers to the accommodation pandemic teachers. No doubt and understandable.

    1. Why should there be dirty looks? If any teacher giving dirty looks was able to get an accommodation they would’ve taken it. It’s not the teachers with accommodations fault. Schools should’ve been home remote for all since day 1, but to blame and be mad at the people who have health issues who simply took what was offered to them is being an ass.

  59. @ Shelley and why do you believe we will be broke for a decade? Is it because our state has the worst leadership you can find. Why is Florida thriving with no income taxes and with the pandemic. New york is the most visited city in the world getting billions of money from taxes, tourists etc etc and we are this broke?

    Gods sake the 800 million moron wife can't seem to find. It is the dems fault for this. I swear if all leaders were republican I would say the same.

    We should have a treasure trove of money but it seems like it is wasted and abused. I just hate how corrupt and selfish our so-called leaders are.

  60. I wonder if the DOE will continue with its anti bias training during remote learning? Do you think psychological evaluations should be mandatory to become a teacher?
    So much is happening and the physical and mental wellness of educators should be considered.

  61. “Waiting for real names”

    Interesting point waiting for support. Although going by anecdotal evidence of my students who I have kept in touch with over the years most of them did not get a masters degree. I would put that number out of my school at about 10%. And that number is probably on the high side.

    1. @10:37 pm...
      Most of my students at my former school have not only graduated from 4 year colleges, many have earned a post grad degree. A few have opened their own businesses. These students came from the "hood" with single parent households. The staff refused to pass failing students. Instead of lowering standards we worked with the students to ensure they were prepared for higher learning. Of course, this was before the new admin came in and "fixed our promotion rate". Poor students. Dedicated staff. Once the new admin took over the promotion and grad rate increased. The students went to 2 yr colleges and the college grad rate declined.

  62. Let’s assume we were able to completely shut down for three weeks or a month. The virus isn’t going to disappear. The rate of spread will certainly decrease, for a while. When everyone resurfaces well be right back where we started. Pay people to stay home? Isn’t that essentially what the doe has been doing since March? Are people still deluding themselves that they are working?stay home till June, grab a couple of year’s extra pension credit from the incentive and call it a career. This is the Golden Age for burnt out dinosaurs. Enjoy!!!!

  63. I won't STFU. NYC born and bred. Moved out of my neighborhood at age 40 because it was a cesspool. I'm not some snowflake raised in the suburbs. I watched crime destroy my neighborhood and eventually had enough money saved to get out. So you lefties can scream and stamp your feet all you want. I won't stop exercising my right to free speech. If you don't like it too fucking bad.

  64. 834. You’re right but the lefties like w4s will never admit it. I’ll spare everyone my list of violent crimes committed by nonwhites even though I’m tempted to counter w4s and the racist rant, because it doesn’t matter. Plenty of criminals in all different colors in America. I just want to make the point that naming a million criminals like Bernie Maddof etc... doesn’t negate the fact that 834 has a valid point.

    1. @11:03 am...
      8:34 has made no point;they asked a queetion.
      I agree with you about plenty of criminals in all different colors in America.
      834 consistently trots out stats about blacks hence my enlightening 834.
      America's foundation is violent. Fact. One good thing about Trump, he's pulled back the curtain on what many people have experienced: The ugliness and divisiness that exists in America. We ain't that great. We ain't that strong. We ain't that bright. It doesn't mean I don't love America.
      Why does 834 think they can toss out a question and get upset when it's answered.
      You can counter all you'd like. It will just prove OUR point:
      Plenty of criminals in all different "colors" in America.
      Where do we go from here is up to all of us: Republicans Democrats Independents Moderates Christian Muslim Jewish.

    2. But some forever lead the jail population.

  65. lefties dont like free speech. Their crying babies that think their entitled to everything. Burn down your cities, harass people who speak up. Your not the only ones destroying this country. Its the trump supporters who think this election is rigged. Yes their may be some fraud but that goes on in any election. Guillano looks like an asshole telling the public he has proof. Hard to believe he ran our city years ago. You believe in a man that doesnt believe in democracy. Its time to get these old cronies out and vote in people that are young and represent different cultures that want to work together.

