Monday, February 08, 2021


 Dear _________,

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today that 6th-, 7th- and 8th-grade classrooms will reopen on Thursday, Feb. 25. Middle school staff with in-person assignments will return on Feb. 24 to set up for the safe return of students.

To reopen middle schools, the mayor had to demonstrate that the city could conduct randomized weekly testing of 20% of staff and students in every middle school building without any diminishment in testing in elementary, K-8 and District 75 schools. Thanks to the additional funding for schools in the federal stimulus package passed in December, the mayor now has the resources to substantially increase the city’s school testing capacity and has a plan that brings the city into compliance with the New York State plan for New York City schools.

This level of testing is what has kept our school communities safe. No middle school student will be allowed to stay in school for in-person learning without a consent form signed by their parent or guardian.

The city has also pledged its support to provide all elementary and middle school educators with in-person assignments with an increased opportunity to be vaccinated through the union’s vaccine program and the city’s new vaccination sites dedicated to DOE employees. In the weeks ahead, the city has agreed to allocate thousands more vaccines for educators with the goal to offer the vaccine to all in-person elementary and middle school teachers who want it. We will be providing you with more details shortly.

In-person middle school educators will have the next two weeks to plan for the transition. Medical accommodations that were granted earlier this year will continue to be honored through June.

As school buildings that have not been used in months are reopened, our commitment to the safety standards that have kept us safe must not waver. Please report immediately any issues with personal protective equipment, ventilation or cleaning practices so we resolve them.

We are now past the midway point of this arduous and exhausting school year. I cannot thank you enough for sticking with it and doing everything you can to help your students continue to learn and grow when all our lives have been turned upside down by this terrible virus.

We are all here for each other. Please call us at 212-331-6311 if you have any questions and concerns.


Michael Mulgrew, UFT President

Richard Mantell, UFT Vice President for Middle Schools


  1. Love how they say "two weeks to get ready"- obligating people to prepare over the break. I despise Mulgrew, who knew this was happening and when all along.

  2. Im confused as usual. CTS says there is no agreement to go back to work. If the mayor says to go, they won't? Where is the uft on this? Dues well spent.

  3. High schools are opening after spring break. UFT will be silent.

  4. 2 weeks to plan? Aren't we off for one of those weeks?

  5. How can they consider opening—especially when there has been a poor rollout with lack of vaccinations for teachers and other targeted groups? Also, how many parents plan to send their children to in-session instruction?

    1. Our MS has about 130 kids in grade 8 coming back, 100 kids in grade 7 coming back, and about 150 kids in grade 6 coming back.

  6. Weren't we off last spring break?

  7. The party of unions. Psaki gets sassy w/ @pdoocy after being asked when fossil fuel workers being forced out of work can expect to land a “green” job: "I certainly welcome you to present your data of all of the thousands and thousands of people who won’t be getting a green job"

  8. Just wait till Deblasio announces universal mandated 6 week summer school- 4 days a week- for all students—to make up for lost institution since last March. Mulgrew might agree if there is a promise for no layoffs /and educational cuts and teachers immediately get back pay for working during the last spring vacation.

  9. They can't even give results in a timely manner to D75/Elem. and now they're opening Middle Schools

  10. Based on the fact that Randy Weingarten is in the New York Times today claiming she can get teachers back to work, everyone will be back in school soon - including high school teachers. Get ready.

  11. GET THIS BULLSHIT: Got word that there was a covid case at our school today. If I find out that I was exposed, that means I have to cancel my vacation to New Orleans. I think that the DOE should pay for my canceled flight and hotel if I have to quarantine. Needless to say, I will not be sleeping well tonight. I am so over this.

  12. That would never happen. Teachers would never give up their summers. They could do it pro rata or per session but never as a concession to layoffs. More teachers would rather see the newbies get laid off than have to work summer.

  13. 2:36 Repeat comment I meant ‘instruction’ not ‘institution.
    just’ wait till Deblasio announces universal mandated 6 week summer school- 4 days a week- for all students—to make up for lost instruction since last March. Mulgrew might agree if there is a promise for no layoffs /and educational cuts and teachers immediately get back pay for working during the last spring vacation.

  14. Actually, there will be mandated, without pay. summer school for teachers.

  15. The minute they demand my old ass to work an unpaid, (or paid) summer school session is the day I resign.

  16. Will be same as last summer. Any student can attend summer school if they want.

  17. The sad part is and the reality is if the kids cut school all year long, what makes you think they are going to attend summer school?

