Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Good news, we have a governor today who is not Andrew Cuomo. 

From Governor Kathy Hochul's first speech as covered by City and State:

Hochul hit the ground running on her first day with an early focus on the pandemic. “Your priorities are my priorities, and right now, that means fighting the delta variant,” Hochul said. She said she is directing the state Health Department to institute a universal mask mandate for all people entering schools, the first instance of statewide guidance that many districts had asked for a while ago. Hochul also said the state will launch a “back-to-school COVID-19 testing program” to ensure student and staff safety. Hochul said she is working with local partners to get a vaccine or weekly testing requirement for school employees across the state. “Priority No. 1, we get children back to school and protect the environment so they can learn and everyone is safe,” Hochul said. She also opened the door to the prospect of reopening mass vaccination sites that were shut down now in order to get booster shots out to New Yorkers.


  1. keep all safe?? No way this will happen! Members will get sick and have to fight just to get covid days NOT to come out of our sick bank! Success? I think not.

  2. Isn't that nice? She is pushing for vaccines OR WEEKLY TESTING for teachers across the state. Must be refreshing to teach outside of NYC.

  3. My extreme confidence in effectiveness of vaccines was misplaced.

    It was based largely on how well they performed initially in Israel, which is nearly fully vaccinated. The recent data there is horrible with even deaths now picking up.

  4. Hoping she will supercede and allow a test option like elsewhere.she says :At least for now...she wants to get elected so she has to be cateful.after that is anyone's guess, assuming she gets elected.how she is smarter than diblockhead.it appears so.

  5. But wait till jen psaki gets a hold of her.she was already invited.we need a new cast of characters.

  6. Wonder anout eric adams


  7. What you fail to mention about Israel is that most of the current deaths and cases of severe illness are among the unvaccinated.

    The vaccine seems to protect against severe illness based on the recent data.

    "Israeli ECMO Association says all unvaccinated patients who were on ECMO since start of 4th wave passed away, while older people, some with underlying health conditions, survived because they were fully vaccinated"

    "The data also found that all those who died after being hooked up to the machine, had not been administered the vaccines. "


  8. Yes, it’s a great day! Cuomo is finally gone. Best of luck to the new governor.

  9. 9:51
    While I seem to agree with John Ziegler's recent tweets and appreciate his hat tip to Alex Berenson, you can at least write your own posts instead of plagiarizing. We don't accept that from our students. Most of the plagiarism here is copy and pasted from left-wing war room Twitter accounts - like the fake news lies about Florida doctors walking out - but no one should be doing it.

  10. Does anyone know anything about teachers choice

  11. It is continuously misconstrued by the anti-vaxxers that the vaccine will eradicate this virus. This is not a virus like polio, small pox, measles, chicken pox, etc. where the DNA of the virus never changes therefore when we receive a vaccine or develop antibodies from being infected from those types of viruses that we develop complete immunity from it and eventually give no opportunity for the virus to replicate. This virus like other coronavirus (ex. influenza) is constantly changing and evolving into new variants. This is why we need to get the flu vaccine every year but what getting the flu vaccine does is one of two things. It prevents us from possibly getting the virus by giving us immunity to that strain or it gives us partial immunity to prevent serious illness.

    Remember, a decade back when the swine flu first appeared. There was a fear that that particular strain would do what covid-19 did to the world. However, it turned out that the virus, while a very different strain had been similar enough to a different strain to prevent spreading and large death. And to think that was without masks and social distancing.

    However, this particular virus is completely different, owning mainly to the high probability it was man made or at least scientifically altered. The importance of getting the vaccine is not to eradicate the virus from the Earth. Sadly, that time has passed. Covid-19 will be with us forever in it's various strains long after the Greek Alphabet is used. We get the vaccine to prevent serious sickness and death just like 12:39 and others wrote above and in previous posts. And we will continue to get boosters every year like we would the flu vaccine.

