Monday, May 10, 2021


Go over to NYC Educator and read tonight's Executive Board report from Arthur

Some highlights:

On Early Retirement Incentive:

DOE--When you're near the end of an administration things get weird. Primary in June has made it weirder. Admin wants to remain relevant, so city budget is a fight for us. Have not engaged in Early Retirement Incentive. 

On possible vaccine mandates for our members:

Moskowitz mandating vaccines, will we take a position?

Doctors who advise us say integrity of these vaccines is unprecedented. I get emails on both sides. People need to think this through. If we don't hit 70%, this will be around for years. Will be no medical accommodation based on people not wanting to be vaccinated. Not medical condition. 

Mayor's race:

Mayor's race shaping into three person race. Stringer has allegations against him, but most unions who've endorsed have stuck. Allegations are allegations. Our group that first endorsed says we should continue.

Never thought we'd go back to Bloomberg days. Yang isn't billionaire, but is tied with this group. Adams is tied with Students First. We will get word out.

On Medicare privatization:

Health care updates? 

Mulgrew--Mediator at MLC cannot go forward because our questions haven't been answered. 

Read the whole report.


  1. LOL. Nice job. Not convinced yet? I thunk you are paying higher dues starting this Friday.

    Mulgrew tells UFT Executive Board that city is not cooperating on retirement incentive, and that two wannabe Bloombergs are viable mayoral candidates.

  2. It's been obvious for the past couple of weeks that there is not going to be an ERI.

  3. Well, I heard arbitration opens June 1. True?

  4. Perhaps people who want to retire so badly should just retire.

  5. 70% vax rate for immunity??why is there no flu immunity with all the flu shots?
    Knew no eri.obvious.back to Bloomberg days???time to get out.dont know much about candidates..depressing...

    1. You do realize hundreds a subgroups of each strain of the flu? When they create flu shots they guess at which strain will be the most deadly for that year. But of course since there are hundreds of types at any given time, their is no vaccine that is one size fits all. Currently, how many strains of the Corona are there? The longer the Corona last, the more strains that will develop and that is why we will never get rid of it now. We passed that bridge.

  6. No one cares about ERI. Just retire if you're miserable. Just give us our spring break pay and I'll be satisfied.

  7. ERI is a done deal already. Mayor signed off on it. Principal in my building confirmed it already. Just waiting for closer to May31st as this is the deadline that it has to be announced by.

  8. I still laugh at spring break up and people think we are getting it. Never going to happen.

    This is where we as teachers are fools. I will say it loud and proud: I did zero work spring break last year. I posted nonsense prior to the break and practiced my golf swing all day and worked out in my yard. I graded nothing and answered zero emails. No live classes etc.

    We love to look for appreciation. This job is a racket.

    Make the doe work for you and not the other way around.

    Where else am I getting paid 6 figures to ‘work the system’? In private industry, they bust their back sides and don’t get paid much more than we get paid.

    Stop complaining about nonsense and start living. In a month and change, we get a paid summer. Plan your beach time, go to ball games, take trips and have fun. Stop complaining about nonsense.

  9. Wow. After months of fighting for the ERI and being told that it is being negotiated we now find out that the Mayor is not engaged in talks. When the May 31 deadline comes and goes with no ERI, there are going to be some angry people wanting an explanation.

  10. Anonymous 10:40- I didn't care about PPL- if you want a kid, just take your CAR days, borrow, and go negative days, so you're in a hole for most of your career.

    See what I did there?

  11. The ‘E’ in ERI tricked a few folks into thinking they could retire AND collect prior to age 55. Now that reality has set in, no great push from the ranks for it.

  12. There may be more health dangers ahead in the future as obviously this virus came out of a lab and the fact that Trump (surmised correctly) said so (to save his ass) stopped the media and its friends from investigating it. The Chinese lab was using ‘Gain of Function Research’ to develop viruses much stronger than those in nature in order to develop powerful vaccines. The biggest proponent of this type of incredibly dangerous research is Anthony Fauci. He was banned from this type of research here by the Obama administration and allowed to pick it up again by the Trump administration. One of these viruses escapes a lab somewhere in the world about once a year. The media refused to look into any of it because of its hatred of Trump. NY Times science writer Nicholas Wade has written a very long expose on it.
    Here’s a couple of shortened versions -

    1. Bronx ATR: Always been strange how non-curious our experts have been regarding the origins of the virus. And how quickly the experts embraced China’s story.

      Did you read yesterday’s NYT article on outdoor transmissions of Covid (spoiler alert: it essentially does not happen)? Stunning article:

    2. Yes, I read it. I will admit I have never worn a mask outside (unless on the very rare occasion I was in very close quarters with a lot of people), not because of anything other than common sense. We all have to start listening to what our better sense tells us - not those who claim to have our best interests at heart. Thanks.

  13. DD1969, I hope you are correct. I think the Chancellor signs off on the ERI for DOE by May 31. The Mayor signs an Executive Order for the other municipal employees. But before he can do so, the City Council has to pass a Local Law which they haven’t. This has to happen by June 30.

  14. 12:29
    I hope you are right !
    Comments like yours give me HOPE !

