Friday, January 22, 2021


 From UFT Solidarity:

Hi all!

UFT Solidarity is hosting a member support meeting on Tuesday, Jan 26. We are focusing on member support issues and prepping for CL/Delegate elections this spring. We'd love to have you all join us especially if you serve(d) as a UFT rep in your school. ALL ARE WELCOME. Please RSVP here and let me know if you want to help or join!

If you are interested in changing the tightly controlled Michael Mulgrew/Unity Caucus run UFT, running for chapter leader or delegate is a great place to start. Elections are generally fair at the chapter level.

We can transform the UFT into a more democratic organization. Solidarity is doing the legal research to expose the completely undemocratic electronic Delegate Assemblies where questions and resolutions are screened in advance by Mulgrew supporters. 

Electronic meetings are supposed to follow parliamentary procedures from Robert's Rules of Order. Remote meetings should be equivalent to live meetings. There is no way electronic UFT Delegate Assemblies pass the rudimentary democracy test. Their parliamentarian is a hired hack. Unity wrote procedures for meetings that do not allow anyone to question if the rules are being adhered to or if there is a quorum present. That is improper. If I was still a Delegate, I would demand democracy. 

as a UFT member, I am outraged that Delegates have not had any opportunity to freely debate what should be in a remote evaluation system.

The lack of democracy will only improve when UFT members who are impacted by this undemocratic union structure educate each other and take it over. Solidarity is doing their part. I am happy to help out. Now, it is up to you.


  1. Larry King, a product of Lafayette High School in Brooklyn. RIP!

  2. I can't make the meeting. Please tell Solidarity that they need to run against Unity next year. They also need to convince the few folks left over at MORE not to run this time and to vote for Solidarity. We need a real caucus if we are ever to stand a chance against the Unity machine.

  3. Can you please share the link anyon 10:20?

  4. Yes, Solidarity needs to be Unity's only opponent. That is the only way to defeat Unity. If there are 4 or 5 opponents, votes will be split between them. Solidarity needs to get out there and start campaigning now.

  5. Solidarity please do everything you can to block both in building and remote teacher observations.


  7. Lol. Solidarity should do it? Then why are you paying dues?

  8. I'm scheduled for my 1st shot tomorrow. I will still refuse to go into buildings after. Why bother? Its all fake anyway. Grades, graduation rate, dem shutdown which magically went away this week...

  9. I’d never vote for Unity or MORE. I’d vote for Solidarity over both. Solidarity cares about the things that affect teachers. Unity only cares about themselves. MORE cares more about social justice bullshit than anything else. They’re communists. Never gonna get my vote.

    1. Civil rights are not bullshit.

    2. Red baiting, still? is this the 1950s again?

  10. I agree that MORE has a focus on social justice and not on relevant teacher matters that affect us. They really should step aside and let Solidarity run a strong ticket against Unity. Oh yeah, is Portelos still around? That guy is a freaking hero! The DOE tried to take him down and he kicked their ass. We need fighters now in a big way.

    1. MORE has a platform that touches on all matters for teachers, para, students, their families, and the community at large. To frame this as a bad thing is mind boggling. A powerful, strong union should approach all issues with their full weight. MORE does this. They have the activism, the energy. We should seek to unite the two groups. A coalition to bring down Unity.

  11. Thanks for the support all. Please come on Tuesday.

    1. Please speak on teacher protection for untenured teachers up for tenure this year and how admin are threatening with unsubstantiated claims of poor production that is in actuality due to horrid scheduling and operational complaints. Thank you!

  12. The prioritization of MORE of civil rights over members' rights is total bullshit. The priorities of MORE are screwed up. There only priority should be to advocate for the membership. MORE is bullshit and Unity is even more bullshit. Notice the pattern, bullshit and MORE bullshit.

    1. It isn't that difficult to see how these "rights" all intersect. We are part of the community. Work harder at seeing that. And don't be such a child.

    2. Or, students could work harder, be less lazy and actually earn something.

  13. Soybean price is down 70 cents per bushel in the last two days.

    Corn is down 50 cents per bushel in two days.

    For those who don’t know, a small farmer like me working 1,000 acres just lost $100,000 on a 200bushel per acre average corn crop thanks to Biden’s executive orders.

  14. Lydia, please speak on teacher protection for untenured teachers up for tenure this year and how admin are threatening with unsubstantiated claims of poor production that is in actuality due to horrid scheduling and operational complaints. Thank you!

  15. 8:57 I'm sure they won't speak on something as specific as that but you should maybe reach out but who knows! Hopefully you gain some important information on Tuesday!

  16. It's nice that at 8:22 we were visited by a bot who somehow was able to prove it was not a robot.
    A simple google search of phrases reveals it.
    Back on topic, Mulgrew is awful.
    I will be voting Solidarity.

  17. Unfortunately, unity has no chance to lose. I'll just stick to not paying dues.

  18. 1043. Sad that a bot reports more accurately than American news.

  19. Democrat States Follow The Science By Doing What Florida Did Back In May

  20. This "child" will never vote for MORE..... or Unity. MORE and Unity both suck imho.


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