Saturday, July 31, 2021


This is from the NY Post:

City officials are considering a remote schooling option for kids with immunocompromised relatives, a source told The Post Friday.

The Department of Education previously said that students who themselves are vulnerable could learn from home — but the city may now extend that offer to kids with family members at elevated risk, the City Hall source said.

News of the proposal drew skepticism from some educators. A Bed-Stuy middle school teacher warned that expanding remote learning eligibility could complicate the resumption of classes in September.

“It’s going to be difficult to know where to draw the line,” she said. “I can see that becoming a headache for principals if it’s not handled properly or clearly.”

Meanwhile, state Education Commissioner Betty Rosa wrote in a Thursday memo that districts “may work with students and families to offer remote options if it is deemed to be in the best educational interest of the student.”

The UFT has been pushing in-person learning this summer after UFT President Michael Mulgrew prematurely declared that we have reached herd immunity against COVID-19 in June. 

This is from a different NY Post piece:

In a recent email to members, the United Federation of Teachers offered to pay $25 per hour to make house visits “to encourage a return to in-person learning for all students during the 2021-2022 school year.”

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced back in May that schools would reopen this fall — without a remote option.

However, since there is a surge in the delta variant of COVID-19 and many parents are still not comfortable sending their kids under 12 years of age who cannot yet be vaccinated back to school, even AFT President Randi Weingarten may be backtracking a bit.

This was sent to me from Twitter:


  1. For students with disabilities, school looks different. A classroom may have 12 students, 1 teacher and 4 teacher aides. With social distancing requirements (as they are now) it's 3 feet between desks (if all students and staff wear masks) and 6 feet while eating, or without masks.
    This worked during the "Blended" option because not all students were in the building. But, if all students are to return, a great majority of classrooms would be too small to socially distance. What then? There is no guidance from City Hall, or the Chancellor's office. I guess we will wait until September 13th to find out?

  2. Finding out by September 13th is optimistic. Probably more like October 1st.

  3. How many times have either DeBlasio or Cuomo said—that they will monitor the science —and make adjustments based upon the data —and the numbers are going in the wrong direction.—so remote learning could very well be an option again. Just pretend each day is an old fashioned snow day of learning from home.

  4. There should be a remote option for the families who want it-period. Should not have to prove family members or child has medical issues-the whole pandemic is a medical issue! students under 12 cannot be vaccinated. Common Sense must be used. DeBozo can want a full return but common sense says it cannot, at least at the elementary level. The 3 foot space cannot happen with full class size. Be smart Debozo, plan yes plan from now so that we do not have another mess in September. Let the families who want remote have it. I know it is asking a lot of the mayor and chancellor but they need to use common sense.

  5. I think the remote option should only be for students 12 and under. Remote learning is a disaster for high school students. We are never going to get them back on track if they keep doing remote learning.

  6. We can’t have remote for older students. To go another year of staring at a screen will be awful.

  7. It’s not asking a lot for a chancellor and a mayor in control of the schools to give parents a remote option. There are teachers who want remote option too. Heaven forbid the mayor satisfy residents and employees at the same time. DeBlasio administration doesn’t have it in them to get anything done right. Maybe an Adams Administration will be more capable. Can’t be less capable than the worst mayor in nyc history.

  8. 736,

    Remote should not be an option! We can’t have kids and families living elsewhere logging in remotely using services meant for NYC residents and spending money elsewhere like Fla, DR, Mexico etc.

    We need to move on and stop living afraid!

    Covid and variants are here forever.

  9. Even though it’s only possible for students now, I think lots of remote teachers are looking for an immunocompromised relative to remain remote.

  10. Let’s stay positive and supportive . Teachers and students deserve whatever they need to be successful in the coming school year.

  11. So is US government just straight out going for herd immunity at this point? Refusing to put in place universal masking and other NPIs when #Covid19 cases are skyrocketing is not the move to make if you’re interested in actually stopping #Covid19.

  12. Maybe remote will be a long term option.better than all the open and close stuff of uncertainty.this mayor is bad, but Dinkins was worse...having done sp ed remote for diff ages, it seemed to work pretty well for hs.elem was a disaster.people are different as are familiy's ability to stay home and help out.i saw amazing things with hs remote. Choice is nice...

