Wednesday, June 23, 2021


In case you missed the NYC primary mayoral election first choice results, here is a good summary from City and State:

After nearly eight years with Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York City’s Democrats are choosing a new leader in Tuesday’s primary election. The winner will be highly favored to win the general election in November and to inherit a city that’s likely to still be recovering from a historic pandemic that affected just about everything in the mayor’s purview, from crime rates to housing.

In line with recent polling, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams maintains a strong early lead having received the majority of first-choice votes. Close behind are Maya Wiley, former counsel to de Blasio, and former New York City Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia. The fourth-best performing candidate, Andrew Yang, has already conceded the race, saying, “I am not going to be the next mayor of New York City, based upon the numbers that have come in tonight.” That leaves the remaining candidates with little chance of success, even with ranked-choice voting.

On the Republican side, Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels, is the projected winner and candidate to face in the general election, beating out businessman Fernando Mateo.

The UFT's endorsed candidate Scott Stringer is in fifth place. The UFT errored, not so much by endorsing Stringer, but by not picking a number two choice and maybe even a third pick in the new ranked-choice voting system.  I am not Monday morning quarterbacking here. 

Back on June 11, this blog figured Scott Stringer had a diminished chance of winning but that Maya Wiley was moving up and she was with us on certain important educational priorities including lowering class sizes. This is part of what we stated in our post on the Democratic primary for mayor:

I have no idea why the UFT isn't pushing for a second endorsement now with Stringer so low in the polls. The left seems to be consolidating around Wiley. The AOC endorsement certainly gave her a big push.

The UFT didn't do anything much beyond starting a PAC and in my view producing some highly ineffective tv commercials for Stringer and then softly telling members not to rank Andrew Yang or Eric Adams. 

Shouldn't the UFT have had a major public discussion at the Delegate Assembly about endorsing a second choice? We might have been able to assist Wiley. The odds are against Wiley making up 9 percentage points now with absentee ballots and lower choices to catch Eric Adams but it is not impossible. No absentee ballots have been counted yet and many are still coming in. One never knows what will happen when the absentee ballots are added in and all of the second choice, third choice, fourth choice, and fifth choice votes are counted as candidates like Stringer are eliminated. 

Norm adds to the story with his election analysis on EdNotes. His lead:

Mulgrew told people not to vote for Adams. But in essence he may have helped Adams get elected. Mulgrew and the UFT could have taken advantage of RCV  --- but the UFT is center/right Democratic Party and Wiley was too far out -- they won't say it but would rather have Adams than Wiley - better to have more charters? Was it an error in judgment or a calculated political decision? No one outside the black box of narrow UFT decision making knows.

This piece from Huff Post may help sort out the odds:

In the ranked-choice voting system that New York City voters adopted in a  2019 referendum, voters have the chance to submit their top five choices for a municipal office.

The votes are then counted in five rounds. In each round, the worst-performing candidate is eliminated, and that candidate’s voters are redistributed to those voters’ next-ranked choice. The winning candidate is the first person to reach a majority of votes through this multi-round elimination system.

It is highly unusual for a candidate to overcome a deficit in first-choice votes to win in subsequent rounds ― let alone a lead as large as the one Adams’ currently holds over Wiley. 

Since 2004, just  15 of 398 ranked-choice voting elections with single-candidate winners have resulted in a candidate who trailed in first-choice votes winning the election, according to data assembled by FairVote, a nonprofit that promotes the ranked-choice voting system.

And as  FiveThirtyEight notes, just three of those 15 come-from-behind candidates overcame first-round deficits of more than 6.2 percentage points.

But there are a few factors that might increase the likelihood of an upset in this contest.

First, there are still many first-choice votes that have yet to be counted. New York City’s election rules allow for absentee ballots to be submitted  up to a week after Election Day. Voters have until July 9 to “cure” ― or correct ― any mistakes that would lead their absentee ballot to be disqualified and thrown out.

Thus far, 207,500 Democrats in the city have requested absentee ballots and 86,920 of those voters have returned their completed absentee ballots. 

The city’s Board of Elections is not expected to announce an official winner in the race until the week of July 12.

In addition, there are some political dynamics at play that might make Wiley and former sanitation commissioner Kathryn Garcia, who received 19.5% of the in-person vote and is currently in third place, more competitive in subsequent rounds.

Further down:

In a race where a number of candidates flamed out ― or lashed out ― in embarrassing ways, Wiley steered clear of major mistakes and controversies.

