Friday, May 28, 2021


This is official from the DOE to principals on hiring. To me, permanently staffed means a regular position with rights but let's hope this is how DOE interprets it.

Hiring Updates for the 2021–22 School Year

As shared in the May 26 Citywide Principal’s Meeting with the Chancellor on the 2021–22 school year hiring, in order to support schools with staffing needs in this upcoming school year, the following policy updates are effective immediately and will be in place for the 2021–22 school year.

  • No hiring restrictions on school pedagogical titles: In preparation for the 2021–22 school year, there will be no hiring restrictions on any school pedagogical titles.  
  • New approach to managing the ATR pool: Superintendents, executive superintendents (or a designee), and BCO staff will find funded vacancies in their districts for all newly excessed staff who have not found a job through the Open Market Transfer (OPT) system, in preparation for the upcoming school year.  Effective in FY22, newly excessed staff will no longer be Centrally funded. Note that this does not include principals and assistant principals.   
  • Addition of excessed staff in schools where they are assigned for the 2020–21 school year:  
    • Transfer Subsidy Placements of Excessed Teachers: Most excessed educators will be permanently staffed at the school where they are currently assigned at no cost to the school (and not taking up a vacancy) for as long as they remain in the role/title. This will allow teachers to continue working with the colleagues and students with whom they've built relationships this year.   
    • Provisional hires: Similar to previous years, at the end of this school year, provisionally hired staff will be retained as permanent staff at the school, if both of the following conditions are met: (1) the school has a vacancy in the same title/license area the following school year or available funding; and (2) the employee did not receive an overall rating of “ineffective” or “developing” on their Measures of Teacher Practice (MOTP) in Advance or an overall “unsatisfactory” rating in EIS.   

The DOE will review cases of every staff member in D96 (in excess) for legal reasons and will individually discuss these cases with principals before they are placed at the schools by June 11. Principals will make the final determination about whether a teacher will be staffed and Centrally funded at their school, if the employee is in the pool for legal reasons.   

For the 2021–22 school year only, there will be a Central review process to address cases where excessed teachers with adverse ratings or performance history have been permanently placed in a school via a mandated provisional hire or transfer subsidy placement.    

Additional information, including a link to Frequently Asked Questions (including principals questions shared during the May 26 call) will be included in an upcoming edition of Principals Digest.   

Principals will receive an email by June 11, notifying them as to which staff members will be permanently placed in their schools. Excessed staff will receive an email by June 18, notifying them that they have been staffed at a school.   

For questions, email


  1. This still does not say whether we are still ATRs or not. It says excessed staff will be permanently placed in the schools they are placed not taking up a vacancy which sounds like we will still be just covering classes. I wish someone would clarify this.

  2. i hate to say it but this all sounds like bullshit. The only reason the DOE is throwing this very small bone to ATRs is because they are worried about staff shortages. They really are not helping the ATR situation long term at all. The only way the long term situation will improve is when and if the contract changes. It’s crazy that things are so bad for ATRs that teachers are so happy over these scraps that are being thrown to them. - Hawk

  3. There is so much doublespeak with these clowns. This means nothing to me!

  4. This needs to be the step in the right direction not a one year fix cause the DOE needs body’s. - Hawk

  5. If the three-foot rule stays in affect and remote is no longer an option, then the schools will need more teachers.

    I think the ATRs will be used differently in each school.

    Regardless of the DOE guidelines and the UFT agreements, many principals just do what they want.

  6. Basically it seems whatever your role was this year - covering class- actual classes will be your role moving forward- unless things change within the school(transfers, retirements etc).

  7. Demand a preference sheet. You are on staff. Grow a set. Take it to the limit.

  8. Eri, atrs, spring break pay, retro, tiny raises...nice work, uft. Negotiating 101.

  9. Social distancing will soon be a thing of the past in nyc schools. COVID or the next virus will no longer be a danger according to the political machine of NYC because they’re not going to want to spend the money to keep class size lower. The state sanctioned scientists will all agree with them when the political machine tells these bureaucrats with medical/science degrees what to conclude. This is what happens when we allow science to become part of the echo chamber inside of the political machine instead of just being science.