  18. Mulgrew said it will take more than teacher vaccines to open schools fully and safely.

    He noted that scientists aren’t yet clear on whether vaccinated people might still be able to spread the virus, even if they aren’t sickened themselves. And he wonders how comfortable families will feel about having unvaccinated children and young teens begin the new year unvaccinated.

    “This is where it gets tough. So how do you say you’re opening in September when we need to get these questions answered?” he asked.

  19. Teachers will work summer for free if told to just like spring break. What makes anyone think teachers will grow balls THIS TIME? History shows us Mulgrew makes deals to make ny politicians happy as long as there’s something in it for Mulgrew. He’ll screw teachers AGAIN and teachers will take it with barely a whimper.

  20. I did read that NYS is revisiting the “6 foot” rule in order to help open schools. This is good, because schools will not have to worry about subs. If you switch the distance to 3 feet, you can double the amount of kids in a class. If weddings can have 150 people dancing, a classroom can hold 20 kids. They’ll be in masks anyway. And I do trust the doctors that say school is safe. I also felt terribly guilty these past 4 months while elem school teachers were in and ms teachers were home. It’s wasn’t fair. How many in-person teachers will be using CAR days vs the teachers staying at home? Another reason I do think it’s unfair the remote teachers get paid extra $-they’re already making money by saving on transportation, wear and tear on cars, and not using CAR days. Now at least it’s a little bit more fair.

    1. TeachNY. Thatd be terrible but it isn't like there is strict adherence to the 6ft rule.. Maybe if people cared more, things would be different here. Who knows

  21. Randi screwed us, threw us to the wolves.

  22. Solidarity is never about making it fair, TeachNY. If I'm a nurse on the day shift in a nice clean hospital where there is free parking and I work the maternity ward, most nurses love to be in maternity with the babies, while another nurse is on the dreaded night shift in run down facility where you have to pay for a parking spot and walk half a mile up hill to the job and work the prison population in the psychiatric ward it's not fair. If I'm an iron worker and live on Staten Island and have been working on the Verrazano Bridge for a decade, will retire on that location, while my neighbor has worke3d on 25 different project and job sites, most of the a long commute to eastern Queens and the South Bronx, it ain't fair. Teaching is the same. Some are in rough schools. Some teach in relative paradise. Some have long commutes, others walk to work. Look that the piece I posted on who gets fired. It's not hundreds, but most are males and disproportionally, as 87% of teachers are females but males draw the tougher jobs and are the majority fired for incompetency. Nothing is fair. But to envy others, to say, hey, they have it better, is not right, not in a union it's not. Solidarity is not about what's fair, it's about supporting all of us irrespective of how fair it is. It's like when people say it's not fair that you teachers get pensions and healthcare. But why don't they see that it's not RIGHt that they don't.

  23. Once again agree with Shelly. I’ve said this here before, TeachNY, “not fair” is a cry from children. Adults know that fairness does not exist in the real world. Envying what others have, especially when those others are your colleagues, is an ugly characteristic and as Shelly touched on.... should we do away with our pension because most Americans think it’s unfair? Should we give up summer vacation? How about giving up basically free health care? As a young child my mother taught me don’t envy what others have, work and fight for what you want. My childhood cries of “not fair” were also always met with “life’s not fair. Get used to it.”

  24. Is middle school returning hybrid or 5 days a week?

    1. Depends on each school and how many students are remote. And schools have the space, low in person, and resources to make changes to allow the same students to come daily. Others do not. They said half the middle schools will be students 5 days a week and other half will focus on 5 days of special pops with eventually trying to increase to everyone 5 days a week.


  26. These comments are comical... it just feels like teachers don't wanna work. I'm thrilled to be going back. The kids need it. We're getting vaccinated and if you were on top of it you're already vaccinated. Why are teachers the only whiney complaining group of workers that feel they don't have to work. There are people who would be thrilled to work and can't. You dont hear grocery store workers whining about having to go to work because of safety and they encounter like 1000 people a day. How many of you complaining teachers have been truly quarantined for a year now... or are you taking risks like going to house get togethers etc. Chances are you've been going to places more dangerous than a school. And now we're starting a narrative that were going to work for free during the summer. What are we talking about??? I love the info on this site but the comments are off the wall.

    1. 341 No teacher has said they don't want to work. This is about location, not an end to teaching and learning.