    I respect each persons decision regarding the vaccine but I also agree with employee mandates. What I believe may not be the same as you do and I refuse to argue with anyone based on difference of opinions. We have too much of that and I respect each person here to want to argue. But I would state facts are facts and if you are unvaccinated you face a greater health risk regarding this virus then those who are vaccinated. The news is filled with the unvaccinated who are dying.

  12. But the vaccinated are filling the hospitals!
    Also, if a vaccinated person gets little or no symptoms, they erroneously believe they are not spteading it.whereas if a person has symptoms, they are aware that they are sick and will hopefully avoid others.

  13. From what i tead, this continued path of changing shots will only lead to more variants as the virus tries to survive.similar to antibiotic resistance.

  14. Any concessions to the anti-vaccine lobby will be disastrous these people are insane in the bad sense and should not be accorded the respect.

  15. https://queenseagle.com/all/2021/8/24/queens-bp-calls-on-doe-to-offer-remote-option

  16. So much for meisha's parent engagement process!she doesnt care what they think.

  17. This article and others note the fact that parents were not consulted.i think other is astoria times.

  18. If they are overcrowded, i always wondered why they give space charters.cant charters find theor own space?especially now with all the empty real estate from nyc flight, they can have cushy facilities.

  19. Even more nuanced observations and questions from the BBC. Very impressed with their questioning here. They took a fair look at natural immunity from prior infection. This is a good first step instead of the “roll your sleeves up” threats.

    For the multitude of under-informed mandaters here, I’d recommend this highly.

    Covid: What’s the best way to top up our immunity?


  20. 11:03: Yes but the vaccinated are getting it from the unvaccinated.

  21. Deathsantis. Blame FL. How come James never compares NY to any other state?

    State Health Dept. finally reports New York's true COVID death toll https://trib.al/pBx7Fgb

  22. Compared to 36 other nations with similar GDP—we give the most vaccinations yet our life expectancy has been declining since pre- pandemic, we have the highest maternal mortality rate and rank 33 out of 36 in our infant mortality rate.

    Our public health is driven by profit.

  23. Then how do people vaccinated and tested on a cruise get it?hmm..test wrong or vax no good, or both.
    And if the vax was good, the vaxxed would not have all this hospitalization

  24. For those of you wondering what this face covering policy looks like once school year starts, here is the link.
    Check out "breaks from wearing masks" and "...students who are non-compliant with wearing face covering""


  25. 12:31: Again the contingency plans for a student who refuses is the same vague BS. The student won't be removed, just spoken to. I'll tell you right now this won't work. Kids do what they want. They don't listen to their teachers or their parents. They will ultimately do what they want.

  26. Nothing on doe site about disciplining students who are able to wear masks but refuse to do so.

  27. I don’t agree with our new gov’s mandate on masks in school. Perhaps a case can be made if social distancing can’t be enforced, but after wearing them in school (not in NYC) last year, I can, without hesitation, tell you it’s awful for everyone. (One junior also wore googles and gloves every day. He would argue that those items should also be mandated, and I’d wear the googles and gloves over the mask.) The chaffing, rashes and overall nuisance of them can’t be understated. There should be an open discussion from the gov on mandating them for everyone - one size does not fit all - instead of a unilateral decision that smacks (no pun intended) of Cuomo’s regime.

  28. NYCDOE Mask Policy for Students Who Refuse to mask up:

    "School staff can use the following strategies to support students in meeting face covering compliance:

    Have an adult in the school building whom the student trusts hold informal restorative conversations to address the importance of wearing a face covering during the school day.
    Provide age-appropriate supports including education materials on complying with health and safety protocols.
    Offer the student more frequent face covering breaks.
    Develop a face covering contract with the student.
    Implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports incentives for face covering compliance.
    Direct the student to a school counselor and/or social worker to discuss concerns.
    Hold a remote conference with the student’s guardian."