Wiley’s allies believe that her respectful campaigning style maximized her appeal with upscale white liberals, Black voters and staunch progressives.

As a result, they believe, she is likely to be the second-choice favorite of voters whose first-choice candidates get eliminated ― including left-wing former nonprofit executive Dianne Morales and NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer. (Stringer got 5% of the in-person, first-choice vote; Morales received 2.8%.)

But they go onto say that Adams or Garcia are more likely to be the runner-up choice for Yang supporters. 

It looks like an Adams-Curtis Sliwa race in the fall. Do you think the UFT stays out?


  1. Gee whiz, the UFT screwing up? Shocking.

  2. Just wondering why the Oneonta School District isn't giving end of year ratings. Nor is North Rockland. Or Mount Vernon. Horseheads isn't.

    But we as UFT members shouldn't be upset or disappointed Remember. We have a seat at the table. That is what matters. Our seat is at the kiddie table. Where the only attention we get is from the old auntie with the Bozo eyebrows and the Double H bosom who has a cigarette dangling from her mouth. She just stops by to squeeze our cheeks.

    That's how the DOE sees the UFT and the rank and file.

    Dues well spent.

  3. 1. Why you would support Wiley is beyond me. You must like getting shot and stabbed. Wasnt your brother a cop?

    2. Lol at James wondering why the uft abandoned the members. Another complaint about a uft failure on a pro union blog. When will he learn?

    1. The blog is pro union not pro the current Uft leadership. When will you learn the difference ?

  4. Polling showed nyc residents most concerned with crime not schools. Makes sense Adams was their choice in primary.

  5. I dream that one day I will come to your site and see how the UFT/Unity did something great. Instead I come and see how they screw up or screw us on a daily basis.

  6. Does anyone know if principal's union is fighting against provisional hires of ATRs becoming permanent come September? My principal had indicated prior a full responsibility of my title, but 'changed' her mind and decided to proceed with her original plan of hiring another person. Now, needs to define my role for September.

  7. Curtis all the way.....Adams is not good for public education. Crime will get cleaned up with either of them, but not with the others.

  8. @When Will He Learn

    James Has too much invested in his liberal policies to change now. he thinks he would look stupid an embarrassed. its never too late James to change.

    Leo Terrell!!!!

  9. As I stated previously, I do not favor defunding the police but Wiley was so much better on public education than Adams, Yang or Garcia. She deserved a discussion on ranking her.

  10. Of course the UFT should have advised members to select a second choice. This is yet another example of ineffective leadership and inability to lead and plan. The UFT NEVER plans ahead. For example, the city always says it has no money and cannot give us raises equal to the cost of inflation. This happens regardless of if the city economy is in a boom or not.

    How about giving alway our interest (yet again) from Oct 2020-July 2021 saying it is so we can keep jobs. Meanwhile, we ended up with no Early Retirement incentiive, no backpay, shit raises, and no teachers choice.

    Ineffective leadership all around

  11. Liberals have too much time/energy invested in liberalism to change now. all that time invested in liberalism, how sad
    imagine my 7yr old son has better political common sense than most liberals, very sad indeed

    Mayor Wiley would be a bigger shit show than we have now if that's even possible. but you guys live in this rotten apple. if the shit hits the fan don't come running/swimming out to fire island, you made your own beds

    1. 837 liberalism/neo liberalism is the ideology of capitalism. some people are more conservative in the application, some more libertarian. usually the separation regards social politics only. but i imagine you think American liberalism is left wing because you have invested no time or energy in political theory or a political education.

  12. This shows the diminished power of the union. Be prepared to get steamrolled in the next contract.

  13. Wiley is the perfect mayor to continue the everybody passes brigade. Kids are not being taught accountability will go out to the real world and not be held accountable. Does not bode well for the future of the city.

  14. In 2001, UFT endorsed three losers in a row: Alsn Hevesi; Fernando Ferrer; Mark Green.
    I say why bother with putting up the first ranking choice.

  15. As usual -it was just a waste of time and money-with the UFT support of Stringer—because he had very little chance of winning—even if there were no sexual allegations. The main Democratic machine supported Adams—and as usual the UFT was out of touch. Some other major UFT endorsed candidates were defeated too.
    Just glad Mulgrew wasn’t in my 5th grade class when I decided to run for class president. I wouldn’t have accepted any endorsements. My class had 15 boys and 13 girls -but it didn’t matter as I lost to Heather Schwartz as several boys turned on me at the last minute. Don’t ask me why —but I have my suspicions. Made of had something to do with Annette Funicello.

