Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Michael Mulgrew's Unity Caucus has gone to new lengths to ensure that there is as little meaningful discussion as possible on important issues at the Delegate Assembly. Unity is so afraid to have controversial issues come to the floor such as Medicare privatization and possibly rescinding the Scott Stringer Mayoral endorsement that they have to manipulate the DA agenda so that the Delegate Assembly will more than likely not discuss anything substantive on Wednesday.

For those who have not been following closely, since last March UFT meetings have been remote. The DA has insane limitations that make democracy even more of a joke than even under normal circumstances. Within the electronic rules, the only chance rank and file delegates have in order to have a motion added to the agenda is to submit it to UFT Secretary Leroy Barr on the Sunday before the Wednesday DA  at noon after he sends an email to all the delegates. The new motion period is only ten minutes so delegates are aware they better be on the top of the agenda if they want to be heard. Barr has told a delegate I know that the Union puts the motions directed to the agenda in order of how he receives them on email. 

In an amazing coincidence, the first two resolutions that were emailed to Barr on Sunday for Wednesday's May DA were to honor health providers and then one to support nurses. 

Motions directed to the agenda for the May 12, 2021 Delegate Assembly

Motion No. 1 — Resolution to celebrate Provider Appreciation Day (submitted by Tammie Miller)

Motion No. 2 — Resolution in support of School Nurse Appreciation Day (submitted by Cynthia Bennett)

A Resolution to endorse David Weprin for comptroller, one to oppose Medicare privatization, another motion to move up the privatization of Medicare to the top of the agenda, one calling for electronic voting in all UFT elections, one to rescind the Scott Stringer endorsement, and more all apparently came in after those two noncontroversial resolutions to honor healthcare providers and support Nurse Appreciation Day. I have nothing against the healthcare providers and I support Nurse Appreciation Day but these two motions are getting top billing. Why? The answer is basically to make sure none of the controversial issues are discussed. Typical Unity Caucus manipulation to get what they want.

Far more legitimate are Educators of NYC events that are true discussions. Don't miss tonight's forum on how the schools should be reopened.  Full disclosure is my wife Camille will be one of the panelists. 


  1. Sounds like those dues are going to the right place. How stupid of all of you. James, you should be ashamed of yourself. All talk. Don't give me the "I was a cl" bullshit. You print the complaints, then give the "we should keep paying" speech. Nice work.

  2. "Typical Unity Caucus manipulation to get what they want." Why pay dues to these people? Please explain it. What will it take?

  3. In the age of social media, it is easier to get the word out than ever before. One day, hopefully soon, the rank and file will be ready to oust Unity Caucus. I provide info so UFTers can know what is going on. The more who know, the better chance we will use the ballot box to make change. A NYC teachers union will be a strong, bold, democratic union again one day. That day will come.

  4. Unity is not the UFT, just a faction. The rank and file are the UFT.

  5. 324, the rank and file keeps voting for these people, these contracts, while paying dues to people who abuse them. Fools.

  6. Anyone have any thoughts on the sustainable option at TRS?

  7. blah blah.. YOU IDIOTS PAY dues.. blah blah blah.

  8. Blah blah, it's true. And then they complain. At least I don't pay. But thanks for paying for me.

  9. The same scabs urging others to become scabs. Trying to convince us that they are principled. Forget it. You're just a selfish, chiseling scab.

    1. Lol. And you pay for your own demise. Sadly, you are also paying for my demise. Not sure if I should thank you or not.

  10. And 910 is a stupid sheep who doesn't realize he's being taken advantage of.

  11. Over 70% don't vote in UFT elections. As long as there are faction caucuses competing for a sliver of the vote Unity always wins. Keep your caucuses but for elections uncaucus yourselves and form a united front and wake up the sleeping non-voting giant in the UFT. And you suckers who stop paying dues can just sit by and watch. Can i buy your vote in general elections for a few bucks?

  12. Ed notes, you just said there is no chance the election outcome changes then say I should keep paying dues so I can vote. Do you not agree the uft has failed us big-time? Why pay?

  13. free·load·er

    a person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return.

    1. You realize, the thread you are commenting in is called "UNITY UP TO THEIR OLD TRICKS TO STIFLE DISCUSSION AT DA"

    2. No UFT members employed by the DOE are being furloughed. The "Important Announcement" email sent to all staff from Chancellor Carranza tonight pertains only to managerial employees and other DOE employees not represented by a union.

      Michael Gatton on twitter
      Sep 24, 2020
      We're next.

  14. I did give, for 24 years, and it was made clear that things were only deteriorating. I was ignored by Sill repeatedly. By the way, no bad ratings, no bad observations, excellent attendance, no charges ever filed against me...I think the freeloaders are Hinds, Sill, Mulgrew, Arundell, Goldberg, Gibbons, etc.

  15. Michael Gatton, That you above? Seems like you don't like your union. Your quote.

  16. ??? What does my tweet from Sept. have to do with anything in this thread or my comment about freeloaders?

  17. I want my union to be better, same way I want my government to be better. That's why I vote, why I pay my dues. There's no contradiction or conflict here as you seem to suggest. Hence my confusion.

  18. Who is the freeloader? Who were you referring to?


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