  15. Veteran NY Teacher, I fell for the “E” and was tricked into believing that retirement was in sight.

  16. All this mixed messaging is very unsettling. First we hear that the ERI is being negotiated and that we should be patient. Now we hear that there has been no engagement, hence no negotiations. Thirteen business days and counting until May 31. At this point, the UFT should just be honest instead of stringing us along.

  17. So tiresome to shoot down these endless conspiracy theories from people who believe a lying sleazebag politician over the scientific community.

  18. Don't worry, I'm sure Mulgrew will be very candid at the town hall today. I was being sarcastic. He will also address spring break 2020, grade fraud, etc...

  19. The UFT and DC37 have been at the forefront of the ERI for 6+ months now. To get to this point in the process and not have any form of an ERI would be mud in leaderships face. I know that the Mayor is a lame duck and so are some of the City Council, but if any one of these politicians aspire to continue in politics, they will need both of these powerful unions in their pockets. I don't believe that ERI conversations have not taken place with the Mayor's Office (Chancellor) and the City Council since the Mayor supported the ERI at the NYS Budget hearings in February and the City Council enacted a "home rule" in March to have the ERI approved in the State Revenue Budget. Why the UFT states that their is no engagement/no negotiations is interesting. As a commenter mentioned, the UFT previously said to remain patient that they were negotiating terms. So, which is it?

  20. 7:20 has a good viewpoint, it's a good way to stay sane, and it's especially doable in a school with reasonable admin. My experience was similar to his/hers.

    With that said we were still told to "be available" and there are schools with Leadership Academy principals who would hold a morning and afternoon meeting every day just to keep their teachers under their thumbs. If you're being told to be on the clock, even if like 7:20 and a lot of us you weren't doing much, you should be compensated for it. At the very least the Union should be trying harder to get compensation.

  21. Mulgrew completely screwed over the members by not forcing a May 15th deadline for an ERI decision. Terminal leave is no longer an option for me, because there is a heard deadline for submission of the paperwork. So thanks to all the diddling, I am forced to go back in September, and I really do not have it in me anymore.

  22. The scientific community is not in agreement. So tired of Trump hate getting in the way of critical thinking. Bronx Atr is right about Gain of Function and Fauci.

  23. Why can't you take terminal leave on 9/9? Isnt it 30 days notice?

  24. Mulgrew is going to be bombarded at the meetings today and tomorrow. He needs to get his story straight on the ERI. I think we are all fed up with the drama and uncertainty.

  25. If the ERI allows most titles from the DOE to retire, I can't imagine what the stampede to get final consultations as well as filing papers at the TRS will look like, especially in these covid times. The longer they wait to roll this out, the bigger disservice they are doing to all concerned. I'm not looking forward that aspect personally.

  26. What meeting is tomorrow?

  27. Medical changed.

  28. Everything I wrote there is verifiable. Trump may very well be a sleazebag, but that shouldn’t stand in the way of proper investigation and critical thinking. Read the report- it’s done by a New York Times reporter and scientist. It’s just out as well. Dismissing something as a conspiracy theory doesn’t change the facts. The media has really done a great disservice to this country and that’s on both sides of the political aisle. Letting blind hate of one individual stop us from seeing objectively has severely hurt this country and continues to do so.

  29. I’ve come to the conclusion that the media is not to blame for misinformation. They’ve been exposed as propagandists. Buyer beware. Fucking morons who still watch and read the same sources they did 10 years ago are to blame. Stop listening to liars and expecting the truth. Hoax after hoax debunked and people still believe the source. We need a vaccine for morons.

  30. 7:20 could not have said it better myself, learn how to work the system and when your time comes to get out you get out!

  31. Not every American who questions democrat sanctioned experts is a tin foil hat nut case. If we were we’d be easier to handle. Instead more people seem to be catching on to liars and manipulators like Fauci and cnn. I started my regular indoor socialization 2 weeks after getting my second dose. I’ve been socializing outdoors in uncrowded environments and didn’t mask up outdoors since last summer. I weighed my risks without the help of cnn or the NYT or liar Fauci and made my own decisions. When did QUESTION AUTHORITY become verboten to liberals? Sad state of affairs. Does the radical left have you convinced or intimidated to stop asking questions? Or is it something else? You can simultaneously hate Trump and hate what the Biden Administration is doing to this country. No end to violence in city streets, Israel attacked without the US showing we have its back, Asians stabbed/beaten for looking Asian, American Asians denied entrance to schools because too many of them are too smart, gas pipeline taken hostage, cost of living rising enough for people to take notice, crisis at border, racist shit about white people in schools and corporate training, back to segregation, people losing their job because they say something the radicals don’t like. Is this what the NY liberals I used to know and love want? Does it not matter what you want because you’ve lost control to the radicals and you’ve effectively been castrated? Serious questions.

  32. 7:20 comment is why we will never have a strong union. Instead of saying it’s messed up we haven’t gotten paid for spring break, he talks about what he ( or I guess it could be she?). Did or didn’t do. Who gives a fuck whether you did work. They STOLE time from us. Wake up

  33. Dear colleagues, am I eligible for the ERI and the benefit under Part A of it if I am turning 62 this summer and retiring at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year anyway?
    If yes, and if I submit my application for terminal leave by 6/1/21, will this affect my eligibility for ERI?


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