Friday, August 06, 2021


This is from the Council of Supervisors and Administrators via Councilman Mark Treyger. No remote option and no mandated social distancing.

Anything goes in the schools. Social distancing is done. UFT will negotiate defensively as usual.


  1. If there is no emergency anymore, they should eliminate the vax mandate.what a fuck up of a system.i hate the mayor.i hope he doesn't last tillbjan.

  2. I'll bet this guy doesn't think the emergency is over: "A Texas Republican leader who was hospitalized earlier this week with COVID-19 has died just days after he posted an anti-vaccination message — and previously shared an image touting a “mask burning” event."

  3. Well, glad it's all better now. Gee- we were at 3 feet except when needing 6 feet for student meals (without masks.) Now, that the Pandemic is over, I guess everything is back to normal. About time! Wait! I just remembered that not everyone took the vaccine, especially kids under 12!. And, that the Situation Room is getting more and more classroom closures! And, that the numbers of positivity rates in NYC keeps going up! And, the Mayor, AKA "Concert Promoter" said this will be the greatest concert since Woodstock! Wasn't that with 500,000 people? Phew-- I was worried for a moment.

  4. You need to vaccinated to eat indoors in a restaurant. Same goes for the gym. That’s an indication that Covid is a concern . In schools we can all be packed into tight indoor areas !!!
    Offer a remote option for those families that want one. Don’t give me that remote would kill our profession. Do you seriously think teaching has been trending in the right direction for the past 20 years ?
    It’s a job not a career. Bloomberg murdered the job and the UFT co signed. It’s all politically driven. Get Mulgrew out !!!

  5. We will be shut down within a few weeks if they do testing. Poor ventilation, no 3 feet is going to result in a disaster. Cuomo needs to leave now so that we can have a governor who can focus on leading our state not denying his actions.

  6. Unfortunately the overwhelming majority of local parents who kept their kids home last year are gradually caving in to sending their kids back. Disaster is on the way in what has been a relatively safe district. I can hear the ambulances already.
    I hope at least some dig in and resist. Our little ones are too precious to throw under this bus.

  7. Kids are not in danger. Look at the numbers. They should all be in school and there is no need for social distancing. This isn't March 2020.

  8. Term-limited Treyger clearly angling for high-level-do-nothing UFT job in January

  9. They never cared about COVID threat. They only care about getting what they want. They no longer have a president they want to attack so they’re back to policies that are good for them. DeBlasio never wanted to close in the first place. Kids can’t go into theaters or restaurants but school is fine. There’s no logic in it at all. We could have Ebola running around the schools and DeBlasio would want to keep them open. Let’s hope Adams has more sense.

  10. The DOE talks a good game but they don't deliver. I'm doing summer school, we had a positive Covid case in school and several students were supposed to be vaccinated. Their homes were supposedly called, but several came to school anyway. It would have been too easy to stop them at the door.

  11. Many, many NYC parents are PISSED about not having a remote option. The Mayor does not care since he will be gone after November. Why should he bother?

  12. We work in the system, and are highly educated and it is hard, even for us, to keep up with the latest changes, and many people are just fed up. But students and parents should just be giving it their best despite all of the mayhem. SURE.

  13. Manhattan Borough President Gayle Brewer:

    I am calling on Chancellor Porter and the NYC DOE to offer children and families a remote learning option for the 2021-2022 academic year.

  14. Less than 20% of 12-18 year olds in NYC are vaccinated. How can we open to full capacity with no remote option?

    As a parent, I am disgusted with the situation but don't know what to do.

  15. 8/6

    —44 new covid cases to end this school week, 24 students and 20 staff.
    —41 new classroom closures for a total of 260.

    As the calls for a remote option in NYC increase, families and school staff are still in the dark about how school buildings will be protected.


  17. 11:09 I don't think that's going to extend to the teachers. We'll have to commute just to teach some of the students over a computer. Teachers who refuse to vaccinate should not be given accommodations unless everyone can apply. But that's just wishful thinking. NYC students are returning in September. I'd bet on that.

  18. This coming from Cuomo who put COVID patients into retirement homes...

  19. High schools will not even pretend to enforce social distancing in the cafeteria. It's not happening, it's not practical, it's not feasible. Not happening. Not even masks (how are they supposed to eat?). Enter the cafeteria at your own risk.

  20. If the bat woman's predictions are correct...that we arebin this long term with variants that are strong, why not just fortify the situation?improve remote, improve in person, and let people choose what works not locked in for life to one choice

  21. And if we must go in, divide the in person and remote fairly, ie teach some sections remote and some sections live.that seems fair.