    Now, if crime is the #1 issue on the minds of NYC voters—can’t wait for the Adams—Sliwa debates.—because Sliwa will tell it like it is and make the televised events very entertaining. As for schools, wouldn’t be surprised if Adams softened his stance on public schools with his calls for a longer school day or year. But expect him to push for more Charters. Adams will probably keep the current Schools Chancellor around for awhile.

    And expect plenty of racially charged name calling and baiting to be revived between Canarsie born Curtis and Brownsville born Rev. Al. Sharpton Sliwa loves that kind of stuff.

    Also, expect the usual ‘all of a sudden’ allegations against Adams for using excessive police force from his days as a police officer or sexual harassment claims from his days as State Senator and perhaps even as the Borough President.. Just can’t imagine the allegations that would be raised against Sliwa—if necessary. But just watch how quickly the NY Post turns on Adams when it comes to an endorsement.

    But here are some more important issues. Will Curtis wear his bright red Guardian Angel cap al campaign stops or debates and lace it with the letters: MNYCSA?( Figure out what that means). Will he ride the NYC subway overnight with his fellow guardians? Or will Adams wear a tie when elected Mayor? Will he decide to take total ownership of the major thoroughfare Adams Street -in Downtown Brooklyn?

    Of course, Sliwa has no way in hell of being elected, although he will probably win Staten Island. He has nothing to lose—and he will just go back to his conservative station radio job. Mulgrew, just say hello to his honor, Mayor Eric Adams.

  16. Very shocking, the UFT did consider think about putting in a second rank choice.

    The UFT echo chamber must have been completely confident with their first choice. After all, the UFT always wins big with political endorsements.

    Another great success!


  17. Wiley actually had to stop and seriously consider the absurdity of disarming the police.

  18. Curtis has more of chance than people think. Just wait till there is talk about crime and how the PBA didn't support Adams....Sliwa is going to throw all that stuff at him and New Yorkers are going to start to think about it. It's going to boil down to how clever Curtis and his team can be with ads and the debates not to mention endorsements. Remember: the polls said Sliwa was less than 10 points ahead of Metteo, so what if they were off by 30+%. This is going to get good.

  19. Don't believe nyc is smart enough to vote for Curtis. they rather continue the liberal policies that have already ruined not only NYC, but most of our once great nations big cities.

    Liberals are more concerned with race, ethnicity, gender and victimhood. gotta feel sorry for the kids who are brainwashed by this race, gender and victimhood nonsense, its getting very dangerous my friends please stay safe. and please don't move out of nyc if your still going to vote for the democrats. they have ruined enough of our country.

  20. Thanks for The Political BS @12:24
    you proved my point that my 7 yr old son has more political common sense than most liberals
    now back to why liberals are ruining our once great nation/cities with their ridiculous and dangerous social policies

  21. Do you think Curtis Sliwa has a chance? You never know.He is sort of a celebrity They said the same about Donald Trump.
    But, just wait for the typical accusations to come forward against Sliwa in the upcoming months. Some to be made by his ex-wife, Lisa Evers— a former Guardian Angel—along with another ex-spouse of 12 years and had one child. And he had a 5 year relationship with former Queens DA, Melinda Katz—2 kids together. Sort of similar to a Trump marital relationship resume—but no strings attached with signing non-disclosure agreements or pre-nuptials—that anyone knows about, so far.

  22. Melinda Katz is the current Queens DA, former Borough President. Adams-Sliwa will at least be entertaining as it looks like a very likely match up for the fall.

  23. 1224. Labels irrelevant, everyone who votes for a democrat is on the side of rioting and race hustling. Liberals are no better than communists these days. We don’t care about your stinking ideology labels, you skin color, gender obsessed bunch of lunatics. You’re all on the same team now. We get it. You know we get it. Your ilk’s ‘you just don’t really understand it’ responses are played out. We know exactly who and what we’re rejecting. Stop the silliness of pretending you don’t know just how much we really know.

  24. I have never taken the UFT’s endorsement to mean anything other than pick the candidate who is better for UFT leadership. Sometimes I agree. Most times I don’t. I always vote the way I want and don’t give a rat’s ass what Mulgrew or Randi have to say.