  66. Why use facts?

    By 2018 about 50% of Black men 25 and older had been to college although just over half (54%) of them actually completed a degree compared to 60% of ‘all men’ who attended college, two-thirds of which (66%) have completed a degree.

  67. Who is committing crime, just watch the news. All the same.

  68. @10:37 AM

    You do know a master's degree isn't the be all end all. There are certain careers where a Master's isn't really required unless one wants to move up on their career ladder.

    Also, more education doesn't always equal the person is smarter. Just means they went to school longer. And we all know that a grad degree in education is pretty easy when compared to one in Mathematics or Computer Science or Nursing.

  69. Crime rate, jail population, net worth, education, salary, etc...mean nothing.

  70. Waitingforsupport, what's the name of your former school? It sounds like one of the schools that they use to promote the charter school takeover of public education. Is it a public school?

  71. W4s. Your new admin set their priorities and ran the school the way they saw fit. That’s their right under the system. You say you had a dedicated staff. Then why did outcome decrease? Because your dedicated staff did it’s job. They followed the priorities set by their boss. The priorities may have been bad but again it’s an administration’s right to set them. You condemn teachers who pass kids on this blog regularly but your “dedicated staff” passed them. I get the frustration. I wish people would stand up. But they won’t because they’ve witnessed their colleagues be tormented and fired. Some may just not give a shit but most don’t want to be a target. They have bills to pay. Progressive mayor and chancellor, and in fairness republican mayors too, have done nothing to stop administrators from just being bullshit artists. All the superintendents, chancellors and mayors care about is fudging numbers to make them look good. This had been going on forever but each year it ramps up. It’s a community problem. I know you don’t want to hear this but until the parents of these kids start demanding real accountability for everyone from the mayor on down to their own kids, nothing will improve. Pre COVID in my suburban world parents attended board meetings, called bullshit when they heard it, were INVOLVED and made cogent arguments when they sought change. That’s why shit gets done up here. We put in the time and effort and most work full time jobs. The community needs to change if you want schools to change.

    1. @2:19 pm...

      Of course it's admin's right to run the school as they see fit. However, we did NOT follow the "priorities" set by admin. Many refused and left the school. Some stayed and tried to stand up to admin. Why? Because we believed it was important to hold the students accountable. We wanted to ensure that they earned their credits, learned and were prepared for whatever path their post hs life took. Isn't that what so many are acknowledging on this blog?
      I "condemn" teachers who berate, bash, laugh at and then pass students who do not deserve to pass. However the same teachers who "condemn" the students' behavior, get their underwear in a bunch if their behavior is addressed/condemned. These teachers look down on the students and call them welfare recipients. They chuckle at how smart they are at playing the doe's game while getting paid to play golf teach from bed or whatever. Of course i agree that the community plays a role in the creation of this scenario. You said "until the parents of these kids start demanding real accountability...nothing will change". Absolutely. If i may ask you a question, why do you think there is even a market for charter schools? Do you think that maybe these parents recognize that the public schools in their community have failed them and their children for decades? These parents believe that a charter school education will help break that cycle. They are taking accountability in a way.
      Also, staying on your valid point about accountability. Just as we want to hold parents accountable, do you agree that we have to hold ourselves accountable?
      The community didn't get this way alone. Read the comments on this blog. Folks talk about passing everyone. Low standards,etc. The system (Institutional racism) called the DOE is only interested in optics not education.
      So while i do certainly agree that parents and students MUST do more, the PROFESSIONALS in the room should hold themselves accountable too.

