Sunday, January 24, 2021


Working people need to have the strike or threat of a strike in their toolkit to have leverage in contract negotiations. We saw this illustrated this past week as 1,400 Teamsters staged a one week strike at the Hunts Point Market in the Bronx.  A famous congresswoman skipped Joe Biden's inauguration in part to support these workers on their picket line.

From the NY Post:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez celebrated a wage increase for Teamsters workers at a Bronx produce market, following a week-long strike that was set to end Sunday.

“Our food produce workers wanted a $1 raise after risking their lives in COVID. They were denied, asked to pay more for healthcare, & told ‘you’re lucky to even have a job,’” she tweeted Saturday afternoon of the Hunts Point Produce Market workers. “So they went on strike. Community supported them. Now they’re getting a $1.85 raise and $0 out of pocket.”

Ocasio-Cortez spent Inauguration Day picketing with the 1,400 Local 202 members who staff the market — which supplies 60 percent of the region’s produce.

Ninety-seven percent of union members officially voted Saturday morning on a new contract that will boost their hourly wages by $1.85 over the course of three years, Local 202 President Danny Kane Jr. said. 

Congratulations Hunts Pont Produce Market workers.


  1. No congratulations to us. Because we are suckers.

  2. I’d bet a tremendous number of NYC teachers would jump ship to the Teamsters, for representation, if given the opportunity. The history of the Teamsters has been tainted with corruption, but none of it equals what’s seen and unseen on a daily basis with the UFT. Elementary school teachers are finally (!) waking up to what Mulgrew and his buddies are. The next big push to open up the middle schools and high schools will come from studies showing an increase in teen suicides and attempting to link it to school closures. And it’ll happen sooner rather than later this year. All UFT offices will remain closed, just as they are now.

    When Mulgrew quickly agrees to huge givebacks to the city next summer, just by deBlasio asking him for them, many will look back at all these months as a wasted opportunity to plan and organize an concerted threat to Mulgrew and Unity.

    I’m personally going contact AOC and explain in detail the undemocratic mechanizations of the UTF and its crime boss Mulgrew’s stranglehold on power via his Unity crew.

  3. People are over relying on the vaccine. We will still be wearing masks years from now, and hopefully they’ll become mandatory. Where is the unified governmental policy from Biden that legitimately cost Trump the election?

  4. So much for good jobs and education money that is so badly needed.
    President Joe Biden's 60-day moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits is prompting widespread concerns in New Mexico, where spending on education and other government programs hinges on the industry's success.

  5. Randi?

    BREAKING: Union leaders have been calling Biden like crazy

    ‘Wall, pipelines, gas, coal, etc..all of these work sites are closing on a daily basis thanks to his EO's...they're being told to call back in a few weeks, some calls aren't even answered,’ says WH official

  6. Go AOC! Learn from her. You don't like the way things are going in our nation - get involved and let your voice be heard!

    People always bring her down, but kudos to her for doing what 99% of this comment section couldn't or wouldn't do - work her way towards a position that would allow her voice to be heard and change to occur.

    Don't like the way schools are being run - become an AP, Principal, Chapter Leader, active and vocal UFT member. Join your school's SLT, work with the PTA (who in some schools hold quite a bit of power in changing norms).

    Don't sit on your behind and come here and cry "woe is me."

    You don't think hourly wage grocery industry employees were worried about getting the boot for striking during a pandemic? Of course they were, but 1400 of them got together to wield the power of unity. And the fruits have grown.

  7. 11:32 I agree. So many teachers I know hated Trump, worked hard and voted to get him out. I find it ironic because Mulgrew is 1000 times worse for us than Trump and no one, other than Solidarity, is doing a thing about it.

  8. How long before BLM, Antifa and progressives start protesting en masse against Biden? AOC skipped his inauguration - she had a good reason, but she would have done so for a buy one get one free can of Pepsi at ShopRite. Chaos soon.

  9. AOC is Pelosi’s bitch. Going to a picket line is easy. Voting against Pelosi is hard. AOC chose easy. AOC is just another progressive whipped into order by Pelosi.

  10. GReat job AOC on getting 25,000 people jobs for amazon. Amazon could have gotten the vaccine to new yorkers a lot more efficiently. She went to school in Yorktown heights and pushes a narrative as a Spanish Bronx girl. When she actually challenges Pelosi I will give her kudos.


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