  25. Change of topic, When is the DOE going to update the payroll portal for our summer pay?? And for all this political talk when are you people going to realize that there is only one political party in this country. THE RICH AND THE RICH!!!!

  26. The anti intellectualism on display (1222 108 153), that is seemingly enjoyed and cherished with great pride, is frightening. The downward spiral of our failed state will continue unless that attitude, and that endless desire to learn less, is turned around.

    Are you commenters really teachers or just trolls given the link to this blog? I'm hoping just trolls.

  27. Anti intellectualism = don’t agree with liberals. You’re not fooling anyone with your faux intellect. We know you know we know.

  28. If Adams is elected Mayor—then he is sworn on Jan 1, 2022. What kind of relationship will he have with Governor Cuomo. Will he run again for a 4th term in 2022–because—if a new poll is taken right now—he would probably be the favorite come next November.
    And what kind of relationship would Adams have with Mulgrew/UFT?

    1. Adams will chew Mulgrew up and spit him out. It will be worse than Bloomberg. At this point I think Sliwa would be better for teachers and contracts. I hope Wiley gets in. I don’t agree with all the defunding cop bs but she will be good to teachers. And at the end of the day you think the cops would give a rats ass about endorsing a mayor that’s good for teachers and not them? No way. So we need to look out for who will be good for us!

  29. In 2007 Adams had the audacity to call for a pay raise for himself and fellow politicians. He was making 79k from the position and was saying that’s poverty!!?? He was yelling at the meeting “show me the money”. All this while also pulling in over 6 figures from his police captain pension. This guy is a massively greedy, egomaniac , dirtbag. Uft has to do everything it can to stop him from being elected.

  30. Thank sweet baby Jesus Wiley isn’t in the running…talk about going to Hell in a hand basket!!!!!!! The city will become an even bigger cesspool that it already has become. True-Adam might not be good for US, but in all honesty, is THAT much really going to change? I’d rather have the become safe for tourists again rather than have to swim through heroin needles, human feces, and bullets in fucking midtown.

    1. You will never get a raise and work more hours. That’s a lot change for the negative. Solution stay out of midtown.

    2. You care more about tourist than your own financial and mental well being and being able to put food on the table? The tourist don’t have to come to NYC if it gets that bad.


    1. 79 k in 2007 is the same purchase power as 101k today. And it was for a 6 month job. Mulgrew needs to use this info when he negotiates the next contract with this greedy fuck Adams.

  32. I am a retiree and have never posted here. Mulgrew is currently speaking about retiree medical. The changes are going to cost me and my husband thousands of dollars a year forever. How do you justify contributing to this union anymore?

  33. Really? What was Wiley going to do to better education?

    1. Not seem roll Mulgrew. That’s what.

  34. @6:03 pm and @7:34 pm

    Teachers are poorly paid , mostly because of Mulgrew and his horrific contract negotiation blunders with New York city.

    According to Adams, most teachers qualify for public assistance.

    According to Adams we are not being paid a living wage and we should be insulted
    for our children and we deserved to be paid much more money; much , much more money.

    Why do so many teachers act like they are economically marginal? We deserve big raises.

    Watch this video clip again,

  35. What exactly is human trafficking?
    Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including right here in the United States.

    Like forcing or coercing teachers to work Spring Break without pay. Is that not a form of human trafficking?

  36. James, We need a blog on graduation fraud. It's an old story but it's becoming the new pandemic across the city. I just heard Flushing High School's graduation rate is 82 percent despite teachers having zero passing rates in Senior classes and zero students attending zoom classes.

    1. As fucked up and wrong as grade fraud is who do you think will ultimately take the fall when it’s exposed that grad rates are really 20 percent? Hint: it’s not the DOE or Admins. Teach all kids the best you can. Grades are arbitrary , just numbers and letters. Those who want to learn will , those who don’t will not. You should take comfort in that you tried to teach them all. Not whether or not they graduated and did or didn’t deserve to.

  37. Where is Curtis Sliwa on NYC public education?

  38. 1134,

    I couldn’t agree more.

    Grades are bs. As teachers, do we really want the doe and the state and possibly the feds really looking at grades?

    Remote learning has taught me that those who give a s$&t will learn. Those who don’t give a s$)t won’t care.

    We go from there.

    Pass anyone who hands in work and focus on the ones who care.