  27. Press Sec provides what will likely be a startling definition for parents about what Pres. Biden means by getting kids back into schools.
    Psaki: "More than 50% of classrooms open by day 100 of his presidency -- that means some teaching in classrooms -- at least one day a week."

  28. 3:41: You probably have a supportive administrator and great kids. It depends a lot on what school you are in.

  29. Covid or assault?

    De Blasio offers non-answer on NYC subway mayhem as kids go back to school

  30. 3:41
    For what it's worth,
    I have been working extremely long hours remote teaching including weekends, just as I've always done throughout my teaching career, the career I chose.
    Teachers are like the students-- some work hard and some hardly work, no matter the setting.
    I would love to go back to work and teach in person but not until it's safe.
    I have been "on top of it" for weeks and wasn't able to schedule my first dose until recently.
    I am very grateful to have my job and that's why I donated most of my stimulus checks.
    I have not seen my NYC family members in person since June and I don 't leave my house unless it's for necessities like a doctor's appointment.
    There are thousands upon thousands like me that you generalize unfairly just as there are admittedly those who take advantage of "working" from home and make foolish social decisions under the denial of "it won't happen to me."
    Teachers will not work for free over the summer. It will probably be per session optional enrichment.
    That is what I am talking about.

  31. Sooooo, get this bullshit: I was informed that I was in close contact with a positive Covid case at school. I was officially notified that I have to quarantine for 10 days. Now I have to cancel my friggin' mid winter family vacation. To all of you middle school teachers who are super happy to be going back, all I gotta say is be careful for what you wish for.

  32. So Randi is happy that teachers are sitting in the street in 10 degree weather? Is she a fool? Why would the teachers be so dumb?

    Randi Weingarten
    Teachers in Philly teaching the district a lesson as they teach their children outside on the coldest day of the year- this fight is about ensuring school in person is safe... And the house fans on plywood don’t cut it.. Thank you

  33. Can anyone or give a good explanation for this? (Genuinely asking)

    NEW: Biden admin quietly withdraws Trump admin proposal to require U.S. schools to disclose their relationships with Confucius Institutes.

    An ICE spokesperson confirms that the rule was withdrawn on Jan. 26. Trump admin proposed it on Dec. 31.

  34. 753. Confucius Institute promotes partnerships between Communist China’s colleges and colleges in other countries. Communist China controls the messaging in their colleges and has spread their bullshit around the globe. Trump wanted to end Communist China influence in American colleges and Beijing Biden is more supportive of the communist country so he invited them back in. All the Trump haters ignoring theBiden family connection to Communist China. Joe’s son and brother got tens of millions $ from the Chinese Communist party and perhaps Joe as well.

  35. President Biden said that today the CDC will announce new safety standards for opening schools. What happened? New science? Or just a new prez the CDC bureaucrats want to agree with? Sure wish Andy Cuomo had a president he wanted to oppose? Then Andy would still argue the Prez is wrong and keep schools closed. But instead Andy wants the new Prez to like him. Oh well. You heard the new prez time to open schools.

    1. This is good if new findings/discoveries make it easier to open. CDC suggestions are based on science. There is no $ as it is. Who can afford to hire subs or temporary teachers so that class sizes do not go above 6 -11 kids?

  36. There are definitely some teaching/non-teaching positions in NYC that are great gigs since going remote. Put their feet up and hit "assign work."

    School librarian,
    speech therapist,
    gym teacher,
    Assistant Principal.
    Physical therapist.

    Of course, when this is all over, the DOE is going to realize they don't need as many teaching position/staff.

  37. Biden today is expected to officially endorse union excuses for school closures. Ethics test for media.

  38. What is at Stake in the Fight over School re-openings?

  39. For those spewing the rumor that teachers will be forced to work summer school, without extra pay:

    Is this based on actual information from the grapevine or are you people just pulling stuff out of your anuses due to paranoia?

  40. I'm a PE teacher. i live taught every period, every day last term. Basically taught online health and then the rules, basics of sports.

    Mark Cuban, dem, has cancelled the national anthem at Mavs games. Nobody has an issue with this?

    And nobody has an issue with Biden ties to China as noted above? The party of unity?

    Nobody has a problem, as soon as we got to Jan 20, all the dem cities decided they needed to open. Now, those dem cities are fighting with unions because schools must open. Nobody sees this double standard?

  41. You don't have to be a huge fan of Trump to see how much of a fraud Biden is. Even randi has already thrown us to the wolves. Cuomo, Whitmer, Lightfoot now all say everything is safe for schools and businesses.

