Monday, April 19, 2021


The latest on the ERI from the Chief Leader opinion page is below. The Chief speculates on a possible deal on health benefits for retirees in exchange for an ERI. From Friday:

Or is there something the Mayor wants from the unions before he opens the gates on the retirement incentive, such as a deal on health benefits that has already provoked anxiety and anger from retirees and their advocates?

We will post further information when we have it. We had said to watch out for possible givebacks. All I can say is that whatever is negotiated will almost definitely be done behind closed doors and we will be told when a deal is done. We will have zero input.

The  Chief editorial in full:

Early-Retirement Intrigue

Apr 16, 2021

You would have thought that the de Blasio administration had not been involved in the discussions on an early-retirement-incentive—limited to city employees—that was part of the state budget adopted April 6, based on the Mayor's decidedly ambivalent comments about it a week later.

During a media briefing, he told reporters, "We are trying to look at it and decide if it is something that makes sense for New York City, and how to proceed. And we will be talking to our union partners."

The measure came to life late in the budget negotiations, at a point when some thought it had lost all momentum once the city's unions began cooperating in providing Mr. de Blasio with the $1 billion in savings he said he would need last summer to avoid having to lay off up to 22,000 workers unless the city got serious infusions of outside aid.

The unions held up a large part of their end by agreeing to $800 million in savings before President Biden's American Rescue Plan was approved on the strength of strictly Democratic votes in both houses of Congress. They had agreed to defer wage and benefit payments beyond the end of this fiscal year June 30 in return for a no-layoff guarantee through that date, with the promise that it would be extended for another year if the city received at least $5 billion in state and/or Federal aid. 

The city's share of the Federal relief exceeded $6 billion, and the larger chunk of aid that went to the state seemed to put an end to any worries that Governor Cuomo and state legislators would have to cut aid to the city and bring the total assistance below the required $5 billion. Yet there has been no announcement that the extra 12 months of no-layoff guarantee has been activated. 

The original discussions about the retirement incentive came about largely because of the unions' desire to find a way to cut the city payroll without resorting to layoffs. But even as the fiscal picture grew brighter once Democrats had control of the presidency and both houses of Congress, unions led by the United Federation of Teachers and District Council 37 continued to push the incentive.

It wasn't because they wanted to eat their cake and have it too. There was a concern that the Federal aid was a one-shot deal, with that $6 billion m0eant to deal with losses suffered due to the pandemic but not as a recurring package. And so if by next year city revenues had not perked up, the unions did not want to have to make further deferrals of wages and benefits to head off layoffs.

The early-retirement incentive, under which the city would take an extra hit on pension costs in the short term but save more overall by having workers take advantage of up to three years' additional pension credit tied to years of service and either replacing them with people at entry-level salaries or letting some positions remain vacant, seemed a logical solution.

And so the Mayor's professions of uncertainty don't ring entirely true. We would have assumed the administration sounded out agencies about whether they could afford to lose senior workers in greater numbers than usual, and in which titles, at some point after the unions first raised the issue last summer.

Is it simply a question of wanting to gauge agency sentiment now that the incentive is a reality? A desire to cool down some of the euphoria the news produced among more-senior workers because a good number of them could wind up disappointed because their agencies have already indicated they can't afford to lose employees in key titles, particularly after having been limited for the past year in how many vacancies could be filled?

Or is there something the Mayor wants from the unions before he opens the gates on the retirement incentive, such as a deal on health benefits that has already provoked anxiety and anger from retirees and their advocates?

The intrigue is deepened by what we're told is language in the bill stating that to be eligible to participate in the program, employees have to be in positions that were originally slated for layoffs. Were lists of vulnerable job titles compiled and shared with union officials at any point?

And finally, there's one other element that raises eyebrows. When the city insisted that the program not be open to uniformed employees, among those who were excluded from eligibility were Emergency Medical Service workers. 

Under a City Council bill passed during the Bloomberg administration, they were entitled to uniformed status.

