Friday, June 25, 2021


This is from SI LIVE:

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Every New York City public school classroom will have two air purifiers by the start of the 2021-2022 school year, according to a recent report by Chalkbeat.

Chalkbeat reported that the city Department of Education (DOE) has already distributed 100,000 air purifiers to schools, and are now working to ensure each of the city’s 56,000 classrooms have two air purifiers before schools reopen to all students for in-person learning in the fall.

They are high-efficiency particulate air filters, or HEPA filters, that lower the risk of exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The pledge to ensure every classroom has at least two air purifiers confirms what Kevin Moran, chief operating officer for school operations, told Staten Island families during an information session last month.

This upcoming year, the DOE is going one step further, he said, by bringing a second round of air purifiers into the mix to make sure there are multiple units in each classroom. The city will also put MERV-13 air filters on air conditioning units and window units for use during the summer.

I saw teachers on Twitter talking about having difficulty adding anything new due to the electrical limitations in their classrooms  and others saying this was COVID theatre more than anything else. Otherwise, teachers seem okay with the air purifiers as a step forward.

Happy last day of school. I recall one teacher at Jamaica High Schoo who used to sing "It's the most wonderful time of the year" on the last day every year.


  1. They just have to spend the federal money. Who cares.

  2. Another year down,
    No reason to frown.
    Can't possibly drown,
    Your principal is a clown.
    Effective, that's your score,
    Nothing less, nothing more.
    Let out a big roar,
    Few more hours to close your door.
    Six figures for this?
    Close your eyes for a kiss.
    This job can't miss,
    I'm tenured, feel the bliss.
    Relax and enjoy,
    It's that time ...... ohhhh boy,
    So grab your favorite toy,
    Jump up and down for joy.
    Can do this all day,
    Retire?, nah I'll stay,
    To rake in this pay.
    Last verse right here,
    Laughing so hard just shed a tear,
    3p.m. with a beer,
    Another fuckin' year!

    Have a restful and fun summer everyone. Plane ticket to Dominican Republic next week. Don't stress, this system is a mess.

  3. Who came up with a full day of school for last day? This is so awful.

  4. Um, what about for summer school?

  5. Does anyone else feel like playing Alice Cooper's "Schools out for Summer" on the car ride home?

    1. I did you one better, I played that song in class along with "Be Chrool to You Scuel" by Twisted Sister, "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang, "Hey Hey Goodbye" and "Mutha Dont Want to Go to School Today" by Extreme.

  6. Mulgrew - "You know you need to spend the money fast before we negotiate our contract that expires in 2021. How else can we claim there's not enough money and threaten layoffs instead of raises?"

    DOE: "2022 not 2021 so we've got time and we'll find ways to spend it. I left some for you in a paper bag, 2nd stall from the window to thank you for letting us get away with evaluations this year."

    Mulgrew - "Thanks!"

  7. Custodians will never clean the filters. good luck!!!

  8. Mulgrew will declare “Now we can increase class size because the air in the classrooms is cleaner than ever. Another great UFT victory” Or “we can’t get raises 2022-2032 because nyc has to pay to maintain all those air purifiers.” Somehow the doe and UFT will turn this into bad news for teachers. They always do. Thanks for keeping us informed, James.

  9. Guys,

    It’s June 25th. Stop complaining. We have 10 weeks off.

    Stick your head in the sun, go to the beach, crack open a beer and just live life.

    For the next ten weeks, the doe does not exist!

  10. No matter what positive news is posted, people put out negativity.why?I will feel safer with the filters.i can be more relaxes going back.ythink positive at times!it's better for your health!

  11. I have a large classroom with only 2 outlets. We already overload the outlets. The DOE must put in new electric outlets AND make sure CUSTODIANS Clean them daily AND maintain them. New FIlters are a must. Watch teachers will get stuck and blamed for any issues. Why not actually fix the buildings to support a proper ventalation system? You know the ones in the buildings where the mayor holds his empty news conferences.

  12. Summer PD starts Tuesday. What a scam. Another $8k to babysit a couple kids for 6 weeks.

  13. I put in for summer school without retention rights and haven't heard anything yet, but they said there was going to be a shortage of summer school teaches. This is why I don't believe the DOE on anything anymore.

  14. Were copayments raised at Advantage Care from 0 to $50. That's what i was charged today. I had no knowledge if this change. They said change was Jan 1.

  15. 6:09. We know the doe. There is no good news….ever. Watch. The filters will get old, dirty and put people more at risk. The UFT in collusion with doe fuck up everything. If you want to hear positive comments about the UFT and doe, stay off of nyc teacher blogs and go to the UFT Facebook page where those who work for the UFT post regularly. I will continue to complain here so you might want to find a safer place.

  16. And there should be at least 2 certified full time teachers in every classroom at all times—not including paras.

  17. You guys really think air purifiers make a difference?

  18. Does anyone know how long the DOE expects for Federal funding to last to support schools due to lack of learning and social-emotional concerns? Once federal funding stops, can expect harassment to begin on provisionally hired ATRs being permanently placed with principals having to pay for full top salary.

  19. Subsidy for ATRs placed is permanent as long as they stay in the same job title.

  20. So this federal funding that will result in provisional hires of ATRs into permanent positions is permanent? Five, ten years down the line this money will be available to principals?

  21. The ATRs are paid from the same pool of city money, whether it is from central DOE or a principals budget, as everyone else. This policy is for keeps.

  22. Confused James how ATRs are paid, whether by central or by the principal's school budget. What policy are you referring to and is this policy new?

  23. ATRs have been paid centrally for years. Even after being appointed permanently, under the new policy, which I don't believe can be changed without UFT okay, ATRs will continue to cost zero on school budgets for as long as the teacher stays in their school and job title.

  24. James, principal informed that will be paid through the school budget, not central because was hired provisionally. The plan was that this provisional assignment was going to last til the end of June, but now will not be put back into the ATR pool and the principal has to continue to pay for salary, not central.


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