  13. I am working in self contained special education school.
    95 percent of the students do not wear a mask because they can not tolerate wearing one.
    The students range in age from 3 years old to 12 .
    We push in. The students stay their rooms all day.
    This is not normal. The school has a large gym and drama room that your can easily distance in but these rooms are not being used.
    I don’t get it. No outside time is scheduled yet the school also has out door spaces ....
    No common sense. Who knows what September holds If the variant sweeps through this place.

  14. Nerd is right! People will do whatever they can to be remote again.

    Look. I’ll go remote again. Just don’t take away fun stuff I like to do.

    I really don’t care about the kids or teaching. I like the salary, benefits and zero accountability. Where else can I get that? Nowhere!

  15. The Covid cases are skyrocketing mainly on the unvaccinated. The vaccinated are the ones getting it from the unvaccinated. We would be over this by now if people would just swallow their pride and get the damn vaccine. This could go on for years if people still refuse to get vaccinated.

  16. It seems to me that there is a lot of arrogance.pre vaccine, everyone had one suddenly, vaxxed folks think they are we were all equal risk of being a spreader.suddenly they think they are better.on one side, my paranoid family will not let me in even though I work remote and only go out for groceries.yet the husband works with the public who may or may not be vaxxed! Should he stop working or should they separate??my other friend who had previously invited me in her house while we were masked is getting nasty and implying that I am not welcomed fully masked at outdoor events.on the opposite end of the spectrum, friend B tries to never to mask,told me I was mean for asking her to maskshe goes on planes ,in restaurants, and with other like minded people.she thinks I am ridiculously cautious.friend c called me out to others bec I wasn't vaxxed.i know she would throw me under the bus if I tried to join a pool where barely anyone shows up but they want folks vaxxed.i am so disgusted that people refuse to respect not getting vaxxed after consulting with their own doc.
    While I certainly don't wish covid on anyone, part of me isn't upset that the young ones are now gettingit.(especially in florida).for the longest, they arrogantly refused to mask.they had illegal huge parties.they didn't care about anyone older than themselves.well, now it's karma time, so it seems.i am just venting...but it seems like people don't respect each other...not in this, not in voting choices.a clergy suggested that it's time for people to go pray in person and be together to bring messiah.imho, people need to respect each other, protect other, and go 1:1 with God and soul search.the elephant in the room that I want to shout from the rooftops...I am so sick of all the the end of it all, all u have is your creator anyway...whether ur in a covid ward or not...all the marches and behaviors people display are embarrassing as a race.animalistic.i say stop the hate.peace out...

  17. And friend d ridicules me for being it's just the flummoxed now I avoid talking to them unless they call me.i wonder how this will all turn out in the future...

  18. If u hate the kids, do them a favor and leave the job.stop tainting our profession.there are still many good hard working, dedicated people in it.go sell crack!maybe on the golf course...

  19. How would u like it if the people who serve u didn't care?karma is a B...!how about if u or a family member were in a hospital and the med professionals had Ur attitude?in it for money, paid to do nothing, etc.if everyone felt that way, where would the world be?have a heart, do your job, be grateful you have one! We are here to serve!thankfully, you don't work in health care.there has got to be some caring or ur in the wrong field.our children deserve better!especially many do not have a chance in life! You can change the world with one life!

  20. @8:13 on the other hand, maybe it's good they're yelling it from the rooftops. As least we can see exactly why there is such a failure in the education system. Were it not for these disgusting posts we might actually believe that it was solely on the students and/or the parents. We can all see in black and white the ROT from within.

  21. As long as I get paid and can leave at 55, I’ll do whatever is asked of me.

    For example, you want them all to pass? Done!
    Be nice to all of them? Done!

    You get the point.

    As long as admin doesn’t break my chops and I stay off the radar, I’ll be happy.

    This job isn’t so bad if you don’t take it too seriously.

    I would love to say more, but I’m off to the beach for sunrise!

  22. 813. Yeah I’m giving up my 128k to make you feel better. Lol. I’m going to milk this system for everything I can. And it’s all legal, unlike selling crack.

    1. @6:45 am.
      Sounds like you and the crack dealer have something in common: limited morals and lacking several positive character traits. Lmao. I think the crack dealer keeps it real but you NOT so much.