    1. Lol. These talks have really worked over the past 20 years.

    2. A contract?? hahahahahahaha. who thinks this garbage up?

  29. Last year any student who refused a mask was switched to remote.
    What about this year???
    It looks like there is nothing schools can do to enforce masking rules.

    1. 225.. were any students actually switched to remote because of that? in my school, last year, i was told that would not be allowed.

  30. good one 2 25 "Last year any student who refused a mask was switched to remote.
    What about this year???"

    students run the schools today and many parents have checked out.....no discipline....good luck with that...

    ....shittt show in September about to begin...I blame all the idiot liberals who made sure the feelings of the kids are not tramped on while doing away with the discipline code.....Well you got what you created ...dont cry now...If they dont feel like wearing a mask they will not wear one....can you believe any teaching and learning goes on in this institution... I got 3 more years to survive the DOE..its getting tougher each year

  31. Yes, contracts really work. Sorry but anyone under 18 can't be held to a contract.

  32. 3:11 students don't run my school. Nope, not a chance. You people need to grow a spine.

  33. Let me just say this: I was in person the entire time schools were open. I work in an elementary school in the South Bronx. We had hardly any problems with the kids wearing masks. However, social distancing was next to impossible because little kids like being near friends and teachers. Come September, with 32 kids in a room it is going to be a shit show. I predict that admins simply will not care about the overcrowding because King DeBlasio is forcing this on everyone. Parents will make a huge stink but nothing will happen.

  34. 3:11 - You're the one crying fool. Seems like it's you Conservatives they're walking all over. Liberals get in trouble for putting them in their rightful place ALL the time. That's why you're reduced to "surviving the DOE". Hahahaha.

  35. Fully Vax’d.

    Very Positive.

    104 temperature.

    It’s miserable but thankful that my wife and the boys at the office all took tests and they are all negative..

  36. I’ll wear my mask this fall - around my elbow. The same place I wore it last year when I had three kids to a class. The principal kept telling me to wear it and I did, until he left the room. I do think they will try to enforce and come down hard on teachers this year though, because they can’t control the kids in any way at all and it helps the admins save face, even if only to themselves. Pathetic. Where’s Mulgrew on any of this?

    1. @409 says "until he left the room" and then calls admin "pathetic" and finally wants to know "where's Mulgrew on any of this?".
      Big talkers rarely put their money where their mouth is. Just saying.

  37. Surviving the doe at $140k including summer school to do nothing doesn't sound bad.

  38. Oh ok, so the student who tells us they are going to fuck us up and we should suck their dick when we tell them to take a hat off or put a phone away will magically listen to mask rules. Sounds safe.

  39. "I’ll wear my mask this fall - around my elbow". Yep, that's exactly why they're mandating vaccines.

  40. This will be the school year, at least in my school. We are execting less than 5 per class to show up. I will sit there. End of story. We had 50% attendance in 2019.

  41. 3:51:00 PM When do you get in trouble ?? you are all talk..look up the data ..suspensions have gone down every year for at least the last 10 years and go try telling the hommies in the hood ..they better put their mask on..they will tell you SUCK MY DICK...and you can go cry to the admin and they will tell you...the little lad or the ladies was just having a bad day...suck it up educator...hahahahaha

    1. 539.. the "hommies in the hood"? my ears hurt from your dog whistle. and honestly, if a child hurling an insult upsets you to this level, get a thicker skin, or don't take part in youth education. they're kids, you're not.

  42. @4:09 oh yeah, that'll show 'em. How would the Principal control the kids in your room? The kids have no respect for you?

  43. In NY State politics, Governor Hochul is the "adult in the room." Sadly, she is the only adult in the room. De Blasio is reckless, lazy. irresponsible, toxic, incompetent and deadly.

    We have already rid ourselves of the serial woman groper, Andrew Cuomo.

    In just over four months , De Blasio will leave office and he will be unemployable. Well,
    De Blasio might be able to pump gas at Citco.

