Saturday, December 12, 2020


Chicago Public Schools have been fully remote all year. The mayor wants to unilaterally reopen the buildings while COVID-19 continues out of control. The Chicago Teachers Union isn't having any of it. They are demanding some of what NYC's UFT already has in terms of safety protocols but they are going two steps further. They want the COVID-19 positivity rate to be under 3% before they open and they are willing to put up a real fight to achieve their goals. They are going to protest in a safe way with a car caravan today.

Meanwhile in NYC, COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the city, including in schools, and the UFT does very little.

The latest seven-day average positivity rate for NYC is 6.26%

Even Governor Andrew Cuomo says school employees are the fourth biggest source of spreading COVID-19 according to contact tracing. Education employees are ahead of indoor dining which is closing but schools are not. Go figure. This chart is from the Albany Times Union. 
 of new cases
At-home gatherings
Healthcare settings
College students
Education employees
Restaurants and bars
Note: The contact tracing data for 46,000 cases represents only about 20 percent of the total cases in New York between September and November. The other 80 percent of people infected did not know, or would not disclose, their source of infection.

Contact tracing isn't exactly working if it is only tracing 20% of cases. I think reasonable people will conclude that COVID-19 is out of control again in NY.

What about our Union? The UFT is advising this for the winter:
Remember to dress in layers and bring additional warm clothes for yourself. Be sure to also remind students and their parents about the importance of dressing warmly for school.

How many times have we written here how we need a real union that will fight for us in NYC and not the one we have led by Unity/Michael Mulgrew? Change will not come from the top but has to come from below. 

I am actually getting more and more depressed about how so many UFTers just keep going into buildings. They can't all be science deniers.

That leads me to the election. The right-wingers here wanted us to wait for the legal process to play out before they would accept that Joe Biden won the presidency. Was yesterday's Supreme Court ruling enough for you or do you keep up the massive fraud nonsense? Trump lost the national vote by over 7 million votes and was behind by at least 10,000 in every state he lost.

Is the language below from the conservative Supreme Court where Trump appointed three of the justices sufficient to let us move on or are they in on the conspiracy too?

The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.


  1. Don't forget,this is a pro union blog. Funny how everything posted is negative. Why pay dues?

    1. Pro Union is not to say it is also pro union leadership. The blog, James, is critical of the union. He critiques the leadership.

  2. Well done. Dues well spent.

    We are in an exponential school closing pattern now. Chalkbeat New York reports that 32% of schools that reopened this week have at least a classroom closed because of #COVID19 cases, and 6.8% of schools have now outright closed because of cases. FIVE DAYS INTO SCHOOL REOPENINGS. Why did we reopen in-person with these rising rates?!

  3. Now hiding info. It is only life and death, no big deal. Where is the uft?

    Safety measures: 19 NYC schools closed days after reopening this week to help stop the spread of COVID. On Friday, another 61 students and 66 school staffers tested positive. The DOE won't disclose the numbers exposed and now quarantined. via

  4. All the teacher giving in has come home to roost. Good luck getting out of this now.

  5. NYSUT needs to strike! All city and state wide teachers.

  6. Mulgrew is crook, plain and simple. Until 52 Broadway is fully open, he should not be advocating for schools to be open. He is a hypocrite.

  7. When it comes down to it the Legislatures of the States appoint the electors. The electors could vote for Mickey Mouse if they wanted to (he's >35!). The Court was right.

    The fact that the elections in the various states were rigged is besides the point. So is the rigging by Big Tech and Big Media - they're private companies and free to do it. The Dems with all the lawsuits, rule changes and their Pravda-like media did a better job of gaming the system. If Trump had surrogates like Stacey Abrams he would've done the same thing. The establishment R's hate Trump and wanted him out so they threw him under the bus even if they don't say so publicly. RINOs here in PA enshrined no-excuse mail balloting into law - even though its Unconstitutional - last year before the pandemic. So I blame them more than the D's to be honest.

    It's not like this is the first election with rigging and/or cheating. We all remember 2000, some remember JFK, and there's 1876 and 1824 as well. And, let's not forget the Jim Crow-era rigging.

    Until there's voter ID and mail-in balloting is banned the elections in various States will always be suspect. And even those reforms wouldn't fix other local instances of fraud like the infamous "butterfly ballot".

  8. Still not showing a shred of specific evidence of widespread fraud because there is none. Trump lost by 80,000 in Pa. That's lots of fraud?

    1. 2:23 So you admit there's fraud, just not enough fraud? Either way, it makes no difference, the fraud - just one example, the lack of signature verification - has been condoned by the R-run Legislature, making it legal.