  72. @ Shelley...
    It is a public hs in Manhattan. From 1999 through 2007 it was amazing. In 2007 the doe overwhelmed the school with level 1 and low level 2s. We worked hard to bring them up to level. We all know what happened next: the doe is only interested in promotion and graduation rates--not learning. We became a failing school. New leadership comes in to help these rates improve. Instead of buckling to the pressure many teachers left. Some stayed and got beat down. We were replaced with folks willing to play the game.
    Ha...the daily news became some of our friends.
    Oh well.

  73. To Unknown. You know what I thought when I saw Giuliani. Damn this old bastard still has his legal mind. A little slower but he argued well. Our democracy has systems in place to contest elections. Let them contest. If the evidence doesn’t come out, they lose. Let it play out. In January there will be one president sworn in on Inauguration Day. The country moves on.

  74. The great Rudy has lost 29 out of 30 so far. The suits are dismissed as fast as they can get thrown out. This is a farce 2:35. It is for show for people like you.

  75. 11:49: Good for you. You didn't play the game of "They're just students from the hood. We can't expect much from them." It's a shame that that is the game admins. play today and if you don't play it, you're a bad teacher to them.

    1. @319...
      It is a vicious game that admin/ doe plays. I had to maintain my own integrity as I dealt with a crooked system. It was a friggin battle to stand up. Family friends and colleagues kept me strong. I also know who I am and my value. Truth be told i get why people "let go" for the sake of their own mental and physical health. However to bash kids because maybe these kids and their families are trying to hold on to their own physical/mental health is hypocritical and insensitive. It reeks of nastiness. If these teachers want to be nasty,i can go there with them. Pray for me. Ha ha ha
      Stay safe!

  76. Trump's lawyers were amazing yesterday. That Sydney Powell gal explained that she also has an affidavit from someone who chatted about all this with Hugo Chavez (I am still not making this up) and that it was all approved by antifa. It was a Biden-Venezuelan-Jewish-Cuban-antifa conspiracy. And if you think she didn’t mention the Clinton Foundation in this … oh yes she did. All of these groups “had the election rigged for Mr. Biden,” said Powell. She went on to explain: “They can say a Biden vote counts 1.25 and a Trump vote counts 0.75, and that may be the numbers that were used here." All of this was explained to her by the Chavez chat man. Also, there is a server in Germany that is definitely connected. Though we don’t know how. So … just assume everyone not standing on the stage was a part of the conspiracy.

    1. @330 pm...
      I believe her (insert side eye).
      I think they absolutely have a shot at overturning the results. Lastly, Is Michigan in Minnesota?

  77. 3:05 you’re wrong. Not about it being a show but about the dismissals. Rudy and company have only filed a few. Others have filed suits too. The fake news conflates them. There is a PROCESS for a contested election. The show part I agree with but I also think Rudy laid out the kind of evidence they have and the arguments they will make in court. Nothing so far really is an indicator of anything. They allege fraud. They have evidence. The court system will give the evidence a chance to be cross examined. I’m not judging the validity of anything until the process is complete. One can put on a show to keep the base energized so they hold their Republican representatives feet to the fire while it all plays out as the system allows AND still have a solid court case. They are not mutually exclusive. Let it play out the way our American system was designed to play out. And you said “people like me” . You don’t know shit about me. I’m not a fool who believes everything out of Trump or Rudy’s mouth. I’m a curious citizen who wants to see if in the end Rudy has the case he thinks he has or not. If Rudy has egg on his face no skin off my nose. Going to court is not the end of our democracy. It’s our democracy at work.

  78. W4s. I’m not 610 but I’m responding. Fall to the floor if you want but nyc teachers make more than minimum wage. They can read. They can write. They can balance a checkbook. They can hold a job. And I bet not one ever told his teacher to suck his dick or other such disgusting things. Your comparison is false. And where did this come from anyway. Seems to me there’s one or two commenters on this blog site who act like they do nothing all day and you lump all you disagree with in that category. You know how we get rid of bad teachers.... end union protection or get a voucher system. Is that what y’all want? Go for it. When employees have rights sometimes bad employees get protected by those very same rights. Kids have the right to come to school to learn. They don’t have job protections. The kids right to learn is treaded on by other kids. No kid has the right to steal other kids education. No one is railroading some great kid to get him ousted. No one is refusing to teach kids who show up and want to learn. Comparing teachers and students is a false comparison.