So was EMS left out because ongoing contract talks could result in the administration giving them the same pay pattern as uniformed workers rather than the slightly less-generous terms obtained by civilian unions, including the EMS unions' parent, District Council 37?

It's a lot to think about. 


Unknown said...


disgusted in Queens said...

Early Retirement Incentive-Healthcare givebacks? inservice members or retirees?

How can the ERI be an incentive if any members have to GIVE BACK anything? What is the incentive in that? That is not an incentive that is a trade at best or giveback.

Health care cost is super important especially as you get older. I as well as others went into this "profession" because the trade off to a higher salary all these years was our benefits especially medical both in service and in retirement. We have paid out of pocket for masters degrees whereas in the corporate world they would have been reimbursed. We don't get bonuses, corporate retreats in Hawaii. In the corporate world masters degrees would have enabled us to receive a higher salary, respect and at the very least an air conditioned environment and not dealing with disrespectful students and constant give backs- 12 years back pay with no interest0that is simply poor business.

There should be no givebacks period. Our raises have been less than the inflation rate already and we work in less than ideal places than teachers in the suburbs. We have ALREADY given back 8.25% on TDA, 12 years for back pay, Spring break pay?-if and when with no interest because Mulgrew has allowed that and it will be a pattern.

Health care Coverage for in service and retirees should be improved not lessoned. We must unite in this. Our Union must not sell any one of us out. Don't rob Peter to pay Paul Mulgrew.

Anonymous said...

Enough is enough.
Rank and file want a say in the decision making affecting our benefits, any changes in our working conditions, salary and retirement security.

Bronx ATR said...

Mulgrew must realize if he does what he consistently does best - betrayal - it will precipitate an upheaval of his party and him. Knowing that, can a reversal of retiree voting rights in UFT elections be close behind? If so, it’s goodbye to retiree dues as well as the UFT catering to retirees. Perhaps that’s the ultimate goal. Streamline their target market and give that market what it wants while it still can vote. Murphy should carefully consider, or perhaps reconsider, his potential role in all of this.

Bronx ATR said...

Mulgrew must realize if he does what he consistently does best - betrayal - it will precipitate an upheaval of his party and him. Knowing that, can a reversal of retiree voting rights in UFT elections be close behind? If so, it’s goodbye to retiree dues as well as the UFT catering to retirees. Perhaps that’s the ultimate goal. Streamline their target market and give that market what it wants while it still can vote. Murphy should carefully consider, or perhaps reconsider, his potential role in all of this.

Anonymous said...

So during and post pandemic, retired senior city workers are going to have to potentially find new doctors? Sweet.

Anonymous said...

And Bias James Is Worried About Republicans Being Anti Union. Were is the post about the democrats being anti union, they are our real problem. but that doesn't fit the bias James narrative. democrats are our problem on so many fronts its amazing. We All Complain Everyday Not About Republican Policies/Actions But The Policies And Actions Of Democrats. Its Weird Right? For All The Democrats On This Blog You Guys All Complain About The Policies And Actions Of Democrats. Very Strange, Isn't It?

Quality Of Life?
Constitutional Rights?
The Virus That Came From China?
Health Care?

Feel Free To Add To My List

Anonymous said...

If you haven't done so already, please sign the petition opposing this radical change to our healthcare.Yours too, to protect the benefits that we've all worked for.

Anonymous said...

And Bias James Is Worried About Republicans Being Anti Union. Were is the post about the democrats being anti union, they are our real problem. but that doesn't fit the bias James narrative. democrats are our problem on so many fronts its amazing. We All Complain Everyday Not About Republican Policies/Actions But The Policies And Actions Of Democrats. Its Weird Right? For All The Democrats On This Blog You Guys All Complain About The Policies And Actions Of Democrats. Very Strange, Isn't It?

Quality Of Life?
Constitutional Rights?
The Virus That Came From China?
Health Care?

Feel Free To Add To My List

Anonymous said...

The potential for Healthcare Coverage changes were going forward anyway—regardless of any early retirement incentive.