    You may have also seen truckloads of illegals with no vaccinations coming over the border.

  42. Ok Biden sucks by trying to thread the needle between unions and mayors. Trump was worse.Just watch impeachment trial. Trying to overtbrow election results by using a mob.

    1. Last summer was worse. It was encourage and praised by dems. Now, they magically forgot about it.

  43. Perhaps progressive Biden should get us paid for working during spring break last year.

  44. national anthem, no penalties for felony crime, meritless grades and graduation, no border...You sure this is what you want?

    1. The tolerance for crime in NYS sickens me. Bail reform is one of the worst things the state has come up with.

  45. How was Trump worse for NYC school teachers? He wasn't. It was democrat piece of shit Obama who tied us to test scores along with dem pieces of shit Cuomo and Arne Duncan. Now dem piece of shit Biden got the CDC to revamp the science to make sure schools open and dem piece of shit mayor beetlejuice just got CTU to cave and open. Hate Trump all you want but he did nothing to negatively affect NYC teachers but those dems sure did. Btw it was also the dems that allowed rioters, looters and other criminals to destroy NYC but since I left NYC for the suburbs where not one instance of rioting or looting happened I really don't give a fuck about democrat NYC other than to collect my pay to pass kids whether they earned it or not. Hahaha they pay me to cheat their kids out of an education. The more undeserving kids I pass, the more my lefty AP loves me. I speak her language so she thinks I'm on board with her lefty bullshit. Suckers.

  46. Impeachment trial? Who has time? I'm still going through the state hearings with all the witnesses citing election irregularities and possible fraud and trying to find one court in all the land that agreed to hear evidence. So far I can't find one court that made a decision on evidence. All I can find are courts that denied cases on timelieness, standing and jurisdiction. Anyone want to help me out and point to a court that actually heard evidence? I'd love to read a judge's decision on the evidence but can't find a case where any judge actually agreed to hear any of the evidence.

  47. There was virtually no evidence. Trump lost. Get over it. More evidence of fraudulent Trump votes by the way. Why do you think Giuliani didn't present fraud in court?

  48. I'm tired of teachers complaining of kids being passed for doing no work. The teachers are the ones to blame for this. Yes the administration pressures us but they have always done that. If all teachers failed kids who deserved it, we wouldn't be talking about this. They only pass the kids to make themselves look like they are good teachers. It's definitely not about helping the kids. If you are passing kids that don't deserve to pass, you shouldn't even be a parent because I'm sure when your kids do wrong, you punish them, so why is it okay to let your students off when they do wrong. Bunch of hypocrites.

  49. 1019. Why pass? Because that's what my woke boss Carranza wants me to do. Check your privilege and accept the fact Carranza knows better than you. Too many teachers have a problem with an Hispanic male authority figure. I don't. I accepted that my grading policy was a white construct that needed to be replaced with Carranza's policy. Only racists disregard Carranza.

  50. Not getting much attention but
    CNN staffing the Biden administration- Jen Psaki at WH, John Kirby at DoD and Samantha Vinograd at DHS

  51. The Chinese Communist Party continues to co-opt educational institutions in America.

    Elise Stefanik
    Police cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving lightAt 3 am, House Democrats voted against my amendment which would have prohibited funds to higher education institutions who partner with the Chinese Communist Party

    1. 11:19 it's for exchange students. this is done with many countries. why single out China? hmmm.. but, US is dependant on many loans from China, since we're a debtor nation. maybe we should cancel this country.

  52. Wapo

    In wake of Trump calls to state officials, Georgia prosecutors open criminal investigation into efforts to subvert election results

    In a letter, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis wrote that her office is examining a raft of potential criminal charges related to “attempts to influence” the administration of the 2020 election in the state.

    In early January, President Donald Trump pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” enough votes to reverse Joe Biden’s victory in the state during an hour-long phone call.

    Lock him up.

  53. 11:05: How in the heck is a grading policy a white construct? Doing homework and studying and writing essays is a white thing? Really, what is an Hispanic grading policy? How well you can use your cell phone and how many times you can come late to class and cut class. You're either an administrator or a really ignorant teacher.

    1. Yes, because we've had to destroy standards in order to get a permissible grad rate in a minority school system. Chancellor ordered us to not count attendance, pass no shows, be ridiculously flexible. Why? Why get rid of standards for specialized schools? Why eliminate suspensions? To prop up whom? The students won't do the work. Pass them by any means necessary.