    1. @428...
      Address your comment to the child bashers who gleefully explain away their do nothing
      behavior by saying "the students do it and the DOE says it's ok" therefore they can do it. They are doing the comparison.
      I don't lump all together but the anonymous crew certainly lump all the students together.
      I indicate the time of the Anonymous person that I'm addressing. Reading and comprehending are two different things.
      Now if the child bashers want to use the students' lack of motivation as a reason for their own lack of motivation, that's on them. I call it like i see it.

    2. @428 pm:

      Says Ny teachers can read.
      Are you a NY teacher?
      Did you read @537 pm anonymous' comment on Thursday?
      Is that a comparison made by me?

  79. How about bashing kids because they are are lazy, disrespectful and no good and then expect everything handed to them?

  80. I make the same distinction 4:42. You are not alone. I’ve always cared about and served well the kids who want to learn. I’ve been able to learn real fast if a trouble kid could be reasonable and worthy of my limited attention in a large class or if I should write them off because they get off on harming others. Those kids will not ever take away an ounce of energy I put forth for the good kids. If they’re lazy I give it my best shot to motivate them. But if it doesn’t work and they show or sometimes tell me directly that they don’t give a fuck, I move on. Our classrooms are like battlefield triage. We can’t spend an inordinate amount of time fixing students’ psyches. I refuse to allow all the self proclaimed saviors to affect how I feel about myself as a teacher. I decide what my values are. And my value system says enough with the enabling bullshit. Save the good kids at the expense of the bad instead of the doe way of protecting and emboldening the bad at the expense of the good.

  81. “Waiting for real “

    12:40. I only brought up masters degrees because Waiting brought up the GRE. I agree you don’t need a masters degree to be successful i actually think there should be WAYmore vocational opportunities/training in our schools. My point is that “college for all” is not the way to go in schools like mine there are just some kids that aren’t prepared for it. Masters degrees are harder based on what you are studying I agree, but either way masters degree takes time, effort, work ethic, and taking out loans in some cases. (Don’t get me started on Biden saying he is gonna pay for people’s loans. Ok I want my 40k back then). It’s not necessarily a matter of intelligence but endurance.

  82. @442pm

    Why are you asking? Aren't you doing it right now?
    You sound like you expect everything handed to you. Your admin have been disrespectful to you for years but something tells me you take it nice and quietly. You seem too lazy to even attempt to speak up for yourself. You seem like you're a no good adult and a coward.

  83. How about bashing kids because they are are lazy, disrespectful and no good and then expect everything handed to them?

    Which one am I?

    Lazy? Graduated hs on time.
    Graduate college at 21.
    Masters at 23.
    300-400 hours of annual per session
    Perfect attendance

    Disrespectful? Nope. Always where I'm supposed to be. Don't tell my supervisors to suck my duck.

    I earn my income. I don't pick up a check from the mailbox after never working and being repeatedly arrested.

    1. @700
      My comment is to you, not to 7:08 pm.

    2. @7pm...
      says..."I don't pick up a check from the mailbox after never working and being repeatedly arrested"
      @708 pm says, "there are hundreds of thousands of nyc students who fit that description".
      But @428 pm
      Is insulted by what I didn't say.

  84. How would you have any idea what 442 is? He/she knows his students and there are hundreds of thousands of nyc students who fit that description.

  85. @7:08pm
    You read what i think about you. There are hundreds of nyc teachers who fit the description. Hell there are thousands of people who assume because they have a job and earn an income is what makes them better than others. Puh-lese. I stand by my earlier comment even more so now.

  86. The problem remains the same, when you cite longterm problems like low income, poor education, constant high crime no fathers, teen pregnancy and shootings in the black community...Instead of an answer, the reply is racism and trump. Oh well. I'm in bed at 130K. I guess you win.