  23. You must were a mask , cause it's not safe. You must distance , cause it's not safe. You must vaccinate , cause it will protect you. The vaccinated must wear a mask, cause they are not safe. Sounds like schools should be remote until they figure this out. PS. I went in all last school year. But they are projecting and communicating that nothing will keep you safe. Masks, distancing vaccines sounds like danger .

  24. 6:45 wow..were you selling crack too? No wonder your brain is fried. Actually you're committing fraud against your employer and the taxpayers. Since when is fraud legal? You just havent been unmasked yet. Don't you come here crying again about the bad, meanie Admin writing bad things about you.

  25. 11:09: I agree with your point, but also keep in mind that people in the medical profession don't get blamed if someone gets sick or dies. IF for example, my doctor told me to stop smoking, don't drink, exercise, lose weight and eat right and I do none of those things and get sick or die, is it my fault or the doctor's fault. The difference is we take the rap for the failures of the kids.

    1. @11:47 am...but if you're passing failing students you SHOULD take the rap, no? Ya got one job--teach. Students have a job--learn. Now who the f^ck isn't doing their job? The teacher, the student or both. My goodness WTF. You think you should get a pass for NOT doing your job because you're too afraid to stand up for yourself and grade accurately? Puh-lese.

  26. But my point is that if a med professional doesn't try, it can be murder or saying with that person's awful attitude in a critical position, where would we be?thankfully, not everyone feels that way.hesides, that person is stealing time.unfortunately, I know someone who couldn't take home a pencil but spent school time at Costco and the airport. I am ashamed to be in this system.

    1. But the bosses in the med profession aren’t telling docs to let people die. And if someone dies the docs don’t get blamed for it. If in some schools they are telling you to pass kids then that’s what your job is. Whether that kid deserves it or not is not the point. Whether it’s right to not, who knows? During the semester if you tried your best to teach them, which you should, then why fail them? Again at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. Kids who want to learn will learn. Kids that do not will not. How does failing them help them in any way in their future? If you fail then they still will not be motivated to learn. At the end of the day learning is what matters, that is different from an arbitrary grade. Consider this. Maybe they graduate hs with a bs diploma and then mature and want to do the right thing, but at least now they’ll have a diploma and not be unable to land a job that requires one. In this case you have helped them immensely. Some teachers, need to get over themselves.

  27. My admin loves me. I teach the curriculum, dummy. No fraud in that. I get every per session job I want. That’s the milking. Also legal.

    1. Admin often loves the ass kisser and the ones who toe the line. Remind me, Is the issue teaching the curriculum or passing failing students?

  28. 11:47 right or wrong nurses and doctors get blamed all the time. Still sounds silly to say "well, we get blamed if they fail so I do not give damn about my job and I'll gloat online that I do nothing at all for my paycheck".

  29. If I or my kids die of COVID, my last words will be; "I wish Biden hadn't let in all those COVID positive illegals."

  30. Different strokes for different folks I suppose. Honestly, I feel more people now are using the ‘fake it until you make it’ mindset.

    My question is what is wrong with that? I have never gone through a 3020(Hope it doesn’t happen), but I have seen people go through it. Usually, it’s bc a kid or a group of kids think they are ‘mean’ or they ‘fail too many kids’ and don’t buy into admin bs.

    I was one of those guys. I failed probably 40-45 percent of kids and had evidence and all that stuff. My reward was I was told that my attitude ‘sucked.’ Other teachers talked negatively about me and I was ostracized. When you are 23, that’s tough. I was at this school until I was close to 28 and then made an ATR.

    A veteran told me to ‘milk it. Keep quiet, smile, and get a life outside of this job.’ I tried that advice and became immensely more happy. Now, in my 40’s, I am thankful that I had that interaction and really adopted the ‘fake it until you make it’ mindset. I dress nice, smile, learn everyone’s name and tell admin the kids are great. I don’t sell anyone out or talk negatively about colleagues.

    There are those who will say Im not a ‘real educator’ or a ‘fraud’ and that’s totally cool.

    Love and peace and happiness to all!

  31. The crack dealer is an entrepreneur who has to be quick on his feet. I’m sure there are positive things I could learn from him. I admire crack dealers more than dem voters these days. Try a different insult.