James Eterno said...

We have said it over and over that many Democrats are almost as bad as Republicans on education and labor issues. That said, the election of Biden and then Ossoff and Warnock to get a Democrat Senate and the election of a Democratic super-majority in the State Legislature is bringing NYC a ton of money with much of it is headed for schools. 100% Fair Student Funding was never seen before. Our job now is to get that money to classrooms. I fear it will be sucked up by bureaucracy and administration at central and school levels.

James Eterno said...

Chief says now healthcare changes and ERI could be linked 9:00 AM.

Not will to die yet said...

It’s never an easy road.
UFT let them ram Danielson up our asses with 4 drop in evaluations when the rest of NYS had two .

Deferred payment on contract , how many members died before collecting the trickles of retro pay ?

Now an ERI tired to medical coverage give backs.

What a crooked system we all are part of.....

Anonymous said...

This is terrible. Health insurance is the most important benefit we receive. Sneaky of the City to now force the issue since the Union wants the ERI so badly. There has to be a better way.

R Gold said...

I am concerned about the Medicare advantage program being considered mandatory for retirees as a giveback. They are considering Aetna and Emblem Health.I live in PA where emblem health is not even recognized. Where does that leave out of state retirees? Such a shame that we will have no say on this.

Anonymous said...

852. They are the same. They push the same terrible domestic and foreign policies. They just talk differently.

Anonymous said...

Keep paying for this. Smart.

Anonymous said...

lol, almost as bad, good one James you just cant say they are worse for all of us in so many ways. someday you will realize it but I guess you have so much invested in supporting the d party you can't admit you have been wrong for so long. it would be embarrassing to admit it but you'll get over it
look at Leo Terrell for inspiration

Anonymous said...

What is all that money gonna do. Make students attend, put phones away, take hats off, have better parents, not get pregnant, not smoke?

Not will to die yet said...

R Gold ,
I feel for you. You should not have to worry about this kind of nonsense in your retirement.
We have Mulgrew and diBlasio to thank for this.

Anonymous said...

Dems won, we got all the money...
Still no retro
Still no spring break pay
No teachers choice
Going after our medical

David Suker said...

They want givebacks on an ERI that is a net gain for the city in the long run? Am I missing something? Let them rot! I’m maxing my pension out. It’s all about your mindset. Change that and none of these losers can get to you.

Shelley said...

Many of you, I'm certain, are familiar with Freakonomics or have heard of it. I'm not here to recommend the book, the program, series . . . I am recalling lessons about incentives and the risks of getting either more of the problem you want to be rid of, or, and sometimes also, less of what you deserve and bargain for. An incentive like the one being discussed will have winners and losers. But we must hangtogether or separately we will be hung out to dry.

Anonymous said...

Keep the healthcare as is and fuck the incentive.sorry but although everyone would like a padded pension, do your time and pay your dues.all of care is too important to trade away for this incentive health costs add up fast and can deplete your money fast.
Secondly, I guess they want to cut our benefits while giving away everything to illegals.fuckin democratic assholes and their dumb people who voted them look what u got and we all suffer for it!I am researching retiring abroad in a place with more sense than this country and especially can get a mouthful of dental work cheaply in costa rica as per my friend who had it done.

Anonymous said...
Off topic but where to post?

Anonymous said...

1213. republicans support the same system.

Anonymous said...

Muldoody sent a dumb email that we are closer to eri.conveniently omits the part about givebacks.the Eric will offer a few extra crumbs but lose in health bills.when is uft election?this city sucks.david, what do u mean by maxing pension out?u mean staying working for a long time?just trying to understand what u else to max it out?per session basically dead.

Anonymous said...

Oh good more money for the doe to spend on workshops, consultants, administrative staff. What a Mulgrewnian VICTORY for the democrats. Glen Greenwood, Bari Weiss who are true liberals have made the case better than anyone. The left has lost their fucking mind. The democrats enable and give aid and comfort to these freedom hating neo-fascists. But hey we’ll have more tax payer money for another literacy or math coach who never teaches a lesson so all is good. I dumped the democrats somewhere around 2011.

