Thursday, December 10, 2020


 From NJ Patch:

NEW JERSEY — New Jersey had its biggest jump in school coronavirus outbreaks and cases this past week as a new report says the COVID-19 risk keeps rising for teachers and students.

New Jersey had 18 new in-school outbreaks and 103 new cases linked to those outbreaks this past week — a sharp increase over the previous week's totals when four outbreaks and 16 new cases were reported, Gov. Phil Murphy said this week (see county-by-county list below).

Overall, New Jersey schools have had 88 in school outbreaks and 388 cases linked to in-school outbreaks since the school year began.

Plenty of COVVID-19 in NYC schools too. I just don't understand the policy of keeping school buildings open.


  1. The CSA union president makes Mulgrew look like a complete incompetent deBlasio lackey fool by telling the truth, backing his members and respecting parents.

  2. COVID knows it is a school and is courteous enough to not infect anyone while on school grounds.

  3. A functioning society has open schools, open businesses, etc. For the guy who posts about it, yes that means the TRS and UFT too. The modern day equivalent of hiding in caves is the Dark Ages Redux.

    The ultimate irony is the idiot governor here issued another edict and the movie theater and restaurants will be closed tomorrow, so taking the kids to see the new Croods movie today after school and then dinner. Then tomorrow we get to live like the actual Cavemen again, although we can still spend our money in Jersey.

    I also don't know if I'm going to bother to teach live with Cuomo closing down places to eat. Glad I tipped the barmaid 100% on my check yesterday. I could brown-bag it of course, but see the bigger picture - multiply by hundreds of thousands (not just teachers) not working or "working" from home, not buying breakfast or lunch, eateries shut, etc. Even if you think you like to be locked up, this is going to bite all of us in the behind eventually.

  4. TJL, might I remind you that if we all stay home, alot more of us will be alive to get bitten in the arse.That's the whole idea of staying home and it works.

  5. Oh and I would like in the second stimulus, no $1,200 check until you agree to a COVID-19 vaccination. That will get the morons in this country (some of whom comment on this blog) to do what's right.

  6. If we all stay home, we all starve or freeze. No food, no oil, no deliveries. No police or fire. No medical care.

    The best social program in American history is a job. Take away the government imposed impediments and you don't need a "stimulus" (really, a loan).

    Lockdowns don't work. We tried that. Schools close every July and August, so it's not that we couldn't recover from a temporary closure. However going a year and a half until herd immunity (either naturally or via vaccine) won't work.

  7. Lockdowns that are early and lock down all but essential services work. It's an airborne virus. See Taiwan, Vietnam and New Zealand for three good examples.

    Countries like some in Europe where they took half assed measures or were late closing or here where we take half assed measures and many don't buy in on even that are suffering terribly.

    When schools were closed, infections went down. Duh.


    Judge the COVID-19 map for yourself.

  9. TJL thinks it’s like the common cold. There is no changing his mind no matter how many times he is proven wrong.

  10. TJL, My whole family has Covid, amazingly even my two cats. I didn’t realize they could catch it. They are throwing up, listless, short of breath, just like the rest of us. I can barely walk up the stairs. You should take this virus very seriously. The whole country should be shuttered until two week after New Year’s Day. Boredom and temporary monetary loss is a small price to pay for your health and life. Enjoy those movies.

  11. No money for retro.
    No money fro last spring break
    My School, the brooklyn institute for liberal arts has 3 APs and and principal for 400 students.
    The DOE is hiring tons of virtual content specialists.
    Nice work, UFT and DOE.

  12. New Jersey might shut down schools by Cuomo will never go down that path again.

  13. Happy? NYC’s teacher pool less white since de Blasio took office — though they’re still far more likely to be white than students: new Education Department data

    The percentage of white teachers dipped from 59% when de Blasio took office to 56% last school year.

    And the students still can't pass honestly. Next excuse?

  14. Kamala Harris says Hanukkah is "a celebration of Tikkun Olam" ("repairing the world"). This is embarrassing universalist BS & the exact opposite of the Hanukkah story, in which religious-nationalists violently defeated Hellenizing universalists who sought to destroy their traditions.

  15. Some people are against lockdowns despite all your arguments. Freedom first. 221... how totalitarian of you. How about no stimulus money if you've got a communist ideology?

  16. I am 2:21. If you have no intention of helping to protect the public health by taking the COVID-19 vaccine, you should not get public taxpayer money, including a stimulus check.

  17. They aren't hiring outside people for the virtual content specialist. They are offering it to only nyc teachers in the doe and paying them a $12,500 stipend. Although I agree that for some reason they have money for this. Again all the doe does is waste money.

  18. FDA approves emergency use of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine

    Good, now I can resign in March.