  32. You mentioned how the crack dealer's work is illegal. Why would that ever be an insult to you--it is an on point observation.

  33. @2:34, I guess you think the post was clever and witty the first time you posted it months ago and decided to repeat it.

  34. 5:01 admires crack dealers and thinks it's a noble profession. Somebody please get him away from children.

  35. Sort of related. Nysut made it clear they do not support vaccine mandates.

  36. Yes, there needs to be a remote option and this needs to be announced now! Broadway had to be told in March that they can open in September because "they needed time to prepare" So do schools and educators. The mayor and chancellor need to stop pushing the cool-aid. Yes, schools did open with a very small student population. Now with the delta variant raging we cannot in good faith open at full capacity It is an absolute recipe for spread. If we open with rules like " 3 feet if possible" it will be a mess. Schools will open and close and be remote with a very short time. CDC guide lines mention different standards for rural, suburban and urban schools. A one size fits all approach will not work. Vaccine or no vaccine it will spread in our poorly ventilated stairwells, hallways like wildfire.

    How on earth are 25 students going to eat in a classroom or lunchroom and who is going to watch these students at lunchtime Mr. Mayor? You already insisted we changed our schedule changed back. How are we having staff development in person on Sept 9 and 10th? Think, think, think Mr. Mayor-it will not work.

  37. Yes, correct 6:54.

    Mayor today when asked about class size if he was going to lower class size-his solution? To add another teacher or teachers to classrooms not less students! This does not address the need to protect from the spread of the delta variant it makes it worse! He is not following the science he is creating his own terrible logic. More people in a room makes it harder to spread out also it is hard for students to focus. Less students equals less distractions.

  38. Dinkins and Diblockhead must be blood relatives.But I bet he doesn't want to deal with pushback from some parent groups and the media about how the unions rule school leaders...blah... blah...if he announces it late when the virus is worse, he might get less pushback.just my opinion...they should prepare now for all scenarios though, having done them all before.
    But then again, that would make too much sense! Btw, when are uft officer elections?
    Regarding other posts, I had mixed luck with uft.good dealings in person, some calls returned.a call from 2 weeks ago not returned.i know 2 others who did not get call backs...or emails either.guess it's the luck of the draw...

  39. @6:54 are you vaccinated?

  40. 2:23 what a sad life you must have that the last words on your lips are going to be about Biden. Very sad.

  41. Close the schools.

    Delta variant fears won't stop
    Barack Obama from throwing a star-studded birthday bash for his 60th birthday with 700 people.

    He's not the only hypocrite among the political elite.

    "Maybe they never intend on life returning to normal."

    1. @9:19 pm
      Ya still got Barack on your brain. Lol. As the theme song for Frozen says, Let it go. Let it go.

  42. Yes I am 8:46. Why? My students will not be. I care and cannot with a straight face lie to parents and tell them their children will be healthy and safe in my old, poorly ventilated school building. Disgusting that the UFT is offering $25 an hour for teachers to lead sheep to the slaughter.

    Wow! 46 states!that's most of the country!just sharing.cuz I'm gonna find a more sane state to work in.i am past 55/30.

  44. Karma:throw Biden into a nyc nursing home that Cuomo oversees!haha!

  45. 10:23 why? Because I don't think UNvaccinated folks should have a say in this. As for the students, why lie to them at all? Parents are calling you up to ask if it's healthy and safe? Tell them to speak to Administration. You're not in charge of building maintenance. What are you talking about $25/hr?

  46. 11:12 what has Biden ever done to you? If you should be mad at anyone it's Trump who lied, and lied, and lied, called for large gatherings, told people to ditch the mask, and when he got sick received treatment that was not available to the rest of us and then quietly received the vaccine as soon as it was ready. You people are stupid.

  47. 8:48. 2’43 is mocking all the fake news about unvaccinated dying people’s last words . His life is not sad. It’s full of humor that dumb people don’t get.

  48. 2:57-You didn't get an email from UFT asking you to visit students homes? Maybe it wasn't sent to every teacher. Don't you think parents will ask if the buildings are safe then? How can I stand in their homes and say "ask administration" The job is to convince families that buildings are safe for students.