  9. Trump may confirm what that Israeli ex defense admin said. Trump’s Space Force is there for a reason. Yes, it sounds crazy. The time is right. A New Year’s Eve gift that can really help us put things in perspective. As for local matters - Why can’t we go on a caravan protest to protest deBlasio and Mulgrew? Or will it be, ‘let’s get those shivering teachers some UFT sweatshirts?’

  10. It is a damn shame they've given us this false choice of in-person and remote. It's time for us white educators to stand up for our Black and Brown students, and middle and high school educators to be in solidarity with 3K-5 and D75 schools!

  11. That is a very good idea 2:41. How many of you would join in on a caravan protest drive from 52 Broadway to Tweed-City Hall or the other way around?

  12. Teachers are suckers. Today's update on the numbers:

    Total COVID hospitalizations are at 5,359.

    Of the 242,927 tests reported yesterday, 11,129 were positive (4.58% of total).

    Sadly, there were 95 fatalities.

  13. I agree with you. Mulgrew is a fraud and Mulgrew is a thief. How dare he continue to take Union Dues? We do not have a Union. If we did, the Union would have backed us up since March 2019. My colleagues throughout the city have worked DAY AND NIGHT to rise to the occasion. Mulgrew is a liar. So proud to be New York City teacher. Embarrassing to divulge I am in a Union that sells it members out.

  14. UPDATED: Since NYC school buildings reopened this week, 32% have closed at least for 24 hours because of positive COVID cases.

  15. The republicans in arizona and georgia will be exposed and they will be finito, they are all in cahoots with china. Just like Feinstein, Swalwell, Pelosi, Biden, Ossoff list goes on and on. Why does China keep penetrating the weak dems and not republicans?

    Tine person of the year Biden and Kamala lol a disgrace. HUnter Biden which the story broke long before election and covered up by our corrupt media now trying to shed light on this corrupt Biden family. Nobody can dispute the corrupt video in Georgia, of course, Biden miraculously received all those votes when we were sleeping. Poll workers cheering in Detroit when they got republicans removed, yea nothing corrupt. Thousands of statements of people seeing crazy irregularities putting lives on line. You are crazy if you voted for Biden hoping for change and crazier if you voted thinking this was not stolen after trumo got 75 million and ALLLLLLLLLL the ballots and issues went in Bidens way not TRumps.

    James's brain cannot compute this, he just strolls along watching Cuomo and Lemon believing all the bullshit propaganda, just liked James and the dems believed this ridiculous russia investigation, Kavanaugh, the call etc.

    1. You have a 6-3 Republican Supreme Court that made this 9-0 decision against Trump who told people not to vote by mail. The red mirage was predicted.

      I think much of the Russia stuff is nonsense. All Hunter Biden investigations all the time will be payback. Both parties are problematic. Corruption doesn't cut one way.

  16. So if I had a temperature and call out because ill fail the questionnaire, will they expect me to work from home? I teach remote even though I go to my school daily.

  17. @2:23 trump was up nearly 700,000 then goes down 80,000. a million swing for Biden, you are nutssssss!!!!! Straight up if you think that's possible!

    1. Mail in ballots. Trump told supporters not to use mail in ballots so they voted in person. The red mirage where it appeared Trump won was predicted by pollsters. The mail in votes were counted later. No grand conspiracy.

    2. This is called counting. It tends to take time.

  18. I’ll join in the caravan protest.

  19. Black Students holding signs that read “Black Students Matter.”

    It’s a contrast to the keep schools open rallies where mostly White families kept saying “Black and Brown Students will suffer if schools don’t open.”

    Note which bodies offer what racial analysis to what end.

    I wonder if those black students know that the DOE is sentencing them to a life of minimum wage because of the grade fraud epidemic going on.

  20. Any news for high schools? Any one attend the meeting with Janella Hinds?Thank you!

  21. How did this become "Blame white people for black shortcomings?"

    1. Long story, but it all began with the invasion of the Americas by the Europeans. Start there, you'll eventually end up here.

  22. I'm not going into buildings. The others are. I tried to tell all of you how stupid this all was. Nope. They loathe me. Who is the joke on now?

    1. I enjoy your posts....please continue to post. You are right. I wish the rank and file could have a say and immediately dissolve Mulgrew's power. He certainly is not looking out for us and is continuing to take our dues. Deplorable.

  23. Someone told me hs closed till june.i guess its unofficial under the table or maybe bad info?d75 and elem go in till???