  10. Does this mean that ATR's will be evaluated as "Developing", at the last minute, in order to keep them from being a part of the permanent faculty? How will this be gamed?

  11. Does this mean that ATR's will be evaluated as "Developing", at the last minute, in order to keep them from being a part of the permanent faculty? How will this be gamed?

  12. Don't give the DOE any ideas.

  13. Fair Student Funding is at the heart of the ATR situation. Fund centrally and there are no ATRs, veteran targeting and no income/age discrimination. The UFT admitted this but refuses to get involved because the get two for one dues.

  14. Fair Student Funding is at the heart of the ATR situation. Fund centrally and there are no ATRs, veteran targeting and no income/age discrimination. The UFT admitted this but refuses to get involved because the get two for one dues.

  15. So ATRs are placed and tormented, federal funds are used up in 2021-2022 school year, and an ERI offered NEXT June to finally get rid of the ATRs (and the rest of the old folk). Got it.

  16. Some of you you getting fired...
    NYC public schools' daily enrollment plunges to around 890K: DOE records

  17. what does "newly excessed staff will not be centrally funded" mean and what does NEWLY mean and what does it mean to high seniority highly paid excessed teachers who are unhirable and hired only because they were centrally funded ANYONE PLEASE EXPLAIN


  19. Have been in the ATR pool for just a few years. It's been an experience. It's a conspiracy to treat those in the ATR pool like crap. Stellar 20 year performance and once got excessed due to closing of my school, got treated got shit that following September just because of being excessed. Have seen the hypocrisy first hand; the 'envy' of staff towards those in the ATR pool. Did not matter that I worked hard for 20+ years during a time that there was no ATR pool that could provide school with extra assistance. Staff worked hard and did not treat people like shit. Wake up DOE staff. Treat people nicely.

    I was hired 'provisionally' for the year and the agreement was that I would be placed back into the ATR pool come September. The principal had hired someone for the position I was provisionally filling. Now, the principal was told I will remain permanently since I was hired provisionally. By-bye to the newbie with low salary. Further, there will be another person in my title that is another newbie which will remain. Once this pandemic blows over and funding dries up, this person will be gone and I will remain because I have seniority.

    I am damn good and confident in my title. The principal was very satisfied with my performance and I will exercise my seniority rights. This ATR pool fiasco has ended for me.

    1. Congratulations! You sound like you more than deserve it.

  20. THere are still a lot of unanswered questions. DO we get our Seniority back. If have 23 years in the system, will that mean next year I will out rank all the other English teachers in my school who have fewer than 23 years or am I still low man on the totem pole. Also, why haven't we been given any official email. I found this out by reading this blog. Thank goodness to James.

  21. David Sucker,

    Thank you. The kicker is that the two the principal wanted to hire would have been my full salary - two for the price of one. It's very difficult to get a position with 22+. The principal was happy with my performance, but was not planning to hire me for September insteading opting to hire two newbies. Hope things go well and the principal does not flip out once the funding dries up. Drama... It would have been better for the principal's budget if central would have paid for my salary.

    1. Good luck no matter what!

      Suker not Sucker! 😂😂😂

  22. FYI before the inception of the ATR systems teachers who were excessed or "bumped" during lay offs entered their new school with complete seniority in the system but not seniority in their new school

  23. I got BS letter to file this year. Does this mean I’m not going to be forced placed?

    1. You’re not going to be forced placed because of your letter Peter. All they have to do is Google you and they’ll have more than enough reason! There are a few of us in that boat!!!


  24. If you are rated U or S for the year as an ATR, a letter in your file can be held against you. If you did not have an observation though, you can use that for leverage.

  25. Peter Zucker, those in the ATR pool that had a letter to file or any other issue will be reviewed according to the instructions. At least, that is how I have interpreted it.

  26. I was provisionally hired outside my district for what was supposed to be til the end of June. Then, surprise. Supposedly I am being permanently placed in this position permanently and the principal will need to continue to pay for my top salary.

    1. If you were an ATR your salary will come from central. No harassment.

  27. Good point about googling the name. Won't be force placed by the DOE.

  28. I was hired provisionally til June and now since technically I was no longer considered in the ATR pool, will be placed permanently at my site but the principal has to continue paying for my salary.


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