Anonymous said...

There are some annoying posters here but none more repulsive than the teacher whose main issue is spring break 2020 pay. His world revolves around it. There are bigger issues to worry about. There really are.

David Suker said...

I just mean my goal is to work on the top tier for 3 years and work into my last year for a month or two. A lot of people don’t realize that if you work any time into another year without finishing it, it’s counted as per session. So I calculate that I can get that 10% per session of my yearly salary which I think is the cap spread out over the final 3 years. That’s equivalent to an extra $4,500 added to my final 3 years per year. It should work out to around a $2,500 boost to my pension yearly if when I retire I have 27 years at 54%. If I’m wrong please someone let me know, but I’ve called TRS and double checked.

Anonymous said...

226. As already stated, republicans are the same trash. And maybe work on your definitions a little.

Bronx ATR said...

If Mulgrew does this it ushers in the newbie temporary teacher and screws everyone else. Tier 6 and a revolving door of dues payers. Mulgrew and Unity wins over the rank and file. Everyone has to start screaming now. What good is an ERI if your healthcare is compromised?

Anonymous said...

David Suker. I’ve read everything on retirement I could find. Never heard what you described. I did read CAR day limits if you leave before end of school year. I reread the form (one of the forms you have to file when retiring...can’t remember which) over and over never could really understand the limitation. Maybe I’m just stupid. But it’s something I’d check out if I were you. Doesn’t effect me so I didn’t dig deeper to understand.

Anonymous said...

they don't support open borders
they don't support people illegally entering our country by breaking the law
they don't support sanctuary Cities/states
they don't support adding Washington DC as a new state
they don't support the CCP in china incase you forgot about our countries real enemy
they don't support radical race theory
they don't support BLM whatever that means
they don't support corrupt unions
they don't support _______________________
please fill in the blank I have a lot more if you want to have a discussion instead James E's echo chamber

Anonymous said...

You are all idiots on this page. All city unions negotiate the health care package, not just the UFT, that includes city cops, sanitation etc....

Please compare your health plan with anybody else in the country. Who gets back Medicare Part B premium in full? Who gets a $780 stipend for drug program every February?
We pay next to nothing for full health coverage and all you people do is cry.

And David Suker, you are completely wrong that the time you are discussing is added on as per session. TRS looks at the highest 36 consecutive months of earning.

You are all welcome!

Anonymous said...

The ERI is citywide as is healthcare. We understand that. Saying we pay next to nothing is bullshit. We pay much more per month when retired as opposed to active. We need one plan, Medicare for All. City pays over $20,000 for each one of us. Covering everyone in the country would cost less than that. We could get extra refunded to us.

Anonymous said...

David suker..been to workshops and never heard that about working into a year.also not everyone starts Sept and finishes in june.they say highest 3 consecutive years.not totally true.they look back 5 years and do some calculations mostly screwing you.they also say to spread pee session over the final years ie not all in last year.there is the Kingston has to do with a year cant exceed previous one by 10%.if it does there is a big reduction...I saved the papers as I stay on...also for health care.i am happy in my position though.if ur miserable, the stress will kill you and shorten your life.thankfully I am finally in a comfortable position.i can retire but trying to see does 35 or 36 months come out better than staying longer and getting 1.5% extra per year while contributing more to tda.i am single age 60 with debt and caring for unless I am miserable,I will likely stay for a bit till the party is over and the ice cream turns to shit, to quote a friend.of course there is subbing on top of pension but it is limited by age or u must return some to uncle sam... hope this helps out.get a consult.dont take me as an expert...

Anonymous said...

3:33, The Uft seems to always screw its members and the NYC unions by creating a precedence in agreeing to give backs. We understand what you’re saying, no need to be disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

Healthcare for retiree is essential. At this point, I’m glad I have something as opposed to nothing. Granted, we have no choice in the matter so why complain about it. At least if the ERI comes to fruition, we will have gotten something. Honestly, this has been such a roller coaster of emotions for the last six months that I just want a conclusion.