  24. Sine you brought up Mr.. Trump...

    We now have all results in the state legislative elections. Yes, this count includes multi-member districts, even with the NH House.

    Ds flipped 80 state legislative districts across the country held by Rs.

    ...Rs flipped 217 districts across the country held by Ds.

    1. Voters rejected Trump but didn't much want Dems either.

  25. Numbers are all relative. Yes, if you only look at the infection rate percentage, it's low, but look at all the schools that have had to have at least one classroom closed. They keep saying that 280,000 people have died but that's only about 2 percent of those who had it. 2 out of 100 is a low number too. Also only about 5 percent if that many of the US total population has tested positive for covid. 5 percent is a low number too, so why are we making a big deal? They need to look at the big picture.

  26. 10:09 also 12 House seats taken from incumbent democrats including 3 in CA and one yet to be determined left in NY.
    5:53. Look at who points the finger. Do you really take these people seriously? I don’t. Why should we care what racists say? Blame my white skin all you want. Simply don’t give a fuck what they think because they’re racists.

  27. The rigging of the voting machines, software, computers, and ballots should be disconcerting to everyone. It is a mystery to me why more people are not concerned. Regardless of who is the President of the US, how is all the obvious corruption just being overlooked and/or denied? I suppose it is the same as the corruption in the NYC public schools just on a tremendous scale. As the NYC public school system goes; incompetent administrators, manipulation of data, everyone passes, diplomas for everyone, withhold the truth, etc., so goes any integrity in the voting process and outcomes in the United States.

    I know people who received multiple mail-in ballots (the highest one person received was 4 mail-in ballots). I know people who applied for mail-in ballots and never received them. I know of one person who received a military mail-in ballot and she is not in the military. So, yes, I know first hand that there was a lot of shenanigans going on with the voting.

  28. lol Janmes jesus they stuffed ballots, places had 98-100% turnout, more ballots than people, dead people, all voting for biden, dead people love the dems for some reason.

    4 democratic areas, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, all stole this election, ask your brother who is a cop ad has a brain to investigate unlike you.

    The fix was in why do you think they kept Buden in a basement away even with the media on his side. They had this whole set up tweaking the election laws. If there is nothing to hide and open and transparent and no cheating James then why wont they allow republicans to check dominion machines? Why are they not allowing signature matching ??? Why do dems not want that why don't they want voter ID cards??? because they cheat!!!!!! because that's how you ruin our democracy. YOur party has been dividing this country.

  29. If the fix was in, why didn't the Democrats fix the down-ballot races too? If the Democrats were so sophisticated to change 7 million votes, why couldn't they change a few more where they were needed to win a couple of more Senate seats, some more House seats, and a few more local seats too? If they have that good a fraud operation, surely they could use their skills to govern more effectively when they get in power too. Trump Attorney General William Barr, scores of mostly Republican judges including the 6 Republican appointed justices on the Supreme Court (9-0 decision if you throw in the 3 Democrats) didn't find any evidence of fraud but you aren't buying that this was a fair election. Instead of listening to Breitbart, OAN, Drudge and conspiracy theory websites, why don't you take a few minutes to look at the areas where Trump underperformed compared to 2016? You may find that it was in white, not black areas, where Trump ended up losing.

    "At the same time — although the eventual results were not at all apparent on election night — Biden won three traditionally blue states that Clinton had lost in 2016, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, in part by improving on her performance among white voters with a four-year college degree."

    Isn't it just possible that there were millions of college-educated white Americans who are sick of Trump's drama and voted for Biden but down-ballot for Republicans? I know people from Long Island who voted exactly this way. It makes much more sense than the incompetent Democrats playing with voting machines or stuffing ballot boxes with Republican election official approval.

    It worries me that a majority of Republicans are not accepting the rather clear election results. Reagan won in 1980 and 1984. Bush won in 1988. GW Bush won in 2004. 2000 we can argue about. Trump won an electoral college victory in 2016. It wasn't the Russians or voting machines being played with. Biden won in 2020.

    Please move on. What's coming is promising for the Republicans. The investigations of Hunter Biden are about to take off if you win the Georgia runoffs and with Democrats like Joe Manchin still around, you can pretty much block any legislation that may actually help working Americans. The 2022 midterms are just around the corner too.

  30. James critiques the corrupt union while telling the idiots to keep paying.

  31. George Stephanopoulos came prepared to handle the misinformation and lies he knew he was sure to encounter from any Republican that appearing on his program. This means Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) could not sneak in lies that gave the president's voter fraud lie any plausibility.