  39. Thanks @4:03 pm for the compliment
    I pride myself for being as anti intellectual as humanly possible. im glad you recognized that. has taken me years to perfect relying on common sense than intellectual nonsense.

  40. Only in America would someone be proud to be stupid.

  41. anti intellectual is far from being stupid
    good try attempting to equate the two.
    did I use equate correctly?
    liberals, they think they are so smart

  42. I'm amazed at the anti-Wiley rhetoric considering many of you will be invaded ny charters as Eva gets everything she wants -- she has 50 schools and wants 100. Her top aide ran a PAC for Adams. And yes Adams will chew up and spit out Mulgrew. One reason Mulgrew didn't pick Wiley second is that some high UFT officials were for her and open about it. He is punishing them.
    The other is ideological -- though Wiley is probably by her past to the right of de Blasio - she was an MSNBC neo-liberal. And to our troglydite friend -- there is a difference between cultural and economic liberals. Neo-libs are economic and they are for privatizing your underwear. UFT leaders are neo-libs and the current attempt to move rerirees out of public medicare to private MedAdvantage gives us a clue. The UFT is fine with high profit and wasteful private and degrades public - it's like supporting the idea of privately managed charters over public schools.

    1. Norm, have you ever considered why charters are so popular with the poor and working class? Maybe the DoE should try putting in place standards and accountability for students and parents and then let’s see what happens. To pass kids with 50’s is pathetic. The DoE and UFT made this bed. It’s time they stopped complaining about why it stinks!

  43. "Like forcing or coercing teachers to work Spring Break without pay. Is that not a form of human trafficking?"
    Oh, the idiocy. What next, comparing your plight of working spring break to 400 years of slavery? Let's sign you up for reparations.

  44. 8:33, I got this from a dictionary for anti-intellecual

    smug and ignorant and indifferent or hostile to artistic and cultural values

    You hit perfectly on that smug and ignorant part.

  45. thanks @8:51, Comes from years of working in the DOE with self-righteous liberals, wait or is it Neo liberals, wait I think it progressives, no I got it, its radical progressives
    you guys crack me up, thanks for the laugh

  46. 9:17. We’ll said.
    Also we were wronged over spring break. Forced to work without full compensation so yeah I’d like my reparations but human trafficking is not the term that I would use to describe how we were wronged. Comparing our plight to the plight of modern day slaves in Communist China or past American slaves or the Jewish slave labor in Europe and real slaves elsewhere is not the way to get what’s owed to teachers and it makes us look silly to compare us to people horrifically harmed by human trafficking. I don’t exactly agree with Norm but his mocking the use of the term is spot on.

  47. Anti intellectualism. Hahahaha. Funny anyone would consider that an insult these days. Yes a growing number of Americans are rejecting liberal/lefty/progressive/democrat culture. We think you are ridiculous with your 57 genders and vying to be the biggest victim in the room. Face it. The college degrees and fancy words don’t impress anyone anymore. I value the guy who can fix my toilet or slaughter the cow I eat more than someone who can lecture on their perceived differences among liberals, leftists and progressives. It’s all the same shit show to those of us on the right. I’ll own being smug but not ignorant. I know all about your identity politics and your America hating and commie sympathizing as well as your desire to sound like a professor of some useless field of study. I watched you order Malbec or a Shiraz when it was fashionable and then stop ordering it when the next “It” drink was declared. I listened to the younger among you who developed a weird affectation when you spoke. I call it college educated valley girl. Someone did a study linking unnatural forced speech affectations to brain damage. Saw it on a podcast and laughed out loud thinking of all of you. I know it all and reject it all. Call me dummy all you want. I still know. And it seems like so do a few other commenters on this blog. America is waking up to liberal bullshit. You old school liberals dropped the ball. You let lunatics take over your show. Now you’re lumped in with them. Enjoy your intellectualism. I’ve got some new shelving to install in my garage and a cow to eat.

    1. He’s right. I won’t even call myself a leftist anymore. It’s an embarrassment.

  48. Your toilet? What about screenplay to great film you saw, or design of latest turbine, or discovery in physics, or medicine. Not every brain is an effete snob. Some are brilliant and make the world a better place. Reject all/nothing analysis.