    De Blasio, make sure the door does not hit you on the way out. We know you are an ineffective mayor. That is your legacy.

    Here is a depiction of De Blasio working with Mulgrew:


  44. 3:49: It all depends on the administration. Some administrators are more supportive of their teachers and don't tolerate crap from students but most are softies when it comes to the kids and basically tell the teacher if the kid is not doing what he/she is supposed to, you're doing something wrong.

  45. 9:42 I think many people who aren't invested in this topic as well as vaccine/mask enthusiasts and pro-mandaters also have this misconception. In their defense this is what we were told in the spring. In fact if we go back far enough, first it was "It will all go away" then it was "It will all go away if you just wear a mask" and then "It will all go away if x% get the shot" (where x changes depending on Fauci's whim). Well none of those things are true.

    If people are that worried about the virus by all means they should get the vaccine (or the booster), wear a real N95 respirator, or even lock themselves inside, and please leave the rest of us alone.

  46. Also 9:42 if you agree with mandates then you don't respect people's decisions whether they did or didn't take the vaccine (or took it but won't take a booster). A mandate takes away the person's freedom to make a decision.

    There's no need for any of us to argue, and indeed I agree the vaccines do work as intended (though not as people were told by some) - if you get it you'll still get infected but you're far less likely to actually get sick.

    Nonetheless, none of us has the right to mandate what some else does with his/her own body, especially now that there's evidence that the vaccines protect the vaccinated but not the public.

  47. Um, paper masks don't work.

  48. Wow,

    It's likely other countries with public education systems don't have to deal with students refusing to follow mask mandates. Students just wear them or they are sent home and don't come back until they do. Parents don't question.

    Here, we'll need mask contracts with students, intervention, listening to the student's side of the story, provide emotional support, parental outreach in order to persuade the students to wear them.

    Only here... Only here.

  49. The UFT is no longer a union. What union in history has ever actively worked to have their members placed on unpaid leave or fired?" said Kane.

    "This is one of the saddest days of my life. I've been a progressive unionist since before I was ever in a union. My father was a bricklayer, my mother a letter carrier, I have a dozen teachers in my family, but I refuse to continue to give one more dime to a corrupt union that represents the interests of a political party over the interests of its membership."
    Lifted from part of his announcement thatbglhe is leaving uft and encourages us all.i was never in favor of opt out, but asks a compelling question that what union has ever actively to get their members on umpaid leave or fired.

  50. Afghanistan has vaccinated approximately 2.4% of their population. (Source: Reuters)
    They are a nation of about 40 million people.
    Why aren’t they all dead? Why have they only recorded 7,083 deaths?

    1. 800 they've been busy with a US occupation, and a war. dodging bullets, and bombs, things like that..

  51. https://nypost.com/2021/08/24/hell-on-rikers-island-but-de-blasio-doesnt-care/

  52. The vaccine is so good and so safe, i have to wear a mask all day.

    1. 811.. nothing is 100%. we should always try our best to do all we can in the best interest of everyone. altruistic decisions for our shared spaces.

  53. 2022 Albany begins to discuss bringing biometrics into all New York State Schools. Facial recognition, retina scans, tracking devices, digital biometric passports. And NYSUT and UFT are supporting the start of this discussion. What the hell is going on in public education that this is the direction we are headed?I COPIED AND PASTED THIS FROM MICHAEL KANE. SO YOY ALL SEE, THIS IS NOT ABOUT COVID.STILL THINK WE ARE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS?THIS CAME FROM SOMEONE WHO DEBATED ROTTEN RANDI FOR AN HOUR! MULGREW IGNOTED HIS REPEATED EMAILS. IF WR PULL DUES, HE CAN MAYBE BE OUT OF HIS JOB.but that wont happen.i never agreed with that but again, thete is relevance hete.

  54. If you don't want to wear a mask or get vaccinated, just tell your administration that you IDENTIFY as both a "Mask wearing vaccinated teacher." End of story.