  22. So vaccines are mandated, mask are mandated because of virus breaking through the vaccinated. But distancing "WHERE POSSIBLE ". LOL HAHA LMAO ROTFL.

  23. Sorry I'm 9:55, it was several students were supposed to be quarantined, not vaccinated.

  24. Lol. Improve remote by not mandating attendance, having no due dates and passing everyone?

  25. In Israel, where vaccinations began before the USA, there has recently been an uptick in the number of hospitalized and seriously ill COVID19 patients and the numbers are going up. All those aged 60 and above are being asked to get a third Pfizer shot as a booster. Depending on how things go, there may be a lockdown come September. Schools are also not spared and there has been talk of delaying the opening of school by a month.

  26. James has been blocking my posts left and right, sure this one too. While he allows people to say fucked up things and stays quiet. NYC restaurants tighter lockdown than the disastrous border everyone is silent about.

  27. We have been over this repeatedly Anon 2323. We know where you are coming from. I carefully check your claims. You get plenty of leeway to say what you like but sometimes I need to have the time to debunk you.

    This is from the AP:

    CLAIM: Screenshots of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System show people who have died after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

    AP’S ASSESSMENT: Missing context. The VAERS system is an unverified reporting system that does not determine if a vaccine caused the events that are reported.

    THE FACTS: As more and more Americans receive the COVID-19 vaccine, posts online are using data from an adverse event reporting system to cast doubt on the vaccine.

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which run the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, are quick to note the limitation of the data, which serve as an early signal to detect issues with any vaccines.

  28. If it’s safe to admit COVID positive migrants into McCallen TX, it’s safe to open schools. Some of the 30% of migrants refusing the vaccine are going to be in our school systems. Damn those right wingers crossing the southern border illegally and the right wing politicians inviting them in. If only the democrats were in charge…

  29. Anon 2323, There is a teacher vaccine choice group. I suggest you look them up and join them.

    I think they are going to also start a drunk driving choice group too. They can claim we have freedom so we should be able to choose to drive drunk and kill ourselves. Never mind you will kill others too like when drunks drive the wrong way on a highway.

    Legal mandates for vaccines have been upheld as a constitutional limit on freedom by the Supreme Court since 1905.

    As I said to you previously, Anon 2323, you aren't convincing me and I am not convincing you so let's move on respectfully and stop wasting each other's time.

  30. Can someone plz talk about how on earth NYC school cafeterias are gonna work. Distancing, masks etc..

  31. Let me translate for Anon2323: "boo hoo hoo".

    LOL @ James "drunk driving choice group too". Anon2323 wants equal time to spread his lies.

    James wins again!

  32. I agree it’s time to move on, James but the drunk driving comparison is wrong. Forcing anyone to take something that may cause blood clots and heart inflammation is not the same as someone too cheap or stupid to call an Uber when intoxicated. Supreme Court cases can override other Supreme Court cases. There’s a legal argument to be made on therapeutic vs vaccine. Forced vaccines but not forced therapeutics. If as a vaccinated person I can still contract and pass on Delta, then the therapeutic argument comes into play. Future court cases are probably down the road.

  33. You are the one who used VAERS and now it's not legit 😂😂. Those posts were not specifically directed at you they are responses to your readers who think they know what they are saying and coming at me!

    They give specific examples of each case. So the national vaccine information center I sent is also fraud lol. Because you know it all!

  34. It must be so hard trying to have an argument with someone who either cannot read, doesn't understand what he posts, or is just flat-out LYING.

    @11:29 James didn't use VAERS - he was responding to YOUR link which referenced VAERS and he responded with a fact check which said this "As stated here by the CDC, “Reports of death to VAERS following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death.”

    It is very similar to his post on this thread which says "The VAERS system is an unverified reporting system that does not determine if a vaccine caused the events that are reported."

    You can stop laughing now @11:29. Go have another drink.

  35. 10:33: Remember the 3 foot rule is only when possible. That leaves a lot of room for not conforming. You know if they ever pushed class size down it would only be when possible.

  36. I pray to God none of my children ever tell me they want to be a teacher. Now with the remote option available in many jobs gone will be the appeal of teacher hours in exchange for lower pay than in private industry.

  37. If my kid wanted to be a teacher they would have to pay for it themselves and get zero financial support from me including free room and board in my house and I would consider myself a failure as a parent. Disrespect to school systems, not to teachers.


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