  54. The lack of education, especially political and historical education, amongst the reactionary teachers that post here is astounding.

  55. 12:36 that's satire of wokeness

    In all seriousness, some districts say these things openly.

    San Diego schools will no longer consider late work, attendance or behavior when determining final grades ... arguing that the now-ousted metrics exacerbate racial inequity.

    Follow independent journalist Chris Rufo. Hundreds of parents and teachers are providing whistleblower documents on what is happening in schools around the country.

  56. The Smithsonian released a graphic arguing that "Hard work" "Protestant Work Ethic" and many other values are aspects of "White Culture"

    So how is it fair to force a grading policy onto our students?

  57. 11:05 You're obviously not up on critical race theory and other woke literature. Start reading and then white construct and grades will make sense.

    1. Yes, I gave in after the fall term as well. Now I sit home and really don't teach. No way I was doing that again just to pass no shows. I post 2 plus 2 assignments and Google grades them. The doe got what they wanted.

  58. Jesus Christ. Can't you chuckleheads stay on the topic of school reopenings?

  59. Nerd:

    I am a Phys Ed Teacher. Some may be mailing it in. I am not. I know many who aren't either.

    I am in the building every day
    Most of my classes are remote but I have a few in person.
    I work out 5/6 classes a day with lunc coverage
    If they don't have their camera on they have make up work
    If they don't do the make up work or show up my administration has supported me with given NXs to those who don't.
    I've received nearly $6,000 in donations and grants this year

    It's the type of person you are that determines how much work you are doing. I feel like I need to work hard because that's the standard I set for myself based on how I was raised by my parents. And I am never one to disparage someone else.

    Please don't judge others, you embarrass yourself.

  60. @130 pm..
    Sounds like your parents did right by you!

  61. The day hard work is a white supremacist notion is the day I truly give up. I guess Harriet Tubman was a white supremacist or was it easy to transport all those slaves up north.

  62. I think 437 means that we have lowered standards in such a way for minority students...Are standards racist? The Brooklyn Tech test is racist, right? Is using attendance racist? Chancellor said we can't.

  63. 4:37 Harriet Tubman must have been exhibiting "multiracial whiteness", the new term for people of color who internalize whiteness and white supremacist values.

  64. I don't know about all that. The US "standards" are questionable. The DOE is a system that has lowered its standards. Standards are created by man. I think far too many people believe they are AMAZING because they haven't always been truly challenged. Thank God I am black and know history. If I died today and returned tomorrow I pray this doesn't change. I just don't understand why if minorities are in need of such "lowering of standards" to succeed, our contributions are white washed from history books? Let me leave you with this little jewel because i need a break from this site: The flip side of affirmative action is the benefit of the doubt i.e. white privilege. Peace out.

    1. White privilege is the never-ending excuse for neverending black failure in education, crime and economics.

  65. The standards are lowered so those who were failing can now pass. Why was this done? It’s not because darker skinned people are stupid or lazy it’s because some darker skinned people are stupid or lazy (as are some whites, Hispanics etc...). It’s all about pandering for the minority vote. Instead of lifting up minorities that can succeed they dumb everything down so it looks like more minorities are succeeding. The answer to not having blacks mentioned in past history books should have been to include them in history books but instead the answer was let’s drag down all the minority students but pretend we’re lifting them up with fake grades. In 1978 my 99.9% white Catholic school in nyc implemented African-American history into its social studies curriculum. There one problem simply solved. As a nyc public school teacher for decades black history has always been a part of our curriculum. So this idea of ignoring black contributions in our schools hasnt been an issue for decades. Right now in 21st century nyc we have the most progressive people running nyc schools. DeBlasio is toward the end of his 2nd term and the only support he has given to minority education is to continue a policy of grade fraud and label white teachers automatic racists. I’m done. I stopped giving a shit. If these assholes want to pay me to cheat kids out of an education, I’ll take their money. When the parents of nyc rise up and do more than allow politicians to pander and feed divisiveness, wake me up and I’ll consider joining. Until then, everyone can kiss my white ass.

    1. 5:37 not good enough. sorry. we want a better future than our terrible past

  66. @10:23...spoken like a person who probably benefits from the same white privilege you'd like others to ignore. Maybe reading some material about the ways white people have ALWAYS had societal protection in America because of their whiteness won't make you appear so dismissive of the chronic struggle for Black people in America who can't claim the same privileged protection.