  49. David I question if you were ever really a leftist. But I also question if I was. The funny thing is I also reject the rhetoric of the left but agree with many of the policies. The anti-intellectuals are actually lining up with the big business corporate wing of this country in rejecting many progressive ideas. They would oppose social security and medicare for all. Just as many progressives are tools of the left, the anti-wing are tools of the right.
    To not want to understand that the neo-liberal economic anti-union (oh and how about the anti-unionism Reganlike comments we see here all the time) look like trolls designed to kill unions. Watch as the charter influx comes from Adams and you don't have even a sucky union. The right wing has attacked New Deal ideas from their very beginning - you guys would be working until you dropped dead in the classroom. I started teaching making $5400 a year.




  51. There are no great screenplays from woke Hollywood. The toilet guy has a bigger impact on my daily life then the turbine guy but yeah, I respect engineers and builders too and I bet they could fix my toilet if asked to.

  52. I’m on the right but I support M4A. Can’t align with the left. Reasons stated here multiple times. Get your house in order if you want to change hearts and minds.

  53. Big money has infiltrated both the Left and Right. We’re just fighting over scraps. Adams’s is a key example. Most people never even watched a debate and have no clue what a scumbag he is on a personal level. In a city of 8 Million the major candidates running were a joke. 8 more years of pathetic Democratic leadership. I can’t wait!

  54. Anon 2323, Please restructure your comment and talk about VP Harris as a person of color, not the way you termed her so I can print it and not get a bunch of nasty texts and emails.

    Your point of view is respected but we do have some minimal standards.

    PS Happy ivermectin debate. Some of my left friends are supporting you on this one.

    I also wonder what you think of Giuliani's law license being suspended for the election lies.

  55. IMO….don’t know Anon2323’s comment but…Nothing wrong with using caustic language to describe Harris or any politician. SCOTUS NYT vs Sullivan basically says that.

  56. Any candidate UFT endorses usually finishes dead last


  57. James, it's more hydroxy than ivermectin, and again I was super early on this, appreciate you are seeing this. You lost to me again James and there is more coming. Election, truth about jan 6th etc etc. Time for you to wake up.

    ?Ivermectin, used in Delhi beginning April 20, obliterated their COVID crisis. Cases dropped by 97% over 6 weeks. The fatal mistake would have been to NOT use Ivermectin. They used it and it saved Delhi. But tragically, Tamil Nadu did not, and their state was devastated. Their new cases rose from 10,986 to 36,184 – a tripling. Their refusal to use Ivermectin harmed them. Not only did Tamil Nadu’s cases rise to the highest in India, but their deaths skyrocketed from 48 on April 20 to 474 on May 27 – a rise of ten-fold."



  58. Another right wing website with questionable jpurnalistic credentials. Nothing new anon2323

    I can't wait to hear your excuse for Giuliani having his law license suspended for lying about the election.

  59. Brett Weinstein and Dr. Pierre Kory have discussed Ivermectin on Weinstein’s podcast. He received a strike from YouTube and Weinstein challenged YouTube to give the medical/science credentials of the YouTube censors. Crickets from YouTube because we all know it’s about politics not science. Brett Weinstein is a liberal and a well credentialed scientist. Ivermectin is a $3-$12 drug. It’s patent expired and can be generic. But the left wing media wants me to believe that it’s ineffective. Why? To save me from myself and evil mad scientists like Weinstein or to make sure the pharmaceutical industry gets to peddle their new $3000 drugs instead of the $12 drugs? Wake up. Doctors and scientists who disagree with the state narrative are being censored by the state media. Anon2323, care to predict any winning lottery numbers??? because you’ve been right about most things here.

  60. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Excuse??? I hope corrupt dominion sues Lindell, Powell and them all, they are entrapped, discovery is coming! When you see the Maricopa discrepancies which are 1,000 worse than the DOE issues, your mouth will drop, it will flip so easily. Then you will watch Georgia, and Penn, and Michigan and Wisconsin until you realize this whole time you were hoodwinked and wrong as usual when it comes to politics.

    Listen to your smartest Democrat of them all Alan Dershowitz! This is nothing more of a sham like the impeachments and Russia hoax which you continue to believe, go put a tooth under your pillow maybe the tooth fairy is coming for you too James 😂😂.

  61. Listen to your smartest Democrat of them all Alan Dershowitz! --- Ha ha - you mean Jeffrey Epstein's buddy?

  62. Epstein who is besties with Clintons, Obama, elites, celebs, bill gates, chief justice roberts and many many more .

    James was wetting his pants on the impeachments and think Rudy situation is such a big deal. Wait till you see the investigation from Durham especially on people like Schiff and spy swalwell.


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