  49. @4:59 he was being sarcastic?? Well gee, no shit Einstein. So was I. Dummy.

  50. I dont read all the UFT mailings so its possible it's there somewhere but I have no idea what that $25 is about. Are we supposed to go door to door encouraging them to return to school? ROFLMAO.

  51. But hold on a second @4:59, I knew he was just acting stupid with the Biden reference but you say he's mocking dying people's last words and you think that's funny?? What kind of sociopath are you??

  52. @9:19 so what Obama's having a birthday party? Are you against lockdowns and restrictions or aren't you. He's following current protocols so what's your problem? I know what it. Conservatives have their panties in a bunch as usual exposing themselves as the hypocrites.

  53. We must be vaccinated to enroll in public school and college. Why hasn't there been pushback against vaccinating against MMR,etc? I think mandatory covid vaccination isn't far away.

  54. I’m the good kind of sociopath, 9:30. The kind that relies on logic rather than hysteria. What kind of a blue anon douchebag are you?

  55. No lockdowns. No restrictions. I’m living my life, just like Obama, mayors Bowser and Beetlejuice and Governor Newsom’s maskless camper kids. Everyone should join us. Vaccinated people are dying at a rate close to zero. Something like .0004% and hospitalization of the vaccinated similarly low. The narrative is crumbling. We’ve the elites stroll maskless through airports and a hair salon, dine indoors maskless at posh restaurants. Now they’re going to weddings and having birthday bashes so why not the rest of us poor peasants. Obama got it right. Invite your 475 closest friends to a bbq, hire 200 staff and enjoy!

  56. "Good kind of sociopath". Oh, ok. As long as you're the good kind. That's nice. Now let your home health aide know it's time for your meds and a nap.

  57. Why do we need mmr vaccine?childhood illness..rubella is bad.causes birth defects.but pox, etc.idk...this vacci b e is so diff in many ways.dont want covid.but the survival rate is over 99%!this is not the plague.the safety risks are too great to warrant this for most people.

    1. Really???
      Hmmm. I wonder how many parents of our current over 55 y.o. refused to vaccinate because "it's their right"? Curious how many on this blog are unvaccinated against MMR.

  58. I’m not Dementia Joe Biden 1126. Sociopaths are not the same as senile, tired dementia patients. Meds don’t help. Solid 8 hours every night and I can go all day. Ask your mom. Insults beget insults.

  59. The fda and cdc should focus on earning trust if we want vaccination rates higher. They can’t do that as long as media and big tech censor dissenting opinions. Instead of censoring prove them wrong. Distrust is way higher now than when MMR vaccines were introduced. I want the vaccines to be what they claim they are and if they are I want everyone vaccinated. I’m not willing to force vaccinate anyone in the name of greater good. Most criminals come from single mom households. I’m not forcing abortions on single women either even though society would benefit from them not having children. Communist Chinese couldn’t feed their people so they forced abortions. Forced women and their men to decide if they wanted state income and housing or that 2nd baby. If we’re going to accept force for greater good a force you don’t like is just a matter of time. I’m pro vaccines, not pro whatever the fuck DeBlasio thinks he’s doing.

    1. Wait...Trump comes from a single parent home? Cuomo too? Weinstein? I didn't know that Sh^t. Chauvin too? Jefferson? George Washington? Madison? James Earl Ray? David Hinkley? Dang. You learn something new everyday. How bout Flynn? Not Flynn right?

  60. Let's not forget diblockhead was the one in 2020 who urged everyone to do things like go out to restaurants, go to Chinatown, go about life as normal cuz most people won't even know they had covid.or its like a little who was responsible for outwardly pushing blockhead he wants to force vaccinate, ruin people's livelihoods and education!!I wonder if people would have ignored his awful suggestions which accelerated covid spread...I can't even believe these morons get elected.meanwhile, to spite Trump, cuomo ignores the USS Comort and field hospitals and sends people to rievin nursing homes.he gets off Scott free! But they wanna impeach him for sexual harrassment?!yes, his behavior demonstrates that he is unworthy of his post.but how does one excuse the murder but focus on the latter?and he blamed Trump and wanted him it's karma time.the pig won't step down.roast him on the spit!