Anonymous said...

I could add to that list, 333. But I’m YOUR echo chamber. Curious. Did you ever vote for democrats? If so, what tipped you to the other side?

Anonymous said...

Agree with you on retiree health care 3:33 but the concern is givebacks. Only an idiot would think we can’t get screwed by UFT or anyone else.

Shelley said...

To be called an idiot by an idiot is a compliment.

Here's your argument: "Compare our healthcare with the country. See, told-ya, ours is better."

And we are the idiots?

If you know so much, educate us.

Anonymous said...

Spring break is an example, 1 of a million. Perhaps if we and mulgrew had a spine, we would've been paid on the spot for spring break and we wouldn't get stomped on in every other area. You don't feel like a wussy doing this job? Begging for pay that you already earned?

Anonymous said...

I just retired in June 2020; I saw how the pandemic was spreading in Asia in late 2019. I went out on terminal leave in Feb. 2020. I was following closely any info. about an ERI but I felt that I could not trust the UFT, Mulgrew and our mayor to broker a deal. I was too exhausted anyway after 35 years 2 months of teaching. Despite all the worldwide suffering, 2020 has proved to be one of the best years of my life. Take the ERI if you can and don’t look back! I’m moving to Nevada and changing my name.

Anonymous said...

333. democrats dont support any of these things either. dont confuse rhetoric, hot air, with actual policies that get passed, cold law. as was already said, they are the same, they just use different language. our real enemy is our State, not another sovereign nation. and we know what BLM means, but clearly the message is bothersome to some for some reason.. hmmmm

maybe corrupt unions though, as both parties certainly support corrupt police unions.

Anonymous said...

When many veterans leave, there wont be a real union.the newbies dont care.for them it is just a job like mcdonalds... a stepping stone and not a career.they wont want to fight as their stay is short.where will that leave the rest of us?who will fight for us when we are retired? Very sad.hope i am wrong.we will be as abysmal as a clothing store political clout...might really need to relocate to a cheaper country.who knows?maybe this too is part of the great reset....
I guess it could be worse with everyone yelling to defund the cops...sometimes I need to not follow the news cuz it negatively affects me.and I threw out my tv... I never watched it.fake news...

Anonymous said...

What do retirees get who stay in the union vs opt out people?

Anonymous said...

Supplemental Health Insurance Program (SHIP) only available to retirees in UFT.

Anonymous said...

But you have to pay $120 yearly, additionally, right? What do you actually get? Do you need it?

David Suker said...

I called TRS with that specific question because my equate date is in the middle on November instead of in September because I was put on medical leave involuntarily one year. I asked TRS what happens in that case and they told me it’s counted as per session. I’ll call and ask again before I retire. Thanks for your concern and response!

David Suker said...

Okay, thanks. I’ll give them a call again. Previously they told me what I explained above. Again thanks.

David Suker said...

Thanks for your input. I’m going to call to check again since I now have more information. It’s funny because I asked specifically about this and the person I was talking to called a supervisor to ask about this question specifically and she explained it the way I tried to describe it. Thanks again!

David Suker said...

Good luck on your retirement and hopefully you’ll collect for many years to come!

My dad was a city employee and he’s been collecting his pension for almost 30 years now. He’s 91 and has Parkinson’s that he probably got working at the sewage plant he worked at. I hope he lives to 100!!! He and we deserve every cent that is coming to us.

Anonymous said...

SHIP is a very cheap ins. policy that can return many times. Just one example would be the $300 yearly dental reimbursement for out of pocket.

Here you go:

Anonymous said...

SHIP is a very cheap ins. policy that can return many times. Just one example would be the $300 yearly dental reimbursement for out of pocket.

Here you go:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately being in the UFT only seems to pay off in retirement. I’m happy it pays off since I am in my 50s. Just wish leadership would do more to rein in abusive administrators. UFT is more respectful to csa than to its own members. Union dues for retirees are around $25/month. Easier to convince retirees to stay in union. To the poster inquiring about SHIP, the benefits of SHIP can be found on the UFT website.