    1. @833pm...
      Yes. You're winning. Thanks for your help.
      PS... nobody is impressed by your "success". Over 200 years and this is where you are in life? In bed? 130k. Blogging to like minded people about the state of black America. As you work and feed your family in the black community. Voila: You're a bright light into a cave called ODD (Old Delusional and Denial)
      Suns out. Go outside but wear your mask and wash those nasty hands.
      Biden/Harris. Woop woop

  87. There is a reason affirmative action exists and a reason some students need a mayor to give them slots they don't deserve at Brooklyn Tech.

    1. @854 pm...
      Yes there absolutely is. Now go read a real book about the true history of America. You can't be this lazy and stupid. Come on your a NYC teacher--smart and diligent.

  88. Great, now explain how I'm supposed to help when in the last 50 years they have lagged in every category.

    1. @949pm ..
      Please you've helped enough. With friends like you we don't need enemies. Help yourselves because if this is the best that we have, well. Look at where we are today?
      Please tell me you are not the great American dream.
      No more help. Just help yourselves.

  89. W4s. In a union job with rights and due process, a few bad apples will remain. In the law enforcement/legal world we don’t throw out the Constitution because some real bad people are found not guilty or there isn’t enough evidence to arrest in the first place. I don’t think there are many teachers who are not accountable to their students. Some slip by because we have rights. We’re not tossing out our rights so a few bad apples get removed. I don’t believe it’s as big as a problem as student misbehavior. Not in my school for sure. Bad apple teacher insults kids. Sure she’s a hypocrite. But those kids she’s insulting exist and do exhibit horrible behavior and those same kids don’t just exhibit horrible behavior to Ms Bad Apple teacher. They are rude, disrespectful and sometimes violent toward all teachers and toward their peers as well. The discipline problem among students is much larger than the bad apple teacher problem. Also not everyone who bashes kids is a bad apple teacher. I have zero empathy for some of the kids in my school. Their behavior is so despicable, they deserve to be bashed. But I have a ton of empathy for the good kids. It’s not a black and white issue....lots of gray. Do you see bad apple teachers as a wide spread problem (like voter fraud....just teasing)? Seriously, is it a big problem as compared to the lack of discipline among students?

    1. @635am

      I will answer your question with a question:
      Do you see all students as lazy,bad, unable to be taught welfare recipients?
      My answer to your question, is the same as your answer to my question.

  90. The standards to become a teacher have even been lowered. I remember it was 4 state exams and a city exam. Who remembers having to do the video taped lesson and having to go to Brooklyn to take an oral exam for your city license? I heard they even dumbed down the LAST, ATS-W and CTE so more teachers of color could pass them. It's just easier and more profitable to force teachers to do CTLE hours instead of forcing them to take exams they can't pass.

  91. @10:10am...
    Hah. What a dumbazz. You sound like you just need something to help you make sense of the world around you. Your best effort placed you in a career where you don't respect the kids, your colleagues of color and yourself. You probably tremble in your Depends the moment a person of color sits next to you. I love when you post because you always prove me right. Ha ha ha. Your lot in life is being a sad, shaken babysitter. I guess believing that you are better/smarter than teachers of color helps you accept your shitty life. I love it!!!
    Repeat after me: "I am worthy. I am worthy. I am worthy".

  92. Biden/harris woop woop. 130k for me. Welfare and poverty housing for thee.

  93. Sure hope biden can fix this

    White median household income 66k

    Black 41k

  94. You are THEE best.
    Only 66k?
    That can't be right.
    After 200 years of perfecting your work ethic? Well wait. Im wrong. Someone else was doing the actual work for the lazy lima beans.
    Yes. You are THEE BEST.

  95. Yes. 150%. But that is just an average. Im actually 300% of a whole black family.

  96. @718pm
    Sounds like you are at the tail end of real white wealth. You're like a "welfare recipient" to the real wealth earners. I'd be mad too. You are the pseudo wealthy. You're less wealthy than me--affirmative action recipient.
    Wha happen poppy?