  19. If you go into a school building, you are a damn fool. According to
    Cuomo's chart today, it is more dangerous to be a school employee than eating at a restaurant or a bar. He needs to stop downplaying the dangers that teachers are facing every single day. His failure to aggressively address this surge has endangered us all.

  20. 8:54 how about the people who dont mask and distance dont get stim checks?it is their fault for most of this. I mask up and dont socialize. But nobody will pay me to poison myself, esp when others flout the rules without consequence?
    What about the liars asking g forcaccimmodations who lie that they smoke?then they dont come on meets...people in my school who work hard are angry, rightly so.but hey. In deep giving out free money to freeloaders...

  21. And we think if people who come in live got extra money, many of the "smokers" would quit and show up.

  22. We can easily enforce the no vaccine without a medical exemption=no stimulus check. It is easy and will save lives and get economy moving. Seems like good public policy to me.

  23. We must not forget that while the vaccine is very good news, there are still many unanswered questions. The trials seem to have proven that the vaccines are effective at lowering the risk of severe disease from COVID-19. However, the trials were not designed to find out whether they completely block the virus, or just reduce the severity of the symptoms. In other words, it is not yet known if those who will have received the vaccine will still able to spread the virus or not. That is why many experts are telling the public that you shouldn't throw your masks away yet.

  24. If you can think rationally, and I know many on this blog cannot, you understand that covid is not a death sentence. Quite the opposite. If you did your own research, rather than rely on CNN or MSNBC, you would know that the recovery rate for those under age 70 is 99.5% and for those over the age of 70 recovery rate is 95%. So does it make sense to respond in fear they way most do? Of course not!
    There is also a lot of research out there that proves lockdowns dont work. Quarantine the sick, yes, but not the healthy. Damage to society far outweighs that silly fear based response.
    The shame is politicians have hijacked a health issue and turned it into a political issue, and unfortunately most people dot have the sense to recognize that. Sheeple.
    The real losers are the children of NYC. And nobody seems to care about those most innocent in society.

  25. Thank you Michael, Bill and Richard.
    And teachers are dumb enough to keep going in...

    Some school buildings reopened but disruptions continue: "about 16% of buildings that reopened this week quickly closed again, for at least one day"
    Quote Tweet
    Chalkbeat New York
    · 15h
    NYC council members blast ‘Situation Room’ response to school COVID-19 cases

  26. No check if not vaccinated is unconstitutional. You liberals are not really liberal--you're authoritarian.

  27. Lol. When did they not complain about the achievement gap?

    Mayor Bill de Blasio

    students have experienced disruptions and other traumatic realities that this virus has wreaked on our city. They can’t come back to the same old approach next school year.

    We have to close the #COVID achievement gap.

  28. With mulgrew safe at home, we can get infected. And reinfected.

  29. Something occurred to me:our daily new cases are at the level of March and april despite the mask wearing and distancing that was not in place at that time.any ideas why?

    1. Cause most are not following the rules. That’s why.

  30. 8:54 is correct. This virus is spreading because of the morons that refuse to wear a mask , stop gathering, and are not socially distancing. They should be the ones who are penalized by no stimulus. People who follow ALL the rules shouldn’t be penalized for not wanting the vaccine. The local governments should create a special task of officers who’s only job is to patrol schools and public areas to make sure mask rules are being followed. Like traffic ticket agents except for the face.

  31. Correction - 12:33 is correct.

  32. 9:24, Where in the Constitution does it say you can't be denied a check if you don't take a vaccine that will get all of us to herd immunity faster? I must've missed that part.

    I bet you were screaming against requiring work before someone gets a welfare check.

    Roll up your sleeve if you want your money.

  33. We should be like Seattle with "survival crimes." If you steal 30 cell phones but say you were gonna use them to pay rent, no crime. Great! Right?

  34. I thought MAGas weren't violent or rioters.

    Trump Rallies: Vandals tore down a Black Lives Matter banner and sign from two historic Black churches in downtown Washington and set the banner ablaze as nighttime clashes on Saturday between pro-Trump supporters and counterdemonstrators erupted into violence and arrests. Police said they were investigating the incidents at the Asbury United Methodist Church and Metropolitan A.M.E. Church as potential hate crimes. One religious leader likened it to a cross burning, Mike Balsamo and Ashraf Khalil report.

  35. 814. Prior to the riots in June, I would care about the banner on a black church. I no longer care. The left enabled antifa violence and now wants to cry foul because the right has some goons of their own. Let the goons sort it out. May the best goon squad win. Did you seriously think the goons on the right were going to do nothing? This is what happens when violence is enabled and the violent are protected by corrupt politicians. The violence escalates. I no longer care how ugly it gets. And it’s not a fucking cross burning, fucking snowflakes.


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