Anonymous said...

@5:51 thanks for your fictional response on what the current democrats party supports, I especially liked your in-depth analysis of the real meaning of the blm movement. you really put your psychology degree to good use

Anonymous said...

NYCERS summary of where things stand

TJL said...

Admittedly not related to the OP:

By now per-session Regents and particularly 3-8 scoring should be posted already. Has anyone heard news on this? Is the City suddenly ok with us grading in-house again? If it was so necessary before to grade at neutral sites then why isn't it now? IN fact in small schools I can see a situation where there are not enough in-person teachers to grade subect X. (This is actually the case in my school for multiple Regents subjects).

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure they are not going to offer per session for Regents grading. They will just have teachers go to scoring sites during the school day. Also, I remember during summer school we always did on-site grading, and I"m sure this year since it can't harm their graduation, they will let us grade on site. They will probably need to save the per session money for summer school.

Anonymous said...

749. no challenge to the status quo comes from either of the two capitalist parties. rhetoric vs policy.

Anonymous said...

@12:15 disagree but don't want to hijack this post anymore than I already have.
this Eri healthcare bullshit the mayor and our union might be trying to screw us on is very important
we can discuss the actual and substantial differences between political parties later

Anonymous said...

100. we wouldn't have to ever worry about these things if we had national health coverage for everyone. unfortunately we have a right wing system that allows for health care to be a commodity, an earned monetary product, which both major parties uphold and protect.

Anonymous said...

yeah 654 good try with your attempt at blame. the govt running our healthcare is a fantastic idea. more centralized power and forced taxes is always the answer for the less creative mind. lets give the generational poor more free government programs and make them more dependent on the government as well as having less freedom. lets create a non government controlled healthcare system that's fair to all hard working Americans you know the ones not on generational welfare, you know what's going on but I guess blaming us hardworking and freedom loving right wingers makes you feel superior. like you are actually helping people. that's a good one. you must feel great about yourself. we should help all people but they need to also help themselves. generational poverty is the real stain on our nations soul and the policies of both parties has made it worse.
like I said earlier this is about the Eri, our incompetent liberal mayor an our corrupt liberal union. like you I could go into great detail but lets save it for a different day
God Bless And Stay safe And Health

James Eterno said...

The government is the primary insurer or outright runs healthcare in most advanced nations. They have much cheaper healthcare than we do and outcomes that are as good or better. In the US, the government is the chief insurer for people over 65 in Medicare and for those who qualify for Medicaid and the government runs the VA.

Anonymous said...

who's this James guy, he needs to stay on the topic of the blog post lol

Anonymous said...

liberals are incompetent but they are clever, this health care Eri thing is all about getting universal health care. sneaky dems

Anonymous said...

918. poverty = freedom? not having health care = freedom? being a hard working wage slave = freedom? then freedom has lost all meaning.

James Eterno said...

Healthcare's possible connection to the ERI is the topic so I am in the ballpark with my response to 9:18.

Anonymous said...

so I guess you want to have this discussion.
I rather be poor and free than have the government control my entire life
why are certain people constantly poor that they need the government to take of them and their entire families? for generations?
not sure why you think you are a wage slave because you work hard, I know I'll let the government take care of me. that's the answer right?
think im going to vote for Yang, isn't he ( is he still acceptable?) the person who is going to guarantee everyone money? im on board with that, no more being a wage slave. you radical liberals make me laugh. you have all the answer. sorry some hard work throughout your life has made you a wage slave. its time to go back to your safe space

Not will to die yet said...

Did any of you get an email from the UFT saying the ERI is being negotiated?

Anonymous said...

9:16 am, You need to take a course on the difference between a liberal and a socialist. 7:53 8s a socialist or communist, not a liberal.

Anonymous said...

9:16 Classic false-choice fallacy. Like textbook quality example.