  61. 6:41 oh NO mom insults. That's so original and I'm so broken up about it. Sorry..limp and impotent doesnt do it for my mom. Try a corpse maybe although I'm sure you already have. They weren't satisfied either. LOL. You big fucking crybaby, "insults beget insults" didnt you take the first shot when noone was even talking to you?

  62. @waitingforsupport EXACTLY, Trump is the biggest criminal of all and he has a lot of company. I remember many years ago waking up in the middle of the night while the television was still on and there was some right wing wacko talking about the "forced abortions" on single women because offspring of single mothers commit more crime.

    The kicker was, first, they showed a silhouette of a pregnant black female and went on to say, like the poster above, that it would be better for society if she aborted the baby. THEN they showed a picture of a white female (not a silhouette) the granddaughter of one of the well-known white pastors if I remember and they argued that if she were to become pregnant they wouldn't have to force an abortion on her because she would have a "support system". It was some weird racist shit. I remember rubbing my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

  63. Maybe you need to understand the meaning of the word most in order to understand the statistic. Most criminals come from single mom homes. Fact. Most, not some. Most. Look it up.

  64. @6:40 Maybe you need to look up the word RACIST. Whether it is some or most how dare anyone talk about forced abortions based on poverty, or marital status. Because the single parent bit was really tied to poverty which is what leads to crime. Its heinous. Talked about by those hysterical about forced vaccinations (A LIE), and those trying to overturn abortions (which I always knew was really about protecting black or brown embryos). Your thinking is extremely limited and so is your moral fiber.

  65. Oops..glaring typo.."was really NOT about protecting black and brown embryos"

  66. 12:22. I’m pro choice, not pro life. China had forced abortions. Most criminals come from single mom homes. Facts are not racist.

    1. 628. The one child policy did not include forced abortions (though western media will force this idea down your throat).. but forced sterilization does happen in Women's prisons, and concentration camps in the US.
      The single mom trope is deeply racist, as it targets black women as being incapable of raising children without a man. Maybe we should stop locking up fathers for minor offenses, or sending them off to die in wars. Blame the system that creates these conditions, not those trying their hardest to raise a family while navigating the terrible system.
      Besides, all these War Criminals, and wall street criminals, that do way more harm then someone robbing the corner store out of hunger, had two parents. Most serial killers had two parents. Class analysis will show why people commit crimes of poverty, blaming mothers (or fathers) won't. Leave that trash buried with welfare queen Reagan.

  67. @6:28, My mistake. I thought you were originally replying to the comment from 9:17 but you didn't reference a timestamp so it's possible you were responding to someone else.

    However, if you were responding to 9:17, then IT IS RACIST to suggest that black and brown single mothers, but NOT white, received forced abortions. Regardless of "most criminals come from single mom homes", it's deplorable, heinous, criminal to stereotype and impose abortion against ANY single woman. Your "facts" are small-minded and TRASH.

  68. You said: "I’m not forcing abortions on single women either even though society would benefit from them not having children.". You're not forcing abortions on single women because you have no power, so that's the first thing. But it's horrible to suggest that society would benefit from them not having children. Like, who the fuck do you think you are?

    Do you know how many single professional women there are? Lawyers, doctors, bankers. Even blue collar workers who raise children decently and properly on their own? You didn't suggest that idea on your own, it's a revolting right wing aspiration, and like the video referenced, they would target minority single mothers. That's why it's racist. Not your lame little post that is limited in thinking and stereotypical. Just because MOST crime is committed by offspring of single mothers, that does NOT transfer to MOST single mothers give birth to future criminals. Do you understand the difference yet? Because the only thing left to do would be to draw you a picture, and that's not possible on this blog. Idiot.

  69. 1042. It can be confusing following Anonymous comments. To be clear. Forced abortions bad. My argument is if forced vaccines are okay for the common good, the same argument can be made for forced abortions on single moms since they produce more criminals. Race is irrelevant to my argument.

  70. Except that not one rational person, or anyone with authority or power has called for "forced vaccinations". Mandated is not the same as forced. Still, one results in life, the other death. According to your flawed they are equal. Not allowing a person to come into a building for the safety of others in the here and now is akin to forcing abortion because of future potential that offspring might commit a crime. It heinous thinking and whether race is irrelevant to YOUR argument, it's been made specifically using race as a factor.