  67. White privilege? Seems like everything is stacked in favor of blacks.

    Seattle activists are livid that police shot & killed a suspected murderer after he shot at them. Why? Because the suspect is Black, & “ACAB” of course. This must be a wake up call to the city: stop listening to these activists. They're tearing us apart.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 12:49.. you are attempting to simplify a complex issue. that isn't going to work. nothing, nothing, in the US is stacked in favor of people of color. that is a piece of the ongoing civil rights struggle. the big picture is class struggle, and in the US, class intersects with race in a very disproportionate way that was built to favor White men. The uniformed murderers are guardians of that class system, though some of them may be ignorant to this.

  68. While Buttigieg considers mandatory testing for domestic flights, Psaki won't commit to idea that illegal immigrants should be tested for Wuhan coronavirus, refers questions to DHS

  69. 8:18: There's also straight privilege as well. Do straight people every get attacked the way gay people do? Nobody seems to be bothered by that though.

  70. Tell those white folks in Ohio whose jobs went to Mexico how privileged they are. Privileged my ass.

    1. 9:52.. this affects all Americans, not only White Americans. This is a problem of global capitalism. Race issues exist as well. Losing manufacturing jobs is not an example of privilege. Having had them in the first place tho...

  71. All the left has done is drive centrists to the right. Even if one of their causes is just or good I’m not on board anymore. I completely reject the left because of their violence all summer and because of CNN, Twitter etc. I’m just having fun watching Biden Harris fuck the left now. Kids still in cages, no $15 minimum wage. Wall Street bailouts. Love it.

    1. 5:23.. you reject violence but love kids in cages, and poverty? This all makes sense.

      You also seem to be ignoring the causes of all the civil rights protests that occurred this summer. Hate the system, not the victims.

  72. Plenty of African Americans lost good paying union jobs too. Black middle class gutted by privatization. If we could just get beyond divisive race issue and see we have plenty of class interests that align. Race is usually used to pit us against each other. Left and right are both guilty.u

  73. Having a job is now a privilege, 9:00? 1104... this is why we will never have unity. I wouldn’t unite with these lefties black or white if you put a gun to my head. 523. Love that Biden Harris are fucking the left. Kids have been in cages since Obama put them there. Nothing new on that.

  74. 10:17. So you found the court decision on evidence? Please share. Still can't find one court in the entire country that agreed to hear evidence. Still only finding court decisions on timelines, standing, and jurisdiction.

  75. They didn't produce evidence because there was none to produce. The goal is to supress the vote.

  76. 942 so which court agreed to hear evidence? I don't think you know how courts work. You can't say no evidence was produced when not one court gave anyone the opportunity to present evidence. First the court has to agree to hear the evidence and only then would it be known if credible evidence was produced. I still can't find one court that didn't run for the hills claiming lack of standing, jurisdiction or timeliness. Name the court that gave the opportunity to present evidence. There isn't one. And that is why tens of millions of Americans don't believe Biden won. Maybe he won maybe he didn't but the stonewalling and coach mplete lack of transparency has me leaning toward an illegitimate ate presidency.

  77. Trump's lawyers had every opportunity to present the evidence. They didn't want to make shit up in court like in the media because they would have been subject to real sanctions. Nobody wants to lose their license to practice law. If Trump had such a compelling case, why did so many top shelf lawyers quit? They knew he had nothing.

  78. 938. Soooo the court that agreed to hear evidence is....? Still waiting... you’d think one of you would be able to cite one court that agreed to hear evidence. Instead you just repeat liberal media spin. Having their children’s lives threatened by the left is why some lawyers quit. But the question that remains unanswered is which court agreed to hear evidence or put another way which court didn’t refuse to hear evidence... which court made a decision on evidence instead of decision on standing, jurisdiction and timeliness? If you were right, you could name the court(s).

  79. From Forbes:

    Nevada District Judge James Russell sided with the state and ruled the Trump campaign did not successfully show any evidence that proved their allegations of voter fraud, stating, “The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

  80. You need to read the Nevada case. Judge rejected evidence because of timeliness then claimed there was no evidence. MSM has you convinced nothing to see when there is a lot to see.

  81. Judges, arbitrators, and State Ed Commissioners do this all the time. First, they rule on procedural grounds. Then to drive home the point, they rule on evidence too.

    “The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

    That is ruling on the evidence in Nevada. That is not procedures. Forbes is no left wing publication.


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