    1. 840 transgender identity jokes.. have we reached the bottom of the barrel again?

    2. I don't know whether to laugh or cry, 8:40. We have to show ze papers but a 6 foot tall dude can steal the gold medal and scholarships from the girls track team, and we can't dare ask for his birth certificate.

    3. Tjl, your anti trans narrative, and associating this with the Jewish experience in Nazi Germany are both nonsensical comparisons to what we are attempting to deal with.

  55. @5:39 OH NO, a thug is going to tell you to "suck my dick" and all you can do is cry to your Admin. You poor pathetic little thing. The last time a student told me to "suck my dick" because he wasn't allowed to be disruptive, he was escorted out by the Dean, suspended and we sat there a couple of days later with the AP of Security, the Principal, and his mother. That happened ONE time. If your Admin is disrespecting you so badly it's because you go "cry" to them. Not anybody's fault you don't have a spine.

    1. 8:43 Maybe you're right, but surely you must be aware most schools don't work like yours. 15 years ago I had the experience you did. Now the dean won't come unless there's a fight, AP Security is defunded, suspensions are replaced with restorative circles, and the Principal will blame you for exercising white privilege (the kicker is even if you're not white).

    2. TJL. It's called trying not to treat kids like criminals for having a rude mouth. Gasp!

      Also, no need to slip in a fear of white privilege possibly being recognized. People may get it wrong once in a while, but that doesn't require a reaction from you that turns it into a punchline.

  56. @6:41 I get it but the DOE is huge. I would not under any circumstances stay in a situation where the kids ran the building, and the Admin did not show any support. I remember when I was a second year teacher the kid cursed out another teacher and I called home and told the parents he was not going to be allowed back in the building until his parents came up with him. I mentioned it with the Principal, and frankly I did not know I wasn't supposed to do that. But she didn't say anything. They had been trying to get the kid's parents there for a while.

    The Admin is going to be as unsupportive as you allow. We're not supposed to put kids out of the room either, but I do it anyway if I must. Some teachers are embarrassed to share that they need help. My mentor was a mean bitch who didn't take crap from anyone, including Admin. and she said there was nothing to be ashamed of to ask for help, there are 30 of them, and one of us. She'd put them out in a minute. Admin cannot force us to tolerate abuse, BUT, we have to do our part and follow the ladder of referral (document, call, speak to guidance counselor, etc). Once you do that there is NOTHING they can do when you need a student removed. It's just that people can't be bothered with the paperwork, another thing my Mentor, who was also the UFT Rep, taught me early on.

  57. "What union in history has ever actively worked to have their members placed on unpaid leave or fired?" Stop being ridiculous, the UFT is not doing this.

    1. 8:52 This is precisely what the UFT is doing! Conspiring with management and their political puppet masters!

  58. @8:18 - where's the link?

  59. @TJL "If people are that worried about the virus by all means they should get the vaccine (or the booster), wear a real N95 respirator, or even lock themselves inside, and please leave the rest of us alone."

    Isn't your argument with the Mayor? Why should the vaccinated wear a N95, or lock themselves inside? How about the unvaccinated wear an N95 or lock themselves inside? See how that works?

    1. 8:55 I should've been clearer. I don't expect the vaccinated (or anyone for that matter) to wear masks at all. I do hear (and polls back it up) great fear from the vaxxed people, as if they don't believe in the vaccine they took. Well then if they're still apprehensive there's always the mask or the isolation.