  71. You can’t have welfare or a job if you’re a single mom and give birth. Not forced abortion just encouraged. Forced, mandated… It’s all the same. Your single mom baby may murder me one day so for the common good you need that abortion. when you argue against freedom because of the common good, this is perfectly in line with that kind of thinking. It’s just not something you agree with but it’s for the common good. I’m not trying to be an asshole here. I’m trying to point out the perils of limiting freedom. Who decides what common or greater good to prioritize and what freedoms we sacrifice for it? Are you ok with me deciding? Biden? DeSantis? Limiting freedom is not the road I want to go down. Another question, if a pregnant woman is mandated to get vaccine and she develops clots, a noted side effect, and miscarries, is that a mandated abortion?

  72. Forced is the new right wing talking point. They're actually telling people that there will be knocks on their door forcing the vaccine upon them. There is NO force for the vaccine. You have a choice to vaccinate or not work for a particular employer if they mandate it. BIG difference and words matter.

    Your brain is fried if you cant see the difference between a public health crisis and POVERTY being linked to crime. Your small minded comparison is actually closer to Republicans trying to force women to KEEP the embryo.

    Your utterly ridiculous comparison to a single woman not being able to work is counter to the vaccine. Again, one is for public health. Your suggestion would be a complete DISASTER. Your logic is sick and flawed, and yeah, you are definitely being an asshole. Glad you see it.

  73. But it’s for the greater good….. gotta play that scenario out. most murder victims are not murdered by serial killers. There were over 800,000 aggravated assaults in the US in 2019. The color of the criminal is irrelevant. We could start the encouraged, mandated, forced abortions in West Virginia if color makes a difference to some people. Taking away freedom for the greater good is either acceptable or not.

  74. Although i am not the one who posted that, i can easoly see why gorced is the word used.when the highestboffice in the country announces that they will be knocking on your door, isnt it obvious that it is menacing?i do not hate jehovad witnesses. But i do not like that they have the gall to knock on people's door.people have teported having difficulty getting to leave.idk.when the knocked on the door while mt mom wad preparing passover, they asked would u like to learn about my religion?my mom shut them down eith wouls you like to learn about mine?
    Not hating any group.just making a comparison about people being intrusive.your home is a sanctuary.i dont answer for cendus either, btw.
    There is no respect for people to make their own decisions as they see fit.i see an epidemic of intolerance in many arenas, across political spectrums, etc.

  75. Just stop. Where is the Conservative outrage about the threats to "knock on people's doors to ask about their vote". That's protected. Vaccinated status is not. Frankly I used to enjoy Jehovah Witnesses knocking on my door and they were happy to leave when I was through handing their ass back to them. Dont want to engage, say you're not interested and close the door. Someone refuses to leave, whether its them, vaccinators, vote surveyors, call the police. Not that complicated. When they drag you out the door and hold you down, that's FORCED. Until then, grow a backbone and just say no.

  76. @6:46 now you're just reaching because mandating vaccines is not taking away freedoms. Only a beast would want to force abortions on the poor, whether in NYC or West Virginia. Dont want to vaccinate, go find a job in conservative country with like minded individuals,patronize their restaurants, nobody's stopping you. You lost the argument get over it.

  77. Leave Jehovah's Witnesses out of this, please. We are for religious freedom and they are practicing their faith.

  78. @11:35 Noted. Besides are they still going door to door? Don't think so.

  79. Only a beast would tell a single mom she had to choose the vaccine or lose her job. Only a beast would say the same to a pregnant woman. Only a beast would say it knowing that the recipient MAY get brain inflammation. Lots of beasts in this world. Don’t be one. I’m not a beast because I’m not looking to force, coerce or mandate anyone to do anything.

  80. 11:50 I've never forced anyone to take anything or lose their job and not MY PROBLEM that folks don't want to vaccinate in the age of a PANDEMIC that is now affecting children. Boo hoo, there might be side effects. Grow the fuck up and get your nose out of right wing propaganda sites. You however have been carrying on for days trying to make the case about "good for the greater good". GTFOOH. You got your panties in a bunch because I pointed out a program that specifically did call for forced abortions, based on race. That's being a BEAST. Your reply was "pointing out facts is not racist". So yeah, if the shoe fits.


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