Sunday, February 07, 2021


UFT Solidarity asked us to post their upcoming events for this week:

We cannot count on the UFT leadership, the Mayor or Chancellor to have our needs and the needs of our children at heart. We need to take matters into our hands collectively. You want in?

Join UFT Solidarity on Thursday, February 11 for our Council Meeting at 5pm. RVSP here.

Also, join us for our Reading Group on February 12th at 6pm. RSVP here.


  1. Is the reading group still happening on the thirteenth too?

  2. What is a solidarity reading group please?

  3. Go to the link. The PDFs are provided and the focus of what will be discussed is explained. The 12th and 13th will be discussing the same chapters of the same books. I guess it is kind of like two sections of the same class.

  4. DeBlasio is already counting on major concessions from the labor unions. If you want to hold on to whatever you have left, you’d better join Solidarity and start fighting to end Unity and Mulgrew soon to be massive givebacks.

  5. Don’t worry, Randi will get you back into the classroom regardless of your demands. Don’t be surprised if the possessed marionette shows up pounding tables and flailing her limbs to a Solidarity event this week, especially if she feels the caucus is gaining traction. Worse are the many that regard the UFT like Mulgrew regards his former barber - unnecessary and a painful reminder of what once was.

    The Union Leader Who Says She Can Get Teachers Back in Schools

  6. middle schools opening 2/25. principals had an emergency meeting this morning.
    you heard it here first

  7. Middle schools reopening feb 25

  8. Randi is a useful shill for the folks who have monney and are powerful. She is useless for teachers

  9. How come we find out through media that middle schools are opening Feb 22nd? No union notification, no notification to my DOE email?

    1. Because you never listen to social media. It's 2/25 not 2/22

  10. Middle school 6-8 grade return to in-person schooling on Feb, 25th. Teachers on Feb 24th.

  11. No one should be surprised by how malleable "science and data" are these days. It's all about "narratives" after all.

    1. Stimulus money was for k-8 to open.

  12. Mulgrew is such a liar. At the town hall last week he said he doesn't see the opening. He probably knew all along. He is so bad!!! Time to get rid of him!!!

    1. He said middle schools are definitely opening and you will get at least a week notice. He said High schools are not opening and have not even been brought up. What were you listening to? Haha

  13. Thank GOD. Looking fwd to being back in school with the kids. It’s about time. Can’t keep these little guys home for the rest of the year. Hope everyone is excited as I am to get back to it! Back to normal! Gotta start somewhere. If we can have weddings in NYS as of March, we can have school in the buildings.

  14. I'm high school. I will not report until I feel safe. They are welcome to fire me.

  15. TeachNY, On face value, you crack me up! However, if you’re for real, it’s concerning. If that’s the case get some help.


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