Thursday, April 22, 2021


This information comes from the weekly UFT Chapter Leader Update. I have nothing further but urge everyone to read the Chief Leader editorial we cited and copied on Monday for analysis.


  1. Pathetic. There go the benefits.

  2. Lose health care while they paid for double the number of teachers remote and live.they gave free transit for a very long they're broke?? Ny sucks these people suck
    .karma is a...

  3. For the dues payers who say the uft did such a great jobbing getting us a great salary...

    Chicago Police now offering $72,000 after just 18 months on the job.

    Chicago teachers hit max salary after 14 years, we have to get to year 23.

  4. This blog is so whiny. Typical post... repeat some rumor, then act as if it is true, and condemn the uft for something that hasn't happened and probably won't. Then call on everyone to pull their dues so you can continue to worm out of the truth that you're nothing but a scab.. How many times have I seen that act?

    1. Did you read the link posted above? It seems like this is more than a rumor. I’m not big at complaining but this seems like a big deal.

    2. Did you read the link posted above? It seems like this is more than a rumor. I’m not big at complaining but this seems like a big deal.

  5. Opinionated, yes. Whiny is a stretch. The Chief Leader is a very respected civil service weekly newspaper that we cited. The rest of this post is from the UFT.

  6. 615 pm cited the source. People have plenty of reasons to opt out.

  7. Um, so who is the idiot, the ones getting no service and paying $1,500? Or the scabs?

  8. Newark schools opened. All the teachers called in sick. Newark schools didn't open. Too bad we are wussies.

  9. Can you tell members if there are any petition drives on the internet that we can sign to give Mulgrew and the City Council a warning....don't **** with our benefits, our salary. We need to send the message: on't play us for fools! Also, who can we email? UFT and City council need to be reminded....and often.

    Our voices need to be HEARD, LOUD AND CLEAR. That's the only way they will advocate for us. Otherwise, we MOST DEFINITELY will get thrown under the bus! Conacts, please, guys...

  10. The UFT is mismanaging the ERI. The state legislature passed and Cuomo signed the ERI, period. They ERI saves the city hundreds of millions of dollars over the long run.

    The UFT should not cave in to the threats and extortion of De Blasio.

    If the UFT folds on retiree health coverage, it is additional evidence that Mulgrew has been bought out. Mulgrew does not represent the interests of UFT retirees.

    The UFT should not accept any give backs on retiree health coverage in exchange for the ERI.

  11. It’s all political framing where one thing is contingent on the other.

    Term limit Mulgrew.

  12. If everyone opts out we have total no union.that is worse.
    Where are the union leaders calling on us to protest.these people are worse than Biden and cuomo.if we move away from ny, would we get better care?what about out of the country?

  13. Our Mayor has for the last 6+ months threatened layoffs and repeatedly said NYC needs fewer employees and must ower personnel and benefits costs.

    With the ERI, this can be accomplished since the overwhelming majority of eligible municipal workers who would retire under the ERI are in Tiers 3 and 4. These workers no longer contribute a percentage of their salaries toward their pensions. If replacements are made, they would be made with Tier 6 workers who pay a minimum of 3 percent and a maximum of 6 percent toward their pensions. This is a huge savings on its own.

    I am not versed sufficiently to determine if the foreseen changes in the retiree health benefits are a pro or a con, I do know that the ERI will save the City money in the long term.

  14. Does anyone know if the Mayor’s Executive Budget that was announced today has any bearing on the early retirement incentive that is allegedly being negotiated? I understand that there is still a hiring freeze and I think the goal is still to reduce payroll and headcount.

  15. The programs that the mayor has funded in the budget that was recently announced will need to be funded in the future without the huge amount of money the federal government has infused.

    Is he cognitively able to comprehend this ?
    Moving forward with the ERI is a step in the right direction in a post federally funded bailout for NYC.

    I feel for the next Mayor. Who ever comes in will have to deal with the decision that the diBozzo administration makes .


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