  97. Biden woop woop. "Schools are a racial jungle." No wonder they fail.

    1. @754...
      It will improve as soon as you leave. Go "help" in the suburbs...if they'll have you. We all know that's not going to happen. They don't want the bottom of the barrel. You're not even respected in nyc.
      You're the smartest. You're the best we have. Now only if it were true.

  98. I don't think I'm less wealthy than you. I'm less wealthy than Michael Jordan. That doesn't explain the averages and the jail rate.

  99. @8:19 pm...
    You're so much better. I guess you believe if you say it often enough , it will be true. Kinda like Trump Guilani and the MAGAs...say it often enough and's real.
    See ya in January. Let's zoom the inaugural balls.

  100. It’s 6:35. No W4s I don’t see all students as lazy welfare recipients. What I see is that those whom I would characterize as lazy welfare recipients, whose despicable behavior is enabled by progressives like Carranza and DeBlasio, routinely disrupt and steal the education of the kids whom I characterize as good hearted and hard working Most, if not all, of these good kids are welfare recipients too. I’m more than happy to give you a direct answer to your question if you think I answered it with a question but I’ve lost track. What’s your question? Did I miss one except for, do I think all students lazy welfare recipients?

    1. @606am ...
      And that's my answer to your question. I don't think "bad apple teachers" is a widespread issue. However there are more than enough teachers who have given up their right to teach in a healthy environment out of fear of retribution or whatever. Those "good students" that you and i believe deserve a challenging education are harmed by the watered down education, ruined disciplinary policy and "bad apple teachers".

  101. I hope Biden does what Obama does. Obama's one goal was to get equality. Remember what happened? DOW went from 6600 to 18,000. Thanks Obama. Made me rich and left the welfare people on welfare with biggest wealth inequality ever. Woop Woop.

  102. Not exactly a denial. Your counter for blacks fill the jails, commit the most crime and have the lowest education and lowest wages and lowest net worth is...Watch the ball in January and someone should go to long island? Wow. not the best argument. I guess there is not counter for the truth.

  103. @606 am...
    It's Sunday. I had enough laughs for the week.
    I read what you or @anonymous mob believe about people of color and specifically blacks. You are only proving my point: Systemic racism exists and some people have unconscious (conscious on your part) bias.
    Home location
    Jail population
    Crime stats
    Are the determinants of ability, then you are precisely why Carranza instituted his workshops.
    The only thing separating some of you @anonymous folks from struggling people of color is Systemic racism not ability.
    Look at your employer who you rage about day and night. You're the smartest. Is your employer permitting you to teach authentically so students can earn a higher income,etc?
    You're answer will be "'look at the students behavior;why aren't their parents involved,".
    You deny Systemic racism yet you work for a system that is systemically racist. You wont speak up to your employer because you like your salary and on some level it's not your children soooo.
    Anyway I am moving on. You said your smart and blacks are not. Let's just say that I believe, you believe that.
    Enjoy your Sunday.

  104. I don't give a shit what my employer allows. I get paid on the 1st and 16th. If it is so simple, why don't you get all of them to get the same job I have and you have and get that 17k net worth up a bit?

    20 years from now, you still gonna call racism?

    1 trillion dollars a year towards poverty.

    Affirmative action.

    Blacks forced into BK Tech.

    Businesses going out of their way to hire minorities.

    Tv shows requiring 50% black cast.

    90% of tv catering towards minorities.

    Sounds like the country has tried to do everything to find equality. Seems like some just don't measure up.

    Oh well. I'll take my 130m and laugh at the future McDonalds workers if the country. Off to watch football. Check in tomorrow when "work" starts.

  105. Workshop. Lol. I went to the workshop and got paid $52 times 5 hours.

  106. Nope W4S. No systemic racism. Doesn’t exist.

  107. @12pm

    Ok Sidney. And the DOE/UFT respects nyc teachers. You are the smartest.