  60. It’s just not the teaching profession in New York City that’s f*^*ed. I see someone mentioned Rikers earlier. I have a lot of students that went into corrections. One of my favorites is a huge 6’7” hulk who did three tours of duty in Afghanistan and has been at Rikers for about five years as a correction officer. He’s about as tough a guy that you could meet. He quit two weeks ago and he told me the stuff that’s going on there. It’s incredible. He’s having severe problems right now now with severe PTSD - not from his military time, but from Rikers. Guys spitting on him, throwing actual shit on him and he can’t do anything about it, but stand back, so he quit. Some of my other ex-students in corrections have actually joined the police force, they said it’s a much better job. i’ve known several teachers that quit to join the police force, that was before deBlasio of course. Teaching has been a miserable profession here for quite some time. I hate to say it but New York City is devolving into something that will end up being like Detroit, if we’re not careful - those teachers actually lost their pensions along with all city workers. Cuomo and deBlasio (and the insanely incompetent Mulgrew) have caused more collective harm with their self serving good intentions than Bloomberg did with his demon Klein.

  61. CRickets from James..
    Afghanistan has vaccinated approximately 2.4% of their population. (Source: Reuters)
    They are a nation of about 40 million people.
    Why aren’t they all dead? Why have they only recorded 7,083 deaths?

    Continues to censors me like crazy. James only goes with his sources which of course are right because James is wickedly smart.

    1. anon, the real question is not why other countries are doing well regarding controlling the virus and low death rates, instead ask Why is the US still failing miserably at containing this and keeping deaths low?

  62. I printed the Afghanistan numbers earlier. They are in a war. You trust the statistics coming out of there?

  63. By the way, were you at the anti-vax rally today, Anon 2323?

  64. TJL @11:54, Nonsense. Words have meanings and you have zero proof that the UFT is "actively working to have people fired or placed on unpaid leave". Sounds more like they are going to try and work out compromises and find a way around it. Doesn't mean they will be successful, but that doesn't mean they are "actively working" to make it happen. They're going to have a hard time at it because it's clear the anti-mandates are not reasonable. You're not for masks, you're not for anything. You just want it your way, and to hell with what the majority wants.

    1. 4:36 I've given Unity credit where it's due before and if they manage to score a win I will do so again. Right now we're on our own.
      And yes I'm against all mandates but I would take masking and testing as a compromise.

  65. @11:39 you sure do subscribe to all the latest right wing talking points that's for sure.

  66. Fuck the speech police, TJL. Say what you want. Lib whines. Music to my ears.

    1. 602. say what you want, but seems like youre whining over getting called out for hateful trash. be hateful, go ahead, but don't think people shouldn't push back on anti-trans talk.

  67. He censors me too all the time.i posted a youtube link for rally and the link of the article for 8:53. He doesnt want anyone to see it other than his way.disgusting.why dont you run for office like ev we ry crooked politician?you call yourself a social studies teacher?where?in china ir iran?? That is what the campaign is about.dont you see it!
    Ps we wont vax our way out even with a mandate.the world is global.and no vax mandwte at a game, only in school.

    Like x a bus driver told me yesterday, watch what u wish for.this gov seems like a BITCH already

  68. 8:23, We do not link to anti-union sites or causes here. You are free to find them on your own.

  69. @6:02 says the incessant whiner. Little coward trying to use TJL for cover. Funny to watch.

  70. No in Florida, would have gone though. No delta going on.


  71. Anon2323 -from your link "In contrast, the virus itself was eight times more likely to lead to thromboembolism than either jab."

  72. I am very sorry about this death. Last time I looked, AstraZeneca is not approved in the United States.

  73. This is from the Independent:


    While a link has been made between the AstraZeneca vaccine and potentially fatal blood clots, this side effect is rare. It is thought to affect about 1 in 50,000 people who receive the jab.

    The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has said the advantages of the vaccine outweigh the risks for most age groups.

    And scientists say the risk of brain clots as a result of Covid-19 infection is markedly higher than from vaccines.

  74. James there are well over 10,000 deaths. You think Hank Aaron did not die from this 2 weeks after he got the jab?

    Why would mainstream media who are corrupt even try and let this out? That would ruin their billion dollar business going on now and halt their vaccines.

    Phizer is not either only eua!

  75. TJL - so you only give them credit when they win? Just because they don't win doesn't mean they're conspiring to have us fired if we don't comply. That was the point.


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