    "There have been more than 55 lawsuits brought forward by the president and his allies," Stephanopoulos said. "Thirty-eight have been dismissed by judges. There have been investigations directed by the Justice Department, by the attorney general. And the attorney general came back and said there's no evidence of widespread fraud. So the process has played out, hasn't it? And there's no evidence of widespread fraud. Why can't you accept the results?"

    And then the lying and misinformation began.

    "I think it's easy to say it's played out because that might be the most convenient thing to say," Braun said. "But let's look at what the secretary of state did not mention in Georgia, you know, the video where, after a counting place closed, you see boxes of ballots coming out from underneath the table. I know that's, kind of, a graphic example, but…"

    Stephanopoulos was ready.

    "Well, I have to stop you right there," Stephanopoulos interjected. "No, that -- it wasn't mentioned because it didn't show anything improper. He's spoken to that this week. They -- that was exactly the proper process for counting the ballots. There wasn't anything wrong shown in that video at all. So you're just throwing out a claim out there that doesn't prove what you're saying."

  32. You mean the media came prepared to hide any dem shortcomings, hide Hunter, ignore left wing radicalism, Biden's racist and incoherent remarks...

  33. The current president just got a vaccine made in historic time to put an end to the pandemic

    Joe Biden
    We’re in the teeth of the COVID-19 crisis right now, and this nation needs presidential leadership.

    Leadership that is willing to model the steps we all should be taking in our own lives.

  34. After a Judge in Michigan gave attorney Matt DePerno & his team of forensic analysts access to the Dominion machines, the results are in:

    The 6000 vote “glitch” that switched votes from Trump to Biden was not human error as claimed by Michigan Secretary of State.

  35. Wild that MSNBC finds copies of hunter Bidens emails after the election. I thought this should get you banned from twitter?!

    The Last Word
    Email to Hunter Biden raises fresh questions about his tax dealings

  36. Now James can just deny source and say it is right wing.

    Mike Coudrey
    BOMBSHELL: After a Judge in Michigan gave attorney Matt DePerno & his team of forensic analysts access to the Dominion machines, the results are in:

    The 6000 vote “glitch” that switched votes from Trump to Biden was not human error as claimed by Michigan Secretary of State.

  37. Is this the case you are talking about? The marijuana ordinance that was decided by one vote.

    “On Wednesday, the Michigan Department of Attorney General filed a motion to intervene on behalf of Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson in Bailey v Antrim County, currently before 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A. Elsenheimer. Judge Elsenheimer granted the motion following a hearing yesterday. During that hearing, the plaintiff’s attorney indicated that the results of the inspection of the Antrim County tabulator being conducted by the plaintiff and his agents has not been completed. Therefore, NO information regarding the inspection has been made available to Judge Elsenheimer, Secretary Benson or the Department of Attorney General Dana Nessel. Further, this information is already subject to a protective order issued by Judge Elsenheimer.”

  38. Why bother? James still thinks it is smart to pay $62 per check to the uft.

  39. DOJ probe into Hunter Biden reportedly extends beyond Burisma

  40. Don't worry Republican friends. You are looking forward to Hunter Biden probes non stop for 2021. Hunter will be the new Benghazi. That will stop Joe Biden from accomplishing much. Both sides do it. It deteriorates a little more with each new administration.

  41. BREAKING: New email shows Joe Biden and Hunter Biden were office mates with executive for Chinese Communist energy company.

  42. Republicans.... relax. It’s time to watch the commies like AOC and the neo libs like Biden/Harris attack each other. I for one am going to enjoy the show. Poor Joey boy will shit his adult diapers when the riots restart on his watch. Grab the popcorn.

  43. Trump is now 1 and 59 in court according to this morning's Hill Rising.

  44. Also According to Hill’s Rising the Biden family is in bed with communist China and the dems are hypocrites for believing all women except the woman who accused Joe Biden of rape. Republicans watch Krystal and Saagar too. President Rapist who sniffs little girls. Congratulations.

  45. Krystal and Saagar are critical of both Democrats and Republicans. That's good.

  46. not a word about Swalwell caught with chinese spy and still in intel I mean is this America? Feels like China.

    IMagine republicans controlled media and this was Lindsay Graham I mean jesus can we have any descent honest journalists on the left besides Chris Walalce?????

    James I agree iffff republicans get 1/2 seats for senate, with Abrams and Pelosi the dems will miraculously win. Pelosi can leave 2022 with the power for dems when they change the course of this country. Wait and see,

  47. Christian Wallace on the left? Who do you consider right?


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