  108. I’m 606am. Nothing in my response makes a comment about blacks or people of color. W4s you’re lumping all who disagree with you under the racist umbrella. I know that narrative has worked and intimidates all the champagne brunch liberals but not this beer drinking girl with nyc working class roots. Nothing I said is racist. Nothing I do is racist. Keep saying it if you want. But lies repeated often are still lies. keep being snide and telling those you disagree with that you’re laughing at them. It won’t change facts presented or opinions based on those facts. Do you ever think you’re the one with the unconscious bias? You assume everyone who isnt left is racist. Sounds like bias to me. You took issue with my 635 comment and your response was to ask me if I see all students as lazy welfare recipients. I clearly responded no. So then you move on to lumping me once again under the racist umbrella. My stance is simple. Good hardworking kids are my priority not those who disrupt class, not those who do physical harm, not those who have zero work ethic no matter how many good teachers have tried to motivate them. I think progressive policies remove personal responsibility from the equation and prioritize the disruptive and lazy kids. This leads to failure. I want those policies to end so the good hardworking kids can succeed. I do not believe our country is systemically racist. I believe the left is trying to drag us that way by inserting identity politics into the mainstream. I reject it. If someone wants to scream racist at me for my beliefs I can’t stop them but it will never stop me from voicing my beliefs. The champagne brunch crowd and the lefty mob can kiss my free speech loving American ass. I will not comply.

    1. @621 am...
      My 10:31 am Sunday comment was, what you "OR...". You're a teacher so you know what or means.
      Let me explain: The comment doesn't apply to you, if you didn't say it. Therefore,
      I haven't lumped you in with anyone. However, i think you're also being snide with your Champagne brunch. Lefty mob. Identity politics comments.
      You have alot of labels girl.
      Your free speech loving American ass sounds like you're struggling with free speech from the so called lefty mob. You've made many assumptions in your post. Let me put it this way from one born and bred New yawker to the other: You're not complying and $2.75 gets me on MTA (if I rode it).
      Ps...We probably agree more than you think but that's for another day. Another time. Another location. You good? I'm good too.
      Now time for me to pop my champagne.

  109. @621am...
    You're entitled to your opinion as much as the champagne liberals are entitled to their opinion. Most people who have not been at the burning end of systemic racism have a difficult time believing in its existence. Sorta like a man telling a woman who just had a baby that the pain couldn't be that bad, they survived.

  110. W4s. I’m sure we do agree on some things. I’m definitely being snide with my champagne brunch comment. Lefty mobs aren’t practicing free speech when they physically attack, demand people get fired, Twitter ban etc. These acts are acts intended to intimidate and limit speech. It’s unAmerican anti free speech behavior they engage in. What the lefty mob is doing now is no different from what black kids like Ruby endured....needing the national guard to protect them for simply exercising their right to an equal education. What’s different is that the dem politicians refuse to call in the national guard to protect conservatives. Mob mentality is a cancer whether it be a mob going after blacks or a mob after conservatives or any other demographic.

  111. 11:24am...
    I hear you. Bottom line for me is that ALL working class folks and folks in general are given a fair shot so that America can really be great. Personally I don't care about left right libs republican dems progressives,etc. Im not a fan of "cancel culture" or mob mentality. Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing but it works both ways. Are all people who voted for Trump racist? No. Are all people who voted for Biden part of a "lefty mob"? No. You're trying to make it. I'm trying to make it. Whatever happened to people just disagreeing but finding a middle ground?
    When ignorant people start disparaging others based soley on race, they show everyone who they are. Finally, one person can look at the same "facts" and interpret them differently. The graduation rate in NYC has improved over the years. More students are earning their diploma. It's a fact. Look up the statistics. {Pause for effect!}
    Now you will interpret this fact differently from the next person.
    Pleasure having this discussion with you.
    Ps...When a someone makes a comment that I deem offensive, I always put the time of the comment so that person knows that I am addressing that commenter.
    Stay safe and have a brewski for me!


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