Anonymous said...

currently I see no difference, liberals have become socialists and communists. wake up
thanks for the complement 9:59 you are very kind

Anonymous said...

If you don't see a difference between a liberal and a communist, we can't have a dialog as you don't have the rudimentary knowledge to conduct an intelligent conversation.

Anonymous said...

come on 11:01 you expect me to know what rudimentary means. I'll try harder next time to conduct myself in a more intelligent manner. please you smaller words so I can keep up with someone as intelligent as you. must be a burden having such a high opinion of yourself. tell us how you do it
now back to the Eri

Not will to die yet said...

I hate coming to this blog for information and instead reading twisted philosophical views of twisted members.
Stop this republican vs liberal garbage.

News flash : unless you are old money you are not a real republican anyway !

Anonymous said...

Well, this ain't good...

Anonymous said...

that's a good one 2:08
the guy who says stop this republican vs liberal garbage is the one continuing it. liberals, they are so confused

my money is old just like me, thanks for commenting 2:08 you made my day

now back to posting about the Early Retirement Inventive And How Our Liberal mayor and corrupt union president are going to screws all

Anonymous said...

751. people having health care is a bad thing and we should be suspicious of those that try to do it? nevermind that neither major party is ever gonna do that.

Anonymous said...

916. govts arent monoliths. they are a tool of the class in power. in our country, it's the capitalist class. and in a class system, there will always have to be a bottom. otherwise, there'd be no classes. this is why people are trapped in these circumstances and why it'll never change if we go on in the same direction that both parties have brought us in.

and honestly, radical liberal is an oxymoron.

Anonymous said...

1014. then you should really turn off the OAN

Anonymous said...

349. thatd be nice, but those regressive thoughts you spew only keep us locked in this neoliberal nightmare.

Anonymous said...

neoliberalism isn't our nightmare but globalism and radical Marxist liberalism is. you know what the old Democratic Party has become.
wow never knew I could spew, thanks for the compliment

now back to the Eri any thoughts?

Not will to die yet said...

3:49 your money is old ?

TDA money is a joke compared to JP Morgan , Rockerfeller , Goodyear , and even Busch.
Stay calm big guy everything is going to alright. Keep working .. You sound like 30 plus year guy yourself. Thank God for this job or you would be pumping gas for tips.

Seriously what transferable skills do you have any way.

Anonymous said...

thanks for calling me big guy, always wanted someone to call me that.
I pump gas every weekend, my family owns several service, gas stations out here in smithotwn and we still provide a full service experience.
arguing with liberals, not sure how transferable it is. if only I could make money from it

Now What About That ERI And Healthcare Situation. I hope our liberal mayor and corrupt union president don't come to some sort of backdoor agreement that erodes our hard fought contractual rights.

Anonymous said...

I am tired of sleepless nights worrying about having to pay medical bills I cannot afford and suck the 1st time paltry generational something I have toiled for my whole life, for my family so they can have more than I, be sucked right away from us and; those who have not worked or toiled can run to the E.R. with a broken finger nail anytime because they can, no worries for them! Those who suck the system sleep well every night.

Anonymous said...

I know the difference between a liberal a socialist and a communist in theory but a conversation can’t be had because when the liberals commit violence with their silence (American socialist and commie phrase) the liberal is my enemy as much as the commie or socialist. Committing violence to intimidate people so they say and do what you want is an act of war against free thinkers. Liberals pick your side. Ask Bari Weiss, Matt Taibi and Glen Greenwood how they feel these days about their fellow liberals who remain silent. Put theory aside. In the real world there are those who promote, enable or tolerate censorship and forced group-think and those who do not. Stop the fence sitting academic bullshit and pick your fucking side. There was a time the ACLU believed the KKK had a right to March because even abhorrent speech should be protected. And guess what happened? Hardly anyone noticed when the hooded scumbags held their little rallys. All the hoods went home and no one gave their KKK bullshit a serious thought. That’s the America I want to live in. Pick your fucking side.