Thursday, August 05, 2021


This is from the UFT:

Those who were eligible and received the October payment but are now on leave or have since retired will get their check on Aug. 5.

Pedagogues and paras who are on leave will receive their payment on Aug. 5 while H Bank members on leave will receive payment on July 22. All eligible UFT members on leave will get a paper check sent to the address on file with the DOE.

Please do not panic if the money has not yet been posted today. While I totally agree that it is outrageous that we have had to wait almost 12 years to get paid fully with zero interest for work we did in 2009 that other city workers were paid for back then and then this further indignity of having retirees wait an extra two weeks for money the UFT agreed would be paid in July just adds to the outrage, however, the experience of active members shows that the money will probably be posted today or tomorrow at the latest so be patient. 

Call the UFT at 212-331-6314 if you have concerns. I called that number and a representative said if we don't get paid by Monday, we should call the UFT. This is for retirees who retired after June 30, 2014.

I don't know when per session lump sum retro will be paid for retirees. August 17 is for active people.


  1. Adding insult to injury is the triple dues that will be taken out of this check by the Uft.

  2. Thanks for always keeping us informed, James. You’re a better advocate than Mulgrew. You take a lot of heat on here at times. Sometimes from me. But please know, your dedication to helping UFT members is admirable and appreciated.

  3. If a teacher retired on June 30, 2014–they got he lump sum about 7 months later. If a teacher retires on July 1, 2014 or later—a 7 year wait to be get the 100%.
    Just plain ridiculous, grossly unfair. and a slap in the face to every retiree and active member. How can any union leader ever agree to sign off on this scenario?

  4. It was due 12 years ago.

  5. My check didn’t appear today—The last “retro” check in October 2020 for retirees was dated for a Friday, and that check didn’t appear in the payroll portal and my bank account until the following Monday.

    Also, based on the notes from the last Town Hall active members will receive the per session retro on August 17th. (Thanks for posting that too.). It’s a shame that neither the DOE nor UFT has proactively shared this information.

    Below is what was written in the Town Hall notes:
    Question: Per session retro checks, when are they coming out?

    Answer: Michael Sill says they are coming in the next couple of weeks. It is August 17 for active members .

  6. Cry me a river, cry me a river... Such crybabies on this blog. Meanwhile I feel such gratitude. All 3 of my siblings went private sector. They felt sorry for poor little teacher me. They were going to hit the big time. Meanwhile all three of them are laid off or cashiered or cast off in some fashion and have basically nothing. I am by far the wealthiest member of my family the Envy of all making 128k, with a guaranteed pension TDA, two properties all thanks to the United Federation of teachers and the city.

    1. My 2 sister’s are teachers on Long Island one makes 125 k the other makes 150k. I make 100k we all have 12 years in, same education level. Sooooo tell me again how the Uft and City are doing so great by us?????

    2. And it took you over 20 years and a master’s plus 30 to make 128k. Honestly that sucks. Get real and realize we make way less than we should.

    3. So leave... No one is holding you in NYC. Go there. Get job if you can.

  7. An interest free loan to NYC from its educators. A victory worth celebrating, so says the Union leader.
    Why has gaslighting become so popular these days?

  8. 7:/6- I am a teacher too and. Insider's the underachiever by my family.

  9. Whoopeeee! Tier IV commenter has it soooo good! Tier VI and future tiers not so much. Retirees booted off Medicare into a shitty Advantage Plan not so much. That’s the true tale of the UFT. Decreasing benefits. But good for 7:56. He’s his families’ success story.

  10. 756 here. I'm still grateful, but agree about Tier 6. That was the state legislature both dems and reps who did that. Not uft contract. And it hit entire state, including your rich sisters in Long Island. We need to work hard to improve Tier 6. I guess some others have it better than we do, but I like to look at all those who have it worse. I guess it's my delusion, but I think it's better than all the crying.

  11. When You make more money, you are boosted into a higher tax bracket. I'm in the 25% bracket now, so in the long run, I'm bringing home less money.

  12. We’re not crying, we’re yelling. Big difference. Nay legislature is democrat controlled. Teachers in ny were and continue to be screwed by democrats. Not saying republicans wouldn’t screw us. But I’m tired of getting screwed by the same guy. Time for a change.

    1. Pension change was republican senate, dem assembly, dem governor.

    2. @940am...
      Come again? Splain yourself! Que?

  13. On Long Island, in general, it takes teachers a whole lot longer to get tenure and the process is a lot more stressful. From what I've heard, in some districts you have to sit before the school board and get their approval? And the opportunity for per session work in NYC is incomparable. Sure we should make more money, get a lot more appreciation and respect and 128K is NOT a lot of money for what we do. With the per session available you certainly don't need 20 years and Masters plus 30 to make that.

    But @7:56 - you are ABSOLUTELY, 100% correct. During COVID's economic catastrophe all we (as a group) could do was whine and wail about Easter Break money. You make another good point about working to improve Tier 6. Now THAT would be something to strive for.

    Your post was refreshing and definitely better than all the crying.

  14. Whatever Mike Schill says has to be taken with a grain of salt. The retirees may get their check two to six weeks after active teachers. That’s especially true now, as we are no longer the target market for the Uft. So we can hold our breath and read up on our great Medicare advantage plan. The media is reporting some folks are openly criticizing Mulgrew and he is doing his old soft shoe with the media. I think things have to change where the previous administration in the Uft choose the person to replace him/her. Between Randi and then Mulgrew, what’s next - and they both are planning a move, soon.


  15. Some commenters have said that this retro was from 2008-09 —some 12 years ago—and that is absolutely correct. However, there was no way in hell that Bloomberg would ever agree to a another contract with the UFT without some other concession or drastic give back —just see the disastrous 2005 contract courtesy of Weingarten. And Bloomberg/Klein kept playing hardball with the union for the next 8 years. Bloomberg publicly said several times there would never be any retro money —the city couldn't afford it.
    However, Mulgrew just acted quickly and wanted to show Bloomberg he could get a new decent contract with another mayor—with an expired 5 year contract—just months after Bloomberg was gone. Mulgrew’s decision to agree to such an extended period of time with retro pay—just didn’t make sense because the city was in decent financial shape in 2014. So the retro pay for all active members could have been paid off in increments ion the regular bimonthly checks over a 2 year period —24 payments at the most—instead of a ridiculous and frustrating 7 year wait which included one year of 0%.

  16. Also, I've heard on Long Island that some districts make teachers sign away their tenure rights to get hired.

  17. Wow, we are so lucky we even got paid twelve years late. Thank you Michael Mulgrew, Michael Bloomberg and Bill De Blasio for working tirelessly on behalf of NY City retirees making sure that they get paid eventually. We were happy to help out New York City with a 12 year interest free loan. On the side , we teacher retirees are lenders to New York City, keeping it prosperous and safe for all peoples. Stay safe Michael, Michael and Bill and have a wonderful weekend.

    Your partnership on behalf of our children has made New York City schools second to none!
    The relentless regime of high stakes testing has made sure that no child has been left behind. Every child graduates and is career ready because of our shared effort. Now, since achieving 33% is rescaled to a 65 we have mislead entire generations into believing that they are educated.

    And thank you Mr. Gates. The Gates foundation did so much to help NY public schools along this path of corporate sponsored education. Cheating is your MO. Your ex-wife can attest to that too. You have managed to cheat an entire generation of NY city school kids. You are such a genius, a know- it- all , and of course, a successful a college drop out. Yes college is so important. Yes , all of our kids are college ready now , just like you were. Because they too know how to cheat , just like you do. Stay safe Bill Gates.

  18. Bloombucks is Bloomschitz.

  19. With 5.4 % inflation and 1% salary increases, you should all be very happy paying your grocery bills, rent and gas bills.

  20. 10 days pay for the 5 days of spring break work. @ days pay for every day of forced unpaid labor. There is a moral equivalence to the two days of wages deducted for every strike day under the Tylor Law. And the Taylor Law which makes it illegal for us to strike is a Human Rights Violation. Fuck you NY City. Fuck you Bill De Blasio. Fuck you Michael Bloomberg.
    You all belong with Andrew Cuomo and his ilk.

  21. To all the pussies on here that are happy with the bare minimum. Wake up! People aren’t crying they are fed up with not being treated and paid like other districts in the tri state. Heck even cops and firemen get paid way more than us when factoring in overtime. Per session sucks compared to overtime. Why don’t teachers get time and half or double time? To all the suckers open your eyes. We are educated professionals with a master’s degree and it takes 22 years to earn 128k living in one of the most expensive areas in the country.
    Stop being a pussy and fight for what you deserve!

  22. 8:59 No, they're crying. But do tell, how exactly are you "fighting for what you deserve". I don't think anyone would be opposed to receiving time and a half but how exactly are you fighting for that, other than whining on this blog? Does this mean people can't be thankful and grateful for what they have in the meantime? Some people will cry and complain no matter what they have.

  23. Complaints about the useless UFT leadership are legitimate. Mulgrew and friends work for the DNC not us.


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